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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10786824 No.10786824 [Reply] [Original]

Hello I am the best food-related TV personality.

>> No.10786832

But you're not Ina Garten

>> No.10786831
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>> No.10786861


>> No.10786917

And he's also a devout Christian. Coincidence? I think not

>> No.10786936
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>ina garten

>> No.10787035

No, he left the southern baptists because of their anti-gay homophobia.

>> No.10787077

He literally owns assault rifles.

>> No.10787103

so because he owns rifles he can't like gay people?

>> No.10787134 [DELETED] 

Correct. Fags and guns don't mix like two dicks and no bitch, find yourself in serious shit.

>> No.10787160

Is this what passes for wit in America?

>> No.10787169

Get yourself away from the computer right now young lady or I won't let you watch the Kardashians tonight.

>> No.10787172
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>/pol/fags in /ck/
I didn't know they were intelligent enough to cook let alone shitpost about it

>> No.10787176
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uhhhhhhh. im a gay furfag from montana. and i can tell you furfags and infact gay furfags fucking love guns.
then again maybe thats just the montana leaking into furfags and gayfags.

but goddamn most of us have a fucking closet full of rifles and shit

>> No.10787180

No, it's what passes for wit in the hellhole known as 4chan.

>> No.10787187

>comments on a perceived lack of intelligence in others
>posts animu
Yeah, you've convinced me.

>> No.10787204

t. Notorious B.I.G.

>> No.10787213

He's one of the most likable celebrities I can think of in general.

>> No.10787278

That would be illegal,he owns rifles that look scary.

>> No.10787287


>> No.10787307

I don't care what you guys are arguing about but when the best comeback you can come up with is
>well you posted anime so you're stupid
It really makes it seem like you lost the argument.

>> No.10787316

You're a mean, mad, white man. Why the rage, bruh?

>> No.10787323
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Looks like its time to kick this thread up a notch

>> No.10787335

No rage here. I'm just pointing out something I've noticed here a lot.

>> No.10787337


>> No.10787351

*Crowd goes absolutely bananas

>> No.10787355

why couldn't this fag kill himself instead of based bourdain

>> No.10787359

bourdain said something mean about Daddy so fuck him.

>> No.10787364

"Assault rifles"? Do you mean standard semi-automatic rifles? Are you frightened, snowflake?

>> No.10787366

No, you're suggesting that resorting to ad hominem attacks invalidates the attackers position. Don't be that kind of 'mo.

>> No.10787382
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>only loony toons evangelicals own popguns
Sure thing, see you on the paintball field next week to practise armageddon battle tactics!

>> No.10787387

Owning an assault rifle makes you Christian?

>> No.10787399

It makes you a criminal because assault rifles are illegal in America.

>> No.10787437

>Alton “Can’t Cook but Can Complain” Brown
Literally Rėddit: The Chef

>> No.10787452

hes an asshole most of the time but he can be entertaining

>> No.10787453

"Those who can't, teach".

>> No.10787612
File: 2.49 MB, 1378x1939, 7654316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gun nuts are the only sort of nuts that I wouldn't want to be near.
It's "those who can't do, teach" in reference to doing mathematical research.

>> No.10787623

Bravo motherfucker, I haven't seen the Ten Crack Commandments ever on this site

>> No.10787626

hello shitty youtuber

>> No.10787657

Heard you could suck a good dick and hook a steak up.

>> No.10787666

Don't sell no crack where you rest at

>> No.10787676


My best friends are gay marines, what's your address so they can liberate your shithole?

>> No.10787684
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If this rap shit don't work man I'm telling you

>> No.10787757

Did they enjoy the company of liberated Afghani tea boys? Poor little guys are irresistible.

>> No.10787804

And those that can't do OR teach, shitpost on 4chan.

>> No.10788360
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No. Pearlyn Chew is.

>> No.10788395
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>> No.10788505

good eats was a decent show, but he is an unsufferalble cunt in every other thing

>> No.10788511

this guy is such a reddit fag

>> No.10789997

You have never visited /k/, and I can tell, there's fags that can afford guns a mental troglodyte like you could never hope to afford.

>> No.10790031

>le soiboi meme face
holy shit, just smile or make a neutral face dude wtf is so hard about not being an annoying faggot?

>> No.10790308

alton brown is literally bill nye the cooking guy.
started out okay but as time went on the cracks in his presentation became more obvious with it showing he's actually just a massive faggot that's wrong about everything.

>> No.10790348
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>Competing with comfy as fuck icons like Jacques Pepin and Julia Child