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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 147 KB, 1010x1010, cupoftea1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10810942 No.10810942 [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/?
Which tea is the most patrician?

>> No.10810950

Lapsang Soochong

>> No.10810951
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White tea

>> No.10810960

earl grey with lots of honey

>> No.10810973
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>> No.10810983
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you fucks are just as bad as the sips shills. you realize this, don’t you?

>> No.10810989
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Earl Grey, obviously

>> No.10810993

not him but yurop does it too
half a teaspoon tho, not "lots" of it

>> No.10810995

whichever one makes you happiest :)

>> No.10811032
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Tea from these specific trees in the Wuyi mountains.

>> No.10811062

> Implying only Americans do this.

>Well /ck/?
>Which tea is the most patrician?
English Breakfast. Or Earl grey if you like bergamont

>> No.10811159
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>> No.10811162
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>> No.10811165

Sleepy time tea of course. No others compare.

>> No.10811170


>> No.10811178

Does ayahuasca count as tea


>> No.10811187

I would say so. Nothing says “relax” like vivid hallucinations.

>> No.10811212

This is a tea thread, fuck outta here

Allergic to chamomile so I have never had it

>> No.10811284
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Gween tea

>> No.10811394
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Ahhh, this refreshing taste! Earthy, comfy aroma... Plebs won't understand.

>> No.10811622
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It tastes good but smells odd.

>> No.10811703
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>> No.10811736
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>tea bag

>> No.10811773
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Don't be a dick anon.

>> No.10811873


Just had my first cup of pu-erh a couple weeks ago, courtesy of a friend. I don't really know what I was expecting but it was completely different and much better than I ever thought. The mellow profile really helps the more complex parts of the flavor come through.

>> No.10812282

For me it's Twinings Irish Breakfast + a shot of brandy. Pretty fucking tasty desu

>> No.10813562

Any recs for a good ceramic tea set? Price isn't a huge concern, but i am a poor fag.

Was thinkin of buying that starter kyusu set from hibiki for like 50 bucks

>> No.10813577

Tea with honey and lemon is really great for when you've got the cold or a virus.

>> No.10813765
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>Nobody pointed out the ketchup

>> No.10813880
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For me it is imperial mojiang, or most black teas Yunnan.

>> No.10814338
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Harbor Tea

>> No.10814407

Acceptable answers.

Unacceptable answers

>> No.10815219

white peony tea i guess. most mild. actually quite good

>> No.10815244

what kind of white tea is this?

>> No.10815321

What are some good teas to get high? I've been drinking mugwort with yarrow for a while and it's a pretty nice buzz. I heard blue lotus and damiana are good but I can't find any stores that'll deliver them here.

>> No.10815550

It smells wonderful. Like horse stables.

>> No.10815652

No. Like a comfy swamp.

>> No.10815760


>> No.10816132

Thrift shop's always got cute teacups and assorted teapots from old women who are downsizing.

>> No.10816140

Getting tea drunk is a real thing. It doesn't matter what type you drink, as long as it's real tea (not a tisane) and drunk in large quantities in a small period.

>> No.10816148

>Which tea is the most patrician?

By definition, yellow tea.

>> No.10816202

I quite like redbush, I think it's underrated.
Also no sugar, obviously.

>> No.10816212

That's a tisane.

>> No.10816218
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>> No.10816264
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>> No.10816354

sencha from wazuka is the only patrician tea

>> No.10816358

matcha too

>> No.10816361
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herbal tea because i'm sensitive to caffeine

>> No.10816375

>Tea is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis

>> No.10816382
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I'm not following.

>> No.10816396
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cheap, but patrician

>> No.10816400

this. i've had a milky PG tips every morning for the past 42 years

>> No.10816414

He's saying herbal teas aren't tea but he's too much of a coward to say it directly.

>> No.10816417


>> No.10816418

Ah okay, thanks. Yeah I know they aren't teas.

>> No.10816426

So why did you mention it in a tea thread, retard?

>> No.10816631
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>> No.10817915

I just picked up a bag of this. Silver needle is my go to but this is a bit more full bodied. >>10815244
reverse image search turns up Yu Luo White Tea
I used to frequent this tea shop, the owner became a friend and mentor of mine, would make me all kinds of tea and hardly charge me. I remember him calling me out on being tea drunk once - couldn't wipe the smile from my face. I miss that place.

TFW to sensitive to caffeine to drink that much tea anymore.

>> No.10819004

coffee is just bean tea, nigger

>> No.10819030

>mfw cant drink tea without sugar
I wish i wasn't such a pussy

>> No.10819129

Can't get them here.

I know that's a thing, I meant actual herbal teas. A good chunk of them actually get you high, obv not as good as weed but still surprisingly noticable considering they're legal and dirt cheap.
An ounce of yarrow is like $5 here and gives a similar "shinyness" and euphoria to weed. The mugwort is sedative, trance-like and recovers fatigue. Was just wondering if anyone here had any personal recommendations for herbs I should try.

>> No.10819245

unsweetened or sweetened?

>> No.10819299

For me, it's yellow tea.

>> No.10819421
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The kind kids get shot over of course.

>> No.10819440
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>> No.10819443

first flush darjeeling

>> No.10819457

This thread is pretty disappointing. Most people are posting about trash tier teas that are ground up burnt powder shoved into satchels. That's the equivalent of posting Folgers instant crystals in the coffee threads.

>> No.10819458
File: 532 KB, 750x1023, Chai Tea Syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to try this sometime.
That Vanilla Chai Tea you can buy in a bottle from that brand that makes those Goodness and Naked juices is pretty good too.

>> No.10819479

yo momma

>> No.10819489

This is a fucking awful basic bitch white person recipe

>> No.10819497

>Chai Tea
Stop that.

>> No.10819498

I like oolong.

>> No.10819500

Green/ochaa for 500

>> No.10820195
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You are completely correct, but what did you expect? Here in America people believe Britain is the world's seat of tea culture, and in reality those guys might even do it worse than we in the states.

Pic related reached me from Taiwan last week, with 10 different oolongs. I had been drinking pretty much nothing but pu'er for months, and wanted to explore another category. I have tried 4/10 or so and overall I'm really pleased with them; it's such a drastically different experience from the shou I brew daily at the office, and it has rekindled my love of this drink.

The only one among those tried that has me disappointed is the oriental beauty. I had never tasted one, and given its fame I wanted to at least have it as a reference point. The dry leaves were pretty and I was excited for something subtle and lofty, but the 3-4 infusions I have had so far are not impressing me. It tastes like a Yunnan black, but lacking the boldness.
Am I doing it wrong? I have been brewing at near-boiling or boiling, using 5g of leaf and infusing for 5s + 5s per.
Thinking maybe I goofed by not waiting until the summer harvest; I do feel silly for that.

>> No.10820344

In a few weeks I'll be in London and a few nearby towns, esp. Cambridge, for a few days. I have one tea shop in mind (China Life), but am eager for suggestions of other tea-zones in the area. Not terribly interested in British-style tea, either the Western brewing methods or the Indian teas and blends they employ; Chinese or at least East Asian tea houses preferred.

>> No.10820348
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Pretty self-evident

>> No.10820381

Best practices for making iced tea? It always comes out either bitter or tasteless when I try.

>> No.10820699

Literally depends on your horoscope

I'm chamomile and a Capricorn. Ive forced myself to get into Earl Grey, tried different brands, didn't give a shit. took a meme test from tumblr and got chamomile. I haven't tried anything else.

Remember, tea isn't defined by flavour it's defined by the effects, each leaf has a special effect and you're supposed to have different flavours to adapt to your mood.

>> No.10820708 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 367x450, 81g3+wplzbL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever compliments Inglehoffer Brand German Style Mustard the best.

Or add water to Inglehoffer Brand German Style Mustard and the heat it up, drink, enjoy! I have a cup before bed every night.

>> No.10820713

For normal breakfast tea, Marks and Spencers gold blend. For a bit of flavour Chai and if I want to get drunk, early grey and gin.

>> No.10820955

Mei Leaf in Camden

>> No.10821320
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Darjeelings are expensive, but worth it. The taste is superior.

>> No.10821501

As long as you flush it with one cycle of water before brewing to actually drink it, otherwise it'll actually taste of Poo and make you go "errhh". Poo-erh indeed.

>> No.10821507

Decaf chai tea powder dissolved in low fat low sugar soy milk with two sugars and topped with chai syrup

>> No.10821544

Earl grey and darjeeling are good but not hot, I usually add a few ice cubes to cool them down. Genmaicha is also pretty good.

>> No.10821550

Mao Feng

>> No.10821551


>> No.10821576

assam desu

but many are good, i havent tried enough to have a proper answer

>> No.10821579

absolute unit

>> No.10821584

mate this is the expensive stuff for me, i get tesco value bags

>> No.10821591


thing is, tea over here is just an everyday drink, its not really a deep cultural thing. sure, you can get the fancy teas if you want them, but most people just drink regular black tea with milk.

i agree though, china is a much better place for tea lovers. they did invent it after all.

>> No.10821592

why come to the UK to drink foreign teas

>> No.10821597


>> No.10821602

its the same thing they've changed the name

>> No.10821997

I'll be visiting family in the area and it occurred to me that London is a big place and there might be stores/places in it that cater to my interests

>thing is, tea over here is just an everyday drink, its not really a deep cultural thing
Now that's a curious thing to say. It's a staple drink with hundreds of years of UK presence, and your people were so passionate about it that fathered the entire now-enormous Indian tea industry/culture, but it's still not a "deep cultural thing"?
Doubt the average Chinaman nowadays whips out a Yixing clay teapot collection, milligram scale, and silver cup set when he wants some tea; the drink is pretty casual for the vast majority of people in every country it's a thing.
I would say that coffee is a Deep Cultural Thing in my country; most 'Murricans are not exactly coffee connoisseurs, but they drink a whole lot of it and there would be panic if it disappeared. From what I can tell, tea occupies a similar role in your neck of the woods; correct me if I'm wrong.

I am a bit curious about teabag brands as they relate to class in Britain. Also how tea is perceived as more masculine there than in the US.

Maybe I was too harsh earlier on mainstream UK tea preferences; after all, my whacky countrymen down south are responsible for Sweet Tea, which almost certainly is a more egregious display than any tea your country has to its name.

>> No.10822020

That's called tisane m8

>> No.10822103

I am shooting blindly but... Da Hong Bao?

>Sleepy time tea
What is that? At what province does sleepy time tea grow?

No, it's not from tea- tree. It's some other herbal infusion.

>> No.10822122

Sucks to be you.

How so? Maybe you just haven't had good tea?
Also, most non-black teas have taste that doesn't really work well with sugar, have you tried those?

For me, sweetened tea is entirely different kind of experience. I like some masala chai, but i just don't consider it when we're talking about tea. That's too different.

>> No.10822126

Frankly, i prefer Nepal teas. They are somewhat worse, but much cheaper. But i generally prefer Chinese tea, so... i guess Darjeelings are just not my jam.

>> No.10822140

What do you drink when you want tea-like experience, but need to go sleep in few hours?

Isn't Mao Feng just type of leaf or quality?

>> No.10822313

where do I get some quality sencha?

>> No.10822488

is green tea actually health goat
Or is it the most overestimated supplement ever

>> No.10822492

Constant Comment is clearly most patrician. The subtle, orange flavor combined with the earthy potency of black tea, truly a match made in heaven.

>> No.10822545

I think green tea is most healthy of teas, but drinking it solely for health benefits is doing it for wrong reasons, desu.

>> No.10822614

I have heard it being on pair with supplements, like vitamin C and stuff

>> No.10822642

Is green tea good straight?

>> No.10822654

>Is green tea good straight?
Good one is.

>> No.10822696

Is green tea objectively the worst?

Save certain exceptions of course.

>> No.10822884

>tea bag in the cup, waiting for my green tea to be done
>looking at all these shitposts on green tea
>new threads are all forced old memes
this green tea is so nice, made my day

>> No.10823292

>tea bag

>> No.10823299

I dunno I tend to just drink Earl Grey literally because that Star Trek guy did it. I put honey or sugar in it, depending.

>> No.10823342

Peppermint, hands down.

>> No.10823465


>> No.10823487


All of these posts and only one person gave the correct answer.

Anyone who has said anything other than a black tea needs to reconsider their life.

>> No.10823720

Of all the black teas to choose from, you're championing basic bitch Assam?
baka desu senpai

>> No.10823728

Russian Caravan.

>> No.10823764

Grew up with Ceylon. Nothing else really compares

>> No.10824204

Based sensitive poster

>> No.10825409

Any good brand recs?

>> No.10825567

Yuuki-cha, o-cha, yunomi.life

I recommend kabusecha, chiran, maybe Uji for some bite

>> No.10826214


>> No.10826279
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Great sip substitue and best tea ever. You boomers must be loosing your sense of taste in your old age.

>> No.10826384
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>> No.10826395

I'm not a yank you stupid dago and I love a Dilmah Earl Grey with some Yellow Box

>> No.10826397


>> No.10826973

How do you like milk oolongs?

>> No.10827195

>Here in America people believe Britain is the world's seat of tea culture
It's just the same as how Americans and British view Chinese's tea culture. You would think they love tea, or at least know tea, but in fact in long terms they may drink bubble tea more than actual tea, among with other popular drinks they like to addicted to everyday, such as energy drinks, soda, coffee, crap sugary "tea" products like>>10826279
Traditional culture is fading away, by the influence of all these unhealthy, do-nothing-good pop culture, made by some people who want to stay rich in the industry.