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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10753921 No.10753921 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on him?
Personally my cooking has transformed so much because of John. I love food wishes.com

Why use a book when John will teach you how to cook?

>> No.10753928

he's great once you attune to his style of speaking

he's got good production quality, and doesn't talk to a camera for half of the video, that alone puts him at the top

>> No.10753933 [DELETED] 

Is he.. a nigger?

Because if he is, I have to abstain from his "cuisine"

>> No.10753949

Nah I think he's a wop who loves to say stupid puns and likes to say the ends of sentences REALLY fast and hard.

>> No.10753963

It's weird going back to his older videos, when he doesn't speak with that odd cadence. Generally good instructional videos, much better than 90% of the stuff on youtube.
...are you? Because if you are, I have to abstain from your "shitposting"

>> No.10754019

>tfw started adding a little cayenne to everything because of him

>> No.10754155

You get used to the cadence IMO, I hated it at first but these days I can overlook it since the videos are of pretty darn high quality for a YouTube chef. Just used his calzone recipe tonight and all turned out well.

>> No.10754198

Was this image where he pose with the cheerleader of some basket ball team in one of those fast food restaurant?

>> No.10754221

He's the reason I bingewatch cooking videos and became interested in cooking at all. Based fat man

>> No.10754231

Based. He releases consistently great recipes and has good production. It feels like he's running out of recipe ideas lately though.

>> No.10754245
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I love John!

>> No.10754250

He's a fraud. He also rapes little children in his local church. Look it up.

>> No.10754262

I still can't believe that Nicholas cropped out Sarah's bull Tyrone

>> No.10754795

That's fine. After all, you are the Ayn Rand of your cayenne.

>> No.10754943

I’ve tried one or two of his recipes.

>> No.10755324

I'm not white but his recipes help me learn western cooking and such, after following his recipes pretty much all of them were decent or good, wayyy better than store bought stuff, I've come to respect western cuisine more and the not spicy or plain food meme absolutely wrong and will be disregarded.

>> No.10755330

Therre is some good food in the west, but a ton of people can't cook and the dishes really are often bland.

>> No.10755343

I don't like the artistic freedom he takes with classic recipes. I want my food to be stone wall painting tier authentic.

>> No.10755363

Always hated his intonation, but watched a video here and there if the recipes really interested me. Then at some point I got used to it and watched his videos every evening for a few days.
He is ok, but the videos got boring after a while.

>> No.10755406

He's the totalbiscuit of /ck/

>> No.10755555

>You are the Goebbels of your popcorn kernels
>Of course you'll always be the Grand Cyclops of choosing your pork chops
>You are after all the Himmler of your chicken dinner
>You are the David Duke of your sliced cukes.
>But that's on you...you are of course the Grand Wizard of removing gizzards
>You're the Mohammed Atta of your deep frying batter.
>You're of course the Pol Pot of this stock pot.

I usually like him but he's gotten so dark lately.

>> No.10755563

I tried his Irish stew recipe for a party once, went well with everyone else, so I don't mind him.

>> No.10755813

Love his videos, but the way he talks genuinely gives me a headache.

>> No.10755827


>> No.10755828

Your rhymes are terrible.
Very bad get.

>> No.10756465

I'm checking those quints

>> No.10756640

taught me a lot about cooking. swell guy.

channel started suffering in quality a lot about 10-12 months ago, recipes got way less interesting and way more "going through the motions". seems like he is busy, probably got hired to be executive chef somewhere

>> No.10756741

>It feels like he's running out of recipe ideas lately though.

in his defence, he had done over 1000 recipes. New ideas get hard to come by at that point

>> No.10756749

>executive chef
I live near SF and have run into him at a bunch of bars. He just drinks beer 24/7, definitely retired

>> No.10758136


I love watching the Food Wishes videos on Youtube. Considering all the things he does (not just meals, but drinks, desserts, etc.) I've probably made around 50 of his recipes.

I like that explains a lot "why"s when cooking, to help you understand, not just telling you steps to follow.

Also, my wife HATES his voice.

>> No.10758146

His voice is p annoying

>> No.10758152

the dude's been really popular on youtube for a while, i doubt he's out looking for high stress chef jobs when he's double-dipping the youtube ad revenue and the hits on his blog.

>> No.10758157

you've run into him at bars? ever say anything to him or just watch him get stinko from the other side of the room?

>> No.10758159
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>kosher salt

>> No.10758166

In fact, I was just looking at my list for meals to cook in the next week and two of them are Chef John related.

1.) I'll try that 'Bourbon Pepper Pan Sauce' for a steak that he just uploaded.

2.) I'm going to do those Italian Sausage-Spiced Baby Back Ribs too.

>> No.10758182

I only talk to him once specific criteria has been met.
I've never talked to him normally though

>> No.10758191

was he cool talking to a drunk kid from the internet on his personal time?

>> No.10758259

The specific criteria is once he is legit loaded off his ass and I try to convince him to come to my house to cook some Monte Carlo Sandwiches.
He's declined every time, that's why I make sure he is loaded when I ask him so he won't remeber shit.
From the encounters I've seen him had with other people though he seems like your typical drunk uncle who is always in a good mood. I've rarely seen him mad or upset

>> No.10758314


I think you mean Monte Cristo sandwiches.

If you said Monte Carlo sandwiches, he probably thinks you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.10758324

well spotted anon. although if he is as drunk as this guy says then it prolly wouldn't register.

>> No.10758338

No I meant Monte Carlo Sandwiches it's my own variation.
I just wanted him to come over though so I could bend him over the bed and stuff him like a Turjey but I think hes caught on to my intentions since he doesn't get plastered at the bar I go to anymore.

>> No.10758348

topkek, he has to be tired of people thinking he's gay. that's what he gets for living in SF desu

>> No.10759623

I'm >>10756749 and not >>10758182

Anyway I've talked to him once, the first time I saw him. I didn't even recognize him because I didn't know what he looked like and he doesn't look really like the tiny YouTube profile pic.

It was the night after finals of my last semester at college, went to some random bar near the Mission I think to get really drunk. It was a bit hipster-y. I asked him what his favorite word was because that was something I did back then, he told me "cacao," because he just did a shoot involving cacao beans that day. I asked him what he did and he said he's a youtube food blogger named Chef John.

Told him I watch all his videos, made his fudge recipe, etc. Gave him a children's book I had in my backpack for some reason. Didn't have a phone but he took a picture of us and emailed it to me though. Felt like I might have been bothering him so I stopped talking to him after that.

When I left he just said "I hope you enjoyed your vegan soup". Wasn't sure if he was messing with me but it felt pretty surreal.

>> No.10759641

Why are you lying? You didn't meet him my dude

>> No.10759652
File: 101 KB, 600x697, admiral chef john.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love him. His voice can be a little obnoxious, but his recipes are usually easy to follow, use readily-available ingredients, and are fantastic for learning basics up to complex concepts of cooking.