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10790556 No.10790556 [Reply] [Original]

You have to give up one of them forever, but you get free access to the other forever.

Which do you give up?

>> No.10790569


>> No.10790573

can I replace the coffee with monster zero ultra?

Anyway I don't drink beer so, the beer. I can always give the coffee to my dad

>> No.10790596

I love beer, I don't even like coffee, so guess what?

>> No.10790609

would giving up coffee for tea be a smart choice?

>> No.10790612

beer or coffee, I'd go for the coffee. Booze or caffeine, definitely booze.

>> No.10790614

Depends what you use it for. The caffiene content of tea is much, much lower than coffee. Like a third.

So if you aren't using the coffee for it's drug purposes, then yes

>> No.10790625

I'd say even as a social drink tea is a poor substitute for coffee in most of the world. Not served everywhere, usually can't start drinking as soon as its served, usually not offered to-go so you can slurp while walking with someone, etc.
Tea has a different vibe to coffee where I'm from, coffee is the busy worker's drink while talking fast and deliberately, tea is the resting person's slow drink while enjoying the ambience. Dunno, just different feels.

>> No.10790630

Even though I love both, I think it would be cheaper for me to give up coffee and get all the beer. And then I don't need to worry about coffee anymore once I die after a month or so from liver cirrhosis

>> No.10790637

Beer. I love the stuff, but I dont really need it. Also a hot cup of coffee on a cold winter day is maximum cozy

>> No.10790641

Coffee is a meme.

>> No.10790689

No-brainer for me. I'll drink tea and use coffein pills (I already use those a lot btw) and save a fortune because beer is expensive as fuck where I live.

>> No.10790695

Depends. I like cheap beer more than I like cheap coffee, but I like high end coffee more than I like high end beer

>> No.10790697

Where do you live that tea isn't served everywhere or to-go? All the coffee shops here have both hot and iced tea that you can get to-go. I agree that it has a different vibe, though. Actually, some people see tea as pretentious somehow. I told this guy I was drinking tea a couple weeks ago, he snorted and said, "tea?! pfft...I mean...tea is supposed to be good for you."

>> No.10790720

Beer in a heartbeat. Would seriously consider giving up all alcohol before giving up coffee.

>> No.10790758

I'll give up coffee. I don't even drink coffee.

>> No.10790760


I would drink beer every dinner time.

>> No.10790769

I don't like beer or coffee but I'd probably take the beer. I have tea and tea is much better than coffee. I am also an alcoholic.

>> No.10790788

I drink coffee everyday and rely on it a lot more so for that reason I'm more willing to give it up

>> No.10790790

>tea is much better than coffee

>> No.10790796


tea culture is also superior to coffee culture which is total trash for swine

>> No.10790816

No you are. Coffee is superior in every way. Caffeine content, flavor, variety, culture, brewing and extraction methods, the list could go on..

>> No.10790827

I'd give up beer since I mostly just drink vodka or rum when I drink alcoholic beverages. Also need to cut down on coffee so it might not be great for my health either way.

>> No.10790836

I like this answer, but I'll take the free coffee for compost material.

>> No.10790847

If I give up coffee nobody will be allowed to talk to me but if I give up beer I want be able to talk to anyone.

>> No.10791280

Beer. I had to stop drinking after my epilepsy got way worse in my early 20s so it's an easy pick

>> No.10791298
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To all the coffeefags: If you need coffee to get you going throughout the day you might be doing something wrong.

>> No.10791321

Beer I suppose. I don't drink that much anymore

>> No.10791335

is it alcohol vs caffeine or beer vs coffee?
if the former, I pick alcohol to keep and caffeine to go
if the latter, I pick coffee to keep and beer to go. I don't drink or like beer at all.
This guy knows.

>> No.10791341

I don't drink coffee.
I drink a LOT of beer.
So there you go.

>> No.10791348

I don't drink booze, cuz my proclivity to be an alcohol and I only drink coffee every once in a while, so I'll stick with muh tea.

>> No.10791427

Both are unhealthy meme beverages that are perpetuated in our culture through their accepted status as being "required" for proper social integration and function.

>> No.10791428

I don't drink either so it doesn't really matter

>> No.10791429

coffee is for hipsters

>> No.10791432

I only like coffee flavoring (ice cream, milk, syrup, etc...) but I don't like anything about beer, so that's a no-brainer.

Although if I had infinite free access to the beer from some magical source, could I sell it for my own profit? Then I'd just open a bar and quit my job.

>> No.10791434

Probably but my brain is too foggy without some kind of stimulant

>> No.10791436

>everything I dislike is a meme
wow hot take

>> No.10791438


>> No.10791440

I drink a lot of coffee and beer. I'll cut out the beer and have access to the coffee though as alcoholism runs in my family.

>> No.10791442

Hmmm do I go for burnt bean juice or rotten grain liquid?


>> No.10791448

Thanks for reminding.

>> No.10791449

So I guess you don't like cheese, pickled foods, yoghurt, either. Why would anyone listen to you when you have such shit taste?

>> No.10791458

It's official, 83% of Americans are hipsters

>> No.10791473

Maybe it got to do that modern life and modern day jobs are not for what the human body was made for. Medieval peasants had way less working hours than people today.

>> No.10791537

>Medieval peasants had way less working hours than people today.
It's part of our culture. The 1% has to keep the 99% of us working as hard as we can to make them richer. Our culture glorifies the hardworking dude who always puts in overtime. They're trying to make our virtual enslavement seem honorable. I just read a national article about some kid who graduated high school having never missed a single day of school in his life. The kid commented that he'd "seen his parents going to work whether they were sick or in pain, so he figured he should do the same thing". That's like some Orwellian brainwashing shit right there.

>> No.10791566

Coffee gives me shit attacks, even though I love it
I don't really have a choice

>> No.10791786

congealed glandular secretions, last ditch attempts to preserve decomposing vegetables by drenching them in acid/rancid juice, and bacteria laden sloppy tit slime? Yeah I'll pass, if that's shit taste I wanna know what good taste is

>> No.10791806

Beer. There are other decent sources of alcohol, but coffee is far and away the best caffeinated beverage.

>> No.10792062

>can't start drinking as soon as its served
Where are you getting coffee that doesn't take 20+minutes to get to a drinkable temperature?
"It has to be served literally boiling" is such a stupid meme, I wish places would just serve it moderately hot.

>> No.10792947

I am slightly oversensitive to coffee, if I try to drink over two cups at a time I start wretching. Lager though is good times - also expensive where I live.

>> No.10792958

Is it beer or alcohol? At any rate, I don't really need to be awake all the time so I will give up coffee. Anyone who doesn't give up coffee is just addicted to it. Pathetic.

>> No.10793381

Both. Drink Kvass to replace beer, Drink cold Kvass on hot summer day to replenish strength after a long day of harvesting grain with scythe.

>> No.10793391

Give up beer. I don't even like coffee and feel sick drinking it, but being barred from beer forever will help me get over my addiction.

>> No.10793397

pretty fucking obviously I would give up coffee because I am not an elderly lady

>> No.10793403


Coffee helps me lose weight, beer helps me gain it

>> No.10793405

I'd rather have to drink fucking mountain dew for all of my caffeine than give up beer

>> No.10793408

Coffee because with unlimited beer there will come a time when I will need to stop drinking for good.

>> No.10793421

Coffee, as long as the beer in question is of any type I feel like and not just the lager on display.

>> No.10793445

I don't need coffee to get me through the day, and I don't need beer to have fun, but they both help.

>> No.10793447

>muh bloaty alcohol water is so important i cant ever give it up
is beer the new bacon?

>> No.10793465

>muh hot caffeine water is so important i cant ever give it up
is coffee the new bacon?

>> No.10793470

Beer and bacon are both much more useful and interesting than coffee

>> No.10793479

Coffee. That shit gives me anxiety and makes me not be able to dream at night anyways.

>> No.10793482

Yes it’s reddit as fuck

>> No.10793495

Why do women care so much about coffee?

>> No.10793636

*beneficial bacteria
It's almost as if you want digestive disorders. KEK

>> No.10793643

Beer desu. Not really much of a drinker so not much of a loss desu.

>> No.10793659
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>> No.10794835

This is clearly about tea, not coffee, and tea needs to infuse for a bit.

>> No.10794843

I can't give up either, because I don't take either. I am straight edge and proud of it.

>> No.10794845

Both are bad for my UC. I would choose give up coffee because I already pretty much stopped drinking beer but can't do it with coffee

>> No.10794866

Same here

>> No.10794993

I hate beer.

>> No.10795147


*slurp slurp* exciting acidity *spluuurp* almost sugary fruity sweetness *sluuuuuurp* caramelly and cinnamony *slurp slurp sluuuuuuuurppp*

>> No.10795369

Would I get free premium craft beers if I gave up coffee?
Would I get free gesha coffee if I gave up beer?

>> No.10795379

If I could never drink coffee again then what would be the acceptable talkie point?

>> No.10795414

Coffee, there's nothing coffee does that tea can't

>> No.10795535

I bet you’re fun to talk to. Let me guess you do shit like hiking and mountain biking

>> No.10795539

Well that ship has sailed and it's a relatively manageable addiction.

I'm prepared to drink coffee till death

>> No.10795541

Beer. Coffee taste is prevalent in many other dishes and desserts.

>> No.10795842
File: 58 KB, 605x446, productfaildefuck_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give up coffee. That's an easy one for me. A significant part of my money goes to beer and I enjoy it more, even though I consume equal amounts of coffee and beer.

>> No.10796158

I'd give up beer because I can still drink coffee from a gas station and avoid the snobbery but I only drink socially and bars are full of 30 year old children with strong opinions.

>> No.10796380

>limiting yourself
im fine with whisky and cocktails thanks

>> No.10796401



>> No.10797150

>"It has to be served literally boiling" is such a stupid meme, I wish places would just serve it moderately hot.
What the fuck, just sip it? I drink coffee from my moka pot right after it's done brewing with no problems.