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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10795566 No.10795566 [Reply] [Original]

What food do you hate the most, /ck/?

>> No.10795571

I'm from Missouri and I can kinda understand
When I was little, and we had hotdogs, there was this weird piece from where the casing got messed up I assume, so I'd always eat the hotdog until the very end and then throw it away

I have no clue why such an obscure food trend happened, but it's weird to see it so widespread

>> No.10795587

Tinned sardines.

I know it's a beloved meme food here and I'm trying to get (you)s, but I'm sincere.

It's too soggy and fishy. So unpleasant.

>> No.10795614

Tinned tuna; the smell alone causes me to gag

>eating slimy sea shite
no thanks

>> No.10795623
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How does anyone hate tofu. It's fucking delicious. You just have to know how to make it.

>> No.10795630

cucumber and iceberg lettuce

>> No.10795633

>Hates cold pizza
Who hates cold pizza? I've been to stores that sell cooled pre-baked pizza.

>> No.10795637

I fully agree with my state. Green beans are gross

>> No.10795640

I actually can't think of a single food I hate.

>> No.10795645

oh wait, licorice candy. Shit is disgusting.

>> No.10795685

Guy living in MI not originally from here. I think it has to do with the crust of Detroit-style pizza. I love cold pizza and I love hot Detroit style pizza, but Detroit style is by far the worst cold pizza. Still edible, but the crust is overwhelming.

>> No.10795690

Based fucking oregon

>> No.10795691

Hot cheetos ARE disgusting. Takis are just as gross, I dont care what you say

>> No.10795740

Clearly your don't live in a sufficiently cold and humid place.

>> No.10795742


>> No.10795750

>most hated food
>dabbing pizza grease with a napkin
virginia that's not even food

>> No.10795763

Meals where everything is cooked in the oven and to moisten it you have to add sauce.

>> No.10795769

Ah, now I understand. It is kinda overwhelming at times. It gets rather hard when refrigerated. I honestly don't eat the pizza crust hot or cold to reduce calories.

>> No.10795770


Florida Man flies into a rage after being offered white pie.

>> No.10795795

I'm guessing they meant the pepperoni oilspill pizza..

>> No.10795803

Fucking massholes think they're too good to eat anything out of a can
Also this chart is really illustrative of each states character, especially California, Hawaii, Iowa, Vermont. Is it accurate?

>> No.10795813

utahn and can confirm, ballsonit vinegar sucks ass

>> No.10795814

what the fuck is gas station wine?

>> No.10795817

Wine from a gas station

>> No.10795818

Your favorite food

>> No.10795820

I live in new jersey and have never seen this.

>> No.10795825

How often do you browse the alcohol selection of a gas station outside the coolers?

>> No.10795830

>Hawaii hates Coca Cola
What, is this real

>> No.10795836

As far as I've ever seen, they don't usually sell alcohol?

Is it a south/middle jersey thing?

>> No.10795847

If you don't hate coca cola you can't be trusted in any environment besides corn fields along the interstate

>> No.10795848

>he doesny eat the napkin that has all the grease on it after hes done with his pizza
why even live if u dont experince this golden lyfe hack

>> No.10795852

I don't feel very good if I don't spike my blood fructose :s

>> No.10795859

this on all counts

>> No.10795861

certain states/countys have laws that specify what you can and cant sell alcohol wise. in washington you used to have to go to a state run liqour store to buy hard a now you can go to any grocery store.
you can buy wine at gas stations but not hard a.

>> No.10795867

>Tennessee: foraged food


>> No.10795908


Read: Hipsters "foraging" in your backyard.

>> No.10795957

I grew up in NJ and didn't even know you could buy alcohol in a gas station until I left the state. Most of the state doesn't allow it outside of Atlantic City and some surrounding townships. Nobody in NJ leaves their car when they get gas anyway since an paki or sihk pumps your gas for you.

>> No.10795960

>corner piece of brownie
I'm from Maryland and can confirm. Edge pieces suck and the corners suck twice as much.

>> No.10796010
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All spot on. Especially Texas, doing gods work against bad steak.

How could you people have such awful taste?

>Is it accurate?
To a minor extent in that it doesn't directly counter a states character, but it does highly exaggerate things. Keep in mind that the sample sizes of these studies is fairly small and that it doesn't even list the most hated thing, only the most hated relative to others. I can only speak for California here, but its true in the sense that when a company donates profits to fighting against gay marriage then Californians more than any other state are going to choose their friends and family over a passable chicken sandwich. Yet its not true in the sense that most people are apolitical about their lunch choices and don't give a shit. Even ardent liberals aren't really going to choose a passable chicken sandwiches as their hill to fight on.

How old is this map anyway? That controversy went down in 2012 and I'm pretty sure everyone has forgotten about chick-fil-a.

>> No.10796018

Glad for Texas, since spics eat their steaks burnt to shit.

>> No.10796025
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Actual STATE of this board

>> No.10796030
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Both Dakotas prove everything said about flyovers is true

>> No.10796032
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>the absolute failed state of California

>> No.10796033
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Fuck you, Maryland.

>> No.10796037

Imagine being this delusional

>> No.10796048
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Cornfucker here, corn's position as the anchor of my state's economy aside, the quinoa fad came and went here and I think I saw someone cook with it one time, and she was a turbo liberal who was desperately trying to "get out of here, man"

>> No.10796059
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could the state of cuckifornia chug any more soy? Is it even possible to consume more estrogen than this???

For fuck's sake, take the dick out of your mouth and think about something for once in your cuckolding fuckboi life

>> No.10796090

>california gets mentioned
>/pol/dditor goes on rant about cucks and soyboys
Like clockwork.

>> No.10796098

I hate this state. I don't even like old bay spice

>> No.10796100

>unironically hating hummus
Third worst thing about kentucky after bitch mcconnel and white supremacy

>> No.10796111


>> No.10796135

Enjoy your spicy styrofoam

>> No.10796145

>California hates the best chicken sandwiches on earth because Muh politics

>> No.10796260 [DELETED] 
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Baited the soyposter with ease. Kill yourself. Actually.

>> No.10796287

Why do we tolerate California.

>> No.10796299


Has to be young hopeless millennials on that dating website. Fast food is as popular here as anywhere else I've lived in the US, if not more so.

>> No.10796307

Jesus christ, imaging sharing this publicly for a your peers to see. How the fuck do some people lack this much self awareness?

>> No.10796308

I'm from California and everyone here likes Chick fil a

Even the fagots

>> No.10796339

>my state hates ranch on pizza
>when I was working in a pizza place half the pies going out had ranch on them or on the side
Is this another one of those "NYC is all of NY" graphs?

>> No.10796390

nobody gives a fuck about the rest of new york

>> No.10796398
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Manhattan clan chowder, the red kind. Shut us beyond disgusting. Rhode Island chowder isn't a favorite of mine (clam broth, no cream) but it can be a nice change once in a while.

>> No.10796512

>red beret

The absolute state of the left
>inb4 "it was meant to be a joke!"

>> No.10796703 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10797153

he's not wrong

>> No.10797182

It took me a few other states to get the joke, but Charcuterie is dope.

>> No.10797185


people who type soyboy are the same people who type 'redpill'. They're utter human filth. They exist to let you know you're not the worst person on the planet.

>> No.10797217

People who hate chic-fil-a 5 years later are soyboys. to pretend there is any "outrage" in a half a decade topic makes you one.

>> No.10797323
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>People who hate chic-fil-a 5 years later are soyboys. to pretend there is any "outrage" in a half a decade topic makes you one.

Yeah, the map came from a site that matches people based on what they hate. Of course everyone on it is going to be salty about inane bullshit. But then again the question wasn't about whether people who are still mad about Chick-fil-a are dipshits. The question was whether or no the resulting buzword tantrum from >>10796059 makes him a faggot. It does.

>> No.10797380

Corner piece of the brownie is the best part!!

>> No.10797391


>> No.10797441

>Nebraska hates chili peppers
How old is that map? Or is it just shite?
Plenty of natives like them, not to mention the HUGE illegal immigrant population.

>> No.10797464

>Hates Chick-Fil-A
>Chicken Nuggets
>Ranch on pizza
>Fast food

I guess I know what states I'm never going to.

>> No.10797545

>If the state –with its 39.5 million people – was an independent country, it would have the fifth largest economy in the world, according to new federal figured released on Friday – just surpassing the United Kingdom, which has a population of 65.6 million.
Enjoy your "gibs me dat" from CA you flyover leaches. Your states couldn't function w/o CA fed dollars, you hypocrite socialists.


>> No.10797593

All that vegan food really isn't that tasty relative to meat. I've got a vegan friend and she has had me try all sorts of tofu, tempeh, seitan, etc, and even when I can tell it's trying it's hardest and is unhealthy and greasy, it's still just meh. I don't mind other vegetable based vegan dishes either like ratatouille or chana masala, but there's something about these vegan protein sources trying to act like meat that just sucks.

>> No.10797622

Isn't california's GDP primarily from its ports? If it split and started taxing the US its economy would get gutted. Also mexicans.

>> No.10797639
File: 87 KB, 710x473, 23-trump-steaks.w710.h473[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who else likes their steak burnt to shit?

>> No.10797653


>> No.10797657
File: 146 KB, 460x360, 1526441210326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets just nip this bullshit in the bud right here and say it would suck for all parties involved and that these discussions are invariably just born and sustained by partisan bullshit. So we can just do the right thing and keep it away from the cooking board, especially since this thread is already teetering on the edge of derailment?

>> No.10797672

but there is no inherent value in this thread, so why care?

>> No.10797840

As a former Californian tech worker, I find it ironic that liberals in California like to boast about their GDP compared to red states, but hate the people who create the wealth.

>> No.10797890

Who, the workers? Lol, I think you've got your right and left mixed up, dude.

>> No.10797892

>he thinks workers generate wealth

>> No.10797903

Wew lad

>> No.10797908

No, if it was the "workers" in the abstract who generate the wealth, why would California have a higher GDP per capita the West Virginia?

It's the tech industry (and its high paid workers) who generate wealth disproportionately, and these are what California liberals hate.

>> No.10797935

How could this thread possibly be derailed, it was pure shitpost from the beginning? Or am I just getting baited here

>> No.10797978

>Tech industry workers aren't workers or progressive
You've lost touch, Billy Bob, try to get into a vocational school for air conditioning maintenance if you can pass the entrance exam, lol.

>> No.10797994

All condiments except for mayo and ranch (and those I can stand only in small amounts), or any sweets. Chocolate, soda, candy, etc. are all gross as shit to me.

>> No.10798017
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>an economic discussion smeared in political dogshit by people that have no earthly clue what they're talking about.

>> No.10798025

>the guy who questions it while smearing dogshit all over his naked body

>> No.10798035

Are Cuckifornians ever not butthurt about something?

>> No.10798036
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If you're not going to contribute to the economic discussion smeared in political dogshit, they don't contribute anything at all. Final warning.

>> No.10798039
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>> No.10798042

Californians are quiet and content only when actively contributing to their own demise

>> No.10798047

>hating dim sum

>> No.10798049

Holy fuck you btfo that clown!

>> No.10798418

Upstate NY also hates ranch on pizza. Only degenerate Midwestern states like ranch on their Domino's.

>> No.10798426

I grab a slice on the way home every once in a while, and the owner always asks me if I want ranch on my pizza. He always seems a little offended when I say no.

>> No.10798524

>Only degenerate Midwestern states like ranch on their Domino's
Waitaminnit. Floriduh is midwest now?

>> No.10798539

Gas station wine isn’t even a thing in New Jersey. That doesn’t exist nor does anybody even use that term or something similar to it. No one even discriminates against the nail polish-est of vodkas. Nowhere outside of bars and liquor stores (and events) is alcohol sold

Stupid fucking chart

>> No.10798566

This data must have come from the height of the chick fil a controversy from like 5 years ago. Chick fil a is extremely popular here. The drive thru's are ridiculously long at all hours of the day.

>> No.10798587

Born and raised MI, detroit za tastes best after cooling off on counter for an hour

>> No.10798626

Based New Hampshire

>> No.10798650

Washington-fag here. Can confirm k-cups are shit coffee and outrageously expensive for the amount of coffee and quality of coffee you get.

>> No.10798654

>Chicken Nuggets

>> No.10798659

Based New Hampshire

>> No.10798670

Chai Lattes are comfy, fuck you PA

>> No.10798928
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Turkey bacon?

>> No.10798932

this graphic is fucking dumb

>> No.10798933
File: 17 KB, 280x289, derailed thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late
pol/tards strike again

>> No.10798937

>Can confirm k-cups are shit coffee
Thats like complainin about various brands of chicken nuggets, who fucking cares?

>> No.10798945

AKfag here, it's not entirely wrong though...Voss Water is pretty shitty.

>> No.10798962

>How does anyone hate tofu. It's fucking delicious
No it's not, it's flavorless with the consistency of snot. at BEST, it takes on the flavor of whatever you put it in.

If I wanted curried curry-snot, I'd actually go to Delhi to eat.

>> No.10798970

North Jerseyan here, gas stations don't sell alcohol here. Atlantic City is a cesspool

>> No.10798981

Confirmed. My ex was a spic and her family cooked everything past well done.i managed to convert her son and nieces to medium rare.

>> No.10798990

hello JIDF

>> No.10798995

Onions, beets, squash, bunch of other shit too desu...and no, I'm not 12, nor have an undeveloped palate...I'm 53 and simply don't eat what I don't like...

>> No.10798997

Lmao at this bias map. Every chick-fil-a I've seen in Cali is fucking PACKED.

>> No.10799004

Pesto is absolutely disgusting. I refuse to eat it or cook with it. Ranch on pizza is also puke tier. Chai Lattes and Hot cheetos are great tho. Also fuck Cuckifornia for hating God Fil A

>> No.10799008


>> No.10799012


>> No.10799181

it's from a dating site that matches people based on what they hate. That's bound to attract insufferable wankers

>> No.10799295
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>> No.10799328

Lima beans

>> No.10799339

Yo hummus is magnificent though. I'm sorry to say my state is filled with a bunch of pea-brains and dung-smackers.

>> No.10800599
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This shit is so fucking disgusting. What kind of subhuman do you have to be to think that this is good?

>> No.10800609

next time eat them raw

>> No.10800612

>noodles mixed with mashed potatoes
What the fuck? What is this "dish" called? Literally who eats this shit

>> No.10800619

I'm with Louisiana. Cookies with raisins? Faggotry. Cookies by themselves? Raisins by themselves? God's own foods.

>> No.10800688
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>he's never enjoyed the bliss of brown butter glazed oatmeal raisin bars


>> No.10800701

Are people from New Jersey really so inept that the government legally prevents them from pumping their own gas?

>> No.10800862

Sorta related but why the fuck is grapefruit juice so bitter. The stuff I'm drinking now is 100% pure juice, I thought it was suppose to be sweet.

I kinda like it in a sadistic way desu.

>> No.10800895

It's muh job creation.

>> No.10801447

lol in that case why doesn't the state of New Jersey just blow up all the buildings in their state so they can create a ton of jobs for people to rebuild the buildings

>> No.10801487

Don't look at me, I fucking detest New Jersey (I'm from NY).
If it were up to me, the bombs would start at Long Island and move south until Philadelphia, and I'd be climbing a flagpole to get a better view of whoever pushes the plunger.

>> No.10801489

This basically

>> No.10801515

this mans face is eerily symmetrical, like something you'd see on that old show about urban legends and shit. beyond belief, fact or fiction.

>> No.10801518
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>Plebian who pumps his own gas like a third worlder
Get on our level and stop being such an aggy bitterbitch

>> No.10801585


>> No.10801928

MA. Hotdogs. I like Bratwurst and hard salami. Also other smoked meats. Hotdogs are just gross.

>> No.10802014

>Idaho hates dim sums

That state needs to be gassed.

>> No.10802178

I get disliking most of these things, but some of these things being the most hated is ridiculous. Hummus, pesto, raisin cookies are good, quinoa isn't bad. If Connecticut hates canned food so much, do they not use canned food for a single recipe?

Only things here that deserve to be most hated are tofu and spray cheese really.

>> No.10802241

Connecticunter here.

I like canned foods. maybe its only people in Fairfield country. you know. Dem WASPy ass niggas.

>> No.10802321

I believe it's pointing at connecticut, i thought massachussets at first too though.

Tofu has been nasty every single time I've tried it. I've never cooked it. It's tolerable in small amounts in miso soup but anything else is utterly disgusting.

Tofu, tempeh and seitan are all utter trash. I'm not vegan but falafel, veggie burgers and mushrooms are pretty dope.

You guys meme soy for the supposed estrogenic effects but still eat beef and drink milk pumped with hormones that makes you grow man tits. Also you probably get little to no play from women.

>> No.10802354

>the epicenter of flyover country hates chilis

>> No.10802360
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>hates based chick-fil-a
Can't say im surprised.

>> No.10802378


Raisins. Its fucking unearthly, how could anyone like it. Its like having rat turds in your food.

>> No.10802388

living in california all the chick-fil-a's here are usually pretty busy, and there really arent other good places to get fried chicken sandwiches. What an odd thing to hate

>> No.10802404

Anon, for them it's a safety thing. Non-whites are dumb and poor, and can't afford decent cuts of meat nor proper appliances for refrigeration and cooking. You may have endangered the lives of some of those dumb lil beaners


>> No.10802411

Won't that break your teeth

>> No.10802416

Seitan is unironically satanic

>> No.10802423

for the love of God please post recipe

>> No.10802466

Thats probably for Ebt/food stamps/snap programs. Technically you cannot use them on hot food so cooking and cooling it makes it eligible.

>> No.10802473

In what universe is a slightly better fast-food alternative "based". Stupid corporate boot-lickers

>> No.10803237

>Hate Chick-fil-A

>> No.10803283

I'm from Maine and I can assure you that nobody here even knows what Asian fusion is.

>> No.10803291

You should be able to solve this.

>> No.10803310

it is self delusion mixed with faggot virtue signaling.

>> No.10803422

Hello Ivan.

>> No.10803475
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>state full of literal faggots hates chic-fil-a
really makes u think...

>> No.10803636

These things don't actually work.

>> No.10803765

You don't bake them long enough. The panbworks perfectly.

>> No.10804114

It's true. Californians don't hate Chik-Fil-A. We hate Tex-Mex. No one here likes Tex-Mex.

>> No.10804130

I don't like sardines either but when I had them they were dry and bland. Weird.

Also fuck well done steak. Rare is the only way to have it.

>> No.10804491

Steak cooked well done.

>> No.10806692

Is it bad that i like dunking a well done, overseasoned steak in ketchup on occasion? Like once a year maybe. Rest of the time is rare/med rare, balanced seasoning, and some kind of proper fresh made steak sauce.

>> No.10806715

I personally don't like cottage cheese but I didn't think that was a state wide thing.

>> No.10806767

>calicucks hate chick fil a


>> No.10806770

>muh 'tofu is a sponge' fallacy
fuck off shrill shill

>> No.10806773
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>hating texmex
youve gone too far. I think we know what to do here. Californians have to go.

>> No.10806780

Cilantro. I can only stand it if I'm eating spicy food, the flavor is too overpowering otherwise.

>> No.10806789
File: 754 KB, 800x420, 6-Places-To-Get-Wildly-Tasty-Carne-Asada-Fries-In-San-Diego-Cotixan[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tex-Mex is a South West thing. In California they eat real Mexican food and California-Mexican food.

>> No.10806791

Best vegetables

>> No.10806836

>mayo on fries
can we delete whatever state that is, thanks

>> No.10806841

>Nth poster with the same comment
>uses lingo that originated in California

>> No.10806876

Any time I've had tofu I've thought, "this would taste better with actual meat."

>> No.10806917

>Mexican food in TX, NM, AZ isn’t real Mexican food
lol why?

>> No.10806937

They have real Mexican food, too. But California-Mexican is different than Tex-Mex.

>> No.10807014

Think about the kind of person that actually responds to these kinds of surveys.
Also, why did morons in California pick an entire fast food company as a response to "a kind of food"

>> No.10807023

>likes mayo on fries
>can't identify basic geography of their own country

>> No.10807042

I don't live in burgerland mate

>> No.10807047
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>PA hates chai lattes
>WV hates tofu
Me too.
>OH hates pesto
Fuck all of you right to hell. I hope the Browns go 0-16 again.

>> No.10807185

holy fuck california is a faggot state

>> No.10807325

>hating capers
What a bunch of faggots.

>> No.10807542
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Oh great another reason to feel embarrassed for living in california.

>> No.10807727

Went to Germany on exchange. Bought some tongue sausage, because I wanted to try something new. Tongue sausage is disgusting. Texture-wise, its like chewing on part of a tongue, and the taste is indescribably bad and leaves your mouth with a sickening aftertaste hours after you've tried a piece.

>> No.10807773

NY here, can confirm ranch on pizza does NOT belong on pizza. NYC pizzerias don't even have it in their kitchens. However the more upstate you go, the more you'll start seeing it allowed because upstate NY mind as well be its own state.

>> No.10807807

Do americans really put ranch-dipped pizza on their pizza?

>> No.10807872

>flaming hot cheetoes
definitely false, everybody loves those.

>> No.10808383

when they fund anti fag groups

>> No.10808513

>hates Keurig cups

This is a fucking joke right? Not a single person here doesn't have a Keurig

>> No.10808549

I know six people who live in Washington and none of them have a keurig. Maybe you just hang out with rednecks.

>> No.10808584

they are super bad for the environment, anyone who is mildly educated should be against them

>> No.10808703

>Why do we tolerate California.
Without the coast america is just another shithole country at the lowest end of the spectrum
Lets imagine what america would look like with montana, missisippi, and georgia as the most representative states and its a offensive joke to imagine calling myself american in such a case.
Honestly americans are already basically 3rd world citizens already who have a superiority complex.

>> No.10808793

....La Croix? What?

>> No.10808904
File: 42 KB, 498x575, PoliticalGeogFigure-4_web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

California is so fucking lib-

>> No.10808918

>surface area is population density
get a brain moran

>> No.10808934

you realize no one lives in inland California, its all shitty ass deserts and mountains

>> No.10808957

Nice thought experiment. Now let's imagine what happens when we replace the inhabitants of all the states of the US with those of shithole countries.

>> No.10808997

The south and midwest would be improved 10 fold?

>> No.10809004

Just like Sweden and Germany

>> No.10809197

To be fair, it probably should've been alcohol. Liquor laws here suck shit. In Based Washington and California you can get Trailer Trash Fight Juice(Jack Daniels) at the local Safeway (Or more likely Grocery Outlet).

>> No.10810621

Probably all the Mormons down south

>> No.10810691

>that 15 year old boomer that name a chain or a brand when asked what food he dislikes

>> No.10810693

'North Jerseyan'
Jesus fucking christ
1) North New Jersey don't associate my island with your shithole anti-gun cesspit
2) Wtf is a Jerseyan, say Jerseyman like a normal fucking human being you gobshite
South/middle new Jersey*

>> No.10810697

>. Is it accurate?
it's a dating app which means it's biased by its own target and by the fact people chose to seduce and not to be themselves.

>> No.10810699

I'm still a little peeved I cant pump my own gas or make left turns.

>> No.10810700

the meme was born from California always being the castrated political type like in this picture.
If you don't like being called like that, don't act like that.

>> No.10810703
File: 205 KB, 600x616, Marilyn-Hagerty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expensive cheese plates
Is this is what flyovers think "fancy sophisticated elitists" eat?

>> No.10810704


>> No.10810706

well it seems to have worked so well you immediatelly saved the picture.

>> No.10810796

>Inbred Island
>100,000 people
Sorry buddy boy, but that's wrong. Were you struck in the head by a falling coconut?

>> No.10810847

>it's bad when it's expensive

>> No.10811561

Some stuff is cheap though, like Cheetos.

>> No.10811582

Hot cheetos are alright, takis are gross tho

>> No.10811591

People don't give a shit.

>> No.10811592

Look for the colorful bottles with MD on it.

>> No.10811594

>new york hates ranch on pizza
Where the fuck do people even take these tests? are the sample sizes like 10 people eating together?
>data provided by a dating app
What the fuck man.

This entire map looks retarded.

>> No.10811617

The dating app in question is just a bunch of prompts for things that one might like or dislike
So it's like tinder for ideas, and they pair you with people who like/hate the same thing

>> No.10811636

Are they selling drugs or what? Even here in North Carolina the line is wrapped around the building like that. It's okay but it's not that damn good.

>> No.10811643

Could the falcons ever stop embarrassing NFC south?

>> No.10811647

Ranch on pizza is disgusting, don't mind it as a dip for the crust tho.

>> No.10811657

Shut up you liberal

>> No.10811666

The modern right is comprised of unemployed box factory workers who think that they're going to eat the rich because actual economics doesn't work (since they keep electing corrupt retards)

>> No.10811845

I thought the scam was to buy an uncooked pizza and they offer to cook it for you for free.

>> No.10812080 [DELETED] 

fucking embarrassing that this board can pretend a fucking buzzfeed poll that no more than 100 people filled out that wasnt even ip based

>> No.10812436

All of these ignorant country states have things they think fancy city slickers eat that they've clearly never tasted. You think the people of West Virginia have had tofu and decided it's not for them? Please.

And it's not really surprising that land locked farm states have only had bad shellfish.

>> No.10812455


They used a dumb dating app. Meaning all responders were 20-35, single, and slightly tech savvy.

>> No.10812460

Dear lord how could you hate pesto? Pesto! PESTO?! PESTO??? I'm never setting foot in Ohio again

>> No.10812462

I don't get the appeal of grits at all. I've lived in the south my whole life. People constantly say "well you just haven't had good grits" but I have. I've had all the grits anyone has ever said are good. And they're gross. I'm convinced grits are some Truman Show-esque joke being played on me. Everyone in the world is in on this goof and they laugh at me behind my back. You guys would tell me if there was a global grit conspiracy, right?

>> No.10812606

With you, lived in Louisiana for 7 years and no matter where people said I should get them they always tasted like immense disappointment. And I love porridge/oatmeal/cream of wheat/etc.

>> No.10812744

I thought grits were meh for 36 years of my life.
Then I saw Glen Roberts in some of the Mind of a Chef episodes with Sean Brock. I figured what the hell, I'll try some of the fancy rice and grits they were talking about from Anson Mills. (heirloom grains from before industrialization fucked the flavor out of crops in favor of higher yields). Instant epiphany. Those products are god tier.

>> No.10813018

This. Most groceries only carry quaker oats tier instant grits and they're shit and that's what most flyover restaurants prepare. Get stone ground grits from a small mill and you're in for a treat although it'll take *gasp* 30 minutes to cook instead of 5.

>> No.10813673

You know what's up

>> No.10814888

>California hates chi fil a
Of course.

>> No.10814895
File: 160 KB, 800x750, soy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10814944

>To a minor extent in that it doesn't directly counter a states character, but it does highly exaggerate things. Keep in mind that the sample sizes of these studies is fairly small and that it doesn't even list the most hated thing, only the most hated relative to others. I can only speak for California here, but its true in the sense that when a company donates profits to fighting against gay marriage then Californians more than any other state are going to choose their friends and family over a passable chicken sandwich. Yet its not true in the sense that most people are apolitical about their lunch choices and don't give a shit. Even ardent liberals aren't really going to choose a passable chicken sandwiches as their hill to fight on.
>How old is this map anyway? That controversy went down in 2012 and I'm pretty sure everyone has forgotten about chick-fil-a.
Liberal tears make that chicken sandwich taste even better.

>> No.10815222

>balsamic vinegar

I hope to fuck that ain't true or imma have to wage a new crusade.

>> No.10815259

>kansas is as landlocked as you can possibly get
>hates shellfish

Really makes you think.

>> No.10815266
File: 128 KB, 1200x863, 700460519[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mormons are weird.

>> No.10815285

>that pic
It's a wild world we live in

>> No.10815290

>Asian Fusion
Absolutely Based

>> No.10815291

I've tasted it made by a bunch of people who say exactly the same thing and it was terrible every time.

>> No.10815486

What's the sample size for the info in the OP image? I've never even heard of this dating app, I'm having a hard time believing there are even enough people on the entire service to have concrete answers for that question.

Some of those answers seem so specific that it's like only one person even could answer like that.

>> No.10815519

Never buy one of these. Instead, make brownies in a muffin tin. Literally the best brownies possible

>> No.10815527 [DELETED] 


>> No.10815541 [DELETED] 


>> No.10815545 [DELETED] 
File: 187 KB, 989x719, 1529197198385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10815553
File: 28 KB, 720x404, C-drDLaVoAE92Mg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10815560

please tell me shit like this is permaban worthy

>> No.10815579

It's actually illegal in the EU

>> No.10817049

California hating chic fil a is hilarious

>> No.10817620

>tfw this is now a factual statement

What the fuck happened to the world?

>> No.10817654

As someone from Colorado I share the hate for hot cheetoes. God damn spics love that shit, it's nasty as hell and gets stuck in your teeth.

>> No.10817662

As a Californian I'd just like to apologize...

>> No.10817975

Based Califags!

>> No.10817980

for which sin, exactly?

>> No.10818103
File: 130 KB, 550x539, C59707988FB848D29604565E20C0F682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute taste of flyover states
Christ almighty, it's like they're actively competing to be the shittiest state. Also, props to Texas for fighting the good fight desu

>> No.10818155


>> No.10818346

>Gas station wine
You can't even sell alcohol in gas stations here