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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10749511 No.10749511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the most cyberpunk foods?

>> No.10749519
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Cup noodles with Tabasco are cyberpunk, learning to cook for oneself even more so. Just think of it as a form of culinary programming. Here is the cyberpunk beer.

>> No.10749530

Noodles served by a guy speaking a cantonese- spanish pidgin from a converted shipping container

>> No.10749541

Noodles for sure. I guess it's because noodles are Asian and for some reason we all associate Asian with cyberpunk.

>> No.10749738
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You are sadly mistaken there buddy
Ramen, food stall food, juice diets

>> No.10749752

For some reason I imagine loaded up quesadillas replacing pizza in cyber punk future.
Like grain would be to much of a bother to grow but corn? That shit could survive anything.

>> No.10749757


>> No.10749768

Sunny D on a bright beautiful rainless afternoon.

>> No.10749783

Is this beer actually any good?

>> No.10749800

Fuck no. That's what makes it cyberpunk.

>> No.10749805

Soy latte

>> No.10749908

These, realistically.
>Noodles for sure. I guess it's because noodles are Asian and for some reason we all associate Asian with cyberpunk.
Because part of the rise of cyberpunk as a speculative fiction genre had a lot to do with the Asian market boom of the '80s. Back then, profits were big and getting bigger all the time, and seemed to have no intention of stopping. Cars, electronics, cuisine, high fashion, music, modern art, animation, and so on were finding their groove in a post-'70s-mediocrity global market. Hell, it got so runaway that some people even speculated Japanese/Chinese/Korean cultures being the new dominant force well into the 21st century. This has panned out with mixed and subjective results since then, but that's neither here nor there. Point is, it was visually and socially formative to the genre. That, the Cold War, and the rise of the microchip/widespread telecommunications.

>> No.10749919
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>> No.10749925
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>The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel

>> No.10749938

Definitely working class foods. I think Filipino cuisine would be the best cyberpunk cusine. Simple and lots of deep frying under a stressful society.

>> No.10749943

I still need to read that. It's like the Cuberpunk Bible but I've yet to sit down with it. I'm a fraggin' poseur.

>> No.10749957

It's really good. It's the cyberpunk Tolkien as far as I'm concerned. Just gonnae read it.

>> No.10750006
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>> No.10750567

Which book?

>> No.10750577

they eat yakitori in neuromancer
also that fancy food in space

>> No.10750608
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This is the superior /cyb/ beer.
Kirin is too sweet, sure you can think everything in cyberpunk is a sugar bomb because of neon colors everywhere but the reality is that you need booze to be refreshing when you're moving in a cramped city, near the rigger's overclocked rig in techwear hoodies to conceal your face.

>> No.10750731


Spicy kamichi with ramen.

>> No.10750768

Neuromancer by William Gibson.

>> No.10750786

pretty much anything cheap and easily mass produced with a southeast asian flair.

>> No.10750794

Good luck, if you haven't read it by now you probably won't be able to get past all the future-speak Gibson put in it.

>And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human.

>> No.10750813

>Wear face paint and hoodie to conceal your face
>Walk in irregular way to avoid gait-analysis
>Put lifts in your shoes and shoulder padding to confuse height/width recognition

>> No.10750819
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>> No.10750830

Sushi. That's what my ex-wife used to call me. "Cold fish."

Or insects maybe. And other pathetic creatures of meat and bone.

I liked Neuromancer but I wouldn't go as far as calling it the Bible of cyberpunk.
It's amusing to see what an SJW Gibson is on Twitter these days when all his female characters are written with such utter shallowness and awkwardness. Maybe he grew up since then, I don't know, but it comes off a bit hypocritical.

>> No.10750891

Easy Mac

Anything mostly created by a food chemist

>> No.10750893
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Gotta admit, soy memes aside I truly think this shit is proof we're living in a dystopia when cunts would willingly eat this in place of meals. Enjoying food is one of the things that makes us human.

I haven't read it yet, I searched for the quote and the book came up, it's on my reading list though.

>> No.10750909

It's a very easy read, which means you can also audiobook it.
Go for some nice long walks or something while listening to it.
I can't follow an audiobook with very advanced prose because I get distracted but scifi tends to be nice and simple in that regard, so why not make the most of your time?
I've audiobooked most of Gibson, PKD, and Stephenson while doing yardwork.

>> No.10750915


if it's willing, it's not a dystopia, you retard, and no, enjoying food doesn't make you human. it makes you an animal.

>> No.10750927

>if it's willing, it's not a dystopia, you retard

Nope. Your understanding of the word dystopia is broken. Here's a clue that might help you fix yourself: the latter part of the word derives from "utopia". A "dystopia" is a place that is both horrible and wonderful at the same time. Some people (i.e. sad neets) might find things like soylent to be more indicative of the latter rather than the former.

>> No.10750938

For me it is commodity foods. Food you buy in bulk, or food that you can imagine being served in huge pots in a factory cafeteria or an offworld spaceport food court. Oats, rice and beans, instant coffee, curry, noodles, stew. No customisation, no individuality, get what you are given foods.

>> No.10750939

>if it's willing

I didn't will this shit. Also enjoying food for flavour makes us human, animals just eat for fuel purposes which is what that soylent shit is.

Weirdly enough I've never listened to an audiobook, was thinking of starting that up in the near future.

>> No.10750953


you are autistic. you made the definition up in your mind like fanfiction. you sad, low IQ neet.


>Also enjoying food for flavour makes us human, animals just eat for fuel purposes which is what that soylent shit is.

retard detected. animals eat food because it tastes good. eating food for flavor just makes you degenerate and animilistic, weak willed, sub human.

>> No.10750958

The problem with Audiobooks is that they are always spoken at this annoyingly slow pace. You can read *far* faster. It's irritating beyond belief. I can't see how anyone can stand them unless we're talking about people who have some kind of reading impairment.

>> No.10750976

>you made the definition up in your mind like fanfiction. you sad, low IQ neet.

So you're telling me the "-topia" part of "dystopia" comes from a different root than "utopia"? Please explain.

>> animals eat food because it tastes good.
does your idiotic logic apply to breathing too? animals breathe. so do we. does that make us animalistic and weak willed?

You're a special kind of stupid.

>> No.10750979

Okay well I hope being needlessly cunty online makes up for your lack of friends.

>> No.10750990

I listen to them at 1.5 or 1.75 X speed. I know blind people who go as fast as 4X.
Most modern music players and phones should support this.
Anyway, I think I made it pretty clear that listen to audiobooks while doing other stuff. Maybe your own reading impairment kept you from noticing that part.
I can't read a book while doing yardwork after all.
And I really only do it with books that have "simple" prose. You should not be able to fully appreciate high literature in audiobook form, with the possible exception of Joyce.
It's great for listening to a nice story while doing some menial labour, though.

>> No.10750999

no one here will get that

>> No.10751013
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Nice trips.

>> No.10751025
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Anything from this place

>> No.10751040

snow crash is a pretty popular book mayne

>> No.10751066

Case also drank a shitload of Jap beer and Danish Vodka. Also synthetic beef since they made a big deal about him not wanting some steak when they were in space. Seems like everyone drinks heavy and does pharmaceuticals occasionally getting 7-11 style noodles in the future. And a cut of real prime rib is more expensive than a ride on a space shuttle. Also farmed shrimp.

>> No.10751069

mechanically separated chicken

>> No.10751074

I don't remember any of the food from that book actually.
I remember they all smoked cigarettes called Yaheyuans or something like that.

>> No.10751083

Probably cocaine or meth with a bottle of soylent

>> No.10751100

I remember because how little it came up. Also everyone smokes again because all the smokes are black market Chinese or Russian and dirt cheap since no tax but they are illegal most countries.

>> No.10751101
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Absolutely this.
And also pic related/soylent. Gross formulated liquid based meals seem pretty dystopian too me.

>> No.10751126
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>> No.10751130

ppl don't read anymore

>> No.10751191
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It's fine. It's any other domestic tasting beer.

>> No.10751212
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I'm the audiobook guy from before and I AB'd Snow Crash a couple times actually. It's a good book and the version of the audiobook I have is pretty well read.
Especially the part with that Asian rapper. Seriously; treat yourself and at least listen to that bit.

>> No.10751216

Ayy, it's on Youtube.

>> No.10751228


>> No.10751294
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>> No.10751312

Doritos and Mountain Dew.

>> No.10751324
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outta my way soy fucks

>> No.10751336


Nope, topia in this place just means "place" and dys comes from "bad", a dystopia is not wonderful.

>> No.10751349
File: 136 KB, 1400x930, 揚げ出し豆腐.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything tofu

Because it's cheap, can be cooked many ways and used to imitate other food, and is le asian.

>> No.10751379

Do not audio book the Neuromancer trilogy. You need to read the shit. It's not the same. The pacing of audio books totally ruin the vibe of Neuromancer.

I've spoken with Gibson once during a book signing. I forget which book because I have a few of them but he was kinda always like that. The man is a very progressive but has this DEEP cynical streak that allowed him to write things like Count Zero, Neuromancer and Burning Chrome.

Let's not forget, before we idolize this man that he had no idea how a HDD worked before he wrote Neuromancer.

>> No.10751397

Why would I idolize a cyberpunk writer, coming up with a dysotopia is the easiest form of cynicism.

>> No.10751409

I'm just annoyed he had no understanding of basic technologies but still managed to write a convincing sci-fi novel lol

>> No.10751412

As has been said many times, instant noodles. For that matter, instant anything. Any kind of shelf stable packaged food, like Hormel Compleats, or Maruchan Yakisoba. The cheaper and more unhealthy the better. There should be .01% non processed ingredients.

On the macro side: Soy, Tofu, Krill, Surimi, Lab Grown meat; anything that can be massively bulk farmed and cultured to imitate real proteins.

All types of fast food and snack food.

Basically, the average american diet is pretty fucking cyberpunk as it is. We even treat eating real produce and grass fed meat as a special thing, and eating at restaurants with real food is a special occasion. We live increasingly owned by our employers, whether at work or at home.

America already IS Cyberpunk. We just don't have the massive urban expansion thats blanketed everything yet.

>> No.10751413

>The pacing of audio books totally ruin the vibe of Neuromancer.
How so?
The prose is very simple compared to real lit.

>> No.10751421

Because you read faster than the speaker.

>> No.10751442
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Neo Kobe Pizza

>> No.10751444

I wish I could deliver those pizzas. Sounds like a pretty cool gig.

>> No.10751446
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Best Japanese macro coming through.

>> No.10751448
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>> No.10751451

>shredded fucking iceberg lettuce on top

the fuck

>> No.10751466


>> No.10751476

Not everyone values or enjoys the same things you do

>> No.10751477

So close, and yet so far. The 'U' in 'utopia' derives from the Ancient Greek 'ou' (not), and together with 'topia' (place) literally means 'non-existent place'. Thus, the term technically describes any place that does not exist in reality, meaning that fictional 'eutopias' (good places) and 'dystopias' (bad places) are both 'utopias'.

>> No.10751491


Insect protein is a realistic choice, especially if food shortages are a big issue in the future.

Also, can anyone in this thread tell me what the hell Joe was eating in his apartment? It seemed like rice/cellophane noodles with some weird jelly-like blobs here and there.

>> No.10751612
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>mfw shirts call CVdazzle face paint
>mfw squares call analogic ambulation walking
>mfw posers call ravepauldrons shoulder padding

>> No.10751644
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Finally an excuse to post this.

>> No.10751680

>worried about nomenclature when I spiked your kale juice with slow acting myco-toxin
>you now have 48 hours to make a run on the AT&T-Time Warner data warehouse and get me everything on their executives before the toxin burns your liver out
>tick-tock, deck-monkey

>> No.10751702

>spiked wrist on one arm, powerglove on the other

I will never be this rad

>> No.10752088

He had a good understanding of how technology would change things. Cyberpunk isn't a Tom Clancy like description of the the tech-it's a picture of how advanced tech effects the every day life of people. "The street finds its own uses for things" is an accurate statement. Neal Stephenson has a good knowledge of how tech works and he throws it in his books for the people who know but most of his books are about the societal impact tech has. Also Gibson and Stephson point out the danger of relying solely upon the latest thing-like a laser running out of power but luckily they packed an old-fashioned revolver that can't be jammed and will work as long as you have ammo.

>> No.10752103

Unironically, his understanding of tech had an influence on techies and IT people. Hop down to my IT dept, every man and woman there has read Neuromancer. Hell, there's a paperback copy of it sitting in their waiting room.

>> No.10752125

Couldn't a food lab make some half decent shit out of seaweed?