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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10793634 No.10793634 [Reply] [Original]

I never realized how addicted I was to spiking my blood sugar.

I want a glazed donut so bad dudes. so so bad.

But thats not me talking. thats the sugarbrain. I just had a salad with like olives, bacon, and cheese, and i feel like my body hates me for trying to pretend that the absence of carbs is just normal.

>> No.10793740

Hang in there bro. The craving is strong, but we just gotta resist it

>> No.10793828

I gave myself one ripe banana. Lot of sugars but not enough to really be 'cheating' ketosis too bad.

But wow it's been so long since I had something sweet that I am pretty sure I made an ahegao face in front of my family

>> No.10795592

>thinks starch doesn't spike blood sugar
I think veganism might be more your style, anon

>> No.10795595

I know that feel, man. It was really hard first week.
But now I don't feel like eating anything sweet at all. It's great after a while, and I feel a lot more energetic.

>> No.10795609

Epic dude!!

>> No.10795618


>> No.10795626

It takes about a year to completely loose that craving. I used to eat candy every day along with a soda and the first six months were rough because every time I'd walk into a 711 or a gas station the entire wall was filled with things that I wanted to eat. Your mind eventually accepts that it isn't going to get that sugar high at some point and I'm sure its different for each person but it legit took me a whole year

>> No.10795631

Was ~2 months for me, and I used to eat junk foods and soda all the time. Some kindergarten level sweets too.
It's just so great to feel subtle tastes.

>> No.10795634

Some fruits dont actually spike your insulin. A lot dont, actually.

>> No.10795650

When I started smoking weed I stopped eating sugary foods like soda. Seems counter intuitive but the sugary foods tasted so insanely sweet that they basically overloaded my senses for the time they were in my mouth. Started drinking fuckloads of ice water because the feeling was nice. If you're really addicted to sugar to the point where you're having cravings it might be possible to replace it with a weed addiction. It's risky because you could turn into a degenerate burnout, but it's a lot easier to kick since you can just do literally anything else to occupy your time.

>> No.10795686
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you are the sugar anon

>> No.10795716

You're an anomaly. Weed makes me chow down on sugary things like there's no tomorrow and this is the normal response.

>> No.10796664

Eat the goddamn donut and go for a long jog/walk afterwards. Don't binge, though.

>> No.10796679


>> No.10796680

the only sugar I have are fruits, deserts that I'm served when I'm at other people's houses, and some fucking candy bars that my girlfriend asks me to share with her so that she doesn't feel so fat and guilty eating them.

>> No.10796684

Generally appetite decreases the longer you smoke marijuana, especially in the periods that you're sober. I smoked for about 2 years straight then took a month break and I lost a ton of weight because I never felt truly hungry. Not saying this is healthy but it's definitely a way to lose weight.

>> No.10796698

Checkin those timestamps

>> No.10798157

Just eat the donut as a reward for walking half a mile.

>> No.10798678

I can never tell if sugar addiction is a real thing or just people being drama queens. My guess is that the only truly addictive things are mind altering substances (nicotine, alcohol and illegal drugs) and everything else is people looking to create a narrative of overcoming adversity in their lives.

>> No.10798712

>and everything else is people looking to create a narrative of overcoming adversity in their lives.
That's pretty fucking retarded, Anon. But eating a lot of sugar can make you feel different. I didn't eat desserts or anything with sugar for a long time and then had a soda, and I could definitely tell it made me feel different. It was almost like caffeine, just not as strong, but it definitely had an effect. Most people even have a tolerance built up to sugar like what can happen with drugs, which is why some people are able to consume 100g+ of sugar every day but for people who don't do that, it'll make them sick.

>> No.10798740

That ain't a salad boy.
You need some onions and yellow peppers.
>Fill your body up with as many veggies as you can to get that potassium and hydrogen.

>> No.10798751

Why is it retarded? Don't you notice people inventing or exaggerating problems in their lives because it suits their self-image? Yes eating sugar makes you feel different, but not to the extent of nicotine, alcohol or drugs. It's a subtle thing many people don't even notice. And yes, you get used to things you eat regularly and radically changing your diet usually makes you feel bad or sick. But this is nothing specific to do with sugar.

>> No.10798762

>not saying this is healthy
>inhaling smoke
>not healthy
Who woulda thunk?

>> No.10798805

That;s sugar you know?

>> No.10798807

not all drugs have NATURALLY addictive properties. almost all of them are addictive though. the only thing that makes most drugs addicting is that it makes you feel good, and food does that too

>> No.10798847

Just have some fruit

>> No.10799050

i just laid off all fast foods and processed sugars/fructose drinks for two weeks

I caved in and bought myself a pizza with coke
I ate about 3 slices... and realized it didn't taste as good as I remembered it does. There wasn't that "brain explosion" from the cheese and sauce, and no "quenching" feeling from the coke anymore.
Right now I feel like vomiting, if anything.

>> No.10799112

People get addicted to gambling to the point that they ruin their lives, but I guess that's just being a drama queen.

>> No.10799119

I'm just like this guy

I bought a ton of candy once to prep for some solo weed time
Got to my dorm, lit up, started chowing down. Realized how harsh most of the junk was. And it felt like there were needles in my mouth.

It's very real. I used to pace in my room, telling myself I didn't need that pop tart. Or I didn't need that red bull. I'm not sure what changed since then, I guess it has a lot to do with guilt, and getting pleasures out of guilt. But I'm not a child hiding snacks from mom anymore, so there's no one to guilt but myself. As I realized that, binging and all that sort of lost its thrill, and it became easier to just eat only when I felt hungry.

>> No.10799182

And bananas are not one of them, friend.