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File: 97 KB, 1280x720, mcdoland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10828765 No.10828765 [Reply] [Original]

Do people really hate Mcdonalds that much or is it a meme? Everybody I know eats there a few times a week.

>> No.10828788

>Everybody I know eats there a few times a week.
Do you happen to live in the middle of nowhere where the only restaurant is McDonalds?
Most people I know don't eat there but maybe once a year.

>> No.10828799

It's pretty nasty. Even as a kid I hated it and begged my dad to take me to Burger King or something instead. There's just something unnatural about those "burgers." I know, most fast food places have all kinds of unnatural and unholy things, but McDonald's is the worst of all of them. I can't even force myself to eat it when I'm starving. Feel like I'm going to gag every time I eat it

>> No.10828805

depends entirely on your social circle. I've had friends who were snobs about it and refused to eat there, even laughed at me when I did, and friends who eat there quite frequently and enjoy it for what it is. Guess which friends were more fun to hang around/better people in general?

>> No.10828811

>Do people really hate Mcdonalds that much or is it a meme? Everybody I know eats there a few times a week.

You posted this same thread the other day. Weak bait.

>> No.10828827
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They certainly seem more focused on hating McDonald's than on promoting healthy living.
One wonders if people's health is really their main concern at all or if they're just pathetic 19-year-old "Communists" who hate anyone with more money than themselves.

>> No.10828837

I have some friends that every time we go out to eat we go to Red Lobster.
Good people.

>> No.10828879

RL is yummers. Would friend u

>> No.10828892

Most everyone -I- know rankles their nose at it.
In fact I only know one person who actually eats there, and he regrets it every time. He pops in whenever he has a craving for cheeseburgers and every single time he finishes he mopes for a second and complains "man that's never as good as I expect it to be, why do I do this"

>> No.10828894

>Guess which friends were more fun to hang around/better people in general?
The food snobs, because they knew where the good eats were?

>> No.10828922

Only person I knew that ate there was this single mom I dated for awhile.
She would go there all the time and get her kids happy meals.

>> No.10828924

I love their fries when you find a joint that makes them right. I go maybe ten times a year.

>> No.10828931

I think people hate the concept and what it represents more than the actual food. McD is king, so its the scapegoat for peoples feelings about lazy, unhealthy fast food.

>> No.10828937

The only people I see eat McDonald's are world leaders and Olympic athletes. If you aren't either of those go or and buy a mcmuffin to get yourself one step closer.

>> No.10828953
File: 282 KB, 2000x1080, pewe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good eats
That's the secret word!

>> No.10828990

its really not as bad as people make it out to be, but not really good either. I eat there maybe once every couple of months probably less

>> No.10829024

Not your poorfag diabeetus-cleetus gang I hope. McDonalds is drunken food, and still only then if nothing else is open.

>> No.10829030


Who goes to McDonalds that isn't poor lmao

>> No.10829036

I dunno, the most powerful man in the world?

>> No.10829070

i can hear the yelling already.

>> No.10829081
File: 253 KB, 768x1024, 1500834322724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the POTUS is the most powerful man int he world

>> No.10829090

Food snobs are the worst kind of people. They're all soyboys

>> No.10829096
File: 580 KB, 500x374, 1041uuu - trainwoman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everybody I know eats there a few times a week.
I am not from the US, but from what I understand, McDonalds is generally food eaten by poor people.

Here in Japan probably no one has strong feelings about mcdonalds. It is just a place if you need to eat something fast.

>> No.10829148


>> No.10829165

me2 lets fuck

>> No.10829249

it's fine. it's cheap, it's tasty. it's not healthy, but niether are so many other things.

>> No.10829296

McDonald's is great when you're A) horrendously shit-faced or B) a child. I don't know personally know any adult who goes to McDonald's sober.

>> No.10829307
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>> No.10829403


If not liking McDonalds makes you snooty, then "snooty" is a pretty low bar. I honestly don't know any friends/family who routinely eat McDonalds as normal/everyday food. If you're not poor as fuck and you know how to cook, there's just hardly any appeal. I cook from home for my wife most of the time, and we only go out to eat maybe once every 2-3 weeks, so I'm sure as hell not wasting that rare occasion on Mickey D's. Unless you're a child or you still eat like a child, McDonald's exists for emergencies when you're on long trips, and for shitfaced McNugget runs.

>> No.10829417

it's not healthy if you buy the wrong things, of course. they do offer water and hamburgers. it's just everything else on their menu that sucks.
Soda, ice cream/flurries, fried chicken (nugget/strip/salad form), pancakes, eggs
but my two patties, slice of cheese, and a bun clocks around 300 calories. and their water is great because they have the wide straws

>> No.10829418

wtf did you just say to me, u little faggot?

>> No.10829610

>Everybody I know eats there a few times a week.

Are you Black?

>> No.10830528

This. You only ever see hamplanets, blacks, white trash, drunks and the odd poorfag college student in take away places

>> No.10831423

>a few times a week.

lola moorica

>> No.10831434

>hating free toilet

>> No.10831598

I went into the local McDonald’s a couple weeks ago to get a couple iced coffees for family. It was pretty quiet inside and the people eating were boomers, which kind of surprised me. Maybe because I was there around 1 or 2 pm or something

>> No.10832051

I think McDonalds in Australia must be a lot different to the US.
Because its generally the highest quality fast food around.

>> No.10832184

>everybody I know eats there a few times a week
The absolute state of flyovers.

>> No.10832231

The "McDonalds sucks" meme is true for their burgers though. Literally tastes like greasy cardboard.

>> No.10832272
File: 3.49 MB, 800x2933, McDonalds-Burger-Consumption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who Is Eating At McDonald’s These Days?
25% of Americans eat some type of fast food every day during the week.
52%. That’s the percentage of Americans who believe that doing their taxes is easier than figuring out how to achieve healthier eating habits.
Only 3 in 10 Americans believe that all sources of calories play an equal role in weight gain.
Americans consume 31% more packaged food than fresh food.
57% of the 18-29 age demographic say they eat at McDonald’s at least once per week.
20% of all American meals are eaten in the car, spending 10% of their income on fast food.
Nearly 110 million Americans have visited a McDonald’s restaurant in the past month at least one time.
44% of Americans say that they’ll eat fast food at least one time per week. 6% of people say that they eat fast food 7x per week.
Despite these facts, 76% in the U.S. think the food served in fast-food restaurants is “not too good” or “not good at all for you,” but still eat there.
Just 2% of people in a Gallup survey said food like what McDonald’s serves is “very good for you.”
Men are more likely than women to eat fast food at least weekly: 53% vs. 42%.
57% of men 18-49 will eat at least one fast food meal per week.
Households that make more than $75k per year are just as likely to eat once per week at McDonald’s as households that earn less than $50k.
39% of households with an annual income of less than $20k eat at least once per week at McDonald’s.

>> No.10832298

99.9% commie larpers use the boons of capitalism they bitch about. Most are (personally) poor retarded kids too. So not sure what you were trying to argue in regards to the post you responded to.

>> No.10832303

>corn syrup in the bun
>and sauce
Yeah fuck that.

>> No.10832308

>Only 3 in 10 Americans believe that all sources of calories play an equal role in weight gain.
This is a pretty universal misconception. And health wise, the source of your calories do play an important role. So I could see that muddying the water.

>> No.10832314

Yes, sugar is bad for you. But if you bitch about corn syrup more than cane/beet sugar for any reason other than flavor preference, then you're a retard.

>> No.10832331

>But if you bitch about corn syrup more than cane/beet sugar for any reason other than flavor preference, then you're a retard.
HFC is objectively worse on your body than sugar.

>> No.10832350

I eat at McDonald's as little as possible, because I can generally buy something in the same price bracket that's better. But sometimes when I'm drunk or been traveling or work late all you want is some fucking calories to cram in your maw.

>> No.10832372

It's alright, anyone I know who eats there feels at least a little bad about it. But a mcdouble for a little over a dollar is hard to pass up, especially if you're working class

>> No.10832741

>the source of your calories do play an important role
The question was about weight gain, asswipe. Don't move the goalpost

>> No.10832763

Lol yeah, a pornstar-cheating fat old retard with the vocabulary of a child, zero altruistic capacity and the class of an illiterate dog. My point exactly.

And before you clog your arteries in impotent rage, I'm not American and don't give a fuck about your pathetic political system.

>> No.10832985

I can't help but feel like it tastes worse than it used to. Still, no one else is charging only 2 bucks for a double cheeseburger.

>> No.10832993

I will say this, the mcnuggets aren't great but when I'm eating them I can tell I'm eating chicken. That's not something I can say about the BK nuggets.

>> No.10832994


>> No.10833018

I used to eat it a lot but the quality has been going downhill rapidly the last few times I had it to the point that it is just considered the gut cleanser. When I need to clear out my gut, I get a big mac or a mcdouble then go explode in the bathroom and I am all better. But if possible, I would like to never go back to one.

>> No.10833030

McDonalds is a treat for your kids after they go shoe shopping at the mall or they finish their swim lessons. Or if you just happen to be near one and there's no other place to have lunch.

Actually getting in the car for the sole purpose of driving to mc donalds for a sit-down meal is like the dumbest thing I could imagine. Like just buy a bunch of frozen burgers and fry one. It's quicker and it costs way less and you don't need to leave your bugbox.

>> No.10833042

people sitdown at mcdonalds?

>> No.10833048

Truckers and farmers, mostly. At least here in Kentucky. Nothing better to do after you've gotten your farm work for the day done, might as well go get a coffee.

>> No.10833049

What I can't imagine is how bad someone's home cooking must be in order for fast food to taste like a "treat" by comparison.

>> No.10833051

Oh, I thought you were referencing full family thing, the traveler part is the only reason I go. Sometimes you just can't trust the locals food to not get you sick or to taste bad.

>> No.10833054

I wasn't the person you replied to first, I was just commenting

>> No.10833066

Unironically, without meming, it's because of boomers. Gen X kids grew up eating a lot of very bland food (overly steamed vegetables for one), because their boomer parents inherited how to cook from their parents who grew up with nothing and only knew how to make food that'll keep you alive because they lacked any spices or seasoning.

It's the same reason cartoons still push the stereotype of kids hating vegetables, because the people who wrote those cartoons grew up when vegetables were bland as well.

>> No.10833067

I think I've had too much McDonald's because I don't even like anything anymore, yet I still go

>> No.10833075

Odd. I'm fairly old, my parents were boomers. I had the exact opposite problem. My mother was a fucking fantastic cook so fast food and instant stuff was inedible to me compared to what I was used to.

>> No.10833081

Then you were one of the lucky ones

>> No.10833086

honestly for me atleast fast food has this unique taste that homemade food just doesnt have.

hence even though im a great cook and like fancy restaurant shit , sometimes you just want that fucking double qpc and fries.

>> No.10833099

My folks sucked at making full meals, but were great at making desserts. Plus it seemed like all they ever wanted was meatloaf and spaghetti until we finally realized that the family had stomach problems to tomato.

>> No.10833110

More like seeing a traincrash and being unable to look away. Obsession is a strong word for being entertained by the shitshow that is the US of A. lmaoing @ ur country, papap is outski.

>> No.10833124

Yeah, I know what you mean by that "unique taste". But IMHO that unique taste is foul, not something that I'd try to recreate.

>> No.10833678

everybody you know is a moron, then. it's not food, it's fucking trash seasoned with too much salt and too much fat.
you are excused eating that stuff only if you are drunk AND there is absolutely nothing else open around you at the moment.

>> No.10833702

You are not the boss of me.

>> No.10833736

It's definitely a matter of where you live and your social class. If you live in a rural place where the middle class still eats at McDonald's then you might think it's snobby not to. But in other parts of the country it's seen as a place for poor fatties, and most folks middle class or above wouldn't consider eating there. I haven't been in nearly 20 years.

>> No.10833748

You ever notice how people outside America are always too ashamed to say where they're from?

>> No.10833910

No, quite frankly I've noticed the exact opposite, especially irl where you don't get to hide behind the skirts of anonymity.

>> No.10834004

Every Sunday I order biscuits and gravy with a hashbrown. The lunch/dinner menu sucks.

>> No.10834366

Mcdonalds is getting better.
That new quarter pounder is fucking great.

>> No.10834393

Used to like it. Their business practices have gone to shit. The moment that McDonald's shifted away from using beef tallow to fry their fries to vegetable oil because it was "healthier" was the beginning of the end.

>> No.10834397

>begged my dad to take me to Burger King or something instead.
>There's just something unnatural about those "burgers."
You preferred the painted on grill flavor of Burger Kucks to McDonald's and dare to call McD's burgers "unnatural"?

>> No.10834409

>zero altruistic
Altruism doesn't exist

>> No.10834413

>Durr how can u be ancap if u pay taxes and use roads u hipocrate

>> No.10834421

It's a cheap food that's just below OK. Just below OK tends to be acceptable most of the time.

>> No.10834461

...he posts on his apple while sipping a Starbucks soy latte

>> No.10834464

I'll eat there once, maybe twice a month. But I think some people really do hate it. But that's just usually because they are faggot hipsters and can't like anything that's popular.

>> No.10834474

>that 30 year old boomer who learned how to strawman from his neocon grandpa