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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10772444 No.10772444 [Reply] [Original]

>"Eating animals is evil!"
>when big cats just tear their prey alive
>when toucans, pelicans, storks, and other birds swallow their prey alive
>when kea parrots rip giant wounds on the back of sheep, take a bit of meat, and just fly away and leave the sheep suffering

>> No.10772468
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>I could avoid eating meat and still be healthy sure. But that would require me to make changes to my lifestyle and honestly I'd rather just be a hipocrit. Also im totally a lion lol bacon protien b12 soysoysoysoysoysoy

>> No.10772484
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>> No.10772519

Is this comic ironic?
It is very valid to consume meat due to your ancestors eating meat considering it will impact your genetics. Some people respond to simple sugars and carbohydrates with joint pain, brain fog, etc. The Inuit people essentially live on a ketone diet because its not relatively easy to find vegetation for them yet they respect and care for animals more than any modern civilization. I think associating consuming animals as any worse than killing any animal is pretty misinformed. I would feel many times worse cutting down a tree than killing a cow for food.
Also many plants contain anti-nutrients that actually prevent absorption and many things we get from plants arent in a readily absorbable form, heme iron from meat isn't available in plants and it is way more absorbable than anything from plants(which is why many people have issues with deficiencies on a vegan diet). I would also put into consideration that plants create the requirement for nutrition, sugars and simple carbs drain you of vitamins and minerals, people on pure meat diets actually fare very well with their vitamins and minerals because nothing gets used up unless its needed. Plant based diets require eating and timing for each task rather than an all meat diet where your body converts collagen, protein, and already available vitamins, into whatever it needs(this does not happen plant based diets).

>> No.10772522

as any worse than killing any plant*

>> No.10772526

Trips of truth!

>> No.10772747

>when kea parrots rip giant wounds on the back of sheep, take a bit of meat, and just fly away and leave the sheep suffering
WTF they do that? Ugly. Why are sheep so fucking use- and defenseless.

>> No.10772883

>when big cats just tear their prey alive
Lol, no, they'd be in extreme danger of suffering serious injury. They either rip out the throat or break the neck for a quick kill. A flailing big game animal is extremely dangerous. Anyway, are you admitting that carnists have the morality and mental capacity limited to that of predatory animals? Kinda hurting your argument of superiority, bucko.

>> No.10772963

Generations of breeding
Dont blame the sheep, theyre the victim here

>> No.10772980

Aren't vegans the ones claiming we are equal with animals? Which is why we shouldn't do them any harm if avoidable, if we are equal shouldn't we do as animals do? If we are better than animals then we have the right to do as we please in reguard to 'animal slavery' and eating them

>> No.10772996

Don't sheep kill almost as many people per year as rattlesnakes?

>> No.10772999
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>toucans, pelicans, storks, and other birds swallow their prey alive.

Vore is lewd.

>> No.10773003

Typical sheep-culture victim blaming

>> No.10773023

How about...
>I don’t really care if a cow died to make my burger and I’m gonna keep eating meat because I like it

>> No.10773054

im ok with eating meat as long as the animals being raised for slaughter are not living lives of pure suffering, and as long as they are killed in a way that minimizes pain and suffering

>> No.10773058

You don't understand.

You're dealing with cowards. Cowards would rather try to convince other people to join them in their cowardice rather than face their own fears, all in an effort to make it seem "normal" to share their cowardice about any given subject. FUCK all those cowardly vegan pussies afraid to kill and trying to shame people into their stupid fucking dietary habits. Especially the chicks, as they're THE most retarded, hormone driven, "vegan" assholes on the planet.

>> No.10773061

Do you clean your asshole with your tongue too? Why are you holding yourself to the standards of carnivorous animals?

>> No.10773114

The Inuits eat loads of meat historically yet still have high rates of atherosclerosis, genetic mutation isn’t as simple as “do this for X years”

>respect and care for animals more
You’re just making this up

Not eating meat doesn’t mean eating sugar and carbs

>many plants contain anti nutrients
Many is quite a misnomer, some dark greens have oxalic acids though the amount you’d have to consume while not eating other things is quite unlikely to achieve. Same with beans and phytic acids, you’d have to be eating a very unbalanced diet. Non heme or heme iron from plants is healthier than heme iron from animals, you can (again) eat a balanced diet and mitigate this such as consuming Vitamin C and increasing iron absorption as well as having fats for more fat soluble minerals and vitamins

>plants drain you of vitamins
Utter delusion, go ahead and eat 90% meat versus 90% plants and test your stupid theory

>> No.10773121
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>not being the Chad Omnivore

>> No.10773123

You just described all tribalism mentality, including your own.

>> No.10773138

Um sweetie, these are animals, not victims.

>> No.10773141

It's not "tribalism", it's family, you ignorant fuck. Family is what kept us alive all these years, not being a walking vagina too afraid or guilty to kill something to eat and survive.

kys already.

>> No.10773170

My argument is that farming is immoral, I'm fine with eating hunted/trapped meat but farms are disgusting and sad.

>> No.10773179
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>i consider anyone who eats meat “family”

>> No.10773182

We aren't equal with animals, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve the respect of another living being.

>> No.10773221
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My ancestors were Neolithic aryans who lived off of the products of their farming, not herding or hunting. Your beliefs of the Inuit are odd in that killing animals is akin to “caring more than anyone else” and I see that you have not mentioned that the Inuit are the most unhealthy group there is, even without the new modern western diet. Cows are our friends... we give them comfort and safety while they help pull our plows, don’t kill them. Trees aren’t the best lumber source either, that would be bamboo.

And your nutritional nonsense? What proof do you have to back it up?

>> No.10773223

>I'm so stupid I actually believe what I wrote in this stupid post

>> No.10773229

Everyone in the world is a victim according to this kind of logic.

>> No.10773283

The tribalist deals with a problem by transferring it onto others whom he does not care about, thereby becoming the very tool by which the problem spreads and grows. The universalist seeks a solution for all victims, thus will not be content until the problem has been completely eradicated.

>Seeking, quedtioning, forgetting until I finally distilled the essence - which is of empathy and honor.
David Myatt

>> No.10773286
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>Farming is immoral

>> No.10773315

The point is that we, as humans, have the mental and physical capacity to choose not to eat meat. And many people believe that that gives humans a moral duty to not eat meat in order to reduce unneeded suffering in the world.

Eating meat is not evil in and of itself. Causing unnecessary suffering for no reason other than pleasure is.

>> No.10773324

>that gives humans a moral duty
Geeeeeeeet fuuuuuuuucked.

>> No.10773336
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>i was only pretending

>muh tribe

>> No.10773338

Thank you for the well thought out counter argument. You've given me a lot to think about.

>> No.10773348

You're welcome. I hope your addled brain regains some of it's potential when you start eating meat again.

>> No.10773351
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>> No.10773352

He likely wants us to live like our pre-civilization ancestors. Farming destroy environment or somesuch.

>> No.10773357

animals are evil

>> No.10773360

Wheres the "I dont care about animals except for what they offer me" button? We only avoid eating things like dogs, cats and horses in the west because they have better uses like companions and transportation.

>> No.10773368

I'm not even a vegetarian. I just don't eat store bought meat. It would just be nice to have an actual discussion on here and to talk with people that weren't proud that they make the site a worse place with pointless shitposting.

>> No.10773372
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So we should live like apes and idealize apes because mass corporate farming is bad for everyone involved

>tfw you will never be a part of a wholesome and enclosed farming village were vegetables, fruit, and cereals are the staples

>> No.10773373

/ck/ hasn't been a place to discuss food seriously in over 5 years. You're literally better off going to reddit for serious discussion.

>> No.10773390

Well "intelligent" hunter gatherer ape, but you get what I mean. I bet he would also be ok with keeping tools as long as you don't have to mine for the materials or build a permanent installation for them. So basically if you live like traditional Sami or Inuit it's fine.

>> No.10773401

Different anon, but I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he means that the current methods of factory farming are cruel/immoral, not farming period.

>> No.10773402
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>> No.10773406

Even plants know meat is better.

>> No.10773445

I don't know if I could do it. My bread knife is made from metal which was definitely mined, and my hearth is a permanent structure. This would go further: scythes, hoes, plows, and then to oil presses, houses, water-wheels... etc.

Civilization is awesome and so are communities, I don't see what his issue is

>> No.10773507


>> No.10773521

>claiming we are equal with animals?
Not a vegan, but I think their point is humans are differentiated from animals by their evolutionary brain development giving them the capability to suppress the predatory instinct out of moral empathy and awareness that it's not feasible to continue to scorch the earth in predatory, inhumane agricultural animal factory farming. It's simply not sustainable. Moving toward vegetable production sustainability can move forward after that.

Where vegans go batshit are the prohibition against keeping bees which literally pollinate 40% of the fruits and veg, and being against regulated game hunting and fishing which if not culled would increase animal suffering. That's where they go loony tunes.

>> No.10773987
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i have eaten 90% meat and i felt way better than i ever did on a plant based diet.
I had more energy and when working out, which i do quite often which may impact my dietary requirements, i would not hit a wall like i would with carbohydrates.
well my ancestors are western euro and southeast asian which may impact my genetics, all meat diets are very viable and personally fixed everything for me. I thought I had a health problem until i switched to large portions of meat and vegetables like kale, spinach, and swiss chard prior to each portion of meat. i feel much better now but I also occasionally water fast and i also use intermittent fasting which may impact things.

>> No.10774007
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