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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10763462 No.10763462 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/ getting wasted/drunk on this weekend? You may be alone, but that doesn't mean you can't get shitfaced.

>> No.10763500
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>> No.10763501

Don't be a pussy

>> No.10763560
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I took a sip and it doesn't taste too bad but I wont be alone.

>> No.10763563

I'm not picky about alcohol, I just want to have a high proof. 80 proof isn't bad anon.

>> No.10763569
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inb4 thread deleted
Pic related and Yeungling.

>> No.10763577


>> No.10763594

And yeah. I love a good rum. It's great that unlike whiskey a good quality rum isn't really all that expensive.

>> No.10763656

I thought these were not allowed anymore

>> No.10763659

go away reddit

>> No.10763668

im just taking it easy and drinking miller lite until i pass out. only 3 in so far and am probably going to drink at least 20 more. eating snyders mini pretzels with them and its a perfect match wa-la

>> No.10763704

discussion of drinking and drinks is fine. Threads about being an alcoholic are not.

>> No.10763710

tried beer for the first time in my life
holy fuck this is just pure shit, i might throw up

>> No.10763713

Giving liver a break. Also getting too fat. I'm up to 160 lbs!

>> No.10763732

if you like coffee you might be able to find a stout you like.

>> No.10763743

I hated beer at first too but I love it now. What kind was it?

>> No.10763755

Some local brand called Almaza

>> No.10763790

There's your problem. Most pilsners are pretty boring. That said beer isn't for everyone.

>> No.10763811
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This week.
Vodka: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Beer: Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

>> No.10763981

local brand vodka

>> No.10763988

beefeater was on clearance, and limes were cheap and plentiful at the local supermercado
not really thinking of drinking tonight though, too tired already, but I've been having some stiffly-poured G&T's this week, heavy lime, just the way I like 'em, but ready to have it out of the house. I don't drink the way I used to, and I'd like to keep it that way.

>> No.10763996

I got a box of wine in my fridge and some leftover PBR

>> No.10764031


>> No.10764112

I lost 100 pounds consuming nothing but Fleishmanns vodka and cream cheese over 3 months.

I may treat myself to a couple frozen berries tonight.

>> No.10764209
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This however many months old eggnog and a white russian

>> No.10764464
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Not sure if this will get me drunk enough but it's worth a try. I haven't been drunk for probably 4 months or so since I moved and quit hanging out with my friends. The gas stations here have more 40s but many are of the plastic variety, unfortunately.

>> No.10764515
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I have to work tonight but I finally got an entire weekend off so I'm planning on keeping my 3rd shift schedule and drinking during the night into the morning tomorrow and Sunday. Got a bottle of vodka and some tonic water. Will probably just spend the drunk time on here and playing vidya. I've got a really nice little Rimworld colony going so hopefully I won't fuck that up in my stupor.

>> No.10764520

I got some cheap brandy, then I'm taking mygf to the bar on saturday, I know the bartenders so I get one free beer and a discount on liquor. Then we're gonna go home and drink some more

shits beyond cash

>> No.10765077

>Cheap brandy
Why? It seems to me that cheap brandy can only b disgusting. Why not go with something like rum that's still good cheap.

>> No.10765085

I gave up drinking until the end of the month. I hate myself and love to drink too much. I need to nip this before it spirals.

>> No.10765099

I'm a tastelet, so I'll be drinking limoncello since it's one of the only alcohols I like straight.

>> No.10765158


I blacked out Thursday and woke up to a summons on my counter for public intoxication and possession of marijuana under 28 grams

>> No.10765161

Start stretching out your asshole to prepare for jail

>> No.10765165

Cheap beer. I'm too drunk to drive and I need cigarettes. I feel like I could drive to go get some, but that's how you get into trouble. I'll just settle for smoking the butts out of my ashtray until I pass out in my bed safe and sound. Tomorrow I'll wake up and go get some, better than being in a cell....or killing someone.

I had a rough day at work.

>> No.10765168

You don't go to jail for things like that in the first world.

I'll get a fine and probation.

Also rape doesn't actually happen in jails or prisons, That's a myth.

All the gay shit that goes on in prison is consensual and very rare. You get your ass beat in prison for being queer

>> No.10765169

My girlfriend picked me up some limoncello while she was in italy. On of the best things I've ever tasted.

>> No.10765171

There's a reason you don't call out newfags for talking about things they don't know about.

>> No.10765173

Canada has lots of gay sex in jails and prisons, fact

>> No.10765177

A couple of mike’s harder. Blood orange and black cherry.

Don’t judge me.

>> No.10765179

In Canada milk also comes in a bag, and guns are illegal.

It's not exactly the United States.

>> No.10765183

Milk only comes in bags in Ontario, guy

>> No.10765225
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i drink 1/6-1/7 of a gallon of vodka mixed with water every night. that's 2-3 handles a week. i like to pretend i'm cutting back but i'm not. i know it's bad, i watched my dad die last year from liver failure. I'm terrified of leaving the ones i love too early, but that siren song i don't know if i can stop.

>> No.10765237

the best place in canada

>> No.10765489

How do I stop the cycle of:

>get fucking wasted
>wake up 5 hours later
>decide that wasn't wasted enough
>drink even more
>wake up 15 hours later


t. person who has no off switch when it comes to drinking

It's starting to cost me a shit tonne of money and making me late for work some days.

>> No.10765510

You can almost completely avoid any serious liver damage just by taking NAC before drinking and ensuring you have some fatty food (saturated fats) in your system when you drink. Honestly almost every case of liver failure ive seen has occurred when the person has started skipping meals in favor of alcohol, which is pretty much every late stage alcoholic ever but still. Theres plenty of studies on the protective efffect of satured fats on the liver if you want to look them up.

Your other organs will still be fucked though

>> No.10765524
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>> No.10765553

It's pretty good. I sometimes like to make spiked Arnold Palmers and mix some black tea in with it.

>> No.10765558

>doing that to a 16 year old single malt that costs like $80

>> No.10765586

this cant be serious..

>> No.10765719

Quebec get milk bags too

>> No.10765749
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in canada...

>> No.10765792

this. I like liquor, don't really care much for mixed drinks and I drink most liquor straight. but holy hell I do not like beer. Save for the flavored ones that taste like lemonade or green apple but those aren't really beers.
Yet I can pour 3 shots of vodka or rum, even room temperature, into a glass and sip on that easy and enjoy it.
I really want to get into beer, it's so weird drinking cups full of vodka or whiskey at a family BBQ when everyone else has a beer. I just want to be normal but it taste so bad

>> No.10765880
