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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10796658 No.10796658 [Reply] [Original]

What do you cook for your pupper, /ck/?

>> No.10796666
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She's a pitbull/rottweiler mix. She loves chicken gizzards.

>> No.10796718

My beef round jerky recipe modified for dogs.

Trim the fat, shred into jagged pieces, soak in apple cider vinegar diluted with water, add soy sauce, place in toaster oven, toast until dry and 1/3 original volume, continue until dry, cool.

>> No.10796767
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AmStaff/American Bulldog mix.
Yes, I am aware of the certain opinions some people have about those.
She's usually on a pretty strict diet of kibble since she has a bad hip and if she were to get fat it would hurt her terribly.
In these warm Summer months she'll sometimes get a raw bone from the freezer, though. This was a lamb thigh. Took her all of 15 minutes to devour the thing.

We used to have a chowchow which was on an also specific but very different diet. Boiled rice and peas and beeftripe. The latter smelled awful but the dog loved it.

>> No.10796909

them digits + pitbull + shes going to eat your face eventually.
>be me
>have german shepherds because germanic in germanic part of europe
>buy 1kg of beef mince every few days
>boil beef mince with vegetable scraps and tiny ammounts of carbs
>feed 350g of this to doggo
i would never feed my dogs commercial dog food

>> No.10796926
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hes happy with whatever

>> No.10796954

Bitch better kill me or I'll be eating hers. Nah breh, she's cool.

>> No.10798021

Boiled mince is a crime against humanity.

>> No.10798033


But a canine would would happily woof that shit down

>> No.10798046

Hey i remember you

>> No.10798048

Used to feed my dogs green tripe. They loved it, and there were no healthier or fitter dogs on the grouse moors.

Apparently eggs are good for dogs too.

>> No.10798061
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I know I am not the most popular persona on /ck/ but I cannot do anything about people with sour grapes, crabs-in-a-barrel mentalities. I am highly educated, have an educated, wealthy and close family, have a good income and excellent stipend, have traveled extensively, participated in many charitable activities and enjoy the finer things while being considerate and occupied with the notion of self-actualization.

With the onslaught of fast food threads I have to say this: my dog literally eats better than most of you on /ck/.

He is a 3-year-old Vizsla imported from a world-renowned Hungarian breeder. I can trace his bloodline back over 20 generations.

What do I feed him? Various beef, lamb, rabbit, waterfowl and venison quality cuts and organs (including bone, heart, neck, liver, kidney). I supplement his diet with good greens and sweet potato.

It probably costs $7-12 a day to feed him, but I must admit he works hard and deserves it. When we go bird hunting I reserve good portions from the hunt and feed him that. He loves sauteed Goldeneye or Mallard hearts.

I would never consider giving him half the things people on /ck/ post.

If he can eat this well, why don't you try to? You are what you eat after all. You can be a lean and prized self-actualized individual or you can be an overweight, unmotivated, lazy slob who wastes his life while making terrible dietary choices.

Choices. That's the key word. I hope you reflect on this and make a better choice for your next meal.

>> No.10799682

I usually cook chicken feet soup, pork cheap cuts, liver, kidneys etc with carrots and whatever I have laying around in the house (80% meat 15%veggie 5% grain flour for consistency) also I add a little bit of salt.
I add fish oil before the meal because it stinks up my fridge

>> No.10799683

sounds good other than the toaster idea

>> No.10799691
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>> No.10799700


lay the foundation pupper

>> No.10799701

I don't have a picture, but my dog is a 12 year old Rott/Shepherd mix. My sweet old lady gets a little rice and shredded cheese in her dinner two times a week, just for her something special.

When my dog was younger I'd give her a tiny plain chicken breast about once a month as a treat, she never liked bones. She can't have it anymore because she can't gain any weight either because of arthritis. Hope your dog feels well daily, she's a beauty.

>> No.10799702

>not feeding him raw meats

>> No.10799709


lay the foundation pupper, dog bless

>> No.10800180

mostly she gets raw meat/bones/fat/organs with oil. everyday she gets some of my food, like applecores, piece of banana,carrots,berries,cheese,rice.sometimes i cook a big pot with everything i find what she can eat.

she always had stomach/skin problems with kibble because of allergic reaction, since i switched its gone

>> No.10800307
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I don't have a dog, but I do have rats

The other day I fed them a salad made from bok choy, sliced banana and dried coconut chips (as a supplement to their cereal food), they loved it.

>> No.10800312

Reddit thread.

>> No.10800384

That’s too many rats.

>> No.10800396
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I have 7 those are just the males

>> No.10800523

I miss my pet rats. One got an ear infection and like 2 of them escaped. My brother spray painted one of the rats tails cause its tail looked gross and then the other one I forgot to feed.

>> No.10800547

>get a pet

>> No.10800601

nah, my dog likes it raw, but I'll debone the meat for them

>> No.10800611

Not meme'ing here or anything, but cooking food for your dog is potentially a serious hazard, and you really ought to consult some kind of expert on what is and isn't acceptable for your particular dog.

>> No.10800626

The chance of it being a "Serious hazard" is vanishingly small. It's pretty hard to accidentally poison a scavenger that has no problem eating rotten roadkill & cat poo. There are a few human foods which can be toxic to dogs, but I have no idea why anyone would choose to put those in food for a dog even if they weren't aware of their toxic nature.

>> No.10800654
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>the other one I forgot to feed
unless you were like six years old at the time this makes me wish harm on you.

>> No.10800666

The big cream-coloured one in the picture >>10800307 escaped one time, but all he wanted to do is get into the cage of female rats and eventually I lured him back with a handful of cheerios.

>> No.10801889


>> No.10802431
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those looks like some good ol boys

>> No.10802471


Well for the sake of the dogs nutrients, instead of boiling it, brown it in the pan and sautee the veggies. When you boil shit, good stuff leeches out into the water.

>> No.10804200

lay the foundation pupper!

>> No.10804892

I have the same piano as you :3

>> No.10804921
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What a darling

>> No.10804924

Just let the dog have the water too then.

>> No.10805006
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>> No.10805516

lay the foundation pupper