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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10744381 No.10744381 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the menu for the night. Sounds pretty exquisite

>> No.10744383

cyanide w/ a side of cyanide

>> No.10744394

yfw no Anthony Brodain to serve them hemlock

>> No.10744395

Haagen dazs huh?

>> No.10744410
File: 70 KB, 455x827, b6c982_6019341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump stairs at menu
>stress and confusion and beads of swet form on his face
>he signals to an assistant and whispers in his ear
"is there a KFC in Singapore?"

>> No.10744412

oh man that all sounds great. lucky guys.

>> No.10744414

Fuck off libshit

>> No.10744416

dumb phoneposter

>> No.10744423

I voted for trump.
Doesnt mean i cant trash on him. The guys a dipshit. All politicians are dip shits except maybe Ron Paul.

>> No.10744427


>> No.10744448

Not paying any attention to the news are you, young lad?

>> No.10744465

>Trump can't enjoy fast food and 5 star restaurants

The state of the soy mind.

>> No.10744471

Not him, but I legitimately laughed at that joke.

>> No.10744472

>no big mac
>no mcchicken

nuclear war confirmed

>> No.10744474

>ice cream
Will Trump get TWO SCOOPS?

>> No.10744475

kek based /pol/flake triggerer

>> No.10744481
File: 29 KB, 1200x630, cryingfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ywn eat haagen-daz with kim jong un

>> No.10744495

>Obama "stairs" [SIC]at the menu
>stress and confusion and beads of "swet" [SIC] form on his face
>he signals to an assistant and whispers in his ear
"ay yo gibs me dat waddamelon nigga"

Oh wait Obongo didn't have a peace-talk summit with the world's premier rogue nuclear state. Woops!

>> No.10744502

>is still a libertarian
lmfao. 2012 called, bro. You missed the boat. And you wonder why you have no friends, and women won't give you the time of day. You are stuck in the fads of a forgotten era. Social retard. Let me guess. You sometimes wonder if you're on the autism spectrum, don't you?

>> No.10744509

to be fair, obama was pretty busy bombing syrian women and children

>> No.10744516

We will assume because he is Hitler and that is what a literally Hitler would do

>> No.10744518

Does Trump even eat fish?

>> No.10744519

nice pasta, fatass.

>> No.10744524

>so.y braised cod fish
Ummm... Guys....?

>> No.10744530

/fit/ is my home board, and I wrote that myself. Nigger.

>> No.10744552

>Doesn't realize libertarianism is the future
>Think it's a fad
That's what the Whigs thought about the party that was formed to free slaves

>> No.10744558

Read Evola, faggot. Society is dissolving, ever so slowly.

>> No.10744681

>state dinner
>held at world-renowned five star hotel
>Haagen-Dazs ice cream instead of handmade from scratch by in-house chefs


>> No.10744722

>vanilla ice cream

>> No.10744723

Trump won’t eat that shit. Where is the burger?

>> No.10744731

For all the things I see the right get up in titties about with Obama, it's never about the war crimes and gross human rights violations in his administration.

>> No.10744755

trump doesn't eat this stuff and kim brought his own food
this menu is for all the staff along for the ride

>> No.10744850

Get a sense of humor, fag. I own a MAGA hat but that post was funny.

>> No.10745296
File: 77 KB, 634x684, ';ljkfdsatyiuoyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prawn's cocktail
Oh Fuck! What do I make a prawn to drink!?

>> No.10745302

>Emperor Trump ate soy

no...this can't be happening...

>> No.10745309

Singapore will never recover.

>> No.10745330

They both brought their own food/chef.
That's how it's always done.

>> No.10746074

It looks like each course had one dish from the Americans, North Koreans, and Singaporeans, though I can't tell with the desserts.

>> No.10746105

He eats at McDonald's

>> No.10747153

Damn now I want McDonald’s. What should I get from Wendy’s lads?

>> No.10747180


>> No.10747182

>calling other people autists
>on 4chan

>> No.10747256

Imagine being so assblasted you typed all that shit out, then being proud of it.

>> No.10747284

Who would win in an eating contest?
>Kim is fatter
>Trump is taller and a big guy

And what about a food fight?
>Kim is absolutely obsessed with basketball
>Trump was a varsity athlete and frequently plays golf

>> No.10747299

The fact that there are polfags coming to get mad about this comment right now makes this all the funnier

>> No.10747298

Maybe if it’s breaded and in a Mcdicks bun

>> No.10747310

kill yourself

>> No.10747435

fucking hell lads it was a joke. I support what trump is doing.
Get a god damned sense of humor.

>> No.10747448

No hate but sounds a little too exquisite for a man who eats a steak well done covered in ketchup. Couldn't they have just roasted a tri tip and some corn?

>> No.10747459
File: 38 KB, 800x602, 2scoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10747460

Fucking kek, I can literally picture that greasy fatfuck soaked in sweat over it!

>> No.10747521

Obama would want a Chicago-style hot dog

>> No.10747916


>> No.10747924

I have one, that's how I distinguish between actual jokes and unfunny trash like your post.

>> No.10747930

Obama wouldn't be able to negotiate a meeting with the world's most reclusive dictator in the first place.

>> No.10748091
File: 62 KB, 650x487, deliverance banjo-boy-e1296452279364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how triggered you got from a funny joke. Did it hit a little too close to home? Were you humiliated once by the snobby greeter at some exclusive upscale restaurant like Macaroni Grill or the Cheesecake Factory?

>> No.10748351

Dude, you're dealing with mouthbreathers who literally worship him and gladly lick his shoes, c'mon. If they were North Korean they'd be doing the same for Kim. They're precisely the same exact sycophants.

>> No.10749032

I miss 2012. When you would have been considered an alpha faggot.

>> No.10749588

where's the well done steak with ketchup?

>> No.10749602

And just like that all the polweenies come out. Good bait.

>> No.10749626
File: 376 KB, 580x388, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No 'Well done til it's burnt steak with catsup' on the menu?