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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 580x580, jumbo-hersheys-milk-chocolate-128303-ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10770433 No.10770433 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an ausfag and I just tried this for the first time, why does it taste like cheese?

>> No.10770462

>eat hershey's plain
>not buttering it and spraying sprinkles on it
>not spreading vegemite on it


>> No.10770467

We probably ship you the expired shit. Eat it up.

>> No.10770504

Cheese? Seriously?
Hershey's is bad chocolate, but it tastes nothing, absolutely nothing like cheese in any way.
I'm more disturbed by your tastebuds than anything else.
I get that people like to over-exaggerate things they don't like, but at least go for something believable, like "why does it taste like spoiled milk?" or something.

>> No.10770514

Tastes like Parmesan cheese

>> No.10770530

It tastes more like cardboard. Cheese? Get fucked, Mel Gibson.

Lindt is the real deal.

>> No.10770532

probably because your taste buds are fucked from years of vegemite, meat pies and spider eggs

>> No.10770536

Yeah, at this point that's more on you, mate.

>> No.10770540

got my mum, and two sisters to try.
They all agreed

>> No.10770545

Hersheys has high levels of butyric acid, which is also found in cheese, vomit, and shit.
Americans might be used to the taste but the rest of the world is unimpressed.

>> No.10770549
File: 6 KB, 300x168, pepethefrog032401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help anons please recommend me a book to learn how to cook

>> No.10770552

>it's genetic

>> No.10770555

>he's so used to eating his puke chocolate that he thinks it's what all chocolate SHOULD taste like
oh you poor thing you don't even realize how bad you have it, that's terrible.

>> No.10770556

All this says is that bad tastebuds run in your family.

I'm well aware. Hence why I suggested spoiled milk. But you're going to need a lot more than butyric acid to make something taste like cheese.

>> No.10770561

>say it's bad
/co/ really is the dumbest board on 4chan.

>> No.10770570

so you're well aware of butyric acid (again found in cheeses, vomit, and feces) but you refuse the comparison that it tastes like cheese? sounds like you're the one with the deficient tastebuds, famalam.

>> No.10770573

>tries to act superior
>fucks up the board name
Please tell me more about how burytic acid doesn't make hershey's taste like vomit

>> No.10770577
File: 77 KB, 762x754, 1528693387827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are American tastebuds this shit?

>> No.10770584

About five years ago they were selling it in vending machines at ridiculously low prices. I think they were trying to break into the Australian market. They certainly failed, and understand why. USA citizens only like it because they are acclimated to it as children. I tried it once and was revolted. It doesn't taste like chocolate. It really does taste like vomit. I thought this before I saw other people saying it. It's just true.

But cheese doesn't taste like vomit, so I don't understand what you're talking about.

>> No.10770596

When did I say it tastes like vomit

>> No.10770602

You didn't. I did. You said it tastes like cheese, if you recall.

>> No.10770608

>It really does taste like vomit
you're not australian if you don't vomit daily, and you obviously have no idea what it tastes like

>> No.10770610

>trying to turn it around
lol no

>can't read
God, Autralians truly are the worst.

>> No.10770612

>vomits before the blackout period
Pull the other one, it smells like cheese.

>> No.10770616

because your cheese is weird

>> No.10770618
File: 128 KB, 960x960, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10770619

What the fuck is wrong with your cheese that it tastes like shitty chocolate?

>> No.10770657

>he's never heard of parmesan cheese before
That's impressive ignorance you have, anon

>> No.10770668

No, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your cheese? I'm actually curious, now.

>> No.10770680

>my cheese
I don't make cheese though, I don't know what you're talking about. It appears you're confused about burytic acid though, you might want to look into that before you keep posting and embarrassing yourself

>> No.10770688

The cheese that you have is your cheese. You don't necessarily make it. That's how the market works.

>> No.10770694

Just who do you think you're talking to right now, anon?

>> No.10770708

>he's too stupid to understand that a chemical compound which occurs naturally in parmesan and vomit is literally artificially added to hershey's chocolate
Holy shit are all Americans as stupid as you? No wonder Trump is your president lol

>> No.10770720

>an australian making fun of anything American


>> No.10770721

Okay you pedantic cunt, it won't make chocolate taste like cheese, but it will give a distinctly cheesey flavour to foods that normally wouldn't have them.
You probably don't notice because most American food tastes like cheese and vomit anyway.

>> No.10770727

How should I know? The beauty of 4chan is that it's anonymous.

>> No.10770732
File: 376 KB, 960x639, 2016-04-08 03.39.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew taste buds could get Down Syndrome.

>> No.10770736

See >>10770708

>> No.10770739

And whats wrong with that?

>> No.10770744

You're literally America but upside-down.

>> No.10770746

finfag here
hershey's taste like puke

>> No.10770749

It's not the 90s anymore. Howard succeeded in Americanising our culture and normalising jingoism.

>> No.10770755

I have not seen food as Putrid as American food commonly here

>> No.10770766

I can't think where you might live for that to be true, unless you believe 50s American food represents modern American food. Even then, check out some old Women's Day or CWA publications. You might be surprised.

>> No.10770776

my dude see
>I'm an ausfag

>> No.10770778

A town with 1000 people

>> No.10770782

I guess I usually dine in bistros when I'm in such areas. What would your average weekly diet be, snacks included?

>> No.10771137
File: 309 KB, 580x282, thisisfine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a product which tastes like barf ON PURPOSE episode.