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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 827 KB, 1242x422, British vs American.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10821982 No.10821982 [Reply] [Original]

British or American breakfast?


>> No.10821987

I meant Better, not Best.

>> No.10821989

Replace the Pancakes with cereal and it wins every time
Brits can't into flavor, and legitimately, the sweetness of the beans is way more awkward than the sweetness of maple syrup

>> No.10822095

>Replace the Pancakes with cereal and it wins every time


>> No.10822107

Going to have to say British, because it has more nutritional variety and it doesn't all taste weirdly sweet.
I'd go with oatmeal rather than cereal. Also, beans don't need to be sweet and usually aren't. British beans are mostly just in tomato sauce rather than the weird maple and pork Americans do.

>> No.10822108

>american breakfast
>no chicken fried steak
>no home fries
>no biscuits and gravy

might as well go full flyover diabetes if we're really talking

>> No.10822115

>chicken fried steak
>biscuits and gravy
>american breakfast
What the fuck kind of breakfast are you eating, motherfucker? Also, are you blind? The homefries are in the top right corner.

>> No.10822116

Well, since America runs the planet you live on and britain doesn't anymore...

>> No.10822118

>British Breakfast
>no black pudding
>no haggis

Good job, dickhead.

Also, the superior breakfast is porridge with honey or blueberries or raspberries.

>> No.10822119

I think you'd feel better after eating the British breakfast, it looks like it was made to cure a hangover.

I like pancakes every now and then as a treat but they are really bloating and make me lethargic and constipated.

>> No.10822120


Both lardy shit.

>> No.10822121

He actually thinks dumbfuckistan is America. His poor eyesight is no doubt due to inbreeding.

>> No.10822123

>Also, beans don't need to be sweet and usually aren't. British beans are mostly just in tomato sauce
m8 bong beans are like 20% straight added sugar

>> No.10822125

I am a bong though, you nigger.

>> No.10822129

First of all I live on the coast and I can find these things in any american diner. It's basically the staple of real american breakfast, aka the shit you eat before a long day of work when you are going to skip lunch.

If you fags don't know biscuits and gravy you need to go back to mexico or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.10822132

>America runs the planet

You know it's not 1990 any more, boomer.
Nobody wants to be like Mike anymore.

>> No.10822136

Stop pretending you get to talk back, Cletus. Get your faggot ass to the back of my car and pump the gas.

>> No.10822138
File: 89 KB, 550x367, potatoesdone_550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poor eyesight
>hash browns are home fries
this shit is a mega classic breakfast potatoes recipe, many high-end steak houses serve potatoes like this instead of with french fries/etc because of the perfect balance of surface area.

>> No.10822141

The southern coast doesn't count as the coast, sweaty,

>> No.10822142
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8 years libtard

>> No.10822147

>getting mad because it's true

>> No.10822151

Maybe if New Orleans is the fucking coast, nigger.

>> No.10822152
File: 164 KB, 1600x1372, global-economy-one-chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, make a fat joke to cope, europoor.

>> No.10822158

Given those pictures, British, but just barely. If the egg was sunny side up like the American side, it would be much better. Conversely, if those pancakes were waffles or rye/sourdough bread, the American side would be much more appealing.

Question, how do Brits cook the beans in the center and what do they taste like? Those kind of beans I personally associate with baked beans, which generally have sweetish flavor to them, whereas beans are typically served savory.

>> No.10822166

They're usually savory. Open up a can of Heinz beans, and there you go.
The added sugar barely even does anything. There's no sweetness.

>> No.10822169
File: 156 KB, 1200x1200, EXPS_BMZ17_8030_D10_25_3b-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in California. Don't get buttblasted because your poor food knowledge (breakfast of all things, sheesh) is obvious as fuck. I'm sorry your only exposure to real food is mcdonalds. Pancakes suck, period. Only fatties who have a sweet tooth due to childhoods molested by corn syrup eat pancakes.

>> No.10822171

>I live in California
I have no reason to believe that, Zeke.

>> No.10822173

Good thing I have nothing to prove to you, beaner.

>> No.10822175

>I live in California
Not something I'd admit to. Nobody likes the gay state or the people who live there.

>> No.10822188

What does that even prove though? It doesn't say if it's importing or exporting the most. I'm pretty sure it's just Americans spending money within their own economy.
Have a quick look around the room you're in and count the items made in Asia.

>> No.10822191

Except you fucking retards who buy our produce for millions of dollars in other states then complain about us 'importing water' (seriously?)

>> No.10822192

Those are hashbrowns.

Anyway can't really vote since I've never had an English breakfast. It looks really good though.

>> No.10822194

You're not allowed to post on boards outside of /b/ if you don't have a college degree.

>> No.10822195

>i have zero idea of how economies work, the post

>> No.10822196

>No black pudding
Neck yourself

>> No.10822199

>buy our produce
Fucking hilarious, lad. I don't even buy Californian avocados.

>> No.10822200

>being proud because nevada has to buy your trash produce
Look at the queer try and rationalize why real Americans shouldn't hate him. Just keep digging, Brent.

>> No.10822218

Should just make a thread called "British and Americans, say mean things about each other!"

>> No.10822227

Nah, Brits and Americans don't do that. It's other Europeans against Brits and Americans.

>> No.10822234
File: 288 KB, 420x420, 6993954438571d7f8d43cccee87150ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America runs the planet

Lmao, did you briefly forget Asia exists? If it wasn't for the likes of Coke and Nike America would be irrelevant to the rest of the world

>> No.10822240

That describes this entire shitty board, not just this thread

Entirely wrong

>> No.10822241

American buying power is the only reason those monkeys aren't starving to death en masse.

>> No.10822245

You're forgetting about our restaurants, buster. We have locations all across the planet, and underneath those locations are nuclear launch sites. Not only are we playing God and choosing who eats and who dies, but we are also secured in strategic locations to bomb your poorly-wiped asses in the event you attempt to push us out.

>> No.10822248

To be fair, the brits always start it because they never got over losing their empire to a former colony. They never quite get it through their head they should be mad at their grandfather for hiding in the root cellar when Hitler cam knocking.

>> No.10822251

Those monkeys manufactured all the components in whatever device you're currently using to shitpost with, and probably all the clothes you're wearing and the chair you're sitting on too

>> No.10822256
File: 650 KB, 587x600, 578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (You), you've earned it

>> No.10822258

Because we allowed them to as an act of mercy. It's the white man's burden. Just like it's my job to let you know you need to end sentences with punctuation regardless of whether you're posting from a cancer phone or not.

>> No.10822267

Ah shit I made a trivial grammatical error, that's rendered my entire post moot

>> No.10822271

Oatmeal is a type of cereal

>> No.10822273

Oh look, you just did it again because it's an indication of an ingrained behavior. Thanks for proving that you need the white American man to save you from yourself.

>> No.10822288

>hashbrown, but no black pudding on full English
>no biscuits and gravy or fruit pancake topping on the full American

Both of these pictures you posted are shite.

>> No.10822293

I literally did it on purpose to make you have a little tantrum you insipid wankstain

>> No.10822301

>I did it
Stop pretending it was ever your choice. You keep doing it because the white American man hasn't yet improved your socioeconomic conditions to the point where you've evolved enough to take pride in communicating like a white person (English speaker, there are no other real white people). We'll get you there soon, whether you want it or not, you poor pathetic creature.

>> No.10822304

They sure manufactured it all, but they don't have the purchasing power to buy the end product.
They manufacture it all for my sweet American dollar. They live for my sweet American dollar. Without Americans buying the new iPhone every time one is released and a new pair of shoes every six months, half of China would be genocided by its own government for being too useless.

>> No.10822321

If Asia suddenly decided to stop exporting tomorrow, America would collapse. Asia has you by the balls, not the other way round

>> No.10822326

What the fuck are they putting in the water in America?

>> No.10822329


>> No.10822332

Guess what, bubby? Their country (we're talking about China, not a continent, dunce) could collapse too. Guess what else, little babby boy? The entire world economy collapses if America goes down. We engineered the post WW2 in a way that our existence is necessary to the rest of the world. Cry all you want, you impotent little femme brain. We're too big to fail and that means we will ALWAYS have power over you. Sit back and let what the white man just taught you sink in, you unfortunate and impotent wretch. :^)

>> No.10822335


>> No.10822337

Proper full Scottish: eggs, bacon, beans , mushrooms, tomatoes, Lorne , Stornoway Blackpudding, white pudding, fruit pudding, clootie dumpling , sausage , haggis and round of toast

>> No.10822344

>China stops exporting iPhones and Nikes and cheap bullshit
>Americans have to cope without having iPhones and Nikes
>China now has no income from exports to America
>China now has no economy
I mean really, with the means of production but no way to sell the product, China would go down fast. The factories don't stay open for free. Meanwhile, (most) Americans would still have their income. Losing imports/goods is not nearly as detrimental as losing exports/income.

Americans could build new factories in America and keep producing their stuff with a couple years lag, but there's no market on earth like the American consumer market and China would have a really hard time making up that loss.

>> No.10822395

So it's official: America won breakfast when they won the planet.

Good thread. See you in the next one.

>> No.10822406

Which one? There's more to British breakfast than a full English, and I'm sure there's a lot of variety in American breakfast too. I'm not as knowledgable there but out of the pictures you've posted I'll go with American but a full Scottish/Cornish/Welsh or even an Ulster Fry would probably win. Even though I'm English, I'll admit that our breakfast sucks dick.

>> No.10822411

Yeah, he should have said waffles

>> No.10822413

Don't confuse him, anon.

>> No.10822429 [DELETED] 

Surely you can't be this fucking retarded...

>> No.10822451

British type breakfasts are much heartier and don't contain childish ingredients like SYRUP

>> No.10822472

Is there any other breakfast that even comes close to the legendary US and Brit ones? Rest of europe seems to just have cold cuts and hard bread, no idea what Asian breakfasts are like

>> No.10822480

>talks about childish ingredients
>literally from a nanny state
Brits probably aren't allowed to have syrup.

>> No.10822507

>blacks were the reason things got done in the 1800s, therefore black people ran the world in the 1800s

>> No.10822520

>>blacks were the reason things got done in the 1800s
That's like saying ovens are the reason people eat.
People still have to assemble the food and tell the oven what to do and how, people are the driving force behind making food, not ovens.
Just like white people had to invent railroads, map them out, assemble the tools and materials, and direct the job. Black people were more or less proto-automation: a non-human workforce.

>> No.10822556

Anytime anything Scottish if discussed, half of it just sounds like baby babble.


Seriously though. Woe is the American who has to go without badly made plastic Chinese trinkets and superfluous electronics.
Our vehicles, power, and food come from "not China," so I think we could manage.

>> No.10822576

American breakfasts are too sugary for my liking. But I wouldn't want to eat a full English everyday. Continental > both tbqh.

>> No.10822582

Do British breakfasts always look that unappetizing? Is that a crepe on the left side? Some kind of triangular hashbrown in the right? Sad fried ham slices in the back?

Other popular American breakfast items you'd find at diners are things like waffles, biscuits and gravy, yogurt with fruit, country fried steak, and oatmeal.

No syrup in that picture m8.

>no idea what Asian breakfasts are like
White rice with egg yolk mixed in, or "omelette rice."

>> No.10822586

>Is that a crepe on the left side?
Are you blind or retarded? It's clearly regular fucking toast.

>> No.10822591
File: 219 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Nasi_Lemak,_Mamak,_Sydney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10822593
File: 73 KB, 960x735, https_%2F%2Fblogs-images.forbes.com%2Falicegwalton%2Ffiles%2F2014%2F05%2F670px-froot-loops-cereal-bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american breakfast


jesus no wonder you people are such fat fucks

90% of your cereal might as well be cubes of sugar

>> No.10822602

op image have cake for breakfast so yeah.

>> No.10822629

>American breakfast
>No steak

>> No.10822682

I was interpreting the crust as a folded edge. My bad.

>> No.10822728

Most people in Britain have dal for breakfast because they are of Pakistani origin. They then round it off with some child grooming gangs.

>> No.10822751

It takes a lot of calories to tell run the world.

>> No.10822758

It's none of the people eating all those calories who run anything.

>> No.10822770

Tell yourself that the next time you drive by an American military base on your soul or see our navy in your water. It's our tax dollars that ensure you and your children and your children's children's children are under our thumb. ;)

>> No.10822800

>American military base

you mean terrorists training camp?

>> No.10822803

Why did you reddit space though?

>> No.10822844

Clearly not that much since you all are the size of whales

>> No.10822855

the one made by the people who are able to own property

>> No.10822856


>> No.10822859

Imagine being so poor you can't eat whatever you want all the time. Imagine having to use femme brained "muh health" arguments to justify it to yourself.

>> No.10822932

I don't buy your produce, Juan. Also you wouldn't need to import water if 80% of your water didn't go to moisture crops. But please keep being a drain on the American tax payer and being a smug retard.

>> No.10822968

Daily reminder flyovers have no culture and shit food

>> No.10823000

Imagine being so fat you think not eating sugar for breakfast counts as exercise

>> No.10823010

Femme brain. Right on cue. Imagine what you could've been had you been raised by a real man instead of some limp-wristed sedond world failure.

>> No.10823031

>raised by a real whale

>> No.10823040

>when you were raised by a fag and have to hide behind "wit"

>> No.10823072

>if it wasn't for the largest companies and massive cultural exports, it would be irrelevant
are you retarded or just pretending to be

>> No.10823085

>when you were raised by a whale and cannot hide behind anything

>> No.10823095

>thinking you can't hide behind a whale
Second world education at work, folks. Why do they even pretend they're capable of winning?

>> No.10823193

>clootie dumpling

>> No.10823379

God's gift to earth

>> No.10823391

pancakes followed by full english brunchfast is the only correct option

>> No.10823457
File: 190 KB, 1200x900, Havregrød_på_vand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it is the Scottish breakfast.

>> No.10823490
File: 215 KB, 1600x1064, karelian_pies_&_eggbutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
