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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.01 MB, 2880x2160, 20180609_165034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10729039 No.10729039 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my brekkie lads

There are mushrooms underneath there somewhere too

>> No.10729049

Is that for two people...?

>> No.10729050

why is the propotion so big for breakfast

>> No.10729051


it's not even for one person

>> No.10729054

why the fuck do british people have childish "cutesey-wootsey" names for literally everything?

>> No.10729056

Breakfast like a king mate

>> No.10729061

Bacon isn't crisp. Sausages look ok. Way too many beans. The eggs look like absolute shit -- learn to fry an egg.

>> No.10729069

Needs HP sauce

>> No.10729076

Added that later mate

>> No.10729077

I'd rather use childish names for things than be an obese retarded mutt

>> No.10729090

Shoo shoo go be a faggot somewhere else

>> No.10729096
File: 127 KB, 2032x820, 5D7EF56A-948B-4B14-8EE9-DFB7E0B0F405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no toast

>> No.10729101

Err, no. I'll stay right here thanks. Fucking retard

>> No.10729126

Bacon and saus were pan fried, leading to greasiness and black scorched bits. Not optimal. Use grill next time.

Eggs could be done a bit more, but they're not too bad. I'm more concerned by the apparently low quality of the eggs themselves - the yolks are a hideous pale yellow colour. Find better eggs.

Too. Many. Beans.
No toast.
No hash browns.

>> No.10729145
File: 1.54 MB, 3112x2338, 1447906434348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American here.

This is the list of things I usually eat for breakfast:

- 1-2 Slices of buttered toast
- 3 slices of black pepper bacon
- 2 large eggs (scrambled or over easy)
-1 cup of coffee (tea is for people who either refuse or have never tasted freedom.)

and that is about it. Sometimes I might replace certain items with another, like I might sometimes replace the toast with hashbrowns.

>> No.10729149
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, 20180412_090320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great b8 m8
Do you even /ck/

>> No.10729150

You sound like a mentally handicap retarded child when you talk, mate

>> No.10729152

>baked beans

absolutely disgusting

>> No.10729153

>tea is for people who either refuse or have never tasted freedom.
America is not even in the top ten countries per individual freedom and liberty.

>> No.10729156

The fuck is that mess on the left?

>> No.10729165


>> No.10729166

More free than you

>> No.10729168
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, 20180509_132338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hash browns with garlic cloves sweet peppers and onions with a beef gravy from the roast a night before. Looks sloppy but I swear the taters were crunch and that roast gravy is God tier.

>> No.10729171

bacon is meant to be cooked, not charcoalised

>> No.10729172

You seem like a rather hefty man. Are you fatter than John Goodman?

>> No.10729174
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up top.

>> No.10729178
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I'm a manlet and I only weigh 180-175lbs. Only because I'm neet and haven't worked in 9 months. Fuck you Anon! That was a weekend brekkie....well maybe midweek.

>> No.10729179
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I'd eat it. Maybe a bit bean heavy.

>> No.10729181

>Canada 11
>US 17

>> No.10729182

Would smash.

>> No.10729192
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down low.

>> No.10729194
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>> No.10729197


It didn't last particularly long. Woke up feeling very hungry which is a rarity.

>> No.10729238

forgot the tomato, fatass

>> No.10729253
File: 25 KB, 480x360, when will they ever learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

180 pounds is pretty heavy for a manlet unless you're absolutely jacked. Either that or you're a 4chan manlet, aka anyone under 6'5"

>> No.10729258

Not really, no.

>> No.10729278
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F-fuck you t-too Anon.

>> No.10729283

I can't believe people unironically eat toast

>> No.10729302


This is better proportioned than OP and looks better cooked, but I have two notes for you;

Streaky bacon instead of back bacon

What is going on with those beans? They look way to liquidy for heinz, what beans are you using?

Honourable credit for black pudding though.

>> No.10729324

>Too many beans
>Not partitioning the beans off with something else, like a sausage and just dumping them on top
>Egg to meat ratio all wrong
>Richmond sausages - seriously?

>>10729179 knows whats up

6/10 though still would get stuck in.

>> No.10729421


That is streaky bacon, but a bit bunched together. They're Aldi beans because I'm cheap. I did the whole tin but spooned some on to the plate and left the rest in the pan so may have brought across a bit of excess juice. Nothing a bit of sausage couldn't mop up.

>> No.10729422

>Aldi beans

christ alive

>> No.10729455

Too many beans, not enough sausage and bacon. Also fried mushrooms would be good.

>> No.10729457


>That is streaky bacon, but a bit bunched together.

Yeah I know I was criticising you for using streaky instead of back bacon which is better.

>> No.10729481


Aldi bacon, sausage, egg, tomato and mushrooms as well. The stuff from Aldi is decent and there's one really close to my house and it's cheaper and less of an ordeal than Tesco.


Ah right. I'd normally have back or middle with a fry up but streaky is what I happened to have in.

>> No.10729499

Manlets are a lot shorter then 5'11'

>> No.10729507
File: 1.82 MB, 3286x2432, IMG_20180609_134248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was gonna make one but then found the obligatory Saturday breakfast thread, thanks for making it anon

Featuring: breakfast for lunch

>> No.10729532

What... is that?

>> No.10729545

The breakfast of champions.

>> No.10729547

Which is what?

>> No.10729548

the standard version is with peppers (they're on the bottom), eggs, black beans, avocado

and today I had a few cherry tomatoes left and I figured I could throw them in and they work very well
the other stuff is for texture shits and giggles
it really is very tasty and filling, I highly recommend it

>> No.10729565
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>Sunny side up

>> No.10729582
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>Kinder eggs are illegal

>> No.10729598

Smoked streaky is the only bacon worthy. Back and middle is fucking tasteless.

>> No.10729625
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For you

>> No.10729647
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Top notch / 10


>> No.10729656

>4 sausages
>No black pudding
>No toast
>No fried tomato

Eh, I'd eat it but I'd be dissapointed.

>> No.10729669
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>> No.10729674


>no black pudding
>all those beans but no toast

WTF you doing

>> No.10729681

>eating a giant plate of cholesterol and grease every morning
Do Americans really do this?

>> No.10729698
File: 2.12 MB, 2592x1936, full english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Full English is British mate

>> No.10729710

then why are we the freest country in the world?
check m8

>> No.10729726

My mistake

>> No.10729729
File: 343 KB, 2038x1342, Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 13.57.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Economic Freedom of the World
>UK: 11th
>US: 16th

Hahaha, faggot.

>> No.10729739

>India is at the top of that list making the entire list worthless

Superpower by 2020 lol

>> No.10729756

One piece of bread with butter and chocolate sprinkles on it :)

>> No.10729832
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>> No.10729875
File: 79 KB, 1099x605, mutt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the list is worthless because 'murica doesn't top it!

>> No.10729921


Who invented these goblino memes lel

>> No.10729946

t. 5'11 manlet

>> No.10729985

Put the beans directly into your toilet. Rest of it looks nice though.

>> No.10730012

They "coincidentally" appeared at the sane time George Soros put 18 billion into his propaganda machine. Then were very artificially pushed to create animosity among us until morons like the one above bought into it hook, line, and sinker. And thats where (((they))) came from.

>> No.10730027
File: 66 KB, 800x800, mutt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any anti-murica meme MUST be due to a leftard conspiracy mmkay!!!

>> No.10730058
File: 48 KB, 731x709, AmeriMutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They "coincidentally" appeared when /pol/ became insufferable.

>> No.10730061

See? This perfectly proves my point. Just look at this pitiful creature, brain all a-throbbin as he sweats and grunts, sniggering to himself as he forces his enormously obese arm to move the mouse, select one of the images that pays for his insulin and pizza deliveries, and post it here, pretending to be both trolling and not at the sane time.


>> No.10730065

Too much beans. Add panela cheese instead. Bacon is supreme

>> No.10730067
File: 8 KB, 252x200, MakeAmericaWhiteAgain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those words
>not mad

>> No.10730073

90 kg is heavy. U should be 70_80 kg

>> No.10730076

Notice, everyone, how even typing the name Soros instantly summoned an army of kikes to spam his meme and throw down some truly EPIC trolling

>> No.10730727
File: 284 KB, 1200x893, 1200px-American_progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, one some list compiled by KIKES?

>> No.10732143

I don't get the half a tomato, nor the beans

>> No.10732714
File: 9 KB, 248x233, 1503693813652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manlets are a lot shorter then 5'11'
How many times have you said "B-but I'm 5'11" when a girl tells you "I don't date short guys"

>> No.10732746

Are you from hungary? I saw a thing in the economist about how hungarians are terrified of the soros boogyman

>> No.10732782

>the soros boogyman
That asshole bragged in a 60 minutes interview of sending lesser jews to the Nazis and breaking the bank of England.

>> No.10732839

Full Californian
>artichoke hearts
>cinnamon apple waffles
>soy milk
>gluten free blueberry muffin

Full New Yorker
>cup of Joe
>everything bagel
>sunny side up eggs

Full Texan
>20 oz steak
>sausage links
>hash browns
>ranch style beans

Full New Englander
>Apple pie
>Corned beef hash
>Boston baked beans
>Fish cake

Full Southerner
>Buttermilk biscuits
>Scrambled eggs
>Fried Ham

Full MidWesterner
>Breakfast strata
>Coffee cake
>Cinnamon rolls
>Sausage-Apple Dutch baby

What's your countries regional difference breakfast?