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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10792434 No.10792434 [Reply] [Original]

What gave Sean Evans the idea to interview people while making them eat spicier and spicier chicken wings?

>> No.10792440
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Gave him a venue to shill his shitty hot sauces

>> No.10792448

God I fucking hate chicken wings.

Like what is the point. There is no meat on them. They taste like shit because vinegar and red pepper have no depth of flavor. And you get fucking vinegar all over your hands and face that smells like fermented ass crack. Fuck chicken wings. And fuck people who think they're good.

>> No.10792477

there is meat on them though

>> No.10792489

because they taste good you piece of shit

>> No.10792496

Maybe if you're retarded and grew up eating top ramen.

God I hate poor people

>> No.10792498

It's a fun schtick. It disarms people and (supposedly) makes them give raw answers since it's hard to focus on giving fake responses when your mouth is on fire.
Plus people like seeing other people eat spicy things. A bit of schadenfreude seeing famous people have some genuine pain

>> No.10793855

>sean evans
hes probably some jew that turns food into politics and is a complete faggot about it
good night

>> No.10793862

When you are a sadist these ideas come naturally.

>> No.10793872

>he doesnt know the joy of biting into a perfectly cooked chicken wing. the sauce soaked skin, still somehow cripsy, yields to tender unctuous meat which pulls away from the bone effortlessly.
sounds like you should learn how to actually them yourself since you've clearly never had a good one.

>> No.10793876

He doesn't do that

>> No.10793891

>go on a show thats known for eating meat and have to eat shitty vegan wings
why do natalie and the others do this

>> No.10793896

>i don't know who you're talking about but let me tell you about how he acts
typical political tard: knows nothing but assumes he has it figured out. if you're this wrong about something so trivial imagine how wrong you are about other shit? lol

>> No.10793900

It's not about wings
it's about hot sauce


>> No.10793905

I have no idea, but I wish someone would tell them how stupid it is.

The show is all about eating chicken wings. It's a pro-meat piece of media that encourages the sale of factory farmed chicken. Vegans and animal rights activists that go on the show and eat tofu wings are pathetic.

>> No.10793906

they copied an Alexa Chung segment

>> No.10793908

literally who

>> No.10793914

100% marketing scam. It's all about the $$$. All those sauces are shit.

>> No.10793921

is this bait?
or are you an actual tard?

>> No.10793933

honestly the sauces are good, they're very tasty. they're just extremely overpriced. i got a bottle as a gift once and was gonna buy a replacement when i ran out until i saw it was like $20 for a 7oz bottle. lol no thanks.

>> No.10793935

>first wing: "good"
>second wing: "good"
>third wing: "good"

Fuck off, celebrity/youtuber shit isn't /ck/.

>> No.10793938

If you don't like the tastiest part of the chicken why don't you just say you don't like chicken? Putting hot sauce on wings is just a bonus.

>> No.10793945

who cares if you recognize it, it's fact

>> No.10793950

He only puts like 2 out of 10 of his own sauces on, and most of the other ones are actually pretty top tier.

>> No.10793980

Wasnt she on the show

>> No.10793983

It's actually a genius show idea.

>> No.10793990

Thank you

>> No.10793993

no one cares about your shitty c list e-celeb, dipshit

>> No.10794002

I had an idea for a channel like this where I'd buy Hostess oatmeal cream pies and I'd give them to strangers, and I'd call it "Uncensored Creampies." If the channel ever went anywhere, I'd have celebrity guests and it would be "Celebrity Creampies." It's fucking stupid, but as far as retarded channels go, apparently I'd have done well enough.

>> No.10794275

it's not my shitty c list e-celeb idiot, I'm just answering questions with facts

>> No.10794311


those came later.

>> No.10794651

Oh look our routine contrarian has arrived to add quality discussion to the thread.

>> No.10794722

Well, most video's that get a ton of views on YT are retarded and geared towards retards

>> No.10795034
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>> No.10795055
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>implying any of this was Evans' idea and he's not just the monkey who dances in front of the camera for a paycheck

>> No.10795058

He's a millennial redditor. Hot sauce is their current gimmick, the idea was only natural.

>> No.10795295

>the Jews!
Pol really has rotten your brain.

>> No.10795303

His interview with Alton Brown was pretty enjoyable, Alton wasn’t even phased by the hottest wings at all.

>> No.10795306

>Wakanda forever

>> No.10795314

Alton's from Georgia and loves Asian food. He can handle his shit.

>> No.10795367

t. faggot who has only ever had wings a BWW

>> No.10795401

Since when are people not allowed to be contrarian? I mean I don't agree with the guy but you really shouldn't get so bothered by a different opinion.

>> No.10795971

People are allowed to be contrarian, it's just when that's your only reason for holding the opinion you do it's extremely childish and pathetic.

>> No.10795983

you can't tell me it isn't fun for the pot to get a little stirred up every once in a while in these threads.
Plus maybe the man actually hates wings.

>> No.10795986

Yes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuONqBMf3XA

>> No.10795989

What a qt

>> No.10795997

except for the meat part, which is wrong, most of the things you said are about the sauce and not actually about wings

>> No.10796243
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g8 b8

>> No.10796425
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>> No.10796483

It is a pretty ingenious idea really, it brings all the celebs well out of their comfort zone and it is really funny to watch them lose their spaghetti

>> No.10796499

It's great op is just a faggot.

best thing is how it's so hard to lie and keep up a facade while dying of the heat so it actually can get deep

>> No.10796513

>being wrong on the internet when you could have taken 5 seconds to verify your claim
no wonder no one likes you

>> No.10796526

I thought this little jew fuckpig was a vegan

>> No.10796533

Ten characters

>> No.10796553
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>mfw I thought you were memeing but it turned out to be true

>> No.10796750

Can't believe she ate 'vark sauce on camera

>> No.10796762

This shrill little hebe is a fake vegan. She ate wings and it wasn't even her cheat day.

>> No.10796778

He explained this in interviews before but the guy who runs First we Feast came up to him and proposed the idea for the show then they decided to follow through on it.

>> No.10796804



>> No.10797142

He literally says they made it because they needed a hook to make interviews more interesting.

I unironically think he is an excellent interviewer though, he asks really deep questions and does a fuck ton of research. Although he does have some annoying mannerisms like his hand movements and constantly saying his guests entire name while talking to them.

>> No.10797187

>the last dab

>> No.10797198

They used to be thrown out with the garbage up until the 1960s at which point drunken kids realized they were at least technically edible and wale, you have the Americanized buffalo wing

>> No.10797238
File: 38 KB, 630x617, Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing the glory of crispy roasted wings coated in a sauce that makes you weep with tear with joy
>not knowing the personal fulfillment of eating the bone-tips made edible from long and proper roasting before feasting on the sweet flesh, tempered with a little bitter char and the bite of vinegar and pepper
I pity you. Wings are one of the most complex foods when made properly.

>> No.10797262

she's super cute fuuuuuuck
>tfw no quarter chink redhead british gf

>> No.10797294

She quit being a PETA thot?

>> No.10797308

It's a pretty good idea but he's an awful interviewer.

I'm not sure how he managed such a boring interview with Johnny Knoxville of all people.

>> No.10797318

I bet you enjoy mozzarella sticks


>> No.10797375

I disagree I think he's a great interviewer because of the depth of research he goes to.

The Knoxville one was boring because Knoxville is a fucking boring old man now and it felt like Sean's questions were screened beforehand so there was nothing interesting asked unlike every other guest.

>> No.10797383

He was drinking half and half in that interview because he said the higher fat content would help more than milk.

>> No.10797405

>gets paid to eat chicken wings and talk to celebrities
Where can I sign up to be that monkey?

>> No.10797658

>great interviewer

no he's not a great interviewer, he's just better than the late-night segments on youtube trending all day every day. it's not hard to be a better interviewer than jimmy falon and the fat foreign fuck.

>> No.10797687


>> No.10797706

I wish she would pirouette in pain on my fukin schlong

>> No.10797988

Dumb cunt went on a show that promotes eating animals to literally shill her movie about not eating animals.

(yes I know she didn't eat wings)

>> No.10798004

yeah that's kinda the perfect audience anon

>> No.10798027

nice bro

>> No.10798070

The show is about putting people off their game and asking in-depth questions. If you think the centerpiece of the show is about wings then you probably think Friends was a show about an apartment complex.

>> No.10798080
File: 16 KB, 243x238, jack-dicaprio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine getting this mad over chicken wings

>> No.10798182

Not for her, it isnt. Fuck these preachy faggots.

>> No.10798209

From the Eric Andre interview:
>"I went to college in Bangkok."
And with complete confidence, zero delay he replies
>"No you didn't, you went to college in Massachusetts."
And Eric is stunned for a second by it.
>"Wow. You really did your homework."
Another time someone (Alton iirc) was so impressed they were looking around the room trying to figure out where his teleprompter was.
I've just started going through the whole channel a week or so ago and I've been really impressed by the videos.

>> No.10798229

Knoxville was giving the same canned interview all over town, watch any of the videos that came out around that PR cycle for whatever he was doing and you'll recognize all of the answers.

>> No.10798232
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>work at pizza hut that had wing street
>get bored while bagging wings because i hated doing it between deliveries
>would bag all drum sticks together and the flats together and would never mix them
>fags would call and yell at management when all they got were flats
>one guy started threatening my manager

>> No.10798251

>being mad about the best part of the chicken wing
is easy to tell who knows about removing the bones from the flat and doesn't because everyone who learns about the technique ends up valuing flats over drums