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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10801762 No.10801762 [Reply] [Original]

Cast-Iron Cookery
A hash of beef and potatoes with eggs.

Why arent you cooking with cast-iron?

>> No.10801774
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Because I can make it in the microwave.

>> No.10801786

looks good but pretty bad if its all for you desu

>> No.10801794
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many eggs

>> No.10801826

cast iron cookery belongs in museums

>> No.10802230
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Ill share.

>> No.10802252

Eggs are great for you, one of the healthiest things you can eat.

>> No.10802282

>cast iron is antiquated
Summerfag detected
The only people who think cast iron is a bad cooking medium are people who cant cook. Or...theyre shilling for dupont.

>> No.10802293

hey um...
you are an idiot

>> No.10802294

>all I eat is fried things and cornbread
Get back to me when you c... I take it back, we've had this conversation before
>but who needs to do that? you only mentioned that obscure shit because you know nobody has ever heard of it
Not the guy you're replying to btw

>> No.10802325

hey um...
i think youre in the wrong thread

>> No.10802327

Nope, I'm definitely here, in the cast iron thread, to tell you that your anachronistic oregon trail LARPing cookware belongs in a museum

>> No.10802368

Dupont shill confirmed fuck off Dupont, you have no power here.

>> No.10802396

can you be any less of a faggot

oh wait, you can't. Learn to actually cook you retard, then you'll realize how useful a cast iron is.

>> No.10802446

>if you have decent cookware it means you're shilling for Dupont
What the fuck does that even mean? This is on the same level as those people who think Soros is behind everything they don't like
It's very useful yeah. If you are broke, and need something that works for all foods (i.e., both cornbread AND fried chicken), then yeah, great. You've got your tool right there.

If you aren't a freed slave circa 1874, or an oregon trail pioneer, you generally are better served with higher quality cookware.

I wouldn't expect you to need it, since your repertoire is so limited. I am speaking in general terms.

>> No.10802467


cast iron has nothing to fucking do with it.

for the record, if you weren't poor, your cast iron would be ceramic-bound.

>> No.10802484

Haha you really dont get it.
So much effort in one flat pointless post.
Good job anon...you have no idea what youre talking about.

>> No.10802493
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because I have a cast iron pan, SS pan, non stick scan pan, enameled cast iron, and use them for different things

>> No.10802506

Oh I definitely do get it. People need to tell themselves that they alone see the TRUTH, that cast iron is being suppressed by some conspiracy (evidently, in your case, from the Dupont corporation? I guess no one told you about stainless steel?). You believe you alone are privy to this secret esoteric knowledge of how to massage flax seed oil into your needy, fussy, performs-like-shit cookware that can't actually be used for anything involving tomatoes, wine, or other ingredients that are extremely common among normal functional adults who don't structure their diet around renfaire LARPs. But who needs that shit anyway right? Tomatoes are a new world plant and therefore wouldn't have been historically correct in your made up Game of Thrones universe you think you're in. As for wine, it's for fags and makes u gay.

>> No.10802518

Youre ability to reply without saying anything is uncanny but again...pretty sure youre in the wrong thread.

>> No.10802532

You do realize stainless and coated shit is literally so cheap that you can buy a set for the cost of one decent skillet, right? I'm not shilling one way or the other because I use both and they each have their place but I just wanted to reiterate how full of shit you are.

>> No.10802544

Cheap, no-name stainless, the kind you can afford, sure. I don't know what you mean by "coated shit", are you implying that enameled iron is cheaper than your pre-seasoned chinese lodge pan? Maybe that knockoff lodge shit, but an actual le creuset or staub is more than you make in a week. Let alone a decent stainless pan from Demeyere or something along those lines.

>> No.10802548


I have a ceramic cooktop

I do use my cast-iron in the oven and on the grill and side burners, though

>> No.10802551
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>> No.10802576

>b-but 100-150 for a pot is high end anon
You can't even get a cheap ass Smithey for that kind of money you dolt.

>> No.10802582

But see...youre wrong about all of that.
I have never "seasoned" a pan and i prepare both chili and tomato sauce all the time in my cast-iron dutch oven.

I buy the pans or pots...sometimes new sometimes used. The ONLY "special treatment" my cast-iron receives...i dont leave them soaking in the sink overnight or outside in the rain. They are at least rinsed within a few hours of use. I do use soap. I do use a scotch pad if necessary.

If you are one of those filthy animals that leaves dirty pots and pans lying around until the next day then you are absolutely right for rejecting cast iron. Cast iron is for reasonably clean people.

>> No.10802584

>spending over $30 on non-enameled cast iron
This is like furfags with $10k fur suits. Only mentally ill people think this is cool.

>> No.10802588

I dunno about Le Cruseset, but a standard size (12") Demeyere is $300

>> No.10802591

No wonder your only experience is with lodge; you're broke as fuck. How pathetic

>> No.10802590

>I buy the pans or pots...sometimes new sometimes used.
Why would anyone buy used cast iron? Do you collect used underwear too? Like, is it a fetish thing?
>because it's smoother
Not an argument

>> No.10802594

I do most of my cooking with Mauviel M250 and All Clad. I have a Staub which I use maybe once a month. Lodge belongs in the garbage, along with the food you ruined with it.

>> No.10802602

He doesn't know what Demeyere is, it's modern and works well, therefore it's bad.

>> No.10802608

Look at Cheater Copperpot over here with his deformed tardware.

>> No.10802610

No, more than you make in a week.
Gotta watch out for projection.

>> No.10802615

Yes I "cheat" by having the most effective tools for the job at hand, instead of wasting time doing asinine LARPy workarounds to convince myself that I was born in le wrong decade by making one tool do a shitty job at everything.

>> No.10802619

>no U
How can you even afford to buy things if money is a modern affectation? Shouldn't you barter for that cookware?

>> No.10802620

How does it feel being able to only use it once a week because mommy and daddy won't give you another housewarming gift?

>> No.10802627

I like how you've given up on defending your ineffective renfaire-tier trash tools and are resorting to a sort of milquetoast attempt at "insulting" my parents.

>> No.10802630

Fuck these guys OP.
Your shit is tight
I do frittadas in cs and i get it.
The way they retain heat is critical when making the transfer from range to oven.

>> No.10802637

I don't need to defend something with a proven track record but you do need to defend a flimsy turd of a pan that costs more than it's worth many, many times over.

Also I wasn't attacking your parents but making note of you being poor. Judging by how you tried to deviate one could only gather that the implication stands.

>> No.10802651

>proven track record
It's about as proven as the steam engine, and about as useful in this day and age.

Also, think about what you're saying here: "your parents gave you nice cookware" is implying I'm poor? If my parents could afford to give me thousands of dollars worth of cookware, wouldn't that imply that I have a fairly well off family?

But no, I bought this stuff myself, because I care about cooking. As opposed to, say, LARPing.

>> No.10802658

By LARP of course you mean cook using low-maintenance, versatile, inexpensive, durable pan and clean when finished.

Yeah sure...LARP away.

>> No.10802667
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>Daddy's money is MY money
You're really not doing yourself any favors here.

>> No.10802683

>massaging special oils into the pores, never being able to use soap, and having a special post-scrubbing ritual involving 50 heating and cooling cycles to protect muh precious seasoning
>low maintenance
My father is retired, he did well for himself, but I make more than he did even though I don't even have a PhD.

Why are you so fascinated with my family?

>> No.10802735

Did your family stick to the bottom of the pan when you cooked them? What are you even insinuating you psychopath...

Maybe it's time you had an intervention?

>> No.10802736

Haha moron.
None of that is necessary.

>> No.10802755

what are the orange strands on top?
looks like orange rind/marmalade

>> No.10802764

Cool. Can I get you to finish cooking the eggs?

>> No.10802838
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Cast iron spam is best spam

>> No.10802843
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>> No.10802855

Habanero confit
Stop being a pussy

>> No.10802905

and some of the seasoning on the top?
some look almost like coarse ground sichuan peppercorns

>> No.10802979

Did your dad work for Nintendo?

>> No.10803017

Cracked green peppercorns and cilantro

>> No.10803069


Food needs to be separated and sequestered to their own areas on a plate. Having them touch is disgusting.

>> No.10803115

>i am 5 years old.

>> No.10803207


>> No.10804508

Yeah no

>> No.10804562

eat a fucking vegetable

>> No.10804577

eww you're using way too much oil

>> No.10804591
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If you eat a vegetable you are a poor person who cannot afford an exclusive luxury $150 Lodge facsimile. Also, if you eat anything other than fried garbage all the time, you don't know how to cook.

>> No.10804614

is my pan not seasoned enough or do diced potatoes always stick? i add avocado oil
if so how the fuck do i fix this

>> No.10804617

I want.

>> No.10804623

>doesnt know what hash is.
Loaded with potatoes onions and peppers

>> No.10804633

What are you on about?
I see uncooked egg white but not too much oil.
Welcome to nonmicrowave cookery kid.

>> No.10804678

Because cooking with cast iron sucks. Don't see how your breakfast has anything to do with it.

>> No.10804688
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nu-uh, all you have to do is memorize this entire 500 page document on old timey cookery witchcraft, and it's easy provided you're not cooking any of the 70% of all dishes that are totally inappropriate for cast iron (nobody eats that stuff anyway, pizza is a vegetable)

unbelievably complicated workarounds to make one tool do a shitty job at everything makes me smart

>> No.10804784

>unbelievably complicated workaround
Look man...i see the same posts and blogs about cast iron upkeep and ill let you in on a little secret. Most of it is complete bs written by people who just like to complicate things or consider themselves an authority on a particular subject.

On the regular i use a dutch oven, two skillets, and a griddle. I make chili and tomato sauce...no problem. What you dont want to do is leave cast-iron soaking overnight or on the countertop with tomato sauce residue. But you shouldnt be doing that with any type of pan...its nasty. Dont be nasty.

So why can i cook with water and tomato but i cant let the cast iron sit around in water or acid? Well im not entirely sure but i think it has to do with oxygen. Ever see what researchers do when they first bring up ancient coins and metal objects from the ocean floor? They put them in a tub of salt water. Otherwise the open air accelerates oxidation.

Alright so before i start sounding like a blogger...
Cast-iron is simple.
Heat the pan.
Cook your food.
Enjoy your meal.
Wipe it out.
Too greasy?
Use soap.
Its ok.
Stuck on bits?
Use a scotch pad.
Its ok.

All the crap about not using soap or metal utensils...or heating cast iron to dry it...total bs.

>> No.10804810

it's literally just potatoes, meat and spices with maybe an onion or 2. that's all the ingredients of a normal hash.

>> No.10804814

>huh? it's not complicated, {wall of text}
You're not helping your case here buddy

>> No.10804857


I have a cast iron pan OP

How would one go about replicating such a meal?

>> No.10805554

>i struggle with reading comprehension.
Here let me help.
Clean your cast iron after you use it you filthy pig and dont leave it on the campfire overnight because the morning dew will cause it to rust.

Simple enough?

>> No.10805574
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>Heat the pan
>dice up potato
>meat(doesnt have to be corned beef)
>saute until pretttich done
>crack some eggs on top
>throw it in the oven until the eggs are set
>reduce heat toow and cover for few minutes

I just made this one using spanish chorizo.

>> No.10805584

To normal non-LARP types that means something completely different than your insane voodoo rituals where you sacrifice a live pig and then massage in the rendered lard while burning laurel wreathes to placate the cast iron gods.

>> No.10805674

Why all the hyperbole? You don't have to do any of that silly shit.

Just because some people sperg out about it and insist on over-complicating things you think they are correct and all that crap is necessary? Dear lord no. The point is that CI doesn't require anything other than basic care. The people who preform your silly "voodoo rituals" are incorrect.

>> No.10805694
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Hmm, let's ask a related question.

You know how some people go nuts with modding their car, right? Does that mean that in your mind ALL car owners necessarily have to do that? Or can ordinary people just drive their cars without having to go full nuts with mods?

....because it sounds like your logic works like this:
>some people over-complicate working with cast iron, therefore everybody must

>> No.10805702

This guy again....
"Clean" means wiping out with a paper towel and if necessary a little soap and hot water.

If youre going to make comments at least try and keep up with the conversation.
The key to being a smart ass is that you must first be smart...otherwise youre just an ass

>> No.10805709

But isn't sperging out the entire point of cast iron? So you can feel like an old timey Oregon Trail pioneer?

Otherwise, why not just use normal pans that do a better job?


>> No.10805734

Maybe some people like the "rustic" or whatever look of it, I dunno.

As far as I'm concerned they are different tools for different jobs. I have multiple CI skillets. I also have Demeyere stainless and restaurant grade nonstick. To assert that any one of them is "better" than another is silly; they all have strengths and weaknesses. Like I said, different tools for different jobs.

this guy is right. CI doesn't need any kind of special care. Season it properly, once. Then just wipe it out when you're done. You don't need to do any more than that.

>> No.10805741

Mixing eggs with a lean cut is pretty disgusting. First I fry the potatoes, wipe, clean the pan, fry the marinated chicken breast. Takes longer but much healthier and makes more sense than just shoving all of your shit straight up like a pig.

>> No.10805754

Nothing about chicken breast makes sense.
go for the legs. Boneless skinless if you sperg out over the sight of bones in your food.

>> No.10805758
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>they all have strengths and weaknesses
That's true when it comes to coatings. Stainless vs nonstick vs tin for instance. Obviously, you generally are best off with stainless, but nonstick can occasionally be worth the tradeoffs. Tin I would argue is never better, but like cast iron it has a certain aesthetic appeal.

But it is not true when it comes to the basic construction of the pan, some things are simply better than others. No, not "better for some things and not better for others". Better, for cooking, period. Obviously we are not talking about suitability as a weapon, or whatever.

Every single argument in favor of inferior materials is based on the premise that cost-cutting measures are the primary constraint and that budgets are inflexible.

This may be true if you are operating a restaurant but it is definitely not true for home cooking where (aside from nonstick) you buy a pan once, and that's your pan, forever.

Cast iron is acceptable for oven use because its deficiencies are less noticeable, arguably not important at all, in an oven. But for stovetop use, anyone advocating for cast iron clearly has no idea how stoves work. And even within an oven, a heavy aluminum pot is objectively superior to cast iron. It's just that they are less commonly seen for sale, compared to heavy aluminum pans, because of cost issues.

>> No.10805763


thats a lot of raw white egg, yikes.

>> No.10805767
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>But isn't ricing out the entire point of a car?

>> No.10805777

>No, not "better for some things and not better for others". Better, for cooking, period

Oversimplification. There are massive differences between what cookware one might want to use given the specific dish involved.

Suppose I am making a delicate emulsified sauce like hollandiase or bearnaise. Those require very careful heat control, so you want a pan which will react quickly to temperature changes. A thick heavy pan would be awful. You want something thin with high thermal conductivity. Copper would be ideal.

Consider searing a steak, especially on an electric hob. Now you want something that you can heat up extremely hot and will retain a lot of thermal energy. A thick, heavy, pan is ideal. CI fits the bill since it's always thick and heavy. A good quality stainless pan would work too, but is not quite as good since stainless has worse thermal conductivity than iron does.

Suppose we're cooking something very delicate with a tendency to stick, but we don't need crazy high heat, like a fillet of dover sole. Nonstick is great for that.

Or let's say we're searing off some tournedos of beef and we want to deglaze & make a pan sauce. Stainless is idea because it tends to be a bit "sticky" and generate a lot of sucs (aka fond) that we can deglaze for our sauce.

Suppose we want to bake some cornbread. We could use almost any oven-safe container, but a black iron or carbon-steel pan will absorb more heat in the oven and therefore will give us a better crust. (note that even on shitty "box mix" for brownies and cakes that different cooking times are given for different colors/types of cookware).

What next, are you going to assert that there is one optimal vehicle and that there is no point in differentiating between sports cars, minivans, and dump trucks?

>> No.10805783
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Here's my brekkie today

>> No.10805793

You're confusing the conductivity metric with the total heat capacity of the cookware. They are related but they are by no means identical. Copper pans react faster in practice because they tend to be manufactured thinner than other types of pans, because a thin sheet of copper conducts just as well as a thick sheet of aluminum, for example. But between a thin sheet of copper, and a thin sheet of aluminum, the copper is still better.

>since stainless has worse thermal conductivity than iron does.

You are also confusing the material that is in direct contact with the food, with the primary construction material of the pan, protip: when people say "stainless pan" they are talking about aluminum pans with a thin layer of stainless, similar to All Clad although there are many brands that make pans like this. A thick heavy aluminum pan is ALWAYS better than a thick heavy cast iron pan which has a temperature crash when the steak hits its surface and takes about fifty years to heat back up. It's like trying to maneuver a heavy unwieldy car down back alleys at high speed - the laws of physics make this a poor idea.

>> No.10805818

>But between a thin sheet of copper, and a thin sheet of aluminum, the copper is still better.
Of course. But the point that you need multiple different pans still stands. A pan that reacts quickly to temperature changes is a fundamentally different tool than one which stores heat and reacts slowly. One is not "Better" than the other. Different tools for different jobs.

>>You are also confusing the material that is in direct contact with the food
Nope. I'm well aware of what you're talking about. Yes, a modern "stainless" pan tends to have a copper or aluminum (sometimes multi-layered) disc inside it. But that heat still has to travel from the highly conductive disk through the less-conductive surface of the pan before it gets to your food. In that regard an iron pan will sear better than even a high-end Sainless pan like Demeyre or All-clad. I own several Demeyre proline stainless pans in various sizes. I've done a head-to-head comparison between that and Lodge CI for searing a steak. Lodge wins both in terms of giving a better sear, and also for better nonstick properties.

>>which has a temperature crash
Fiction. Refer to the section on cookware materials and sizes in Modernist Cuisine. I'm at work right now so I don't have the book in front of me but IIRC it's near the beginning of volume 2.

>> No.10805826


>> No.10805839

>you need multiple different pans
I agree on this part, but not because of the "temperature changes" nonsense. It's because of the lining of the pan: sometimes you want teflon, usually you want stainless, it makes sense to have both. But in the case of the stainless, copper always wins. For teflon, since you have to toss it every so often and buy a new one, it makes more sense to have aluminum.

Also, I suggest you take a closer look at the passages in MC that you're referring to, it doesn't argue for what you think it's arguing for.

>> No.10805840

And youre saying steak & eggs are disgusting?
What is wrong with you?

>> No.10805866

>but not because of the "temperature changes" nonsense.

If you make hollandaise in a heavy thick pan then kudos to you bro, you've got mad skills.

>> No.10805908

Where did that even come from? The point is with good materials (i.e., copper, and really only copper), you can have it both ways. A lot of heat when you want a lot of heat, less heat when you want less heat, and fast changes, as per inputs from the little knob that controls the stove, instead of "turn the knob and wait 15 minutes for the pan to make up its mind"

>> No.10805965

I posted earlier that delicate emulisified sauces do best cooked in a pan that reacts rapidly to temperature changes. When you see the sauce starting to emulsify you can get it off the heat quickly before it curdles. That's very hard to do with a pan that retains a lot of heat. Copper is ideal for it, as you just explained.

Copper isn't as good for, say, searing meat. It cools down rapidly when the cool meat goes into the pan. An iron pan, or a thick stainless pan, works better because has more thermal energy stored in it. (a thick copper pan would be even better, but nobody really makes those)


>> No.10805975

Wait if plants DO grow out of toilets, does that mean I should stop using Brawndo on my plants?

>> No.10806054

>a thick copper pan would be even better, but nobody really makes those
Kinda, I mean you can find super heavy antique copper but it's usually tinned.
But they make very thick aluminum

Also "searing meat" works better when you're not contending with leidenfrost which is a problem that starts to happen when you have to overheat a pan to make up for its deficiencies (see: cast iron)

>> No.10806148

All the recipes on YouTube recommend a cast iron thought you because of its ability to give consistent heat

>> No.10806154

>jack sclafani dot com is full of dumb people doing dumb shit

>> No.10806191

All clad stainless pan or a cast iron for steaks?

>> No.10806271

rogan pls go

>> No.10806273


>> No.10806339

Just got a cast iron pan the other day and picked up a t-bone (my first time making steak) came out amazing. Now I'm not really sure what else to make with it.

I accidentally bought top sirloin because I'm a retarded noob at cooking and I'm not sure if I can treat it the same as a t-bone (pepper, salt, oil only).

>> No.10806443

Season and sear over high heat as with any steak but then finish in a low oven like a roast. If you have a lid for your cast-iron, deglaze the pan with some redwine or stock then cover and braise.

>> No.10806448

Hmm sounds tasty. Thanks anon!

>> No.10806496

sorry for being a brainlet but please explain to me why i can't do that same thing in other non-cast-iron pans

>> No.10806510

Take a sponge and some hot water. Wipe out all food residue so nothing is left stuck to the pan. Clean. That's what it means. Stop being retarded.

>> No.10806537

I fucked up my cast iron

I did a canola oil seasoning about 6 1/2 hour oven sets (3 hours total) and then I've been cooking chicken marinated in oil and acid. I guess that was enough because it seems shit sticks pretty easily. Any seasoning I put on chicken in there quickly burns and burns into a charcoal I have to scrape off.

>> No.10806576

You certainly can...with varying degrees of success.

>> No.10806602

It was not the oil the chicken or the acid that fucked up your pan.

It was you. I dont know what youre doing wrong but im going to gusss you are throwing this marinaded chicken in the pan without oil thinking it wont stick then the marinade and chicken juice are burning. Sound about right?

>> No.10806763

Not that anon but I'm still stupid. So you always have to oil a iron skillet prior to use?

>> No.10806787

A properly seasoned CI skillet requires no special care before or after use. Just don't stick it in the dishwasher or let it soak in soapy water for a long time.

When you cook food in a pan--whatever kind--stainles, nonstick, iron, copper, whatever...you ALWAYS put some kind of fat in the pan before the food. Oil, butter, lard, bacon drippings...something.

The oil helps stop the food sticking, but more importantly it fills in the little gaps between the food and the pan, acting as a heat transfer medium. If you know about computers think of it like "thermal paste" for your food.

Also, if you are cooking meat or fish you always pat it dry before it goes in a pan, especially if you marinaded it. Again, that applies to all pans.

>> No.10806902

No I added a bit of oil every time. Most of the "burning" is the seasoning I would apply to the chicken when it's in the pan. I used ms dash

>> No.10807079

did you wipe off the marinade and pat the chicken dry with paper towels before you put it in the pan?

>> No.10807080

because I’m not fat

>> No.10807095

Yes...because cast-iron makes you fat.

>> No.10807115

no, but eating nothing but heavy fried stuff does

>> No.10807179

My god what is wrong with you people?
Of course. You lubricate a cast-iron pan the way you would lubricate any pan. Is this why people are fucking up your shit???

Look...the th whole "non-stick" bs is just that...bs.

What makes a cast-iron skillet reasonably non-stick is the typically extreme high heat at which we use cast-iron. Most foods that already have their own fat...like steak sausages salmon bacon and chicken thigh...can be added to a very hot pan with no sticking...assuming the cook isnt stupid. And this is the key to "nonstick" ok...its the heat. With crappy pans, no matter how hot you get them...they cool off quickly when you add cold food. The beauty of cast iron...and its not because its cast iron but because its really thick and heavy...is that the temperature of the pan doesnt drop as quickly when you add cold food.
Its about recovery time. Get it? Lets say you heat a thin pan to 450f and throw in your chicken...pan drops to to 160f and your chicken sticks. Same chicken in a 450f cast iron pan(or any thick heavy pan) and the temp only drops to like 300f. Faster recovery time. That fast recovery is crucial to a crust and its the crust that prevents sticking.

>> No.10807186

>Mrs dash
Kill yourself

>> No.10807192

OP did not post anything heavy or fried.

>> No.10807201

>a pile of fried potatoes and onions and eggs, drowned in oil

>> No.10807560

Not a single drop of oil added to that skillet.
Maybe you should stick with your microwaved oatmeal for breakfast.

>> No.10807588

I’ll stick with my plain full fat yogurt and aeropress, bertha. Have fun with your genetics

>> No.10807599

love the broscience, well pulled out of your ass dr bro

>> No.10807748

It's tri-clad, is that copper?

>> No.10808054

The numbers are broscience but the principle is sound.

>> No.10808337


>> No.10808365

What's wrong with Mrs dash?

>> No.10809102

Kill yourself for having to ask

>> No.10809111

That's your problem. the marinade and juices on the meat are burning.

Always pat meat, poultry, and fish dry with kitchen towel or paper towels before it goes into the pan. Juices and especially marinades will burn.

>> No.10809149
File: 107 KB, 253x346, LTfi7nq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, look at all those eggs to dip the meat and potatoes in, it's EGG HEAVEN!

>> No.10809162

If only they weren't raw

>> No.10809325

are those eggs mixed in with the hashbrowns?

>> No.10809429

Theyre not raw retard. Pay attention.

>> No.10810417

>something has an old style so it must therefore not be useful
This must be bait, no one can be that stupid

>> No.10810550

t. retards who think salmonella is still a thing in first world cunts

>> No.10810575

anon share your recipe, this looks tasty and i want to replicate it

>> No.10810600

you are a complete retard

do you really trust the kind of farms the eggs come from care about sanitation or production? this isn't japan where you can eat the eggs raw, you can't trust eggs are safe enough in the USA

>> No.10810604

m8 the top of the eggs arent cooked tho

>> No.10810656

>something is newer and better therefore it is an inferior reptilian jewish hoax scam
This must be bait, no one can be that stupid

>> No.10810677

just watched this movie tonight you fucker

>> No.10810906

There's literally a salmonella or ecoli recall every other day in the US. Last week there was a massive CAFO egg recall for salmonella, faggot.

>> No.10811791

Not bait, just shit reading comprehension on your part. My point is the age of something has no bearing on it's usefulness

>> No.10811796

t. "it's old because it's good" guy

>> No.10811836

>implying that's not true
If something has lasted this long (to the modern day) it must have it's merit however large or small. Do we have steam engines? Obviously not because there shit. How about the telegraph?

>> No.10811856

>If something has lasted this long (to the modern day) it must have it's merit however large or small
Blue laws
The imperial system
White people
The Simpsons
Cell phone contracts
Ashtrays in cars

>> No.10811891

>Do we have steam engines?
We absolutely still do. They're just used in different applications. Hell, nearly all power plants run on a steam turbine. And turbines pre-date piston steam engines.

I agree with your point entirely, you just picked a bad example that I chose to nitpick.

>> No.10811919

All of those things have merit to somebody, but perhaps not to you.

>> No.10812432

found the stingy nigger

>> No.10812594

Yes, I am an escaped slave who refuses to tip. I also use "stone" instead of "kilograms" for no apparent reason ^_^

>> No.10813229

Looks good op
Fuck all these autistic jewish underaged niggers.

>> No.10813514
File: 2.33 MB, 2576x1932, 20180625_181922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm More for the Poor....
Jerked Ckicken with a Watermelon Chutney.

>> No.10814047

Cast iron is only used by hipsters and time travelers.

>> No.10814053


Looks like my AGB after a big night out. Sorry lad but that's puke.

>> No.10814462

Saw this last night, it inspired me to do something like this for supper tonight. It was good!

>> No.10815271


It's not just seasoning. The pan has to be at the right temp, and you have to allow the oil to heat as well. If it's not hot enough it always sticks no matter what.

>> No.10815363
File: 1.20 MB, 2160x2160, pork1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10815364
File: 110 KB, 800x626, 1300068591175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I try to use my cast iron skillet it sets off my smoke alarm. Just putting it on the element makes it smoke a ton, and once I add any oil or food it goes crazy. I've set off my apartment building's smoke alarm twice already. Am I just retarded? How do I avoid this?

>> No.10815371
File: 1.35 MB, 2160x2160, pork3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10815377
File: 16 KB, 233x350, basic_intuition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10815496

I literally have the exhaust on as high as it goes, both back and front door open (live in studio), fan blowing and windows open.

>> No.10815520

then it's time to borrow some alarm batteries for an hour or two

>> No.10815539

Well alright. But is the pan supposed to smoke that much in the first place? Like, shittons of smoke. Do I need to like scrub it with soap and water and reseason it or something?

>> No.10815636

youtube is your friend, anon
talk to your friend

>> No.10815668
File: 79 KB, 460x442, 70ABFC1E-07ED-4839-8C74-27A8E9A36C07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10816691

Stick your tendies amd fish sticks manchild
Glad i could inspire you.

>> No.10816718

You dont need to reseason.
I think what you think is seasoning is really just old gross oil in the pan.
Wash the pan with dish detergent rinse well and dry. There is no reason to reseason. And you may not want your stove on 'high' like youre boiling water. Back it off some.

>> No.10816759

Rec me an affordable cast iron. Some of them go for like $600 but that seems like plain old jewery.

>> No.10816809

Lodge is fine.

>> No.10816857


That's why you dry the surface of the meat first.

>> No.10817017


Go to a goodwill, flea market or garage sale. You can get a cheap old pan there that might be lighter and smoother than newer stuff. It's fun too.

Now right from a store like >>10816809 said. Dont spend too much, it's not necessary. Now people complain new Lodge plans aren't machined smooth. Ignore that. The fact that they are heavier is also great, especially for baking. My issue is with the factory preseason, it's like the pan got dipped in black paint. But you can easily strip and reseason in an oven.

>> No.10817752

did you use corned beef for this?

>> No.10817760

I bought mine for like 7$ at walmart and its been good for a year now.

>> No.10819180

I have...home-made corned beef.
This particular batch was just steak...ribeye or strip. Really doesnt matter what you use as long as you like it.

>> No.10819204

And unless you go full retard it will be good for another 200 years...or until they outlaw thermal conduction cookery

>> No.10819378
File: 734 KB, 2560x1332, Snapchat-36692405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my attempt. No beef tho

>> No.10819520

Fuck yeah bro they are virtually identical. Good job!

>> No.10820293


>> No.10820296

eating that much eggs is a death sentence.

>> No.10820601

i cook my eggs in a heavy non-stick skillet, because i want them to go onto my plate, and not burn to the bottom of the skillet.

>> No.10820619 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 245x450, inglehoffer-traditional-dijon-mustard-squeeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook everything with Inglehoffer Brand German Style Mustard!!!

>> No.10822583

is this the new 'vark?

>> No.10822609

except for your bloodpressure

>> No.10822620


A cast iron pan only makes sense on a gas stove, you dumb hipster. I can't believe this fucking board

>> No.10822628

What's stopping me from doing this with literally any type of pan including a saucepan?

>> No.10822630

>i am autistic

>> No.10822634

You lose points on the hips-o-meter

>> No.10822650

It makes sense on any stove, especially shitty electric. Shitty stoves have poor power, and you can compensate for that by pre-heating a thick heavy pan, such as cast iron, and relying on the stored heat within the pan rather than the stove.

Think of it like saving up to buy something expensive if you can't afford it out of a normal paycheck.

Nothing. OP's dish could be cooked in any pan.

>> No.10822671

I can't help but be amazed at some people's commitment to fulfilling their horrible taste.

>> No.10823028

That unironicslly looks pretty good and low effort to boot anon, ignore the other fags in this bread

>> No.10823082

m8 if you cook the eggs like 30 seconds longer it'd be perfect

>> No.10823306

Bout to buy a cast iron boys, help me out:

. Is Lodge a good brand? Not looking to spend a fortune

. Never use soap and keep it dry before I put it away?

. Season before I cook with it?

>> No.10823309

>. Is Lodge a good brand? Not looking to spend a fortune

>. Never use soap and keep it dry before I put it away?
It's OK to use soap every once in a while, but you shouldn't need to. What you should never do is put it in a dishwasher, or leave it to soak in soapy water for a long time.

>. Season before I cook with it?
Yes, just season it once when you get it. After that you never have to season it again unless you fuck up somehow. If you do, re-season it and you're good to go.

>> No.10823375

Lodge is bretty good def the best cheap cast iron being made right now. Use soap when you have to, but most stuff will just wipe out. Lodge comes preseasoned.

>> No.10823383

>Lodge comes preseasoned.

Just read this. I'm also reading to wipe your pan down with oil after your done, is that necessary?

>> No.10823986
File: 1.39 MB, 2592x1944, DSC00921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that picture reminded me of this

>> No.10824041

Look...the there are two ways to season a pan.
The easiest but slowest is to just use it...particularly with foods that will release plenty of their own fat...ribeye bacon sausages and chicken thigh. Another way is over open coals. Fuck that dumbass oven shit. Fire up the charcoal grill in the evening. Coat the entire ci pan with a cooking oil or lard. Place it directly on the grill upside down...and go to bed.
In the morning you will have a properly seasoned and cooled pan.

>> No.10824066

Generally no.
That practice is a throwback to the days of cast iron hanging from chuckwagons and the sides of barns. Assuming you live in an environmentally-controlled space like most of the first-world your cast-iron will be fine without constant oiling.

>> No.10824177

What are you on about mate?

>> No.10824894
File: 80 KB, 895x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks eggs.

>> No.10825030

> hash
Where are the potatoes? You can't eat that without something to absorb that fat.

>> No.10825036

god why the fuck do people take pics of their wet, undercooked food with the flash on

all the flash does is make it look more wet you ghoulish freak

>> No.10825085

Stick with your oatmeal kid
Pretty sure the potatoes are those little potato-like pieces between the egg and meat. Potatoes btw dont absorb fat but nice mom-science.

>> No.10825104

Learn how to cook an egg and stop using flash you nog

>> No.10826163

Looks great op

>> No.10826175

Cast iron cultists are painfully stubborn.

>> No.10827991

No, it's what the plants crave

>> No.10828037

Because I don't own a cast iron and they are expensive and I don't want to get one just for one dish

>> No.10828057

salmonella is on the shell, not in the white. you get it from handling them and not washing your hands before you eat.

crack egg, toss shell, wash hand while eat warms on skillet = you good

>> No.10828647

>one dish
Thats funny

>> No.10829608

>What's wrong with Mrs dash?
Nothing anon. This person has axe to grind against anyone who doesn't hand-select and grind their own fresh spices or something.

>> No.10829835

Mrs dash is for morons and really really old people

>> No.10829846

I haven't seen Mrs. Dash since probably the early 1990s on a road trip in a really shitty diner in the middle of nowhere

I'm honestly surprised it even exists anymore

>> No.10829889

Ok, cleaned it out. Also I'm a retard and just now learned I'm supposed to pre-heat the pan in the oven then put on stove instead of trying to preheat it on the stove.

>> No.10829914

Cast iron annoys me, no matter how well you season the thing little black burnons get stuck on the iron and they get worse and worse and if you dare to scrub them off you scrub off the seasoning with it.

>> No.10830024

Is cast iron any different in maintenance to a carbon steel wok? I've never put that much effort into it, except for the initial seasoning.

>Cook food
>Rinse out briefly/lightly clean stuck food off
>Heat up, drop oil in
>Use TP/Kitchen paper/whatever to coat inner and outer surface with oil (I use canola/vegetable/peanut, whatever's at hand)
>Let cool and put away
The whole extra process beyond cleaning which you'd do with any pan takes five minutes if that. My wok which I haven't used in a few months since I moved to a place with electric cooking is still rust free except for a couple of tiny spots on the underside where the oil has rubbed off during cooking. Once it got greasy enough I could even not oil it occasionally and the residual oil/patina holds true.

>> No.10832132

the eggs look decent I guess

>> No.10832161

>little black burnons get stuck on the iron

Turn your heat down you fool. That's you burning food to the pan.

Nope. Cast Iron and carbon steel season the exact same way.