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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 184 KB, 900x900, 52738-pk-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10800960 No.10800960 [Reply] [Original]

Explain yourself, southerners

>> No.10800976

Because it's vegetable semen.

>> No.10800990

there's a good eats episode on how to properly cook it so it isn't slimy I think

>> No.10800992
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>> No.10801002

East Indians also eat okra you tastelet

>> No.10801319

The only proper way to make these babies are to lightly bread and fry them crispy or to have them pickled. Any other way is an absolute atrocity.

>> No.10801335
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>he doesn't enjoy okra snot

>> No.10801350

My mother in law is from New Orleans... She makes her gumbo with an okra base I stead of a traditional roux. Why me?

>> No.10801704

It's like a wild bit of forage they stopped cultivating into something edible a few thousand years ago.

>> No.10801728

Punishment for homosexuality.

>> No.10801730

Best served deep fried.

>> No.10801765

They get pretty good in tomato sauce too.

>> No.10801769

okra would be really awesome if it wasn't so awful

>> No.10801968

Spicy bamia is a classic Egyptian okra dish

>> No.10802103

There's nothing wrong with oprah

>> No.10802163
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>> No.10802208

The goddamned U.S. invaded and destroyed all our crops, resulting in biblical levels of starvation. You learn to eat anything remotely edible. A town near where I grew up still has an annual event where they teach the younger generation which weeds are edible and how to cook them, just in case it ever happens again. Okra is fairly decent compared to poke weed.

>> No.10802220

>implying you were eating cotton

>> No.10802264

Of all the thousands of things southerners have to explain themselves about you pick this?

>> No.10802372

Only fags don't like okra. I'm not even a southerner.
Cry some more. Maybe you could have made some stew from manacles and whip leather. Sherman undercooked Dixie.

>> No.10802385

Regards from Leafland, Confederacybros. We tried to help.

>> No.10802405

They go great in soups and stews. But that and fried is the only way I ever had them and they were nearly a staple in my house growing up.

>> No.10802420

>the great anti-american alliance
>fatass southerners and leafcucks
Embarrassing. How do you live with yourselves

>> No.10802438

>the U.S. invaded itself

>> No.10802453

Slave state people teach their kids that Jesus rode dinosaurs and the Confederacy was a legitimate sovereign state and it definitely wasn't about slavery

>> No.10802479

Good thing we abolished the institution of slavery so now every citizen is a slave :^)

>> No.10802480

Do southerners really not believe in evolution, or is that just a myth?

>> No.10802486

Do liberals really not believe in evolution in humans, or is that just a myth?

>> No.10802488

Most Asians love this shit.

>> No.10802490
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In general they consider it "just some crazy unproven fringe theory", much like the other flyover states

>> No.10802491

I am both not a liberal, and not sure what you are referencing. Obviously humans never stopped evolving

>> No.10802498

He is saying blacks never evolved while euros and chinks did.

>> No.10802505

I referencing the fact that the egalitarian doctrine of the left flies in the face of the reality of human biodiversity. Ex: Certain peoples having sub-retarded average IQ scores and such, and the impossibility of trying to raise them to participate normally in society through education and gibs

>> No.10802507
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I needs it bros

>> No.10802511

As someone who grew up in the midwest, the vast majority of people very much think evolution is real. I remember once this girl trying to argue with our teacher about it and I literally thought she was joking and laughed at her since it was such an obscure view point here

Keep in mind that the midwest like the northeast was mostly settled by Catholics and Lutherans as you move to the west, while the south was with evangelicals. The Catholic and Lutheran areas are much less religious these days than traditionally evangelical areas, and even most devout catholics including the pope believe in evolution

>> No.10802515

>He is saying blacks never evolved while euros and chinks did.
Everyone evolved, we all just evolved differently for life in different places. It's not like niggers just stalled, rather they are (shocker) suited to life in Africa and all that entails. The lack of long winters, plentiful flora and fauna to eat, etc selected different traits for them

>> No.10802520

Yeah, give a horse a hammer feel good bullshit. We live in a modern society. If you cant configure a network connection, you're as good as dead.

>> No.10802523

everyone evolved, evolution isn't a thing that starts or stops or goes forward and back, its just the way in which people evolve is different in different populations that faced different selective pressures

Now trying to say one group evolved in a better way is obviously not something you can say because what does "better" mean, and proving one group better than another is politically fraught

>> No.10802542

>Try to explain what some other guy implies
>People address me as him
This is why we need ID's and flags and sous vide model numbers

>> No.10802552
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I've lived in the south for nearly 30 years. Born here. Okra is fucking gross.

Cajuns love it. But they also love to suck crawfish guts.

>> No.10802553

>my personal experience is true of the whole midwest
The only place I have seen more mega-churches than the midwest is Florida, stop comparing your unpopulated wasteland full of religious maniacs to the civilized parts of the country.

>> No.10802564
File: 77 KB, 600x344, importance-of-religion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The midwest, and catholic culture in general is not associated with mega churches, this just isn't a thing

I like how you are saying your objectively incorrect preconceptions are more accurate and useful, but by reasoned statement is just "personal experiences"

Also, unpopulated? The midwest is the 2nd most urban part of the country after the northeast. Are you confusing the midwest with the great plains or something?

>> No.10802574
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>> No.10802580

adherents and religiosity are very different things. The midwest is absolutely stuffed with people who consider themselves "adherents" but never read the bible and only sporadically go to church if they do at all

We aren't talking about binary identity politics, its about what portion of society heavily practices religion, and how bad those specific sects of religion are

>> No.10802609

It grows like a weed in our backyards. You barely even have to water it.

>> No.10802632

>We aren't talking about binary identity politics
Not sure about that, the midwest is where I learned that some people consider "Catholic" and "Christian" to be distinct, mutually exclusive categories.

>> No.10802656

>that some people consider "Catholic" and "Christian"
thats very much a southern evangelical thing, not a midwestern thing. There is a really odd, historic anti-catholic bias in the south probably stemming from catholic immigrants that settled in an became prosperous throughout the north while they remained poor in the reconstruction through early 1900s era

>> No.10802661

I grew up in a fairly rural part of the south, and my state is "red" on that map. We learned about evolution multiple times in public school. I remember doing it in "life science" which was probably 6-7 grade, and again in biology in 9th and/or 10th. I got it at least a 3rd time in Ecology, but that wasn't a required class, I took it as a science elective. You'd deal with it again if you took AP or DE bio. I don't even recall much of a big deal being made about it. There was probably some smartass that wanted to deny it just to troll the teacher, but that was about it. There might have been a few kids who excused themselves from those lectures, but if they did, they didn't make a big stink about it and most likely brought it up to the teacher before class. They were probably taken to a study hall room or something and did some "Intelligent Design" bullshit. There are certainly people that deny evolution in the south, but for the most part, they shut up, or are obvious retards who's opinion no one really weighs. It's really only old fucking people, or people who only graduated HS with a C or lower average and just got dumber as they got older and hit 30 or so and start clamouring about "fucking evolution and global warming bullshit" on FB or something.

>> No.10802701
File: 87 KB, 750x600, DerailedTh97ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus creeping shit, this thread derailed hard.

>> No.10802723

you are correct, I had to scroll back to the top because I forgot what the fuck my original purpose here was

>> No.10802725

I went to a highly rated school in Ohio. Never heard the word evolution in the curriculum. They did mention natural selection though. Also mentioned "intelligent design" aka religious malarky.

>> No.10802777

My grandmother makes really nice okra

>> No.10802897

>Okra in fish head curry

>> No.10803108

>suck crawfish guts.
Anon that's the best part.

>> No.10803182

You make me ashamed to be from the North

>> No.10803218

"There are two traditional doctrines that provide indicia of how a de jure sovereign state comes into being. The declarative theory defines a state as a person in international law if it meets the following criteria:

a defined territory
a permanent population
a government, and
a capacity to enter into relations with other states."
Hmm... The Confederate States of America had : a defined territory, it had a permanent population, a functioning government, and the ability to enter relations with other states... it's almost as if the "Civil" War was a war of imperialist aggression similar to the American Revolution, but this time the empire won...

>> No.10803221

Do you think dude weed lmao will ever be a topic that can be brought up here or any board without the onslaught of autism? I live in Colorado and I've taken for granted what it is for other states in the US. It's to be used responsibly by adults, like alcohol, and it's just something that we don't need to worry about the police giving you problems. Gives money back to the state. Hard drug use is down. Why would anybody be opposed to that?

>> No.10803223

>ywn hatefuck Amy and then cum all over her freaky plastic surgery face

>> No.10803244

>Hates Okra AND crawdads
Gtfo you degenerate

>> No.10803434

except it didn't have a defined territory being made up entirely of land under which another nation had a long standing international claim

>> No.10803532

>Work at a store
>Older fucked up dude in a motorized scooter comes rolling in
>Talks strangely, you can understand him fine but you know somethings wrong
>Comes in looking for canned okra
>Never heard of or even seen such a thing
>Spends like ten minutes scooting about before he asks me and some other lady for help
>Neither of us know what the hell he's talking about
>Says he got it here before, figures were out
>Doesn't even buy anything else, just scoots about a little more before leaving

Felt kinda bad for the guy, fucker just wanted some okra.

>> No.10803732

I lived in Rhode Island most of my childhood and all the kids there said "my family's not christian, it's catholic", being surrounded by a good deal of catholic Irish or Italians and all manner of Hispanics. It happened all the fucking time. I remember one history teacher finally hearing this and explaining respectably that what these kids referred to as christian was probably protestant and that they're universally understood to both belong to the more encompassing label of christianity with their differences between them, but I still remember hearing grown-ass people go " Not christian, catholic!" It's definitely not just the Midwest.

>> No.10803775

You could say the same thing for America itself during the American Revolution.

>> No.10803813
File: 84 KB, 1024x576, 1496009204921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worked in a grocery store
>ancient black guy comes in
>asks for 'entertainment cakes'
>send him to bakery
>comes back empty handed, complaining
>full 3 min conversation ensues
>he meant Entenmann's and they were w/in line of sight of front entrance
at least he got his cake

>> No.10804002

From the south. Fuckin hate okra.

>> No.10804053

I would have to muzzle her though, bitch would definitely bite

>> No.10804082

>okra thread
>trolls trolling trolls 5d chess.
>damn ain't that money

>> No.10804381

This is the food and cooking board, not the illiteracy and racism board.

>> No.10804604

Okra is one of those foods that mentally/physically abused kids ate that served as a relief from their daily torture from their parents. I can understand the attachment

>> No.10804606

the least religious states are the most productive and important to the nation
funny how that works

>> No.10804609

lol, no

>> No.10804709

looks yummy

>> No.10804735

You were wrong about what he implied and they corrected you.