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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10768826 No.10768826 [Reply] [Original]

Humans are omnivorous. However, this is only to the extent that they are able to survive entirely off of Plants, Animal products, or a mixture of both as is most often the case. This study hypothesizes that Humans are best suited on a largely carnivorous diet, that can be supplemented with plant matter when need or opportunity present itself. The natural state of humans is that of hunters/ scavengers. Plant material is designed for us as either medicine or for short term energy from carbohydrates, as it is more quickly utilized than fats.

Humans may get energy from Carbohydrates via insulin usage, or from fats via ketone usage. The human bodies prioritizes carbohydrates over fats as a source of energy due to its ease and bio-availability as it is poorly stored and must be used quicker that fats must be used. In the wild this is important as energy conservation is of the utmost importance. Thus, when available carbohydrates are used first. However, the modern human diet is carbohydrate dominant as plants are easier to grow and acquire than animal products.

However, plants are lacking many nutrients that are both needed by humans and readily available in animal products. Protein is both in more quantity in animal meats as well as being better digested by humans than plant protein. K2 and B vitamins are also exclusively found in meats as opposed to plants. Other nutrients needed for human functions are also better attained in meat than plants. Meats contain all nutrients needed for human function, and in better proportions than plants which must be eaten from multiple and varied sources to meet human needs.

>> No.10768832

Modern plant food has been genetically bred by humans for centuries to become able to properly support human life and is from many places around the globe. It is only due to modern sharing and importation that humans can acquire the variety of plants needed to sustain a relatively healthy non-carnivorous diet. In nature human edible plants are :
• hard to digest
• not nutrient dense
• seasonal
• rare
This is important as the nutrients that are supposed to be needed according to modern belief would not be universally available or found year long. Depending on the climate such nutrients would be rare or even non-existent. All nutrients needed for human function and life are better available in meats, which are to be found in any place that humans can live, unlike plants.

Fiber is not needed for digestion unless one consumes plant material. Most animal products are fully digested before even reaching the intestinal tract. Many bacteria in the gut are only needed for plant consumption, however all bacteria that are needed for plant digestion are not necessary. However, many bacteria used for animal digestion are vital for a healthy gut biom.

>> No.10768840

Around 80% of people who begin a vegan diet quit, the most common reason for leaving veganism is health concerns. The benefits that are initially gotten from a vegan diet are the same gotten from anyone who stops eating simple sugars and processed foods. Any health benefits from whole food vegetarian or vegan diets are solely gotten from a more natural diet void of fructose and other harmful processed food. Humans in the wild would survive on a mostly meat diet supplemented by wild berries and roots when found. However, the rarity of these plant foods leads this researcher to conclude that they are not necessary except for the times when game meat is not to be found and only used as an extra food source but not a vital one during times of plentiful game. A natural vegan diet existing even 10,000 years ago is a laughable notion.

Civilizations formed after starch carbohydrate rich foods were able to be grown easily. These foods contain carbohydrates which can be used for energy, but rarely do any main staple crops have vitamin or nutrient value. They are for energy supplementation only. Man can not live on bread alone. Societies moved on a hierarchy and thus the elite ate mostly meat and the poor were forced to eat vegetables due to meat being harder to obtain, numerous examples of this are found in history. Thus the need to breed plants that contain vitamins and nutrients came into being, as mass meat consumption was not sustainable. For this reason the modern omnivorous diet came into being.

>> No.10768845

Humans are hunters:
humans have the largest thinking capacity and brain to body ration in nature. The smartest animals are carnivores as hunting is a far more complex task than grazing. Humans also are the only animal with exposed and numerous sweat glands. This allows us to perspire in order to cool our bodies, no other animal has this ability. A well trained physically fit human can outrun and outlast any animal in the world. Humans might not be faster than deer or most other animals but a fit human can run down any animal until it collapses from exhaustion. Of course this is a rare art lost today to may carbohydrate filled people. Other predators must ambush prey and can only run for short distances, so large herbivores have been forced to become develop endurance. Humans can run and jog for miles at a time, keeping prey on the move until even a deer or horse can be forced to surrender, exhausted, to human hunters. While these animals are much faster and can walk for many miles, they can not run for many miles as constant speed. In a grassland humans, hunting in groups, can easily outrun and outsmart even the sturdiest, fastest, and most healthy animals.
Our thinking ability allows us to develop and use tools, not just for hunting, but also for food processing. This includes our unique ability to break open hard bone to get the nutrient rich marrow. Our ability to skin and butcher meat with flint and our ability to cook meat. Contrary to popular belief humans can eat raw meat, however it is of course unsafe for us due to bacteria. A light cooking is all that is needed to to make most meats (pigs excluded) safe to eat. Fish is also an important food for many carnivores such as humans. Our webbed feet and hands show that for at least some time aquatic food attainment was and is done. The only regular food outside of seaweed that humans can get from the water is animals such as fish and shellfish.

>> No.10768850

The human gastrointestinal tract is most closely similar to that of wolves. Out intestinal size, stomach acid, and teeth shape and function prove that. Our anatomy is clearly that of a carnivore. We do not need large fangs and claws as tools have replaced those. Our prey is dead, dying, or exhausted before we even touch it. Running down prey and using weapons allowed us to kill prey in a unique way that does not need claws and fangs. Instead our hands allow us to use tools and to grasp animal parts for eating and most importantly food storage, which is as easy as taking meat from a kill site, a task very difficult for other carnivores. It is clear that our prey was mostly large animals. Humans can fast for long periods. The time in between big kills was at times supplemented with vegetable foods and stored meats, such as smoked or dried meat. Since all large animals have red meat it concludes that red meat is the dominant food of choice for humans as opposed to birds or other prey animals. Contrary to popular opinion red meat does not cause cancer as the (Biesalski) study shows. The human body does not need a single carbohydrate from food to function. All carbs needed, such as glucose for the brain can be gotten from breaking down extra protein via gluconeogenesis. There are no essential carbohydrates, but there are essential fats, which are lacking from vegan diets that do not consume large quantities of flax and other plant oils. There oils are only available due to modern technology.

Humans have gallbladders, which are absent in most animals and all herbivores do not have this organ. Gallbladders are used to store bile for digestion. Bile is used to digest fats. Most plants do not have fats.

>> No.10768855

Our teeth are made to rip and chew. They are not however like those of herbivores. The teeth of herbivores do not have canines. Herbivore teeth are thicker and have more surface area on the molars to grind plant material, in fact most only have one incisor set either top or bottom but not both. Meat does not need to be chewed much, as most carnivors swallow chunks of meat. Most herbivores move their jaws from side to side to grind plant material, human jaws move up and down like those of all carnivores. Since Humans do not use their teeth as weapons like most other carnivores they do not need to be as large or strong as a typical large predator. Scavenging and storing carcasses left from other predators hunts gave humans an advantage as we could use the marrow and cook the uneaten meat that the predator could not eat in one sitting.

Carnivores are never friends with herbivores in the wild, at least not on a non-case by case basis. It is theorized that ferrets were the first domesticated animal, they were and still are used to hunt rabbits. Working together both humans and ferrets were fed. Shortly after dogs were domesticated from wolves. Wolves are not known to treat any herbivore as anything but prey. Together wolves, who hunted in much the same way as humans, as in packs chasing down large prey, must have formed a mutual respect. This lead to the eventual bond that last between humans and dogs to this day. Dogs only uses to man are that of helping with a animal based diet. Dogs help humans to hunt all over the world. They are also used for herding of herbivores.

>> No.10768861

Humans herd animals. Sheep, goats, cows, and other animals have been herded and bred by humans for thousands of years. Their purpose is for that of food. We get their milk, which has lead to lactose tolerance among traditional herding groups such as Europeans. Only sheep serve an extra function of providing clothing via wool. Other animals are used for meat, milk, and hides. Humans use animal hides for clothing around the world. It is how we can have both large sweat glands and also keep warm in cold climates.

Much of human history took place during a series of ice ages. These ice ages severely restricted plant foods and so humans could only have survived on a meat diet. During ice ages mega-fauna such as mammoths and ice age antelope were the probable main source of human food. Herding and domestication of animals most likely took place during this time. Humans have always eaten eggs when found and the chicken was tamed and then used as basically a free source of eggs.

In conclusion, it is clear from evidence that humans are a largely carnivorous eater that can subsist on plants when the need or availability presents itself. The modern human diet is not the proper one for humans but is sufficient for most daily functions especially if it contains enough meat. There are numerous personal examples that I have found of people getting relief from physical ailment by switching to a meat based diet. I have found no examples of a person unable to adjust, or getting sick by a meat diet. I have however found cases of veganism making people feel worse. I realize that due to our large numbers humans are having to come to terms with lessening meat production due to the environment. I do believe that a meat diet for all could be possible if we change our food industry entirely, this of course is not likely to happen. That is a story for another day.

>> No.10769345

I didn't read any of this.

>> No.10769448

little dummy op, such a big dummy

humans are herbivores, but we just cheat and eat meat anyway cause we learned how to use fire, otherwise we can't eat that stuff

>> No.10769450

>tl;dr I'm a carnist and suck my own cock, 'cause you know, not vegan, ok?

>> No.10769483
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Depending on the environment humans can survive on many things. Don't look for a justification to your lifestyle just live.

>> No.10769500

This doesn't really move beyond hypothesis. None of the ideas are tested and the data is not detailed enough for a rigorous analysis. To have a conclusion at the end is misleading.

Is it a high school paper? It might be acceptable at that level, but even so it would not earn an A.

>> No.10769910

>but rarely do any main staple crops have vitamin or nutrient value
Whole grains have a fair bit of nutrition, especially if you cook them in milk, stock, etc. instead of just water. White flour and water isn't very good for you, but a mix of whole grains with milk is.

>Humans are hunters:
Some people are able to digest lactose though, and gathering milk from wild animals would pretty much be impossible. We might've started out as hunters and it's still a part of our biology but we're also farmers. Our saliva also produces amylase which helps break down starches.

I eat eggs and/or dairy every day, and meat once or twice a week. I feel best when I get the protein that I need from them and I notice that my skin is nice and clear when I've eaten enough fat. But I still love brown rice, oats, whole wheat, pretty much all vegetables, etc.

We also have a taste for alcohol and enjoy the effects, and the only other animals that I've seen doing something similar are omnivores/herbivores, never a carnivore.

>> No.10769968
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>> No.10770973

This is full of false assertions based on a very shallow understanding of biology and physiology.

>> No.10771012
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As opposed to veganism, which is 100% based on feels.

>> No.10771041
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>> No.10771048

>if you don't eat only meat you must be a vegan
Anon are you okay?

>> No.10771051

I always wondered this. Before civilization, grains and starches were rare if even on your part of the continent.

>> No.10771053

I used to be a mostly meat eater. I loved the taste of meat (and still do). Then one day I decided to go vegetarian mostly for ethical reasons, and boy did I feel a lot better. For a brief while I tried going vegan but I quickly realized that it's nearly impossible to get high quality calories on a vegan diet. You have to eat soooo much and be so careful of what you eat to make sure you get all the nutrients. So I went back to vegetarian but I also added a tiny bit of meat back into my diet, and it's even better. So that's what works for me the best. Definitely not a carnivorous diet which made me ill without even realizing it, for me an 80% plants 20% animals diet strikes the right balance.

>> No.10771117

Before modern civilization meat was also rare. If you look at large obligate carnivores like lions and tigers, they eat like only once or twice week because hunting is so difficult.
We probably mostly ate stuff like tubers, fruits, insects and other forage with occasional meat.

>> No.10772487
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>there's a carnist bloodwork study that shows low test, diabetes, and deficient in almost every nutrient

>> No.10772505
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>low test