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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10740430 No.10740430 [Reply] [Original]

Read the last sentence


>> No.10740438

I don't want to, can you just greentext it?

>> No.10740439

Bitchboy uses suicide threat for attention then 2 years later does it. Wow.

>> No.10740450

So much for the "people who talk about committing suicide won't do it" theory that some people seem to believe. I just really hope this also applies to /r9k/.

>> No.10740455


Bourdain on what he’ll do if the food hall fails: “If it feels like a Todd English product, then we can all just go home and throw a noose over the fucking shower stall.”

Here saved y'all the trouble cuz OP is a dick.

>> No.10740458
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>> No.10740512


Skip to 21:52.

>> No.10740630

So the story is, he tried to open an open food market in Manhattan that would try to emulate East Asian street food areas, but he couldn't get a lease on the place despite hyping it up loads, doing PR, going through loads of bureaucracy to get visas for I presume Thai chefs and organising everything etc, and in the end it all fell through and he topped himself?

>> No.10740755

>he tried to open an open food market in Manhattan that would try to emulate East Asian street food areas
Yuppies cruising faux Asian street food markets in cosy Manhattan? What a pathetically shitty idea. 2edgy4me Bourdain, faux dive bars 2.0

I like how he worked for CNN, the most mainstream, ineffectual, insipid corporate entity around, maybe second to Disney, yet thought talking about doing drugs back in the day still gave him street cred. What a cuck

>> No.10740767

“Bourdain on why he quit smoking: “I mean, I’ve had more time on this Earth than I probably deserve, and I enjoy cigarettes very much, but now I feel that I owe this child who loves me to at least try to live a little longer, you know?””

>> No.10740772

Serial killers have posted their work on /b/, what makes you think /r9k/ hasn't had hundreds of people off themselves after threatening to do so?

>> No.10740845

Good. Still too many around though.

>> No.10741764

its blocked in the US, what does it show?

>> No.10741777 [DELETED] 


>> No.10741831

© 2018 Vox Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved

>> No.10741840

no seriously.
if he wants to name everyone he thinks is not worthy of the "chef" title and call people worthless and shitty, then he should feel shitty too, because he was just a writer with a shitty past working in kitchens and being degenerate.
why shouldn't that sort of shit catch up with him?

>> No.10741847

Only selfish cunts kill themselves.
Stop making these threads, >>10740430

>> No.10741848


>> No.10741858

He never spoke highly of his own cooking skills, and often referred to himself as a "utility grade cook" on his TV programs and in his books. I have no idea where this idea came from that he would brag about himself and put down others. Sure he put down others, but he certainly never said he was any better.

>> No.10741862
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still no leaked death pics?

>> No.10741927

He ALWAYS put others down.
he hated flay and fieri and those bunch and spoke of it some times.

>> No.10741937

and he had a Argentina show where he admitted he was a pompous asshole.

>> No.10741965

i wondered when i heard he died if he killed himself in the bathroom because he knew he'd shit and stink up the place.

>> No.10741966

Wouldn't you?

I mean, if you cared about the quality and taste of food then wouldn't you be offended by silly novelty bullshit?

What I think was very telling is if you watch his episodes with Ferran Adria / El Bulli. The first time he went there (Episode title "decoding ferran adria") he started talking about the "novelty" aspect, and you could see he might have gone the same direction that he took with Fieri. Yet then he actually ate the food and did a complete 180.

He didn't put everyone down, he only put down people that were into the novelty shit.

>> No.10741990

so he judged others for making a living doing the same shit he was doing.
"food porn" i think the term was that he coined.
stop sucking his rigorred penis.

>> No.10742002

>so he judged others for making a living doing the same shit he was doing.
He did very little novelty shit (though there was some "watch AB eat this EXTREEEM food" in his first TV show), and the food he cooked certainly wasn't novelty shit either.

>>stop sucking his rigorred penis.
I don't even like the guy, mainly for his politics. But I like inaccuracy even less.

>> No.10742012

Bourdain on what he’ll do if the food hall fails: “If it feels like a Todd English product, then we can all just go home and throw a noose over the fucking shower stall.”

>> No.10742021

his politics are what killed him imo.
he fully believed and embraced the hyper-serial-liberalism and it broke him. as it should.

>> No.10742042

watching his old show about basic skills and that every person should know knife skills and basic egg cooking and then watching it degenerate into what sort of things piss him off and what qualified as unforgivable sins just irked me. i stopped watching him shortly after parts unknown started. he bothered me for a long time, but i put it off on him being slightly hypocritical jewy new yorker.

>> No.10742052

Got to hand it to him, though. Even when talking about killing himself he can't resist taking a swipe at Todd English. That's what made the man great.

>> No.10742066

Admitting you're a pompous asshole only makes you like 1% better than the rest of the pompous assholes.

>> No.10742393

he "jokes" about suicide again
>oh boy, just saved from a poisonous blowhole inspired bout of depression and self-loathing by the healing powers of pork.
>I determined not to hang myself in the shower stall of my lonely hotel room
it's pretty fucking sad

>> No.10742533

he should have rounded up a bunch of other jewish yankee scum and jim jones'd that shit.

>> No.10742568

Have you watched Food Network lately? The people they have on aren't even that good at cooking anymore. One of them even said at one point that nobody likes the dish she was about to show you how to prepare. And they started doing sponsored content episodes to try and get you to buy useless, overpriced gimmicky shit.

I don't hate them personally but I really don't like what they're doing. I grew up watching Food Network and learning how to cook and about food from watching it, but it really has changed for the worse.

>> No.10742572

>bourdain thrives decades on a diet of heroin, cigarettes and liquor and lives to 60 before ending himself
>I get pancreatic cancer at 23 after a lifetime of clean eating gin and abstaining from any vice
fuck this gay earth

>> No.10742618


Fuck this sellout racist douch. Hopefully chang will be next

>> No.10742644

Oh look. Its mr i can yell "STEAK FRI" and sweaty mexicans while snorting blow.

>> No.10742860

i used to love food network, travel channel and cooking channel, but i don't get as much enjoyment out of them any more.
i learned a lot from them at one time, but i think you're right. it's like what MTV did to music.

>> No.10742886
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hope de niro necks himself soon
he's already getting financially rekt by his wife

>> No.10742896

RNGesus is a bitch. I hope you get well anon

>> No.10742900

I got really sick with ms when I was 23 and have problems with it literally every day. I'm right there with you anon.

>> No.10742902
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I'm pretty sure Anthony would be pretty disgusted with how Rose McGowan is turning his death into sideshow. Generally, when people commit suicide, they don't want a lot of pomp and circumstance made about their passing.

Also, check out this photo. Daughter is dabbing and ex-wife is showing off muscle.

>> No.10742934

>Also, check out this photo. Daughter is dabbing and ex-wife is showing off muscle.
Yeah and her sulking like a fucking teenager. God, would it kill this guy to ligihten up?

>> No.10742943

You died for his sins

>> No.10742945

generally people don't have tv shows about what they eat for dinner either

>> No.10742956

He is making a grumpy face

>> No.10743007

fuck you you stupid roastie. Roasties ruin everything. Look at this guy
he's trying to enjoy a nice meal like a human being and these bitches being typical roasties can't stop making "cute" poses. I think he killed himself because he realized that he never should have defended women in #metoo

>> No.10743273
File: 451 KB, 577x648, bourdain suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k. I will kill myself tomorrow because I am an incel like bourdain was over asia argento.

>> No.10743403
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where Bourdain went wrong was that he didn't fuck her like Harvey did. She wanted that old gross daddy dick rapey style like at least 70% of women do.

>> No.10743466

It's amazing how you retarded goys believe he killed himself by hanging. Yeah all these celebs all just hang themselves and so close to each other. You fucking Morons.

>> No.10743481

>eating gin
well there's you're problem

>> No.10743494

Eat my shit, you colossal faggot

>> No.10743914

Bourdain ended his life in the same way he lived it, like a bitch.

>> No.10743940

Why would he be murdered?

I do think he might have killed himself accidentally via autoerotic asphyxiation but why would he get assassinated?

>> No.10743959

>implying being selfless is a moral imperative

>> No.10743975

lol look at her dab kek

>> No.10744946 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10744974

Very often they do want attention. And the media usually blacks out reporting on specific suicides for this reason. It encourages copycats.

>> No.10744977


>> No.10744984

look into benefits of keto and a diet high in cholesterol for MS

>> No.10745014

Here's the thing I never even liked Bourdain but you're a fucking idiot whoever you are.

>> No.10745080

Doesn't he have really ugly 56% kids too? Death might be an improvement for him.

>> No.10745082

>it's like what MTV did to music.
That's a pretty good comparison. I guess I can't blame them if it got more people to watch but it makes me feel a bit sad and nostalgic thinking of learning to cook from Food Network and finding good music from MTV and seeing how there is almost nothing worth watching on TV anymore in the few minutes that I ever bother with it.

>> No.10745380

seriously. if i didn't like to eat in front of the tv occasionally, i'd never get a chance to watch travel channel or food network.
like what's with the games and made up competitions? what about actual cooks making actual food? i got great understanding of some of the what for's from Alton Brown and some nice ideas for home cooked meals from Rachel Ray. I was inspired to try recipes I shouldn't have known anything about by several of em. God bless the old school.

>> No.10745436

someone with NPD would never commit suicide. They're literally, physically incapable of being depressed.

>> No.10745442

Also, the way he phrased himself when claiming he had NPD says everything I need to know that he does not, in fact, have NPD. I lived with a narc all my life, not only would they never admit to it, they'd never dare phrase themselves as anything but normal. There's a small chance he was a self aware NPD but that's very unlikely. Chances are he just thought he was a bigger asshole than he was, a side effect of depression and low self esteem.

>> No.10745928


Narcissists overvalue themselves in front of others because deep down they hate themselves

>> No.10745943

he hasn't said anything bad about Hilary or knows any dirty shit like Bourdain did

>> No.10745945


>> No.10746073

>Generally, when people commit suicide, they don't want a lot of pomp and circumstance

But this is exactly why people commit suicide

>> No.10746077

This, Bourdain self deprecated CONSTANTLY. If you watch his stuff it's always about what a shitty human being he thinks he is.

In retrospect, death also comes up A LOT in his shows.

>> No.10746591

this. suicide is an agressive outward oriented act. childish screeching for attention.

>> No.10747195

You sad little man.

>> No.10747273

This only applies to "suicide attempts" you know took a few ibuprophen or whatever, not to literally genuinely killing yourself. Two totally different things

>> No.10747349
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>> No.10747363

Right, or when someone slashes their wrists and only breaks a few capillaries. That's extremely common.

>> No.10747373


>> No.10747388

enter Chantix

>> No.10748858

Flay and Fieri are fucking posers tho. they are some of the worst things about mainstream food culture.

oh cool you're an overweight white dude in your middle ages from flyover country. did you know that loving hot wings and football are not a personality?

>> No.10748870

Bourdain is probably the first person who would hate all the attention its getting. but he should have thought about that before fucking killing himself ya idiot! I hope theres an afterlife so he can see how stupid he was, not even going out with a cause. just making people sad as fuck.

>> No.10748878

>not an attention whore
Pick 1

>> No.10748947 [DELETED] 


Nothing of value was lost.

He either:
1. Died from auto erotica asphyxiation
2. Broken heart from some Italian tart cheating (surprise!)
3. Suicided before exposed as a pedo
4. Back on heroin and felt like he couldn't take another rim job from ER.

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.10749503
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More to follow

>> No.10749633
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>Thanks for not hanging yourself today daddy
>Bourdain: Don't thank me, thank our heroin dealer

>> No.10749656

If he's dead he doesn't give a shit about attention, does he?
>blah blah blah even your suicide needs to make me feel inspired
What a twat.

>> No.10749667 [DELETED] 

>i am God and without fault, the post.

>> No.10749688 [DELETED] 

He's right though. He was a pedophile that frequented child brothels in 3rd world countries. Nothing of value was lost from his death.

>> No.10749711 [DELETED] 

what the fuck are you talking about you stupid fuck? that's not even close to true. shut up you fucking liar.

>> No.10749715 [DELETED] 

No he wasn't, you weird retard.

>> No.10749727 [DELETED] 

Of course he was, stop purporting this guy's value, he was a typical jew pedo who got famous for no reason.

>> No.10749732 [DELETED] 

Why do you spend your free time defending child rapists on the internet?

>> No.10750413

>how to tell someone has never been to Singapore for 100
Hawker stalls are actually the gift from the market gods, incredible food for really cheap because of high competition, but I guess you cucks would rather pay $7 for your crusty mcChicken

>> No.10750416

I honestly feel really bad for her daughter, growing up without a father, even a shitty one, sucks a lot

>> No.10751157 [DELETED] 


What the fuck are you retards on about? Fucking resorting to "jewish = pedophile" is some serious /pol/ tier faggotry. Just put bullets in your heads already.

>> No.10751179 [DELETED] 

>Jewish = pedophile
Nice projection there you disgusting piece of shit child rapist. One day soon your evil kind will be rounded up and burned alive. I like watching you squirm because you know you've been found out and you know your crimes against children won't go unpunished.

>> No.10751207 [DELETED] 

If she was willing, it isnt rape.

>> No.10752146 [DELETED] 

Children can't consent you sick fuck

>> No.10752148 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10754062

He never had sex though, the daughter isn't his

>> No.10754085

This. He was an incel.

>> No.10755583

no they dont you armchair retard
dont open your mouth when you have no fucking idea what youre talking about

>> No.10755616

>He never scored

>> No.10755629

Goodbye and good riddance worthless hipster douche bag