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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 682 KB, 1080x1830, Screenshot_20180613-20r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10749764 No.10749764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Welp, looks like we're never going to Applebees again

>> No.10749780

>Feel sorry for me the post
Bitch, you could have just said your food was bad, the only reason to bring you dying son up is for pitty points

>> No.10749782

>Eating at Applebees
>Eating good in the neighborhood my ass

>> No.10749788

>bragging about being expo
I remember when my manager didn't trust me behind the line, either. I was employee of the month, too. Of course, this was mainly because expo required basic literacy, and most of the kitchen staff did not qualify.

>> No.10749791

>no pink
wtf is this

>> No.10749794

What a fucking mess of a sentence structure, what the fuck is wrong with her kid? He can only eat ribs and they can’t be pink?
>letting single moms use the internet

>> No.10749795

>$70 on one burger
shut the fuck up colleen, just because one item wasn’t up to standards doesnt mean your whole 4 entrees
meal was ruined, and who the fuck gets applebee’s takeout?

>> No.10749798

>not eating at O'Charley's
dumb bitch shouldn't have smoked and drank with her kid in her womb and made poor life decision, like eating at Applebee's and having a Twitter

>> No.10749801 [DELETED] 

That's my mom your talking about assholes

>> No.10749803

Maybe learn to cook, thot

>> No.10749807

Your mom is a whore and I hope you get botulism in your ravioli.

>> No.10749810

I'm a native English speaker yet I somehow can't understand most of the stuff she writes
>who is medically is ordered
>his no pink>>10749764

>> No.10749816
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>(Who is medically is ordered)

>> No.10749846

Makes since to me

>> No.10749852
File: 112 KB, 750x521, DCFFFAA8-9942-45B0-8A21-D4B4D73FAE66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch is cringe

>> No.10749857

Her son sounds like an ingrateful asshole

>> No.10749864

It's called twitter shorthand dude, its cus of the character limits

>> No.10749873

Her IQ is around 85

>> No.10749881

That's not bad, my Iq is 70

>> No.10749890

Applebees has really good food, service and atmosphere to be fair

>> No.10749914

Lazy bitch should be making homemade meals for her child.

>> No.10749918

I don't even understand her problem and why her son is involved in the whole thing.
>I want semi-raw minced meat
Fuck you.

>> No.10749935

That burger looks seared just fine, just left on the grill too long.

>> No.10749937

Probably because he's raised by a single mother

>> No.10749955

So her son has some form of made up -ism and can’t eat raw meat? But what the fuck could you order at applebees thats $70? I haven’t been in ages bc its fucking trash but I remember it being about $15 per person

>> No.10749961

there's twitter shorthand and then there's clear illiteracy dude

>> No.10749964

$40 worth of margaritas to wash away her shame at having to take her invalid son on her dick hunting night at applebees because her ex husband didn't take it for the agreed upon weekend

>> No.10749977

Thank you anon this response is even better than I had hoped for

>> No.10749985
File: 620 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180613-000844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retweets anti-Trump posts
>inadvertently retweeted a pro-Trump post, probably due to lack of reading comprehension
Confirmed retard

>> No.10749999
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>ask for no pink
>gets no pink

>> No.10750011

Applebee's food is literally worse than any fast food chain. I went there once, served mediocre microwaved food and charged as of I ate food cooked from ramsay or something like that.

>> No.10750024

What is this stupid roastie even trying to communicate?

>> No.10750214

100% chance its a mixed race mutt

>> No.10750217

isnt applesbees like 15bux a plate or something? how poor are you lmao

>> No.10750268

i lost brain cells trying to read this

>> No.10750316

Can someone translate this post? or is it my fault?
Also its her fault for not cooking herself what a useless whore she probably is.

>> No.10750325

single mothers were a mistake

>> No.10750329
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>> No.10750334

My mother thought she could "do it all"
she went to college and left me to fend for myself from 7-17, then she kicked me out, got a new house and a new family.
Dumb fucking whores.
I'm better off for it thought because it's made me fight for what I want and not be a bitch.
But honestly single mothers deserve their children taken away.

>> No.10750336

Alright you got me, i'd go.

>> No.10750366
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It's another "Well done isn't done well" episode.

>> No.10750373

I remember getting drunk at an Applebees when I wa nineteen. It's easy if you just grab an empty and ask for a refill, or maybe it was because they knew I was military and were just playing me for money. Either way, got drunk.

>> No.10750381

Why does everyone think that there life is a movie and they are the star? Your life will most likely be shit and normal just deal with it. I personally think it was reality tv.

>> No.10750526
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Her son sounds like a real genius...

>> No.10750535

I like how she posts about what a retard her son is on social media for everyone to see.

>> No.10750554
File: 1.63 MB, 1796x1304, tipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should have scrambled her eggs enough to keep one of them from turning into her autistic son.

>> No.10750569

based drooling retard

>> No.10750571

>double sausage
>diet pepsi
I can literally see him.

>> No.10750580
File: 47 KB, 612x844, tip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. A lot of people get mad about chicks like this making dosh and talking shit but I only hate the pathetic losers who enable it.
It's the same with those Twitch streams; if I could make a hundred dollars an hour by wearing a tight shirt while playing video games I'd fucking do it too. Really can't blame the roasties for that.

>> No.10750584
File: 166 KB, 1024x576, sopranostare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, that's gotta be for more than 1 person.

You know the kind of guy that complains about his girlfriend to another woman in order to hopefully fuck her? This is what this cunt's tweets read like.
Or she's trying to look smart by comparison?

>> No.10750588

She's trying to make everybody think she's #badass and #empowered for raising a kid the father of whom she obviously doesn't know who is.

>> No.10750594

That too in a way, for me it was more like
>Yeah I have a son and I love him and all that but rest assured, I'll forget about him the minute a big dick with a loaded wallet comes my way.
Sort of like the type of dudebro I was mentioning

>> No.10750596

Who is this lady and why do people on this board seem to care about her more than any other random attention whore on the internet?

>> No.10750602

I don't blame her for being a cunt. It's what her society allows her to do.
I just think that, maybe, she shouldn't talk much about receiving big tips because she considers herself pretty. Sets a bad example for others.
>No way, that's gotta be for more than 1 person.
So, he's buying someone else dinner and tipping 200% of the bill?

>> No.10750614

It's just the state of 4chan these days. Some fag finds a random obscure social media post that he thinks will trigger the userbase here and voila, thread goes to bump limit every time

>> No.10750621

WHAT the fuck is she even saying?

>> No.10750634

I think she ordered ribs for her son and they didn't have any, so she settled for a well done burger. She was upset that the burger was cooked too much. A burger from a fucking Applebees isn't going to cost $70, so I think she is trying to say that because she spent $70 at their establishment, they should've treated her better?

>> No.10750651

Not for ten years

>> No.10750654

It's the first time I've ever seen her being posted in /ck/.

>> No.10750675

Quintessential thot, doesnt matter who she is she is the subject because of what she is

>> No.10750761

So why didn't her husband pay the tab? Oh...

>> No.10750776

TRANSLATION for my esl friends
>I spent $70 at Applebees because the doctor says my crotchfruit actually needs to eat
>He has severe autism and wont eat anything outside a short, extremely specific list of things
>That cunt manager that fired me for stealing tips wouldnt let me use my employee discount on the ribs so I had to order a burger with two top buns and mayo only on the left
>While waiting for that burger to cook well done I drank 5 $9 cocktails and had a sampler platter
>This is an outrage, I only make $4/hr on my tax forms thats not enough to live on

>> No.10750906
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Pic of the kid.

>> No.10750944
File: 100 KB, 564x375, 1509232090736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And an entire generation is being raised like this.
It has made you strong anon, but it has shortchanged you in other ways.
Single moms are the devil

>> No.10751104

And that's a good thing!

>> No.10751123

>my child has specific dietary needs/restrictions
>better take them to applebees

>> No.10751147

My nephew won't eat anything but Applebees, McDonald's and Kids Cuisine frozen dinners

>> No.10751161

Why are his parents allowed to live?

>> No.10751165


yeah he will, just wait a couple days until he gets ACTUALLY hungry.

>> No.10751184

That's child abuse

>> No.10751189


no, >>10749764 is child abuse.

>> No.10751190

Some one give a quick run down on why tipping in america is super autistic or how it makes sense

.t Dutch anon

>> No.10751195

You do not have a believable concept of "really good".

>> No.10751210

they removed character limits from twitter. it's called boomer rage where they lose their train of thought because they want to include as many justifications for their outrage as possible

>> No.10751211

There's nothing "autistic" about tipping, except that it triggers many autists because they don't understand it, just like many other social constructs.

I don't think it makes any more sense than any other tradition, except perhaps that it does save everyone money due to differences in the way that tips and normal wages are taxed by the government.

>> No.10751215

it doesn't save the customer money

>> No.10751235

t. waitress

>> No.10751236

Sure it does. All expenses that the restaurant incurs get passed on to the customer in the form of food prices.

If you, the customer, wants the server to take home X dollars after taxes the cheapest way for that to happen is via a cash tip directly to the employee. If the employee receives that same amount of take-home pay via wages instead there are extra taxes involved which the employer must pay, which then gets passed on to you the customer, at a markup, as part of the food cost.

>> No.10751238

I'd rather food prices go up 15% than paying it to some bitch that didn't bring me a 2nd drink

>> No.10751244

it doesnt fckin make sense though. Why would the waitress ask for a socially mandatory amount of cash (a tip is supposed to be something you would give if the service is expetional) to costumers, when its the employers responsibility to pay the waiter / waitress adequately for her work?

>> No.10751257

Because the system is different than your perception.

It's not the employer's responsibility, it's your's the customer. I'm not claiming it makes sense, and I'm not defending it. I'm pointing out that you are operating under an incorrect assumption of how it works.

>> No.10751263

Tips are taxed too unless the server lies

there is an enormous disparity between servers in high end restaurants who can make hundreds or thousands of dollars a night and servers in lower end restaurants who won't come close to that. This system is very good for servers in nice restaurants but bad for everyone else. Also, in the nice restaurants the tip (usually calculated as a percentage of bill) is enormous and doesn't really reflect the quality of work done by the server. So in that case the customer suffers.

Not to mention many female waitresses have to put up with sexual harassment in a tipped system because they are afraid they will lose income if they confront it. It's also a much less stable and reliable form of income for servers except those in high end or very high volume restaurants. It is a complicated issue but ultimately I think the system is more bad than good.

>> No.10751274

his eggs probably are better. Most likely the kid is perfectly willing to make them himself too, but she'll find a reason not to let him

>> No.10751275

>not ruby tuesday
get some real ribs, faggot

>> No.10751285

Oh alright, i should have asked my inquiry more clearly then.

>> No.10751289

>Tips are taxed too unless the server lies
>Not to mention many female waitresses have to put up with sexual harassment in a tipped system because they are afraid
Wow, you sure understand how the world works anon, real deep thinker. Please get a job.

>> No.10751295

lol taking 10 years to graduate

>> No.10751297

I think everyone should say something nice about her in this thread and then send her a link

>> No.10751301

>Tips are taxed too unless the server lies
Yeah and none of them lie because they might get in trouble.

>> No.10751307

pls no bully, he is medically is ordered

>> No.10751308

I'm sure most of them lie for cash tips but tips left on cards must be automatically recorded, no? so most of the tip income would be taxed

what does this even mean

>> No.10751317

One time a server told me they preferred cash tips, and I said "why so you can commit tax evasion?"
probably got my food fucked with that night

>> No.10751318
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>Yeah and none of them lie because they might get in trouble.

>> No.10751624
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god I hate cunts like this
100% chance she has her poor kid on adderall, is a single mother and bitches and makes a scene at every establishment she enters.

>> No.10751631

>single (whore) mother
what's there to be grateful for?

>> No.10751634

why would you ever just give your money to a thot?
I mean, maybe if he got her number or a lap dance or something in return but just giving holes money? why?

>> No.10751635

she’s an ex-marine single mom according to her twitter
surprised she didn’t mention she was a vet too in her shitty tweet

>> No.10751642

>female ex-marine

Yup, she's a thot.

>> No.10751682
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I had a run in with her type just last week
>be an intern at a hospital
>just my luck, this is a trash area with no where to get controls but us
>pharmacy needs help that night so I'm helping them
>bitch walks in with her son
>kid's on adderall of course, she's getting both fluco for her disgusting, yeast infected pussy and fucking birth control
>is a complete bitch to me despite literally not talking to her, just scanning her meds
>apparently this pharmacy is always "a problem" according to her, and she talks talking about how the world has wronged her and how it's because there's a stigma against people like her with some junkie in line picking up fucking amphetamine salts
>also also some high level journalist (lol sure) and her dad is a surgeon and her uncle owns disney land or some shit
>I can literally feel my BP rising listening to her
>check her out as fast as I can so she gets the fuck out
>about an hour later she comes back
>she puts a ziplock bag with some black shit on the counter
>what the actual fuck
>starts talking about her son's "science experiment"
>again, what the fuck
>she holds up the bag and says she needs new medication for her son
>what why?
>I look closer at the bag
>it's the fucking adderall vial scorched to shit
>literally do a double take
>walk to the back station and tell the pharmacist she burned her medication in utter disbelief

>> No.10751698

was the burned adderal in the vial too or did she just come up with shit excuse to score more so she can sell it for boxed wine money?

>> No.10751755
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>she starts REEEing "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID"
>pharmacist walks over
>she tells her that she needs a new fill because her kid apparently isn't allowed to go to school without being doped up
>obviously you can't do shit like that with a control
>pharmacist tries explaining this to her
>bitch isn't having it
>tries to haggle down to one pill
>still illegal
>I'm getting sick of this bitch
>walk over (I'm a tall guy with a beard and ugly)
>cross my arms so I don't fucking smack her
>tell her sternly "we can't give you more without a prescription, it's illegal"
>she starts fucking reeeeeing even more
>eventually one of the managers comes down
>she tells him I humiliated her and intimidated her by crossing my arms at her
>tells them I broke HIPPA (I didn't obviously)
>now I'm really fucking angry, I don't go to school and take on like 180k in debt to be treated like this
>walk over "Miss, how exactly did I violate HIPPA?"
>pharmacist takes me over to the side by the arm tells me to just calm down
>fine, I didn't want to escalate the situation any further
>do some busy work while I listen
>she's telling them she's going to sue
>and she wants my name
>I'm about to walk over and give the cunt my full fucking name and challenge her to do anything with it
>pharmacist comes over pretends like she's taking my name from me, only takes my first name and spells it wrong
>tells me to take off my name tag
>this nice lady is actually defending me and that cunt has her spooked
>control myself because I don't want to cause any problems with her
>the bitch finally leaves
>manager is walking towards me
>fuck guess I'm fired and will have a record before I even graduate
>tells me to not worry about getting sued or whatever
>is totally supportive of me
>pharmacist tells me she comes every month and it's always like this with her
>immense relief
>have chick fil a for the first time after shift ended
>my hatred for cunts went up that night...again

>> No.10751778

fuck it felt good to get that out
also she came in the next day (I wasn't there) and the pharmacist left a long ass message about her wasting his time trying to get an illegal fill kek

>> No.10751792

Flyover detected

>> No.10751795

>being such a fucking waste of oxygen and completely incompetent that you have to give your kids convenience food that costs $70 and canned trash instead of cooking actual food
Some people just need suicide

>> No.10751818

That's her entire life's savings
It took her years to get all that
She is going to lose it as soon as she has an emergency because she doesn't have medical insurance

>> No.10751832

>Tism son
>No dad
I get the feelarino that the kid is half black

>> No.10751844

My keedz won't eat anything that's off brand, their daddy doesn't give me enough money and neither does the government

>> No.10751851

Having dated a server and known many others, that is all of that dumb bitches money, it's mostly ones, and she's going to lose it all when she gets drunk on a Tuesday night and loses her wallet

>> No.10751908

>really good food, service and atmosphere
I get a better experience in a hole in the wall restaurant for an eighth of the price

>> No.10751918

This is the reason cops beat people. Do a ride along. You'll make some new friends.

>> No.10751931
File: 303 KB, 750x530, 4B3FB040-11D6-47C5-AF95-A7D9E86D8A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid is not black. Mom is apparently a “disabled” marine.

>> No.10751955

Do you think the kid wants to fuck his mother?

>> No.10751982

not esl but i dont do twittet so i might as well be at this point thanks friend

>> No.10751983

She didn't mention the 10 long island ice teas she got for herself, plus mandatory 25% tip (those not tipping will be shot)

>> No.10751986

>Mom is apparently a “disabled” marine.
why am I even asking, it's the marines

>> No.10751991

so, that's the little retard who can't even tell what time it is

>> No.10752021


>> No.10752024

It was all burnt and melted in there
Absolutely bizzare
I'm actually on my way for 8 more hours of this shit
If her or any of her ilk show up I'm calling security and the cops