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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10802696 No.10802696 [Reply] [Original]

Me and a friend trapped a mouse in our oven and decided the easiest way to kill it would just be to turn the oven on
we're not sick bastards so it's not like we're doing this for fun
mouse just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time
so we were just wondering how long would it take to die at the highest heat
and after it's dead
how long would it take to turn the mouse corpse to ash?
pic related it's the oven the mouse is in
the smell is really fuckin bad right now my dudes

>> No.10802716

About as long as it takes to cook a turkey?

>> No.10802720


honestly the time it's gonna take to clean out the fucking mouse ash from your nasty ass oven probably outweighs the convenience of killing the mouse this way

enjoy the permanent smell of burnt hair and sin OP

>> No.10802721

You and your friends are pussy faggots who deserve to be castrated.

This shit will come back to bite you karmically my dude. When you're face down in the gutter that is your life, remember you deserve all the misery in the world.

>> No.10802730

it's just a mouse man who gives a fuck

>> No.10802793

Don't burn animals to death.

Next time do this: put on thick gloves or oven mitts so you don't get bitten. Put some cardboard on the sides of the door so the mouse can't escape that way, then open the door. Then grab the mouse and put it in a plastic bag, and put that in another bag and do this a few times. Then identify where the head of the mouse is and bash in its head with something heavy through the bags. Mice and rats are very small so you can crush its head very easily. The bags keep the mouse from running away and also stop the brains and stuff going everywhere.

I haven't done all these steps together but I've caught small birds while wearing gloves for protection, and I've killed mice and rats by the above method.

>> No.10802809

just release the fucking mouse you moron

or turn the oven on for 5 mins to mellow him out, then release him

>> No.10802814

if its just a mouse then why are you too much of a faggot coward to just grab it with some gloves or a garbage bag and kill it like a man

better yet, kill yourself and take your friend with you

>> No.10802868

Just let it out and put some peanut butter on a mouse trap. Killing it by turning on the oven is just cruel.

>> No.10802877
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Come on just brain it with a wrench or rolling pin and throw it in the trash, cooking a live animal in your oven is unsanitary

>> No.10802912
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>turn the oven on for 5 mins to mellow him out

for real dont fuckin cook it lmfao thats kinda fucked up. i'd probably just block off all the exits from the kitchen and open the door with huge gloves or whatever else i can find and then catch it by hand - bring it outside and let it go some place.

>> No.10802940

>there's now a dead rat and all of its shit and piss inside OP's oven

>> No.10803315

Fuck, this was a legendary thread before, wasn't it? Guy with rats in his oven and he just cooked one live?
Anyway just turn on the gath like Sylvia Plath, knock him out cold on his hairy rat ath