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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 161 KB, 865x1300, bread-mouth-full-of-bread-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10788698 No.10788698 [Reply] [Original]

Are there really people who don't eat bread? It is one of the oldest foods that has sustained mankind, probably the earliest invented food, bread is the most basic of man food, how can it be bad if it has sustained us all through out history

>> No.10788705

Nigga, there's like 3 billion asians in the world who barely eat bread, you dumb

>> No.10788722

Celiac Disease is a real condition that affects literally tens of people every year shitlord how dare you eat food made of gluten and plant screams

>> No.10788734

asians are weak

>> No.10788735

My friend used to get beat with week old baguettes by his dad because they didn't leave marks on his body. He'd just be covered in crumbs all the time.

>> No.10788774
File: 46 KB, 600x602, sensible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a joke in here somewhere.

>> No.10788776

>There's a joke in here somewhere.
he was a really crummy dad

>> No.10788778
File: 22 KB, 590x495, 1521411214369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asians don't eat bread
Are you retarded? Does your knowledge of Asia come from secondhand rumors and Nip cartoons?

>> No.10788792
File: 202 KB, 1280x721, brock-ripped-1022047-1280x0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, i have it on very good authority asians love jelly donuts

>> No.10788822

But he's mostly right. The staple food for the vast majority of Asians is rice, not wheat. Rice provides a large percentage of daily caloric intake for most Asians.

>> No.10788865

Yes, Asians eat more rice than most non-Asians. OP was asking about people who don't eat bread at all, not people who eat more rice than bread.

>> No.10788872

Nobody likes a pedant.

>> No.10788873
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You did good

>> No.10788881
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>> No.10788898

Those people who are allergic to bread would've died off years ago but our society preserves the health of everyone even those who don't deserve it

>> No.10788905

>It is one of the oldest foods that has sustained mankind,
Lolno, only for the last 12,000 or years, 20,000 if you really want to stretch the facts to the snapping point. Barely a blip in our history.

>> No.10788911

I only eat bread rarely, less than once a month, because I prefer wheat in the form of wheat berries. Parched, cracked, rolled, it's all better than bread to me.

>> No.10788912

How long do you think humans have existed?

>> No.10788919

You can make types of breads from rice flour

>> No.10788928

One or two hundred thousand years in our anatomically modern form, quite a bit longer than that depending on how broadly you define human.

>> No.10788931

Yes, this is possible.

>> No.10788938
File: 32 KB, 564x564, 1494016902076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the jesusfag

>> No.10788943

If you're talking about actual "history" then we've eaten bread for the entirety of it. It, in fact, preceded history.

>> No.10788953

Just because the planet is millions of years old doesn't mean humans are brainlet

>> No.10788954

Yes they eat bread, no they don't eat a lot of bread. Saying they "barely eat bread" honestly isn't THAT much of a stretch. At least when compared to yurop.

>> No.10788955
File: 186 KB, 527x526, 1529136326921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the fedorafag

>> No.10788961
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1529529468300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pork bun and steamed buns don't real

>> No.10788980

I knew one guy a bio major in college that tried to quite all sugars so no sweets, carbs, or anything like that (not sure about fruits). He said it was the hardest thing he had ever done and craved bread like an alcoholic going through withdrawals. He was fucking odd but knew biology shit really well. I never knew if it was a diet thing, a personal challenge thing or an eating disorder of some kind but he seemed healthy and alert so it might not have been too taxing on his body to switch to an alternative calorie source. Then again I looked healthy and alert back then too when I wasn't high, college bodies are pretty durable.

>> No.10789006

Yeah, and you call them steamed buns despite the fact that they are obviously grilled.

>> No.10789010
File: 32 KB, 500x375, idli-with-idli-rava-recipe-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, "idli" is made with ground rice and usually ground lentils too but is a type of steamed bread/bun. Pretty tasty.

>> No.10789030

Really? Well im from utica and ive never heard of "idli"

>> No.10789059

>one of the oldest foods

true, but quick rise enriched white flour bread isn't

>> No.10789089

Bread is high calorie, nutritionally void and leaves you hungry. It is a carrier of toppings, edible utensils basically.
Why not just eat the toppings in higher amounts without the bread? I've found that way more satisfying.

>> No.10789100

It's an Indian food, they also have dosa which is like a crispy crepe made from the same kind of batter.

>> No.10789101

>Really? Well im from utica and ive never heard of "idli"
Is this a joke I don't understand? Why would someone from Utica have heard of anything

>> No.10789103

>nutritionally void

>> No.10789160



while it DOES have nutrition you could get anything you could get from bread from healthier sources. It may have helped humanity but it sure isn't the best thing to eat.

>> No.10789182

I don't know anon, if you take out the substances they add to fortify the stuff most of the bread on the shelves here is just starch and a little bit of protein. Basically kid's breakfast cereal with less added sugar. Maybe the situation is different for eurangutans.

>> No.10789184

>nutritionally void
Nope. Modern white flour + water breads are, but that's it. Whole grains are fairly healthy, and if you make the bread with milk/eggs/butter/etc. instead it's going to be even more nutritious. Not to mention adding in nuts/seeds, mixing grains, and all the other things you can do. Bread can be healthy.

>> No.10789201

>little bit of protein
prolamins are poison

>> No.10789207

If you're a digestionlet sure.

>> No.10789553

Nah, for everyone. Don't eat wheat.

>> No.10789591

Whole wheat is okay. It's just a seed. Processed wheat isn't that good though.

>> No.10789698

I hate bread as a result i hate pizza aswell

>> No.10789775

>nutritionally void

Go DIAF, you fucking moron

>> No.10789801

Or you could totally supplant your bread intake with an equivalent quantity of calories worth of vegetables. Watch the nutrition content shoot through the roof.

>> No.10789805

You'd have to eat like 1 lb of broccoli to the game the same calories you'd get from whole wheat bread, and that's if you didn't make the bread with milk or anything like that.

>> No.10789806

from 2 slices of whole wheat bread*

>> No.10790406

>stretch the facts to the snapping point.
Actually wild grains have been ground into bread or things like it for a very long time, even in Australia.
In Europe: https://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/19/science/19bread.html
Australia: http://theconversation.com/buried-tools-and-pigments-tell-a-new-history-of-humans-in-australia-for-65-000-years-81021
>The grinding stones from the site indicate a range of fruits, seeds, animals and other plants were ground up for food. These are the oldest known examples of seed-grinding stones found in Australia, if not the world.

And then of course we have been preparing grains and starchy roots and tubers in other ways for even longer. Plainly, Homo Sapiens has been eating starch for ALL of its history, since Homo Erectus.

>> No.10790414
File: 125 KB, 680x260, wonderbread full of rust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Because modern, industrially produced bread sucks shit.

>> No.10790415

Exactly. >>10790414

>> No.10790417
File: 84 KB, 800x533, ruisleipä.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the most popular bread in Finland.

>> No.10790428

Humans are in fact several million years old, being that the word "Human" refers to the genus "Homo." Which I understand could be confusing, considering that you yourself are a Homo and you're only fifteen.

>> No.10790430

The difference is that prehistoric grains and tubers were far more fibrous than modern examples, and the "Bread" that resulted was probably more like a sort of gritty cracker that was mostly indigestible fiber.

>> No.10790433
File: 61 KB, 650x433, oh oui hein hein hein hein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks breddy gud. Here's the most popular bread here in France. Damn tasty if not very nutritious... but still much better than the crap in the Anglosphere.

>> No.10790437

South east asia unless in popular cities where there are tourists. The cuisine there is strictly rice compared to their asian counterparts like china and japan. Reason being their climate catering to rice.

>> No.10790438

>I believe in objectively untrue nonsense but you probably wear a silly hat lol

>> No.10790442


We no longer need to eat bulk to live.
What our ancestors ate wasn't wonder bread.

>> No.10790444

The point was to counter the industrial = bad claim. You can buy healthier mass produced bread if you wanted to.
Baguettes are much more palatable and you can use it as a way to scrape sauce from a plate when having a meal, but I wouldn't say they're same category health wise as wholegrain rye bread.

>> No.10790448

If it was mostly indigestible then they wouldn't have come to rely on it. You're right that there was plenty of fibre but there was still plenty of starch too.
Obviously we haven't been eating French baguettes or wonderbread since prehistoric times, but starch has been consumed by humans since we domesticated fire, that is, since the time of Homo Erectus, and it probably played a large role in the evolution of Homo Sapiens. Even Neanderthals have been found to eat wild grains.
The role of starches, including grains, in prehistoric nutrition shouldn't be discounted just because it was generally eaten in a more fibrous state.

I don't necessarily think prehistoric tubers were fibrous anyway, at least not as the way they were prepared. If we look at modern hunter gatherers or horticulturalists in tropical regions, you have staples like cassava, arrowroot and sago palm from which the starch is extracted from the root and eaten without the fibre. Ancient humans weren't dipshits, and if some of the most primitive humans can extract starch from a root then it's certainly possible that ancient humans could have refined their starches too in some way.

>> No.10790451

Fair point. I agree that industrial isn't necessarily bad, but it allows for certain monstrosities nonetheless.

>> No.10790455

...and more specifically, has allowed the degeneration of wheat bread from a nutritious staple to a junk food, with the prevalence of coeliac and gluten intolerance rising alongside that process.

>> No.10790460

>you can use it as a way to scrape sauce from a plate when having a meal

If you're a barbarian.

>> No.10790464

It's the official etiquette.
But since I don't eat bread on keto diet I just lick my plates clean.

>> No.10790468

>It's the official etiquette.

Of barbarians. If anything other than cutlery touches your plate you might as well be a cave dweller.

>> No.10790469

You've never seen how a pork bun is cooked have you?

>> No.10790478

Better a cave dweller or barbarian than a prissy bourgeois faggot like you.

>> No.10790490
File: 66 KB, 500x533, mmmm-grayons-31350775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can it be bad if toothless people with 70iq who died at 40 from scurvy sustained on it

>> No.10790493

If they had access to wheat even the Asians would have preferred it over rice.
It's easier to grow and gives a better yield

>> No.10790502
File: 189 KB, 1500x1500, ed501bde-d84d-48dd-929a-aa97b289314f_1.d19b680b940959f1c44fd7275d77dda8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10790506
File: 122 KB, 740x819, DZNsAknVwAEnenC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry wrong pic. The link is still good though. Pic shows, and link discusses, grain consumption in paleolithic times.

>> No.10790510

Just because one food doesn't provide all the nutrients you need doesn't mean it's a bad food silly. Malnutrition isn't so much related to what you eat as what you don't.

>> No.10790512

Asians did have access to wheat and did indeed grow it. Not all Asians live in rice growing regions.

>> No.10790514

>bread causes scurvy

>> No.10790718

His nickname was Crust

>> No.10791206

I'm atheist you fedora wearing retard, you aren't special for figuring out there isn't a god. Learn some self-awareness you cringebag.

>> No.10791209


>> No.10791908


No. Not really.

>> No.10792652

>You can buy healthier mass produced bread if you wanted to.
Not if you live in Tallin. I don't even whats wrong with these people.
A weird mix between bread drowned in preservatives and air, and sweet bread.

So either you live of baguettes, or you bake bread.

>> No.10792684

Well, you see Anon, I'm much smarter than the dozens of generations of people who have lived before me, so I'm enlightened enough to know that the carbs they've been consuming are actually poison, cannot be digested, cause cancer and global warming.

>> No.10794122

Ay I know that container

>> No.10794300

Thats not a lot of people that get affected anon.

>> No.10794321

Probably something to do with being ex-soviet country

>> No.10794337

Hush it fuccboi, you got got.

>> No.10794347


>> No.10794685

just more educated

>> No.10796099

absolutely btfo
kill yourself

>> No.10796102

>Are there really people who don't use torches? It is one of the oldest light sources that has helped mankind, probably the earliest invented lightning tool, torches are the most basic of man tools, how can it be bad if it has sustained us all through out history

>> No.10797991
File: 8 KB, 250x229, boomerfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFw so many people tell me

>Im cutting carbs out of my diet.

I always think the same op. LITERALLY WITH MANKIND SINCE WE COULD FUCKING FARM BUT HEY in the time where we have CARS are Polluting the Earthh, Getting FAT and dying because we Over eat all WILE destroying the planet.

BREAD is your enemy?? yeahh im sure these people need to just GO OUT AND WALK FOR 30 minutes each day! annd stop eating so much you FAT FUCK

>> No.10798263
File: 10 KB, 275x275, steamed bread grain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice is basically bread.

>> No.10798568

Fatties trying to lose weight