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10779724 No.10779724 [Reply] [Original]

any tips for sharpening w/ these bad boys?
I got some stones 400, 1000, 3000, and 8000.
how wet do I keep them?
tips on keeping an angle?
variance on angle ok?
pressure tips?

>> No.10779727

find a google video. I'm tired of trying to help. 1000 times is enough for me.

>> No.10779733

p-please, I'd rather read an anon's post than watch some jewtube soiboi shill a brand of stone.

>> No.10779764
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It's the better way to learn, if you're a visual learner.


The keys are keeping your wrist from breaking plane. Laying the blade down on the angle it was made for(the water just beads out at the point of contact at the right angle, you see a little squirt of water). Keep that angle while you gently work the entire edge up and down the blade 3-4 times the 3 to 4 times on the other side.

Then switch grits to the fine side, do the same thing. Then you get a strop or a piece of denim, coat it in polishing compound and deburr the edge of the knife. That's when you can use it to shave your arm hair.


>> No.10779780


Also german and english tool/cutlery steel is usually sharpened at a much higher angle than japanese carbon steel.

>> No.10779789

get a drystone instead.

>> No.10779805

Variance is not okay unless you have a knife that's specifically ground at slightly different angle at the tip than the heel.

>> No.10779835

ok, how do I maintain an angle?

>> No.10780288

>counting strokes

>> No.10780295

always make sure to hold the blade perpendicular to the stone

>> No.10780299

Just throw it away, if your knife goes dull it's time for a new one.

>> No.10780341
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>he needs a $500 nippon desu wasabi stone to maintain his $9000 knives
>he still can't cook
I am a better person than you because I have cheap shit. I eat out of boxes and I shop at the worst stores, almost everything I do is centered around fears of seeming "pretentious" or "putting on airs". I am a good cook because I get by on terrible equipment. By "get by" I mean I ruin food a lot and pretend it's some kind of accomplishment.

Nice things are a scam and putting in any effort whatsoever on personal matters, other than "how badly can I behave on the internet without my ISP sending me a threatening letter", is for stuck up elitists who think they're better than us. By "us" I mean an imaginary "real America" where shallow machismo reigns, women are property, and minorities know their place

>> No.10780374
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Just wipe with the whole roll and throw it away.

>> No.10780377


How do you start a rookie out? There's a way to do it, and there's a way to learn how to do it. Savvy?

>> No.10780380

Pirate Murray Carter's blade sharpening tutorial DVDs. There's about 4 hours of sharpening autism to enjoy.

>> No.10780383
File: 33 KB, 395x530, 17284ZET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep a stack of brand new pants by the toilet so I can wipe with my pants, throw out the old pair, and put on a new pair.

I also throw away the belt every time I unfasten it.

>> No.10780384


That post once made sense, but has been corrupted by either drunkeness or psychopathy.

>> No.10780386

Form a burr on one side, then do the other side

The number of strokes is irrelevant

>> No.10780389


So when you started out, you knew how to feel the burr turn?

>> No.10780393


Maybe you don't even feel it now.

>> No.10780396

how poor do you have to be to have the need to sharpen knives?
get this shit off my fast food board

>> No.10780397

When I started out I didn't know anything

If you haven't formed a burr, it's too early to flip. Doesn't matter if you did 20 strokes or 2000 strokes

Form the burr, then flip

Once you've figured that out, work on reducing the number of strokes required to form the burr. That is the only time you would do anything that could be considered "counting strokes", but you're "counting" to improve your own efficiency, not as a criterion for when you've done an adequate job

Once you've brought it down to something reasonable, work on not forming a perceptible burr to begin with, but that's for much later. Starting off, a burr is your indicator

>> No.10780401


How poor do you have to be to live in this level of ignorance your entire life. These knives are cherished to most chefs who make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year with them.

You sound like a fucking trailer park sister fucker.

>> No.10780405


You don't see a burr, you feel it. How do you teach that? Hence the point I was trying to make back at sharpening 101.

Do you give a shit that people learn here or are you just trying to prove you can sharpen shit?

Don't you give a fuck about people learning here?

>> No.10780409

You're retarded as fuck dude

>> No.10780411

>forming an emotional bond with a piece of metal
yeah, i'm the joke here
therapy is available for you, dude

>> No.10780412

By using your hands. If you can't feel a burr, learn to feel it. Counting strokes is fucking stupid.

Look at it this way: if you're teaching a kid to drive, what's your criterion for success:

1. The kid drove from Point A to Point B without crashing or getting a ticket


2. The kid drove from Point A to Point B at an average speed of 54.7 mph

Counting strokes is the equivalent of (2)

>> No.10780415


Do it your way. You assume a lot from a student.

>> No.10780417


emotional bond? It's a scientific simplicity, dipshit. Martensite, austenite, it's all very hard and very simple to understand. Don't be a fucking kid.

>> No.10780418

You mean I assume a student should be able to learn the bare essentials for getting the job done? Yeah, I do that.

Keep on giving out participation medals though, I'm sure you'll end up with a lot of confused and frustrated students and isn't that the point of knife autism? To make this an exclusive elite club and wield terminology like a weapon to haze others online?

God forbid anyone actually learn anything.

I bet you're one of those assholes who recommends that beginners start off with 8000 grit stones because "you make a mistake"

>> No.10780426


I just wanted to give an idiot with a 300/1000 stone a chance at not making a convex shit blade for his first sharpening experience. You're trying to read some fucking psychology into this like a midnight weirdo. I was trying to simplify shit for a newb. You're the fucking guy that "needs to be right". You're not wrong, you're just not mentally healthy in my opinion.

I know how to sharpen shit, you do too it seems, but this guy is entirely new. Can't you relate?

>> No.10780428

Yep, looks like I was right
>durr muh carbides, muh eutectoid properties
While you're tipping your fedora at the stupids, I'm trying to help people learn. See your problem is you can't differentiate between "stupid" and "ignorant" so you treat students as though they are an inconvenience to you, and simultaneously withhold critical information like burr formation, while throwing around extraneous trivia like the terms for steel micro-structures

You are an absolutely horrible teacher

>> No.10780432

>I just wanted to give an idiot
Yeah, everyone who doesn't spend all day on KKF is an idiot, unlike you

Everyone should expect to make some mistakes when sharpening, this is why people are not supposed to practice on $250 knives

Also, go to bed luthier guy, you're drunk. Again.

>> No.10780433


I tip my fedora to you, weirdo.

>> No.10780435


I got a bowler here I think.. let me frisbee that at you.

>> No.10780436

lol sharpening

it doesn't matter how sharp things are when you're strong

tear animals in half with your hands like they're a puny phonebook

>> No.10780457

For the future and your reactions to stimulus..


Have a look, see if you conform.

>> No.10780474

I tore up your mothers vajayjay last night, tbqh.

A quick knife question that doesn’t deserve its own thread: Wüsthof in the dishwasher – y>>10780457
ay or nay?

>> No.10780477

nay. it might scratch something valuable, like your dishes. wusthof belongs in the rubbish bin.

>> No.10780479

Accidentally clicked another post. Should read: Wüsthof in the dishwasher – yay or nay?

>> No.10780493


These people offer the dumbest advice. Your knives will sit in their fucking bin and do nothing else but get washed. Why are all of you people so fucking stupid? This place is a trailer park of idiots.

>> No.10780525

I've always wondered why you people are atypical psychopathy. Are you ALL weird people or just the outspoken?

>> No.10780665

OP will most likely have left by now but whatever.I second the notion ow watching sharpning videos. good ones are the ones from Korin Knives, Japanese Knife Imports (Jon Broida), the Kramer sharpening videos and the holarious Global video with the old japanese dude. Only caution would be to disregard any advice to stack coins or other shit under the blade for keeping the angle, that is more of a hindrance. Look up what a 15 or 20 degree angle looks like and try to hit that with your blade.

>> No.10780667
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>yay or nay

>> No.10780713

@10780477 (no (You) for you)
Thanks for your help, snobby cunt. Now fuck off and let the grownups talk, you lonely wanker.

>> No.10780715

That’s what I though but why do some people tell you not to put your knife in the dishwasher?

>> No.10780743

>Do you give a shit that people learn here or are you just trying to prove you can sharpen shit?
>Don't you give a fuck about people learning here?

>> No.10780755
File: 104 KB, 951x972, brainlet monitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10780759

>@10780477 (no (You) for you)
Here's your (You)

>> No.10780778

But he wanted my (You), not yours

>> No.10780796

have another (you)

>> No.10780889


>> No.10781221

It can rattle around and clank up against forks an shit

>> No.10781773

I'm going to form a physical bond between you and this piece of metal if you don't shut the fuck up.