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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 1420x946, 05-anthony-bourdain.w710.h473.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785215 No.10785215[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck was Anthony Bourdain and why did y'all all act like he was a big loss?

before his death I had coming here for years yet not once ever seen him even mentioned or seen a pic of this dude posted.


>> No.10785218

Had a few travel shows on TV and wrote a book about how fucked restaurants can be awhile back.

>> No.10785223

Honestly, I think it had to do with the fact that there wasn't anything wrong in his life and he hung himself anyway. He used to be druggie though.

>> No.10785228

You must have only come here once every 6 months OP.
I recall a thread only a few months before he died and I said that I didn't really care for his style on tv (aka boring) and got a whirlwind of shit bc 'he's so smart and forward thinking'.
He was maybe good listening but I couldn't take his long winded sentences that felt more like diarrhoea spewed from a drug induced man behind a cheap laptop in a cheap hotel room.

>> No.10785239


and here we see how anecdotes =/= evidence

there have been tons of threads about bourdain over the years, though most were just about shitting on him. He wasn't the greatest but I enjoyed most of his work.


>> No.10785242
File: 66 KB, 546x467, Screenshot_20180620-174328_Google.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recall a thread only a few months before he died when I said that I didn't really care for his languid and indulgent style on television; only to be bombarded by a whirlwind of "he's so smart", "he's so forward thinking".
>Maybe he was good listening; but I couldn't take his long winded sentences that felt more like diarrhoea spewed from a drug induced man behind a cheap laptop in a cheap hotel room.

>> No.10785244

I was actually surprised by how many people I knew cared that he killed himself. My step mom thinks that he was murdered in order to send some kind of message to Elon Musk, and Jay Z is involved some how.

>> No.10785250

Didn't your dad ever get told not to stick his dick in crazy?

>> No.10785255

I guess not, but the thing is that he's been through 3 divorces and it was getting to the point where he just didn't want to die alone.

>> No.10785257

She must frequent /pol/

>> No.10785258

no reservations was a decently comfy show most of the time, it was interesting to see working kitchens around the world and how similar everything is

he was just one of those dudes who had seen some shit and shared it

he was no jacques pepin or paul prudhomme but he helped shine some light on how fucked up kitchens can be sometimes, although a lot of that has changed in the last 15 years, kitchens can still be super fucked in different ways now.

>> No.10785261
File: 64 KB, 640x598, XXXTentacion-1529353516-640x598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck was xxxtenderloin and why did y'all act like he was a big loss?

before his death I had coming here for years yet not once ever seen him even mentioned or seen a pic of this dude posted.


>> No.10785262
File: 18 KB, 275x330, 1zvrn-hugh-oct2011.1cropped-e1321986761809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a hardline lefty that an hero'd himself because a roasty made him a cuck.
Do you really have to ask why everyone on this site is jumping on it?

>> No.10785265

lol. Ironically I'm the /pol/tard. She just listens to a combination of Alex Jones (to the point where she actually buys the water filters) and christian fundamentalist stuff.

>> No.10785306

Oh well, at least she doesn't live anywhere near Cali right?
Also you know where you stand with her. Must be a pretty cozy relationship.

>> No.10785322

Oklahoma, It never really comes up much since she only descended into madness after I left home.

>> No.10785333

Also nothing against most /pol/acks.
Jesus have I learnt a number of truths there. Also now I hate shitskins, niggers and Jews like you wouldn't believe. And rightly so, I might add.

>> No.10785352

Yeah, that's pretty much my experience with the whole thing. It took me years to accept it but there's no going back now.

>> No.10785353

4chan is just another media outlet, let the cancer flow

>> No.10785354

>listening to alex jones unironically
I just can't even imagine there are people like this.

>> No.10785364

There are and it's makes some people fucking crazy. And again she buys all the pills and water filters the dude sells.

>> No.10785382

Now that I think about it. One time she literally tried to call the secretary of defense to tell him about the Alex Jones shit. A DoD paper pusher had to explain that's not how it works.

>> No.10785421


There was a guy that parked an armoured car on hoover dam just the other day and demanded the 'real' Hillary Clinton emails.

America has 25-30% of its population that's programmable flesh right now. They're not people, they're flesh robots.

There was a scientific study that said all you need is 20% of a group to think something to tip the rest of the population into it. We're there.

>> No.10785422

it's usually the ones who love guns and believe stuff like "spicy food is code for white genocide"

2nd amendment was a mistake

>> No.10785423


It's as modern as the 3rd Amendment.

>> No.10785429

Alex Jones does not have that much reach.

Because liberals NEVER go on shooting sprees or anything like that.

>> No.10785438

>here's one example out of hundreds of white incel redpill spree killings
>see? both sides!
t. alex jones fan

>> No.10785446

America is fucked. Alex Jones tier shit is what you hear form schizos in psych wards in other developed nations. In America the President calls to thank him.

>> No.10785448

People talk about his books here all the time-Kitchen Confidential was probably the biggest influence on thought on modern professional cooking.

>> No.10785465

>there wasn't anything wrong in his life

He was being cu/ck/ed by his wife.

>> No.10785470

>users only access to the world of cooking is through /ck/

>> No.10785486

Go ahead and convince me that is true then and post proof.

>> No.10785494

This looks like an invitation to "you post facts, I post 16 hours of David Icke links from YouTube"

And then if I refuse to post a point-by-point rebuttal of your deranged nonsense, it means I'm literally committing white genocide

Appreciate the invite to discuss the future of this country but no thanks to that

>> No.10785517 [DELETED] 

I went to a website called gunviolencearchive.org that seems reliable enough ebcause they post news and case reports and started checking incidents of 4+ killings from 2016. So far it's roughly 1/3rd black, 1/3rd Hispanic, 1/3rd white, and one guy who immigrated from turkey. None of the incidents really say anything about political leanings.

I don't care about the specifics, you made a claim that maybe ONE OUT OF HUNDREDS or mass shootings is by redneck white incels. I simply do not see that to be true. I made no claim about white genocide at all, asshole. >>10785422 did. Just that you are misrepresenting what group of people is committing gun violence.

>> No.10785521
File: 355 KB, 1000x1050, CE7AC9BE-3E09-4AC7-96F5-5540F5C49718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing with subhuman /pol/tards

>> No.10786757

Just a dude who tried to make the world a smaller place through cooking and travel and called things as they were.

>> No.10786783

Bourdain was a rich trust fund kid who became a chef, got hooked on heroin, and eventually settled down as an alcoholic.

Poor guy made the mistake of marrying a CUNT of a white woman who, of course, divorced him, took half his money, his daughter, and was using his child as a weapon to hurt and manipulate him.

Overall, just a sad sap of a man who is given more importance and glory than he deserved.

>> No.10786809
File: 14 KB, 354x286, 69f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom sounds ok, anon.

>> No.10786972
File: 1.71 MB, 331x197, hahahahohohoho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw imagining this

>> No.10786985

who are you quoting?