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10824733 No.10824733 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop binge eating?

>> No.10824738
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>> No.10824741

Discipline, you fucking pussy. That's it. It's not that hard. Just quit being a compulsive sperg.

>> No.10824748

I'm trying to limit my binge eating by preparing my breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the week, and allowing myself to eat whatever I want saturday. I have been losing weight, but it is slow.

Also try working lots of overtime. I've been working 13 hours a day, and I'm usually too busy to stuff my fat face. Good luck fatbro.

>> No.10824749

you have to focus on stopping fat

>> No.10824764

>orders $43 worth of taco bell
>done with the meal in 10 minutes
I just want to kms

>> No.10824769

eat slower, just force yourself to eat slower. realized what you're doing is an issue. I have the same problem and sometimes the desire wins. but you have to be strong.

>> No.10824771

don't order more food than you know you should?

>> No.10824785

Take a few days where you eat just for sustenance and see that it's a mental issue. Right now it probably feels inescapable. You're bored or stressed or otherwise preoccupied with food. At this very moment someone else is playing videogames and someone else is jerking off. You just happen to eat tacos until you feel like vomiting.

I don't know what you SHOULD be doing instead but you don't seem to enjoy it. It's self control.

>> No.10824807

I used to be pudgy when I was younger. Then I developed a condition where I would get permanently sick of my favorite foods if I had them too many times in a row. This progressed until eventually I ran out of all my go-to foods. Now everything is just 'meh'. When that happened, I started eating less and less often. It became almost a chore to have to eat. I lost the excess weight pretty quickly. Trouble is though that I still get hungry. In fact, I'm almost always hungry. But despite that, still nothing seems good enough to bother eating, so I just don't. I just stay hungry, think about food, but never end up eating anything. So I guess.. just do that

>> No.10824809

Why do you just have your gf help you diet?

>> No.10824819

Fat people don't have gfs anon

>> No.10824835

>tfw chronic binge eater my entire life
>tfw many many times take up the initiative to stop eating so much, to start going to the gym, choose to eat healthier foods, etc
>tfw every time I started, whether I went on for six weeks or six months, eventually it wore off
>became stressed over time, start to feel worse and worse
>stress becomes unbearable
>decide just 1 binge and be over with it, maybe it'll get out of my system and I'll definitely go back to eating healthy
>continue with regular binges for next months to years until I decide to get healthy again

for some people it is kind of endless

>> No.10824857
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I often wonder the same thing...

>> No.10824876

never been a fatty but I've eaten healthy by just not having junk around the house. don't buy it. buy healthy/decent groceries. only binge when you go out to eat.

>> No.10824883

Fattie here. Your words really mean something to me and I felt it inside me.
I will try to be stronger, thank you friend

>> No.10824893

150+kg and Im married 2 years to a smol skinny qt and we watch anime together

>> No.10824902

Just do your best. I believe in you!

>> No.10824904

I suppose it wouldn’t be so bad if you ate only healthy foods.

>> No.10824918

Doing that a few years ago led to a 75lb gain quickly. Lost 50 by simply not doing that anymore and eating salmon and other jewish shit

>> No.10824925

You just had to make me cringe, didn't you?

>> No.10824937

You mean lox. Bad goy!

>> No.10824942

Lol be depressed all you want, I dont care
Why would I lie anonymously on a chinese skirt knitting website

>> No.10824946

Really op the only effective methods I’ve had were eating one meal a day, exercising at home daily, and actively preventing access to junk food in my home. I’ve told my mates to just hide if you buy it lest I’ll rip into that shit. It’s an addiction with no cold turkey. as people have said before, you will fail but you gotta roll with the punches instead of feeling helpless and binging again. So basically make healthy eating easy by only having to cook once a day and binging hard by preventing access to ready made foods. Exercise becomes incentive to eat less as it will feel pointless running 3 miles if your just gonna eat it all back in 20 minutes. The only other thing I can say is to avoid alcohol and start thinking how you feel more. Down to 184 from 280 and slowly starting to make progress again after setbacks.

>> No.10824950

Start seasoning your food with cellulose powder.

>> No.10825041

Sex is shit when you’re a fat fuck. I was so fat, I could barely do any positions because my giant gut got in the way. Now I can do all kinds of crazy shit I couldn’t do before and sex is way better. Plus my dick looks huge now that it’s not half covered by fat.

There’s your motivation. Don’t binge eat because you want to be able to enjoy having great sex. Or, I guess, have sex at all.

>> No.10825414

Fill up on fibrous raw veggies that have lots of complex cabs

>> No.10825443

buy cocaine and some beer instead

>> No.10825448

I know a 300+lb trucker who has a tiny little gf who must be perhaps 90lbs

>> No.10825494


You have to want to do it for you, if not you will not stop. People who binge eat do it for themselves. Because it provides them comfort. Because generally the only way they can feel fulfilled with life is just to feel full in their tummy.

So naturally giving up that comfort for any reason other than they are ready for something more is unlikely, near impossible.

A fat person giving up binge eating is like a guy giving up his current relationship for new pussy, it often doesn't happen because they're too scared they're not going to find anything better after the decision to change and don't want things to get worse.

>> No.10825525

What constitutes binge eating? I had two slices of cake last Friday and I feel like a bad person for it.

>> No.10825535

It's harder to binge eat on healthier foods. Eat more beans, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and avoid refined carbs like white bread and sugar. You can still have white bread and sugar in smaller and limited amounts, and you should still eat meat, eggs, cheese, etc. because their protein is satiating and can make you feel good, just don't load them up with refined carbs and sugar.

>> No.10825587

I wish I knew anon. I only binge eat after drinking, so not drinking alone is my only effective strategy for minimizing binge eating.

>> No.10825598

>just force yourself to eat slower
Seriously: This is key.
Eating slower gives you more time to start to feel full. Drink water while you eat, too. Take a little sip every bite.

>> No.10825612

Aside from two like fist-size or smaller cake slices not being a big deal imo:
1) Do you do this on a regular basis?
2) Are you a fucking hamplanet?

>> No.10825642

don't let food be your god fatfuck

>> No.10825668

Reformed binge eater here. Take it one step at a time, don't beat yourself up when you stumble, and keep heading towards your goal. I learned to eat more slowly by using chopsticks to eat everything. If you're eating something that requires a knife and fork, cut one bite at a time, put your knife and fork down until you chew and swallow. Allow yourself a cheat days. Schedule them as a reward on your calendar, don't impulse cheat day.

You can do it.

>> No.10825682

Not OP but thanks for the tips anon

>> No.10825692

I'm kinda of like that now. I have been eating a lot of trash ever since high school ended and gained like 20lbs and have just been hovering at my weight of like 200-210 for a couple years now. I don't even like fast food anymore i just get it out of habit and laziness. I find myself craving just a lot of veggies now. I don't even like to cook them just eat them raw.

>> No.10825696

The only thing I hate about this is when you're eating a hot meal. When I'm eating a hot meal, I want to eat it hot, not cold.

That said, I hear 20 minutes is around the time when your brain starts telling you you're full/satisfied.

>> No.10825723
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holy shit OP you're retarded. you don't have to stop binge eating, just don't do it every damn day. I get high nearly every Fri & Sat night and eat a god damn fuckload of food. But from Sunday until Friday evening, I count calories/fast and bust my ass 4x a week playing ultimate frisbee. I've been maintaining 185 for months now, and i don't fuck around when i binge on weekend nights. i'm talking half a bag of family size cheetos, a 10oz bag of gummi bears, 3 cups of cereal with milk, and 2 cups of ice cream. both nights. and i'm still not a fat ass. get it together, my dude. just have a shred of self control for 5 of the 7 days a week.

>> No.10825796

is that pic from Boo's in LA?
fuck I've been wanting to go there. looks like a top notch binging spot.

>> No.10826117

I know this might sound gay as fuck, OP, but download an app on your phone called "Fat Secret" and force yourself to keep track of everything, not allowing yourself to go over the set daily calorie limit. It's hard at first but it quickly helps.

>> No.10826135


>> No.10826161

Intermittent fasting is a good way to build resistance to hunger. Try the 8/16 method during work days and have a normal eating schedule on weekends.

I've been doing for the past month and I've lost weight (I also do 20 min cardio 4-5 times a week) and I can tolerate hunger better.

>> No.10826164

Don't stop. Fuck the world. I love eating and I don't care about being a fat fucker. I was skinny for most of my life from being starved out by my piece of shit parents as a child. Now, no fucking given...

>> No.10826179

Look at this intellect. A brain in prime condition, never used.

>> No.10826191
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That's retarded. Being skinny (healthy I'd say) feels really good. It's not that if feels good, is that being fat feels awful. Excess weight comes with a list full of shitty conditions: joint pain, slow metabolism, depression, fatigue, social shame.

Stop destroying yourself with shitty food. You have value as a person, you just need to lose the weight and the world will become a brighter place. The legit best part of being a fat fuck and losing the weight (like I did) is the compliments people throw at you, they legit get happy for you for improving yourself. I think the best way for a fat person to get thinner is to start dieting and talk to people about their situation.

Seriously, if we have AA meetings, we should aso have Fat Anonymous meetings too. The only problem I see is that society is trying to normalize being fat like it isn't a sickness like alcoholism. Fat people are just addicted to food, no difference from someone who takes a swig from a whiskey bottle every couple hours.

>> No.10826201

There are support groups for all sorts of addictions, including overeating. AA isn't the only one.

>> No.10826207

They should be more popular then since 30% of the population is fucking obese. I didn't know about them.

>> No.10826590

Drown that shit in hot sauce that's too hot

>> No.10826760

>half a bag of cheetos
>ten OUNCES of gummy bears
>a normal large helping of cereal
>a normal large bowl of ice cream
Dude soccer moms eat this. You ain't fat.

>> No.10826800

Yep. Try reading the sticky at /fit/. Just some simple stuff like stopping to eat junk food and drinking soda makes a whole lot of difference.

Yes. Just asking for help is not enough. You need to take a resolve.

>> No.10826808

God bless "Daddy issues"

>> No.10826813

Lmao nigga just stop eating

>> No.10826830


It really is a mind set thing.
Fatties think 'how much can I eat?'. Fatties on a diet are constantly counting calories and mentally planning their next meal.
Skeletons don't like eating, they see it as a chore or a bother. Their mind set is 'how long can I put of the chore of eating?'. When trying to bulk they do so with the mind set of bulking with the bare minimum amount of food as possible.
Try and make a mental game about eating as little as possible and see each meal where you leave food as a victory.

>> No.10827496

Don't. Simply offset the damage and tremendously improve your health by water fasting between binges.

>> No.10827509
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>All the people ITT saying "dude just stop hahaha" unironically

Ya'll really don't understand addiction or eating disorders do u

>> No.10827515

Why don't you binge eat good food? Cheap veggies and fruit, not junk food.

It has actual fiber and nutrition in it, so you'll probably end up eating less quantity while getting infinitely more quality.

>> No.10827519

Based jew.

>> No.10827603

Nigga just go cold turkey hahaha

>> No.10827631

does the turkey being cold cause it to have less calories somehow? or you digest it better?

>> No.10827663

You would actually use a few calories to warm it up during digestion

>> No.10827882

cut out salt and sugar. you will naturally eat less because one of two things will happen: either it won't taste as good, or you'll learn how to season your food and it will be more satisfying because it won't just taste like salt and sugar.

>> No.10827947

I grew up poor and my mindset was "I don't know when the next meal will be something that isn't pinto beans+plain white rice, so every time I get the chance, I will eat as much as I possibly can". Got my first job and paid my way through things, but literally every penny that wasn't spent on bills/gas was fast food. I lost 150lbs since starting to lose weight, only have 40 to go, but that mindset still fucks with me, 7 years after having a steady full-time job. I have a love for cooking and tasting great dishes, but that panic I have of "you'll never taste this again" kills any joy of eating.

>> No.10827966

>cut out salt
retarded idea.

>> No.10827986

Get busy. Easier said than done I know

>> No.10829416

Try drinking water before meals and snacks.

>> No.10829556

i’ve eaten a collective 20,000 calories between binging and purging in one day. here is how you stop but you’re screwed if you fall back into it
>binge on sour patch kids and spicy food
>binge on pure sour candy like sour patch kids
>drink 2l water
>purge again
>your mouth and stomach is literally too destroyed to eat
>simple fast for 48 hours
>hunger gone

>> No.10829715

It's hard. I binge eat when I'm anxious so I surround myself with healthy foods and only a few nonhealthy ones I truly enjoy like good bread, brie, dark chocolate, etc. But those keep me satiated. My advice would be to try juicing and also opt for soups and salads- neither need be ultra healthy, so creamy dressings and broccoli cheddar are fine. Romaine lettuce is also high in thylakoids which increase leptin production telling your brain you're full, so load up on that. Try to get your 7-9 full servings of plants every day. Cold fresh fruit does wonders. Keep pickled vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, or air popped popcorn available for snacking. Also sometimes we binge when we just want a taste change, so keep some sour candies around for after meals if you're still hungry.

Additionally you could adopt a life philosophy and realize that life is precious and fleeting and is too short to be wasted on flavorless junk then refine yourself a more educated palette and never eat crap food again. Hope my words help some anon.

>> No.10829746
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Get surgery, by no means exercise.

>> No.10829769

ah, do what I do.
Get a shit heap of food, but that's it. You get distracted by what you're watching or playing. Some chili cheese fries from Checkers, but I have one, go wash my hands because it's fucking greasy, and I get back to my other stuff, don't want to get my keyboard/mouse filthy/greasy/dirty.
It's a lot of bad food, just spread out over an amount of time. I remind myself to take a bite after a while

>> No.10829777

Count calories. You don't even have to eat well. Just pay attention to the calories of every single thing you put in your mouth, every single day. If the number is ever above 2000, whip yourself with a cat o' nine tails and try again tomorrow.

Also transition from soda to flavored seltzer water.

>> No.10829790

>How do I stop binge eating?
stop eating fat

>> No.10829792
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Overeaters Anonymous is unironically helping me get my food problems under control. Look into it, some meetings might really help you not feel so isolated in it.

>> No.10829803


>> No.10830606

uhh I'm glad you see her as a qt, even if she's not to everyone else. It's really your own opinion that matters

>> No.10830615

fast during the week (1000 calories a day)
pigout on the weekends

>> No.10830638

Buy on the day and otherwise keep most food out of your place.

>> No.10830672

Thise are some tasty look’n cheese steaks. Gah daym!!!

>> No.10831338

That really is a fucked up habit you got burned into your brain. If after 7 years you still have that anxiety, I doubt you'll ever drop it.

>> No.10831444

>asking for help on 4chan
He is asking for it.

Fine then. OP, go see a doctor. hahaha

>> No.10831472

My husband is a skelly and eats 3x what I do. Because of this I love cooking for him and cook whole foods though so no junk food is in the house. Anyway your post is bullshit.

>> No.10831589

>Bro just stop doing cocaine!
>just stop smoking!
>Just get over your depression!

Telling someone to just stop eating when food is basically as addicting as hard drugs is bad advice.

>> No.10831593

Chug a metric fuck ton of water every time you think you want to eat out of boredom or when hungry.

>> No.10831608

It's the only way you can quit those either though..

>> No.10831616

Most require third party support to physically stop them from having it or medication. Very few people just quit smoking or drugs without medication or assistance.

>> No.10831621

And then they get out of rehab and relapse immediately because they still don't understand they control and are responsible for their own behavior

>> No.10831644

>tfw my friend was goaded into smoking just once and now he hasn't stopped for like 10+ years but when pressed about it always says he can quit any time but just doesnt feel like it

Its a shame since its hurting him physically and financially, but they cant admit their addiction.

>> No.10831665

I quit hard drugs after 5 years and smoking after 10 and am now trying to lose 100 lbs. All cold turkey. Can confirm only way you do it is by doing it.

>> No.10831673

Former 10 years pack a day smoker. Cold turkey was the only way for me.

>> No.10831685

For me it was:

>start working out
>set hard, small goals
>food gets in the way of those goals (numbers aren't improving bc of shit diet, feel nauseous when I work out, etc)
>change diet to revolve around workout
>meeting goals now
>rinse and repeat

Set your goals first brah...if you want change to happen you need to have a clear objective

Or just stay permafat and die like a sick dog at 45

>> No.10832779

Source on that?

>> No.10832807

I went from 3 meals a day to 1 meal, and when I ate fast food I ordered less while chewing each bite more and drinking a lot of water. Then after a month I got used to the routine and it became less of a struggle.

>> No.10832826

starve and binge every so often
once you gfet skinny binge until you're fat and then starve yourself again

>> No.10832832

You can't cold turkey quit food. That's the problem.

With cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, you can completely stop buying them, distance yourself from them, ask friends or family to help you stay away from them, etc and never let that temptation near you again.

With food, you must eat every day. The temptation is always there.

>> No.10832854
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I got cellulitis. My leg ballooned up to the size of a watermelon and I stayed a week in the hospital. That will help. Though thinking about ordering $40 of Dominos later and saying fuck it. Since I got insurance now.

>> No.10832862

I fail to see much of a difference.

An alcoholic still has to go to markets and restaurants that sell beer, wine, and possibly liquor. An ex-alcoholic going shopping and avoiding the wine is no different than an ex-fattie going shopping and avoiding the junk food.

>> No.10832868

Place yourself around only healthy food in your house then. You cant get fat off broccoli. Yes they sell cigarettes in stores alongside food so the temptation is always 'there' for both. Its not like its hard to get either.

>> No.10832870

>Just become a social recluse and never go out anywhere with people since food is involved in 9/10 social outings
>Survive off raw vegetables and hate life

>> No.10832888

>With food, you must eat every day.

That's not actually true.

>> No.10832894

get joy from sex instead of food

>> No.10832903

An alcoholic doesn't have to buy any alcohol at all.
A binge eater still has to buy food to keep in their house where they live. The food always has to be there. A binge eater will binge eat anything there is: a full packet of lunchmeat or sliced cheese, instant oatmeal or cereal, potatoes, anything. It's like if you were trying to kick an opioid addiction while still actively taking your prescribed opioids every day.

Exactly what >>10832870 said.
Food is far more ubiquitous than drugs or alcohol. Nearly all social and professional gatherings have some food of some kind. No one looks weird at you for saying, no, I don't drink; no, I don't smoke; but saying no, I can't eat that, when offered free food is perceived as rudeness.

Everyone arguing that it's the same or easier is a drug addict who never had a problem with food, but has no problem acting better than their addiction.
You're all hypocrites, or stupid.

>> No.10832942

>A binge eater still has to buy food to keep in their house where they live
Sure. But they can choose to buy healthy foods, as well as foods that are difficult if not impossible to over-eat, either because their caloric value is so low compared to their bulk, or because the foods require effort to prepare.

A fatty might well binge and eat a whole box of cereal. But I doubt the'd eat a whole bag of dry beans.

>>but saying no, I can't eat that, when offered free food is perceived as rudeness.
Nonsense. You state that you're trying to lose weight and can't have that. It's no different than how I (ex-alcoholic) have to turn down beer or wine. It's not rude unless you don't give a reason why.

>> No.10832943

>saying no, I can't eat that, when offered free food is perceived as rudeness


>> No.10832966

The cravings, no matter how unbeliviable painful at the start, go away with time. That is all you need to know because after the cravings are gone, that’s that.

>> No.10832967

>But I doubt the'd eat a whole bag of dry beans.
The problem is that you can cook beans to make them perfectly edible.
A little salt, or cheese, or butter - normal things to keep in a kitchen - is gonna make them binge-able enough.
What you are saying clearly denotes that you have never struggled with food addiction and have that air of superiority I previously mentioned where, because you overcame your addiction, everyone who hasn't yet is somehow beneath you.

Grow up and get over yourself.
Realize that everyone else's problems are not seen through the scope of your personal experiences.

>> No.10832983

It’s funny that only jews eat normal european food in america.

>> No.10833004

This. In military food didn’t have almost any salt and i got bored of it so fast that i started losing a lot of wieght just Because the food was so bland and uninteresting. Cutting out salt will make you est slower and not want toneat so much.

>> No.10833005

>What you are saying clearly denotes that you have never struggled with food addiction
No, but I have strugged with alcohol. If I had beer around I'd drink it, sure. But I wouldn't touch the mirin, for example.

And as for the food, are you telling me that someone who was fighting an eating disorder and had a craving to stuff themselves would go through the hours-long process of soaking and cooking said beans to get their fix? I'm not trying to argue, I'm honestly curious.

You see, over the years I've had roommates that were megafatties and would down all the snacks/candy/premade food in sight. I quickly learned that it was perfectly safe, however, to keep healthy food like greens, "weird foreign stuff", and food that needed a lot of prep around and it would never get touched. If I bought a box of frozen burritos it would be gone the next day. If I bought marmite, kale, and three pounds of dry kidney beans nobody would touch it. therefore it seems reasonable to assume that a similar concept might work for someone trying to deal with an eating problem.

Again, I'm not trying to be rude or act superior. In fact I'm confused you'd even draw that conclusion. I'm trying to ask you how/why things work the way you claim.

>>Realize that everyone else's problems are not seen through the scope of your personal experiences.
Then help me by explaining yours.

>> No.10833013

How do you know how much calories there is everything you eat? In every peanut butter jelly sandwich?

>> No.10833021

With a scale and math.

Once you have some experience under your belt you can trust yourself to estimate.

>> No.10833028

lol im a fatty, but realized i could lose all my fucking weight by just fasting. Already lost somewhere around 15-20 punds in 5 days, im planning to only eat one meal every 5 days and only cheat on parties and holidays. Snake diet is amazing.

>> No.10833035

So i have to scale every fucking spoonful of jelly and peanut butter? And i cannot eat snything i didn’t prepare myself? Goddamn that takes a lot of time and dedication.

>> No.10833040
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What kind of trapper is dumb enough to step in their own snag?
Jews are seriously smart and tribal; have to give credit where credit is due.

>> No.10833047

If you're cooking for yourself then yeah, you weigh everything. If you're eating premade food then you can read the nutrition information off the package.

Yeah, it is a hassle at first. But really that's the point. The idea is that many overweight people have no idea how much they are actually eating. By religiously weighing and documenting everything you learn a great deal.

>> No.10833055

The saddest thing is that you can’t eat at restaurants if you don’t know how much calories they have, or eat food offered to you. That amount of dedication most people don’t have.

>> No.10833061

>are you telling me that someone who was fighting an eating disorder...would go through the hours-long process of soaking and cooking said beans to get their fix?
Not necessarily. Mostly it starts by cooking food for a meal, and the binge eater might even portion the food out into meal-sized containers and put the food away.
After they eat their dinner portion they might feel extra hungry, so go to take another portion, thinking "it's just beans," even reasoning out the calories in their head...and then another portion, and another. It takes over, as I'm sure you know if you have struggled with alcohol; once you've already had a drink or two it's impossible to stop yourself from buying more, even driving to go get more. It works the same for food. Even a healthy meal could trigger a binge, and almost especially so for extra healthy food because the body is craving that sugar and fat so hard it hurts.
I think a lot of food addiction is the inner hunger instinct going into overdrive and sort of overriding your human logic. It's a complete loss of control. At the same time as you are binging, you might be telling yourself that you shouldn't be doing this, and that you're worthless and weak.

I understand what your point is about your roommates, I've had similar roommates. The difference is that a real binge eater would eat the jar of marmite with a spoon if it was the best thing in the house.

I think most of the time I have had exceptionally bad binges was after a week or two of eating very healthy portioned meals. The rest of the binges were on days I was sure I would kill myself that night anyway, so in my head it didn't matter. Yet here I breathe.

>> No.10833071

Use MyFitnessPal or other calorie-counter sites. It's easy as fuck.
Two tablespoons of Jif brand peanut butter is about 200 calories, 8g protein, and 16g fat.
Two tablespoons of Smuckers brand grape jelly is about 100 calories, no protein or fat (all sugar).
Two slices of Kroger brand whole wheat sliced bread is 120 calories.

Thus your PB&J is 420 calories. That's a lot for a shitty sandwich with no nutrition.

All restaurants have nutrition facts available to customers by US law. You can ask for them in the store or you can search them online if it is a chain.

>> No.10833072

That said, I'm fat because I'm a scotch irish mutt alchy. Got some jew and native american in there too, for extra diversity points.
I got the Kevin Bacon nose and pale cancer prone skin; my brother looks like he's about to count your shekels before drinking firewater, and he's way more /pol/ than me.
I love smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel. Cured meats stacked high on a sub roll? Yes please. Thank you NY Jews for these kidney stone studded pleasures of the new world.

>> No.10833080

that's not binge eating
if you were binging you wouldn't stop at half a bag

>> No.10833087

Yeah, I guess if you were to cook a bunch of stuff in advance that circumvents the "hassle" angle.

When I compare it to booze I look at it as a matter of effort. I.e. it's pretty easy to avoid booze if I have to go out and buy it, but if it's already in the house then that's a different story. I thought that a food equivalent would be keeping things on hand that you can't just eat as-is and instead have to spend a lot of effort to make. I'd imagine it would be easier to resist eating more if it takes 2 hours of work rather than simply being able to pick it up and go to chow town.

>> No.10833105

You can, it just takes a bit of effort.

Pretty much all fast food places have nutritional information available, usually in pamphlets in the restaurant. These days a lot of fitness apps have calorie info for major chain food, even if it's not fast food. So if you're at a major chain like Chilis or Olive Garden or whatever then you can look up the info on said app. If you don't have that then you can use a similar food as an example. So if you're in the middle of nowhere and get a burger from a place that has no info and no entry in your app then you can assume that's probably about the same as a similar size burger which you do have the nutritional info for. If you want to err on the safe side, assume the burger is even bigger (higher calories) than the one you look up.

>> No.10833115

I'd argue you still need to weigh it.

Human beings are awful at estimating dimensions and volume unless you are working a job that requires you to do that for a living (i.e. the old lady at the post office who has weighed so many packages in her life that she can weigh your box by picking it up in her hands)

>> No.10833118

I'd binge eat a whole bag of dry beans just as is

>> No.10833129

>keeping things on hand that you can't just eat as-is and instead have to spend a lot of effort to make
That would help at the moment, and prevent sudden impulse binges, but once the food is cooked it's a problem.
Besides, I work a full-time job with overtime and also have to clean my apartment, take care of my pets, sleep, do laundry, etc and still want to have time to myself. Using all my spare time boiling beans in single-serve portions is just a stressful waste, and stress is probably the biggest contributing factor to binge eating.

I honestly think the best thing that ever worked for me was keto, however, I can't do keto for longer than a few weeks at a time due to hormone/stomach disease. It really fucks with me. I think it would be easier to stop binge eating if I was not so sick.
Being this sick is the only thing that helped me kick alcoholism in the first place.

>> No.10833131

>I'd argue you still need to weigh it.
Most sites especially with an American userbase won't have the food in weight-based quantities, but rather by volume which is the default measuring method.
You don't have to guess anything. Don't you have an actual set of measuring cups and spoons?

>> No.10833732

jesus christ. What kind of person do you need to be to push it that far

>> No.10833757

Sure, you can measure stuff by volume too. However that seems a bit impractical for the given example of PB&J. The nice thing about weighing food is that it doesn't generate any extra mess.

>>Weight vs volume
Easy to convert by googling the density or calculating it yourself. Besides which, any decent source of nutritional data gives it by weight anyway. I like the USDA nutrition database.

>> No.10833767

Even if you're going to restaurants every single day, you can manage your calories by adjusting the non-restaurant meals to compensate. That includes spur of the moment outings--just eat fewer calories the next day.

>> No.10833778

Stop eating carbs, give it a couple of weeks, wala, no more cravings.

>> No.10833798

What kind of condition is that?

>> No.10833827

i am constantly trying to undereat. yet i keep eating 3k cals a day of mainly veggies, fruit and stuff like beans and oatmeal.

>> No.10834866

Fasting is not eating anything though.

>> No.10834981

drink water while you're eating, it's the salt imbalance that makes you still feel hungry after eating a large meal

>> No.10835199

Half a bag of chips is nothing. I go through a 5lb bag of gummy worms in a sitting. Come back when you graduate from 3 cups of cereal and milk to full box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch + half gallon of milk as part of breakfast. The fact that you measure your ice cream instead of sitting with the pint in your lap until it's gone tells me you don't binge eat.

>> No.10835216

Dude theres levels to everything
Dont be a gatekeeper about something this pathetic

>> No.10836219

Agreed. I had mcdonalds, chipotle, and ice cream yesterday and was at 1780 calories. It's not what you eat, its just making it fit into your limits.

Also nice digits.

>> No.10836243

>haven't had refined carbs for 3 weeks
>no pop for 3 weeks
>sudden cravings for Pizza and coke
Wtf do I do. I thought only women had cravings

>> No.10836270

stop eating food that tastes good

>> No.10836305

why did he start in the first place
easier not to start than to stop

>> No.10838196

Become too lazy to eat.

>> No.10838853

Made me chuckle

>> No.10838918

Is he dead yet?

>> No.10838991

By focusing on building muscle instead of on losing weight/eating less. The problem with weight loss and overeating is that most people just focus on losing weight instead of holistically improving their health. If your entire motivation is

>just don't eat so I'm not fat

it's pessimistic and not constructive. You would probably have more success if instead you thought

>I have to eat this specific amount as part of my diet to meet my fitness goals

It's time to lift bro. The /fit/ sticky awaits.

>> No.10839028
File: 127 KB, 520x500, 8e87fcc378e3bcf7ba97b7eb936de2898364a7af_1_520x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people from /ck/ go to other boards and announce they're "from /ck/" in order to impress others with their sophisticated grasp of the gastronomic arts? I don't know because I don't spend much time on other boards. Just enough to know they're mostly shit, case in point.

>> No.10839082

I didn't announce I was from anywhere, I said read the /fit/ sticky faggot. It has information relevant to my point.

>> No.10839084
