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File: 134 KB, 1280x1280, Sriracha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10768996 No.10768996 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on Sriracha.

>> No.10769002

White guy here. Let me tell you about sriracha since I've had some experience with it recently. It's a ridiculously spicy Chinese hot sauce made from an ancient secret recipe, very hard to find in the US. In fact, I had to specially request it from the wise old Chinese woman behind the counter at this obscure little hole-in-the-wall Asian food store. Normally they probably wouldn't sell it to your average white dude, but luckily she's taken a bit of a shining to me since I'm well versed with Asian food and culture after having studied it closely for many years. But be warned, it is VERY hot, over 9000 on the scoville scale if I had to guess. I tried of a spoonful of it plain once. Worst mistake of my friggin' life. I spent the next 5 hours crying like a baby while my ex wife and her son brought me glasses of ice water and wet towels to cool me down. We actually considered going to the emergency room since my tongue was burning so mental. Let's just say sriracha made me its bitch.

>> No.10769019

most people agree it is the best hot sauce

>> No.10769028

Spicy, garlicky, tomato-free ketchup.

>> No.10769058

I like it with stir fry.

>> No.10769074

Cock sauce I call it. Little does my girlfriend know, though, that this isn't the cock sauce I sneak into the food I microwave her.

>> No.10769123
File: 206 KB, 1600x1600, other cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, I think I know what kind of cock sauce you're talking about. it's this kind right?

>> No.10769136

>puts 'cha in a gel capsule

Now sit back and enjoy the ride bucko hahaha

>> No.10769138

LOL nice one bro! I squirted milk out my nose!

>> No.10769139

>cock sauce
It was called cock sauce 25 years ago.
Youre not clever.

>> No.10769155

its a good multi purpose hot sauce. not my personal fave tho

>> No.10769159

it's expensive for being pretty average

>> No.10769172

Chili garlic sauce >>>> Sriracha

>> No.10769174

Sonny, I'm a lot older than you think I am

>> No.10769432

*flips poncho over shoulder*

>> No.10769688


Shit is like $3 for a big bottle. How fucking poor are you?

>> No.10770428

it's pretty good; not the best but definitely not awful either, worth a try

>> No.10770479

it's pretty good. it got hip as a hipster hotsauce so i've become jaded on it. I'll still buy and even recommend it, but whenever i see some fucker in a sriracha t shirt I just learn to hate the world a little more.

>> No.10770482

based sergio leone poster

>> No.10770496

>It's a ridiculously spicy
Stopped reading there.

>> No.10770498

legit do not think sriracha is spicy, it's very mild.

>> No.10770505
File: 422 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180616-220047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad living below the poverty line man.

>> No.10770523
File: 17 KB, 250x250, ishygddt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/threading your own post

>> No.10770531

If you're actually bitter about this that's real cringe. Fucking calling a condiment hipster kys.

>> No.10770695

best salsa

>> No.10770712

keep in mind he's white

>> No.10770769

it is hipster. learn definitions

>> No.10770809
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>popular condiment is hipster

>> No.10770840
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>> No.10770881

spotted the weeb

>> No.10770914

I prefer Tabasco.

>> No.10770990

It costs around $5.50 AUD here in Australia. I'm not spending $5 on a sauce that is supposed to be spicy, but isn't, and instead just takes away the taste from the rest of the meal.

>> No.10771121
File: 78 KB, 680x890, 1523271965972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hihihihi le cum joek

>> No.10771125

It's a hot sauce.
There you go.

>> No.10771980

Is $5 expensive in kangaroo money? If it's supposed to be mild, it wouldn't take over the rest of the dish unless you put a shit ton in it.