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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10800886 No.10800886 [Reply] [Original]

My father is sick and doesn't have much appetite, he only ate like 2 or 3 spoonful of rice gruel EVERYDAY. Doctor doesn't allow him to eat some of his favorite food, and he's very thin right now. Any recipe or food to help him regain weight and stamina?

Pic unrelated.

>> No.10800892

How are we supposed to answer your question without knowing more information?

What kinds of foods does he like?
Why does he only eat a tiny bit each day?
What can't he eat according to the doctor?

>> No.10800923

If I remember correctly; acidic and spicy are no-no.

Sometimes he would take a bite or two from piece of melon in addition of the rice gruel, but I don't think that's enough. And even I don't know why he lose appetite so much like that.

>> No.10800930
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Ask the doctor and not /ck/ if you want to see your dad again

>> No.10800965
File: 132 KB, 1000x842, 1492642852942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit him with the dude weed. That'll get him eating again.

>> No.10800966

Oh, and he also have low hemogoblin count for some reason (don't remember what the doctor said about the cause)

>> No.10801080

Unironically this.

>> No.10801103

Broth, vegetable soup, and stuff like Ensure or some kind of nutrient supplement.

>> No.10801130

Ur dad has aids, good luck in jail

>> No.10801156

Well, by your description is a severe gastritis/ulcer, I suffer from this 4 months ago, the first thing is cure he’s stomach, you maybe think this is a trolling joke, but in this cases the only thing how truly works is a 4 to 5 day fasting, every time he eats the acid is gonna to make damage in the gastro wall.

>> No.10801202

Doc's order to make him eat, I just don't know how.

Wish I was shitposting.

Yeah, didn't think of vitamin supplement
Gonna try it.

>> No.10801217

You should probably try to get him to eat some of those nutrition drinks. Ensure, possibly unironically Soylent

>> No.10802401

beef tea. it was popular in the victorian era for sick as fuck ppl

>> No.10802415

Well, you and your dad need to try what works , any body is different, only caution, no one is 100% right

>> No.10802432

tell doctors to fuck off, starvation isn't a preferable alternative to whatever negative effect they think food he likes has. always take modern medicine with a skeptics view. the cure is all too often worse than the disease

>> No.10802441
File: 75 KB, 658x782, oe0tu5vn30801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want him to turn into a new mother maybe

>> No.10803212

This can't be real

>> No.10803248

actually would give this a try OP

>> No.10804005

Of course it's fake, but the real article is almost just as bad: pozzed commie programmer refuses to take HIV medication, and injects DIY "gene therapy" (combined with his immunodeficiency, will likely give him cancer).

>> No.10804510

He's going to die if this continues. This is what doctors do. They make the patient take medication that obliterates their appetite, and then the patient can't recover because he's not getting adequate nutrition. You can be a healthy person going to hospital with a relatively inconsequential ailment and die from the treatment. It's happened to three people in my life so far.

Is he elderly? It feels like they do it on purpose to elderly people.

>> No.10804545

Seems pretty legit to me

>> No.10804564

Your dad sounds like a little faggot.

>> No.10804849

Shakes-ice,yogurt, fruit, old people nutritional drink-blend it up and drink it all day.

>> No.10804860

Look up the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. It's bland, but nutritious, and you can slowly introduce new things to these items. If he can't even keep these things down, you should really take him to the hospital. Look into formulated beverages like Ensure.

>> No.10804950

Never mind, it seems it's his mental health I should worry about. He's been hallucinating(?) and keep saying that he's hungry but when given food, refused to take a bite.

He got new pills from doctor, and he's been like that ever since,.

>> No.10804957

>Doc's order to make him eat
>no one is 100% right lol my anecdotal evidence about a fast is worth listening to
kys retard.

>> No.10805855

liverwurst sandwiches my man, maybe throw some onions and mustard on there

>> No.10805886

Normally I make fun of dude weeds but this could actually work.

>> No.10805931

It's very important to know what kind of disease your father has before giving him nutritional advice

>> No.10806317

s*y was inserted into the image. Compare the two

>> No.10806327
File: 68 KB, 372x348, 96E84D8E-735E-4ED3-A96D-94A09AD7F62C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the newfag cancer boomer who doesn’t realize soy isn’t filtered on /ck/

>> No.10806467


>> No.10807413

gruel sandwiches. gruel omelettes. Plus you can eat your own hair.

>> No.10807442

From starvation.

>> No.10808808

Yeah it’s true

>> No.10808812

Osteogenic cells are closed due to AIDS.

>> No.10808838

Give your had something to increase his appetite. I would go with weed because he'd probably enjoy it, but there's probably some over the counter medication he can take. Failing that, give him pedialite.

>> No.10808854
File: 41 KB, 224x679, 1515401160083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried pic related? >>10800923 It's not spicy at all and it's very sweet.
I put it on veggies I hate like broccoli and spinach because it makes them palatable

>> No.10809131

Best suggestion

>> No.10809190

I hate you for being a frogposter but this is unironically a good idea.
If he's not a smoker, get him some edibles.

>> No.10809757

just let him die, woman
leave the man in peace

>> No.10809824

Mass Gainer

>> No.10809829

protein, and fiber my dude.

>> No.10811489

"they would fly around the room and suck your soul out and it'd hurt!"

>> No.10811537

Patients that can't eat gets syrup enemas.

>> No.10811551

This. 5 days of fasting wouldn't even kill most anorectics, let alone normies.

>> No.10811744

Just euthanize him. I work at a retirement home. His confition will only get worse and 9/10 dont offer the proper care for them. Sucks hes gotta go bur youre better off just finishing him instead of dragging it out.

>> No.10812186


>> No.10812278

My mom couldn't eat due to throat surgery once so the doctor had her install a nasogastric tube (nose to stomach). Lived off 100% meal replacement milk for months until her throat got better. If your dad's condition is long-term, they may recommend more permanent feeding tubes like the one that goes from the outside of your belly into the stomach.

>> No.10812301

Have gastritis though not as bad as your dad by far. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to eat.

Bland/inoffensive foods are best. I try to avoid fatty foods in addition to spicy and acidic foods (remember this includes coffee and alcohol) - though cheese isn't too bad.

idk, talk to your doctor, take into account, as you say, the effects of medication and generally, try to persevere, it's for his sake, after all.

Soups are maybe a good suggestion though.

Anything that you can pack as much nutrition as possible into whilst still avoiding acidic/spicy ingredients.

>> No.10812304

protein shakes and honey

>> No.10812324
