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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10771959 No.10771959 [Reply] [Original]

be honest, you miss him.

>> No.10771967

Nah I don't miss white people. Fuck them lol

>> No.10771971

quite literally fucking who

>> No.10771972

meta joke

>> No.10771982

I miss him. But /ck/'s been overrun with /pol/ tourists lately, so I doubt any meaningful discussion is going to occur ITT among the usual rally cries of the alt-right.

>> No.10771984

I miss his pre-CNN self

>> No.10772006

Sincerely never liked him.

Think it's 'cause Andrew Zimmern had the better show and personality. No need to watch the other Jew.

>> No.10772017

no i dont, i never heard about him until he killed himself

>> No.10772123

I wonder what was the last thing he ate.

>> No.10772129
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Nah, see ya in hell.

>> No.10772136
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>muh /pol/ and alt-right bogeyman
Because its just impossible that somone would dislike that hack.

>> No.10772139

>everybody who doesnt share my views is /pol/
He was a genuinely unlikable cunt if you had more than 5 braincells. Has nothing to do with his politics.

>> No.10772145

I didn't hate him because of /pol/, I hated him because he was a fucking filthy kike.

>> No.10772146

He shot full auto funs with Ted Nugent. That's respectable enough.

>> No.10772147
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Aaaaand right on cue.

>> No.10772156

What subreddit did you migrate from faggot?

>> No.10772187

Probably the same one you did, queer.

>> No.10772259

>visiting reddit
You need to go back

>> No.10772267

Literally didn't know who he was until he was suicided.

>> No.10772295

Any open minded, educated person into food of other cultures misses him. He was a witty, urbane, erudite food/travel writer who embraced the humanity inherent in all peoples, and pointed out injustice when it was appropriate to do so. Sometimes that reflected negatively on the white colonial and current neocolonial power elites and structures which engenders impotent hand wringing, wailing and gnashing of teeth by sturmdrumpfers and the alt-right since their blanket hatred is diametrically opposed to the humanist morality he embraced.

>> No.10772301

that selfish piece of shit had a family he left behind, don't ever forget that.

>> No.10772303

lol nigger

>> No.10772306

i have never been to /pol/ and i hated bourdain, never stfu about his politics

>> No.10772314

hi fellow le donalder!

>> No.10772317

you could have said the same thing in about 10 words, just cause you string together a bunch of SAT flash card words doesnt make you smart

>> No.10772320

It's perspectives like this that make people kill themselves, just so you know.

>> No.10772325

I liked his show, even if later it become more political than food related. He brought knowledge of lesser know modern and historical tragedies and injustices to thousands of people. I always appreciated the non partisian insights he gave on how crummy some people have it.

>> No.10772352

I started my chef's apprenticeship when I was sixteen, and reading Kitchen Confidential made me feel sexy, in control, that I was doing what was right for me and made me feel like one of the baddest ass motherfuckers on planet earth despite the abusive boss, the shit pay and the terrible working conditions.
Yeah I miss him, he was part of my life for a long time and I wouldn't be the man I am today without him.

>> No.10772373

I have never mourned a child rapist and Bourdain is no exception.

>> No.10772434

Got a new episode tonight

>> No.10772440

So you’re saying he tricked you?

>> No.10772445

hangin with tony b

>> No.10772571

pompous douche

>> No.10772577
File: 160 KB, 800x750, soy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bait /pol/ by bitching about /pol/
>get /pol/ responses
>aaaaaaaaand right on queue
Join your hero.

>> No.10772583

>be retarded /pol/dditor
>reply to obvious bait

>> No.10772603
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His death was kinda like Ryan Dunn's for me, in that I used to be a huge fan but haven't really follwed him lately. Doesn't feel real desu. Also every time a celebrity offs themselves, I wonder who the next one will be.

>> No.10772629

>ryan dunn
I was in the same bar he was at the night he died. I live in West Chester so have actually had several run-ins with him and the Margeras.

>> No.10772708

dont give a shit. he was a pontificating jerkoff. also a leftist. glad hes dead desu.

>> No.10772713

I can tell you with complete honesty that before the news of his death broke the thought of Anthony Bourdain had not crossed my mind for at least six months.

>> No.10772724

I press s to spit on his grave

>> No.10772736

Was his last meal ever revealed?

>> No.10772776

thank god there is one less white cis-gendered male walking the earth. the future is female!

>> No.10772791

I could see him enjoying a nice McChicken with extra mayo.

>> No.10772893

I didn't even watch his show anymore but yeah I love him

>> No.10772902

2016 was a mistake.

>> No.10773021

As far as I can remember, all the even numbered years have kinda sucked. Wtf

>> No.10773033

bam is a total ass faggot

>> No.10773047

Can you rephrase it then? Let's see your mastery of language.

>> No.10773094


>> No.10773100

normal people would like him especially those into food. he was worldly who acknowledges the messed up parts of history

sorry, 20 words. fuck right off faggot

>> No.10773533

Literally never watched his show even once. Closest I ever got to seeing it was seeing previews for it when o watched man v food

>> No.10773553

Not him but holy shit you didn't even come close

>> No.10773564

I don't watch TV. Never heard of him until he died.

>> No.10773608

>if you like food and agree with his political opinions you will like him

ez pz

>> No.10773865

>let me leave out almost every idea anon communicated with coherent english and sum up with my repetitive statement we hate bourdain because he believed in justice for the oppressed, a category we ourselves fall into
You sadass fucks are pathetic.

>> No.10773879

dog he literally said in a stupidly round about way that if you like food and agree with his opinions you will like him. your not a fucking author like the dead dude whos dick your sucking

>> No.10773882

yeah leonard cohen was great

>> No.10773915

I'll agree. Despite how "silly" he acts on TV, he comes off as pretty cold and uncaring in person. Phil is a pretty cool guy though.

I only really saw Dunn at bars. I had chatted with him a couple times. Nothing too significant, mainly small talk. Probably the most notable run-in with Bam was when he showed up and listened to our set. A lot of the times that I actually interacted with him was when I was working at a Wawa that him and his family would frequent. He typically would kinda rush through like someone was going to recognize him and blow up his spot or some shit. I guess that's kinda why I say he comes off as cold and could be legitimately because he was trying to avoid fans getting in his face, but for the most part nobody in the area cared because running into him was pretty much a rite of passage for living there anyway. He ended up opening up a new venue in town, but our band never got to play there. Then he lost his shit and the place closed

>> No.10774291

duh, fucking loved the books I read of his

>> No.10774750
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>fucking loved the books I read of his

>> No.10774756



>> No.10774761

I'm sure his daughter misses him too, that selfish loser

>> No.10774776

He killed himself because his daughter rejected his sexually charged advances.

>> No.10774780

Seems like most people who post in these threads saying they dislike him bring up political reasons for it though. It's not like someone just said "I don't like him" and people started foaming at the mouth about /pol/.

>> No.10774789

Most people in those situations probably think their family is better off without them, because they think they're just a burden.

>> No.10775943

That's enough.

>> No.10775958

I wish he never killed himself for the one and only reason that I could continue hating him guilt free.
Now I gotta feel guilty about it? Whaaaaaat?
He's a pretentious asshole even in death.

>> No.10775980

Cry more, you fucking piece of shit. He was a drug-addled jew who cheered on the genocide of whites. He either pulled a Carradine that they’re covering up or he was killed because of his wife’s involvement in a Hollywood/pedophile sex scandal. Name one fucking thing he did that was positive for the world.

>> No.10775982

It's looking like it could have been choucroute garnie for lunch.

>> No.10775994

I'm not going to insult him or anything, but that's the thing about Bourdain supporters, it's not intrinsically a good thing that he showed you places around the world and different foods. That's a really arbitrary thing to define as good. It's more like just benignly interesting to whomever it interests.

>> No.10776015

>he was killed because of his wife’s involvement in a Hollywood/pedophile sex scandal.
What the hell are you on about, dickface? You're fucking nuts, dude, and stop disrespecting him online. Don't be a fucking scumbag cunt. Just knock it off.

>> No.10776018

Lol butthurt faggot

>> No.10776023

He was killed in a motorcycle flying accident. But don't tell anyone. No one is supposed to know that motorcycles can fly yet. It's a deep state conspiracy that I am entrusting ONLY TO YOU! Can you keep a secret? Reply "yes" if yes

>> No.10776057

fuck off you dim sanctimonious sanctimonious faggot. If I hear this shit from another one of you unoriginal cocksuckers I swear to god.

and yeah, I miss him op. he was an interesting guy

>> No.10776063

yeah, who calls their mum and dad by their first names?

>> No.10776316

Drumpf is a jewish sell out tho so yeah he's shit

>> No.10776323

>who cheered on the genocide of whites
Are you talking about that clip where the guy was saying everyone will be a shade of brown in the future and he agreed? I don't think he hates white people and wants them all to disappear, he just doesn't like racism and doesn't care that much about what color people are. He probably thought that if everyone was brown and there was no racism, that'd be fine. It's also apparently cheering for the genocide of black people though since they wouldn't exist in his imagined future either.

I mean it's kind of silly because at some point in the future we'll probably have fast and easy gene editing that lets us change our skin color at will like changing our clothes today but he hated racism, not white people. And inb4 someone says "well there's nothing wrong with racism, it's natural!" Look up the "appeal to nature" fallacy if this is what you think/say.

>> No.10776362

The thing is though even if you are mixed between white and black you're largely going to be considered black by just about everyone unless you detail your life history to them.

>> No.10776369
File: 72 KB, 880x586, fEeeeeEEmales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to 4chan if you eat pho with president obama without making loud gagging noises and screeching MAGA KEK MAGA you literally want to kill white babies and force proud straight white males to suck black men's penises. Because that is of course a completely healthy way to think and if you disagree with me you believe in crazy stuff like the justice (which is exclusively for the most leftist university elitists who don't know about the real world like me). Also women belong in da kitchen make me a sammich I'm such a self-reliant MGTOW now lol

>> No.10776393

>waaaaaaaaahhhhhh why can't we cry about /pol/ in peace ;_;

>> No.10776402

I think you took a wrong turn somewhere on the way here.

>> No.10776439

I dashed over to a restaurant in town when I heard that he was filming there. I was hoping I’d be captured in the footage as just another casual diner who happened to be in the same restaurant but I found out when I got there they had basically turned the entire restaurant into a film set and were strategically placing people so it would seem like “just business as usual”. Etc

>> No.10776637

and yet he resembles the typical zeitgeist of looking at backwards cultures with awe. i can only stress this so much, but sure, you can look at an african village where the women carry water for days and think its all amazing and whatnot. or you can be critical and tell them "hey, we use pipes for that, and pipes can be made from clay. the information on how to build ovens to do so can be found online"

but that is not what the modern man wants. the modern man wants to look at the "injustice" of some people buying the minerals of other people and turning them into something that the mineral selling people would never be able to achieve. it doesnt matter whether you blame race or culture or the past - its a fucking fact that some cultures are superior (in some areas) to others, and a failure to assimilate is a fucking nightmare. it leads to kids dying of diarreah, for fucks sake.

>> No.10776638

a friend of mine found his mother hanging from a dogleash in the garden. should he forgive her? do you think she didnt know that she would be found? do you think he asks himself that question?

>> No.10776663

If you’ve read the book, you’d know he wasn’t tricking anybody. He basically tore down the image of the kitchen being this glorious place where chefs all acted professionally with their white hats but in reality it more resembled a group of pirates. If I remember correctly he says don’t become a chef for the image of it because it’s shitty long hours for low pay.

>> No.10776924

All this dude did was eat hot dogs lmao.

>> No.10776960
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>bought his book kitchen confidential, it was amazing
>watched all chef's tour, it was great
>watched all no reservations, it was good
>watched parts unknown, it's fucking garbage and full of liberal propaganda

I am glad he's finally in a better place now.

>> No.10776979

Honestly, I had no idea who he was until he died.

>> No.10777050


My sister's in-laws gave me Kitchen Confidential because they knew I liked cooking, but I've yet to read it. I guess now is a better time than ever to read it.

>> No.10777052

or you could just chuck it in the bin

>> No.10777073
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Especially if you live in the UK, may be considered evidence of "conspiracy to use deadly weapons" since it mentions k**ves a lot (pm me if k**ves autocensors in your region and I'll go into more detail)

>> No.10777076

Zimmern has zero personality, what the fuck are you talking about? He's a net zero in the personality department. I don't particularly like Bourdaine, he's the standard, fucked-up alco chef everyone who's ever worked in the food industry knows but he's miles above Zimmern.

>> No.10777119
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Zimmern got better over the years IMO. What I remember about him being so unappealing in the early Bizarre Foods episodes was that he bitched about how gross the stuff was all the time. And described anything he ate as """""gamey"""""
He upped his game over the years, even later BF was pretty good

>> No.10777155

Agreed parts unknown was garbage, fuck CNN I blame them for his death

>> No.10777219

>implying that 4chan's largest growth in the past few years hasn't been from Trump-loving cucklords like yourself migrating from The_Donald

>> No.10777382

This pic rustled my jimmies

>> No.10777387

>Anything I don't like is /pol/!
Just leave, newfaggot.

>> No.10777389

Yeah, it really sucks he went to CNN to peddle partisan propaganda. You'll be missed, decent Bourdain.

>> No.10777390

>someone's posting something I dont like, he must be a newfag from reddit like myself
Why did that happen roodypoo?

>> No.10777401

It's actually the faggots like you that cry about /pol/ and the donald at absolutely everything or nothing at all. I watched you worthless assholes pour in and shut up the place either your constant projection and revisionism.

>> No.10777406

You hate him because of how he looks. I hate him because of how he looks...but he was successful because of his personality. He is OK after watching some of his videos.

>> No.10777410

NO U the post

>> No.10777428

i too missed older more raw and not ever caring bourdain. even he himself knew he sold out / made it at the same coin. n ow i view no reservations as like his final harah and parts unknown probably had alot of tearful drinking behind it. like he was still alive during no reservations but probably wasnt even there during PU . honestly was it out of a dissatisfaction with the mdern american diet being ao aub par to that of traditional french cuisine. i just dont know. i just dont know.

>> No.10777455

Well it's true. If you can't go three seconds without getting triggered and screaming /pol/ at oldfags you should just fucking leave.

>> No.10777463

If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen

>> No.10777511

yeah i do

>> No.10777536

Honestly, I wish I was with him, I wish I wished for things and I wish I had the balls to do what he did.

>> No.10778310

or hang it on a shelf

>> No.10778952
File: 357 KB, 1080x1440, 639DC1F4-C8D0-4245-8C77-6F5860510666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Zimmerman for me it’s this guy

>> No.10778972


He's always been a bit of a pussy, but after he started working for CNN he went 100% pure limp-wristed faggot leftist crybaby. Kind of hard to miss people like that when they do us all a favor and cull themselves.

>> No.10778975

>the alt-right
You idiots still haven't figured it out, have you?

I guess you never will.

>> No.10778981

I do miss my tony-tan. They call it "rape" just because I was 12, but I loved him more than I will love anyone.

>> No.10779110

Jesus dude, it's a little more complex than that. Give life some credit and recognize that it's worth putting effort into its description. The guy was clearly a fan and wrote his post out of a sincere appreciation for a man who was desperate enough to take his own life. If you can't see why that's a powerful topic, it would be pretty easy to write a long-ass essay explaining why. He didn't write that shit for you, and he certainly didn't write it for Anthony Bourdain. He wrote it for himself (or she), and for anybody else who feels the same way. It's about expression and connection, not efficiency. We're human beings, not some boring-fuck robots out to offer explanations for shit people already understand.

>> No.10779146

Drumpty dumpty sat on a wall... drumptfy dumpty had a great fall...

>> No.10779148

>its a fucking fact that some cultures are superior (in some areas) to others, and a failure to assimilate is a fucking nightmare. it leads to kids dying of diarreah, for fucks sake.

Few people would deny that, and certainly not Bourdain. In areas of maternal mortality, food availability, medicine, education, science, law, etc. there are certainly vastly superior cultures in the world that those which we visit with fascination. But their assimilation is slow and ongoing. We are not simply letting children starve and marveling at the culture that causes it. Instead, we try to give them modern conveniences but that march of progress into these far-flung regions of the world is remarkably slow. Only a very hardcore moral relativist would argue that allowing children to die is a moral matter of cultural perspective. I think Bourdain was more advocating for not throwing out the babies with the bathwater as progress slowly changes these people.

>> No.10779158

>should he forgive her?

Yes, although one can easily understand why he wouldn't. He'll find no peace in hating her for it. It takes a strong person to recognize how fallible even our most trusted companions are, and an even stronger one not to despise them for it.

>> No.10779172
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>> No.10779677

Some impulses, like love, can't be overcome by "strenght" or will power for the simple reason that they override self-control. Love is obsession and obsession is insanity. If it weren't so, people would never stay together long enough to reproduce and we wouldn't be here to shitpost about it

>> No.10779682

Why would I miss him? I didn’t know him, never met him, and didn’t watch his shows.

>> No.10779771

I hate him and i don't even know about his political shit. He looks and talks like a cuck.

>> No.10779822

The well founded rumors hold that he was a regular client of a cult that provides him with young girls that he raped then cooked and consumed. There cult had been becoming exposed over the last few weeks and his friend who killed herself a few days prior had been required to buy the cult because she talked. Not as far fetched as it may sound to those who live sheltered little lives. Her husband was seen wearing a "rescuers" mouse character mask two or three days after her suicide, like literally walking around in public with it on, supposedly due to the cult requiring it as a notice to others who talk.

>> No.10779832
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The episode where he visited the Mississippi Delta was hilarious. He had a wide look in his eye like, "Holy shit! Look at all of these black people. Why did no one tell me it was like this?" That episode was accompanies by a vignette where he pondered indecisively whether Mississippi is more racist than New York. He got a wicked dose of southern reality.

>> No.10779833

Link those pictures

>> No.10779836

Sort of like Robin Williams being convinced that a boy he diddled early in his career was in the process of going public when he decided to off himself. People wonder why highly successful people would end their wonderful lives? The truth threatens to come out and the guilt crushes them.

>> No.10779842
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>> No.10779856
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>> No.10779867

>/ck/ is still talking about this pretentious hymie junkie

>> No.10779911
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We need Triple D to go international to pick up the slack.

>> No.10779912
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Not as fast fetched as it may sound.
Bourdain had made several comments about having no reservations about eating human flesh. It's only natural to a Jew to consume goyim (non Jewish) people. They literally consider all other races to be literal slaughterable cattle.

>> No.10780620

I’ve been reading Kitchen Confidential since his passing. To me his crassness comes off as kind of forced, but overall I’m enjoying it.

>What do you know about me

>> No.10780656
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>> No.10780726

who is this?

>> No.10780760


>> No.10780774

reddit: the post

>> No.10780797

>We're human beings, not some boring-fuck robots out to offer explanations for shit people already understand.
Fuck off

>> No.10780840


YES also please send me the REAL 911 and moon footage so my friend can get his head out of the dirt and see the TRUTH

message for future aliens only: TAKE me with YOU

>> No.10780844


I dare you to read this post >>10780840
and NOT to laugh!!!!!

>> No.10780876

Nah, I might be sad briefly over a suicide but I don't waste my time missing someone who went out of this way to self delete, unless it was in reaction to terminal health problems.
This guy had everything, wealth, fame, hot foodie chicks lining up to blow him. He offed himself over a chick like an emo teenager? Oh no,it'll take a whole week maybe to replace her with a younger model cause hes a celebrity.
He even got to fuck off his early life being a junkie and doge paying the consequences due to fame and wealth. literally a rock star, but without the redeeming talent.
At least hunter wrote a decent farewell note for the world, this fuck doesn't deserved to be missed. I especially don't miss his crybaby lefty whining. Get fucked you old needle jockey.

>> No.10780878


PLEASE press the alphabetical character A if you are a future ALIEN

>> No.10781250

Did you realize that your behavior was precisely why they felt the need to do that or not?

>> No.10781361

he's a priviledged trust-fund baby who didn't know how to spend his money, Anthony and his family deserved his death.

>> No.10782226

>the book is underneath his glasses

>> No.10782247

I don't understand why ANY man with money nowadays would allow themselves to get married in America's one sided legal system.

How many of these poor, rich schumucks married a CUNT of a woman who ended up taking half his money, his child, and ended up using their child as a weapon against the man???

Dumb fuck deserved a shit life for marrying an white American woman.

>> No.10782308

>ended up taking half his money, his child, and ended up using their child as a weapon against the man???
The majority of them....

>> No.10782640

Yeah, as much time as he spent in Asia coupled with his appreciation for other cultures and race blindness, it's odd he would have chosen a worthless amerilard womyn. Apparently a symptom of his self destructive tendencies.

>> No.10783284

>e-celeb thread

>> No.10783295

havent seen his content since 2009, so no i dont miss him

>> No.10783346

He just knew when to quit.
That is all.

i.e. his idol: Hunter Thompson

>> No.10783350

like a boss

>> No.10783353


>> No.10783354

That's all I need to know about him. You don't idolize terrible people just because they create great work.

>> No.10783389

I don't agree with this but it did make me laugh.

>> No.10783440
File: 95 KB, 625x789, cold blooded killa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can create great works of art and still be completely horrible. Picasso, Ian Fleming, etc...

>> No.10783453

He's just some dumb boomer.

>> No.10783482


>> No.10783491


me too. cnn has the midas touch of shit

>> No.10783522


its unreadable pulp trash and a great example of the "non-fiction" of its era. the stories are fabricated to build up his obnoxious celebrity persona

>> No.10783567

Third worlders are weird

>> No.10783572
File: 3.30 MB, 1848x977, GoW 5 Kratos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image

>> No.10783791

for starters he didnt die in paris.

>> No.10783794

hes not Donald Trump