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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 616x462, iced tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10773998 No.10773998 [Reply] [Original]

Southern summer food thread. Everybody south of the Mason-Dixon line, it's hot, it's humid, we have our grills and smokers and stoves and ovens at the ready. This is our time to shine. What are we making to enjoy our time in the sun?

Yankees can fuck off back north. You know nothing about game meat and fresh fruits and vegetables in season. Southern hillbillies, rednecks, hunters, fishermen, and cooks only.

>> No.10774833

no niggers of course

>> No.10774852
File: 29 KB, 520x384, cute and adorable dixie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some good southern recipes that I can cook at home.

>> No.10775182

Sausage gravy recipe:
>1/2 pound of pork sausage
>1/4 cup AP flour
>2 1/3 cup whole milk (don't fake the funk with some 2% bullshit, we want the real deal.)
>1/2 tablespoon each of salt and pepper

Whisk your flour into your sausage drippings for a minute or so. Then slowly add in your whole milk, constantly whisking for 5-7 minutes. Then add in your cooked sausage. salt, and pepper.

>> No.10775197

au contraire, mon frere. Niggers have been a huge part of cooking in the south. You probably have some misguided ideal of what it's like to live here.

>> No.10775294

they say negros invented pan fried pocket pies.

>> No.10775342

Just the other day got into an argument with a guy who refused to agree that slaves bringing things like okra or being responsible for cooking on plantations was influential to the development of southern food.

>> No.10775579
File: 85 KB, 600x900, peach-iced-tea-ready3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been doing my normal thing of cold brewing my iced tea without sugar, then adding peach nectar to sweeten it up. Pic semi related. So fucking smooth.

It's been five trillion percent humidity every day this month, so walking out your door is like stepping into the fucking Stargate. We're talking "Your shirt is soaked through before you can walk across the driveway and get in your sauna of a car" heat. You don't stay hydrated in this mess and you're in for a world of heat stroke.

>> No.10775585
File: 48 KB, 210x200, 1527815240517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iced tea.jpg
>not sweet tea

>> No.10775587

This sort of shit is why I enjoy living in The Frozen North

>> No.10776927

Man, I went to Delaware last week.
Fucking 70*F and gray on a Saturday in June?
No thanks.
When I got back South I breathed in the humidity and blue skies like it was medicine

>> No.10777057

I want it to be winter in Montana so I can feel my nosehairs freeze when I inhale

>> No.10777072

Rural retards need to be genocides. I hate niggers, I love BBQ and I love guns, but you hillbilly white trash retards need to be fucking culled. That's all.

>> No.10777116
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>I hate niggers, I love BBQ and I love guns

Sure ya do.

>> No.10777750
File: 33 KB, 528x292, 1445169638368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10778088

Yank here.
Lived in the south from 2013-2015.
When everyone shits on the south, just remember that you have the absolute monopoly on the best food in the country. It's not even close.