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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10805858 No.10805858 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just posting the best ice cream

>> No.10805870

Arent these guys ultra liberal fruits?

>> No.10805876

yes. don't support bigoted companies

>> No.10805888

>not haagen dazs coffee ice cream
Fuck off faggot

>> No.10805962

I work for a company that works with them and I have to read their social media on a daily basis. It's so fucking leftist. I'm a black guy and even I get annoyed when they post shit like "Most people in jail in the US are African American, we have to do something about this racism!!!" But they're really nice and send us new flavors in the mail and it comes in a huge box with dry ice which is neat.

>> No.10805979


>> No.10805980


>> No.10806411

>confuses progressives with the alt-right
B & J are literally diametrically opposed to bigotry, tard.

>> No.10806433


>> No.10806450
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Best ice cream coming through. (also I feel sorry for you if you can't try it)

>> No.10806506

overrated stabilized trash

>> No.10806582
File: 210 KB, 1280x1600, Soyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard still eats dairy

>> No.10806643

>best ice cream

You and that ice cream are full of shit. They totally ruined the brand when they bought the company.

>> No.10806644
File: 885 KB, 2502x1664, foo10_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The creator of that ice cream can't taste anything and it shows in his product.
This is a company that makes a good tasting smooth ice cream and doesn't pander to liberal bullshit.
>Wedding cake 4lyfe

>> No.10806668
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>Comes to an ice cream thread
>Post vegan trash that lacks cream
>Warning: Contains Soy products
>Not even Halotop

>> No.10806693

>>>10805858 (OP)
>The creator of that ice cream can't taste anything and it shows in his product.
>This is a company that makes a good tasting smooth ice cream and doesn't pander to liberal bullshit.
>>Wedding cake 4lyfe
Yea, that amazingggg company doesn't even pander to FDA food inspections, not even when they are repeated, or repeated again! Fuck them! Who cares if people die?

>> No.10806823

It's cream you retard.

>> No.10806845
File: 17 KB, 236x213, B32F587A-07BF-4C0E-97AD-C84CFF92AE26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here

>> No.10806859

One time and that's because they use actual milk not whatever frankensoi product Cuck and hairy use

>> No.10806894

>our ice cream only killed a few people

>> No.10806901

>Is politically left
>Our politics only killed a few million

>> No.10806910

Was statistically bound to happen at least once after producing delicious smooth rich ice cream for the past century

>> No.10806916
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>> No.10807221

>supporting two fag jews

>> No.10807558

>can't be biggoted if you're the right (left) kind of biggot.

>> No.10807591
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>> No.10807600
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>> No.10807950

Ben and Jerry’s uses cream

>> No.10808441
File: 65 KB, 600x600, large_f43321a0-3977-4dc3-8e60-111686332161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong. pro tip: if you're favorite ice cream has gums and stabilizers it is objectively trash. only mass marketed brands without stabilizers in my grocery stores are jeni's and haagen dazs. I'd say you pay for what you get with ice cream but there are meme gelato fancy brands for $7.99 a pint that are trash compared to jenis.

>> No.10808448

>cinnamon ice cream

>> No.10808530
File: 182 KB, 1200x1665, 5988994c0751b.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chunky monkey certified vegan friendly
>Ben and Jerry’s uses cream
So are they lying or are you?

>> No.10808786

>one flavor out of 60+