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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10780344 No.10780344 [Reply] [Original]

Do you judge people at the check out line based on what they buy?
Whenever I see a man buying a bunch of sweets/cookies/ice cream I think to myself "low test/soy boy alert"

>> No.10780349

I work in a store and I only judge my coworkers

>> No.10780351

No, I'm happy enough with myself that I don't need to judge others on such stupid metrics.

>> No.10780352

Soy boy alert

>> No.10780354

epic reply, dude!

>> No.10780356

Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded.

>> No.10780480
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Only on the first of the month, and only because I know I'm paying for it.

Fruits, vegetables, and other things to make meals? Cool.

Totinos pizzas, frozen waffles, and milk-based energy drinks? Fuck outta here with that shit.

>> No.10780500

Does mommy let you shop alone?

>> No.10780547

Not really
I work with people who are so intelligent that they singlehandedly saved a township from being unincorporated, people so fucking full of virtue that they spend their free time running into burning buildings and running soup kitchens, people who've spent their lives doing humble work like cleaning trash up from parks and cemeteries.
I watch them eat eggo waffles, and chips, and slim jims, and GMO tomatos, and drink soda and everything else that if you saw some black kid at the register with you would smirk, thinking "heh, nigger" while you buy a fucking box of Zatarains or whatever other garbage you eat that makes you think your shit smells like roses.

>> No.10780548

When I see loads of meat, soft drinks, sugary crap etc I think diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and erectile dysfunction.


>> No.10780564

No. It's one of the core comic techniques. You just struggle with it because you're not fully human.

>> No.10780586

I hate it how the Chinese always buy 20+ items but always go through the max15 items or less fast lane. Also I hate how they never consider to quickly to their side when making a quick change of direction, always just assuming no one is there, or maybe just not giving a shit if someone is there. Also I hate how they are the Asian Jews.

>> No.10780591


gooks lack visual/spatial intelligence and are rude as fuck.

>> No.10780634
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>> No.10780644

okay so now that we have this post out of the way, let's focus on other things.

>> No.10780678

only the people who eat inside the supermarket
>signs everywhere
>voice recording playing every 5 minutes telling people not to fucking do it
>you fucking know its not allowed
>still have fucking pieces of shit paying for an empty package tey consumed inside the store
what if there is a problem with the system and it cant read your fucking candy so you cant pay for it?
what about everything you touched with your dirty sticky finger?
fuck you

>> No.10780693


what shit hole country do you live in? ive literally never seen this happen.

>> No.10780699

I don't judge them but I do feel kind of bad when I see someone buying a ton of junk food, especially if they have kids. I wish I had enough time to make healthy and tasty food for everyone.

>> No.10780701

I find it funny when there's some middle aged guy buying frozen dinners and beer all alone. After a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.

>> No.10780712

I tend to feel self-conscious if I'm buying some junk food.

It's pretty sad when I see some obese person with a trolley full of dross. I've made some good changes and am in much better shape than I was last year, though I still have a way to go, but I remember being at my unhealthiest and the general sadness of it. Like at the time not being motivated/strong enough to make healthier choices but still caring and hating myself. I feel bad for them because it's not easy.

>> No.10780717


it IS a bad thing.

>> No.10780750

>milk-based energy drinks
What... Genuinely, do Americans really do this?

>> No.10780762

>milk-based energy drinks?

>> No.10780767

This isn't funny, Anon

>> No.10780787

>Do you judge people at the check out line based on what they buy?

nah im too self-conscious to really notice

>> No.10780883
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I shop at Sprouts and Natural Grocers so most people in line have raw or barely processed foods. I'm not sure I've ever seen someone buy cookies desu

>> No.10780899
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>people who unironically use the term "soy boy"
Fuck off Alex Jones

>> No.10780902

t. soy boy

>> No.10780912

I like to see fresh meat in a supermarket ie the 20-something girl with a basket full of ready meals for one

>> No.10780914

Sometimes I laugh internally when I'm behind a woman who looks as wide as she is tall who is audibly breathing as they stand next to their purchase of several 1kg potato and macaroni salads and then she makes a strange interested grunting noise before impulse buying as many bounty chocolate bars as she could grab in one fistful

>> No.10780920

Illegal mexicans do this. It’s not that they are rude like the Chinese, it’s just that they are stupid.

>> No.10781189

this tbqh

go back to r*ddit you little queer.

>> No.10781225

I notice what people around me are buying, but the shit always seems to break along class lines. Poor people with shit jobs and families tend to buy a lot of garbage and be fat. Slim, well educated people who obviously have more money buy a lot less garbage. I'm not going to look down on people for being poor and not knowing any better. But I have some antipathy toward the companies who make and market garbage food products to them.

>> No.10781248

based True Detective poster

>> No.10781266

Have an upvote, good sir

>> No.10781603

Nah. I shop at different places for different things, so a cart of my groceries may be all meats at one place and all veggies at another.

>> No.10781747

>i literally never judge anyone ever
yeah, fuck off

>> No.10781783

>Do you judge people at the check out line based on what they buy?

No, not at all.

But I do find myself becoming judgmental and a bit racist when I'm in line and see a black mother hitting or yelling at her kid at the top of her lungs.

Would it be inappropriate if I said something? I'd probably get called a racist, though I'm not white, and told to mind my business in today's world.

>> No.10781821

>priority queue for pioneers
What did they mean by this?

>> No.10781829

Nope, I judge them based on their conduct, not their choice of store items.

>> No.10781944

Where I live, you can't buy energy drinks with food stamps. However, energy drinks are classified as having water as their first ingredient. So, if your energy drink has coffee, milk, or tea listed as the primary ingredient, you can but it with food stamps.

>> No.10781954

Fuck no, I yell at other people's kids at the grocery store when they act like brats.

>> No.10781966
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>> No.10782008

I am the soyboy that buys sweet things and frozen pizza. I'm a 20 yo college student, gimme a break. Also, I know how to cook a number of basic recipes (spaghetti bolognese, al sorts of recipes using lentil including but not only red lentils soup and green lentils with rice and cheese, any kind of side dish and salad etc.), I just can't be arsed and I have a sweet tooth. Fuck off.
Also >>10780351

>> No.10782080

A sweet tooth will only harm you, buying sweets and junk is fine once every month or so but put some effort in to get some basic shit for cooking and you'll feel much better about yourself.

>> No.10782103

>it is normal when a middle aged guy doesn't buy frozen dinners and beer all alone
I'm already tired of your mental gymnastics, femanon.

>> No.10782112

Yeah, especially fat people and parents.

>> No.10782342
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>> No.10782351

>doesn't realise frog posters are a tier below soy boys
Back to Rebbit with you.

>> No.10782384

I only judge fat people and people buying light beer.

>> No.10782419

I’m so focused on whether other people are judging me for my purchases that I don’t have time to judge their selections

>> No.10782424

I laugh at people buying toilet paper.

>> No.10782455

Most of the taxes are paid by the super rich. You're not paying for shit.

>> No.10782466
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>> No.10782468

>soyposters in charge of rebuttals

>> No.10783110

If you're fat and you're buying frozen shit, candy, snacks, 2L bottles of soda, I'm 100% judging you.