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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 346 KB, 1095x1182, 1516832110248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10728138 No.10728138 [Reply] [Original]

And there in the lawless backwaters of the internet, I found a community that spoke out to me in pure contempt. A crazy, anarchist pseudo-state that would leave even the maddest of dictators scratching their heads. They goaded me to participate in their ritual "shitposting", or else I was to be cast out as a "redditor" never to return. So being the simple New York boy that I am, I posted McChicken threads, and Jack threads and even tried my hand at Vegan bait threads until I could shitpost no more. While my time here was short, I caught a glimpse of the human condition that only the Da Vinci's of this world were able to capture. A testament to the fortitude of the human spirit, I returned home with a newfound appreciation of the unique and bizarre, and one hell of a hangover. Like they always say... bada bing, bada boom.


>> No.10728144


>> No.10728184

this is the stupidest shit ive ever seen. log off.

>> No.10728474


>> No.10728475

you tried

>> No.10728486
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x650, Bourdain Wario 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10728538
File: 59 KB, 964x534, 1527721037780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice eulogy anon. F

>> No.10728609

Amazing how my brain can perfectly imitate his voice and cadence when that picture is next to text

>> No.10728655

If he hadn't hung himself while jacking off, I'm pretty sure he would have enjoyed reading this.

>> No.10728656

It worked for me too. OP nailed him.

>> No.10728731

Bretty gud. Bourdain would've been slightly amused.

>> No.10728747 [DELETED] 

Put me in the screen cap lads

>> No.10728792
File: 36 KB, 784x645, 6F0A8BCE-C862-423C-962B-F98F04F22A21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was good OP

>> No.10728805


>> No.10728814

Good job anon

>> No.10728872

He really hung himself, right? I feel like I read the news when he died and it said he hung himself, but then they edited it seconds later.

>> No.10728880

They circled around the subject without explicitly saying it in the few I read.

>> No.10728921

Nice, pasta on the cook board.

>> No.10728923


>> No.10728926
File: 1.46 MB, 1437x2359, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10728936

not bad except for the end

>> No.10728937

his a selfish drug addicted cunt who cares that his dead

>> No.10728972

Fuck off /pol/ you shit up every board with your newfagginess it would honestly be better for both you and your family if you just did the brave thing and finally pulled the trigger. Your grandad didn’t give you that gun so you could cry alone in a corner night after night about the death of the white race, something you are only a part of in the most nominal sense. Having never kissed a girl or bested another man in any competition you are just a dull shadow of what your ancestors once hoped you could be. A genetic dead end, destined to shit up the world with your impotent rage. It’s a shame really but I guess what I wish more than anything is that you will stop shitting up our boards with your desperate newfaggotry, your banal attempts to find a place in this world by lashing out against the imagined enemy you’ve allowed them to construct in your head. When the final judgement comes, you will be found most inadequate.

>> No.10728979

sounds just like him
good work anon

>> No.10729083

I used to watch his shows, some of them were actually good. I stopped after a while because it seemed like he was trying too hard to be that crude food guy who swears a lot. I wonder if that was because he was depressed or whatever his problem was. And I wonder if someone had just asked him why he was acting phony all the time instead of just being okay with it because it was his celebrity persona if it would've helped him.

It's funny that some /pol/esmokers are acting like some SJWs did on Twitter after TotalBiscuit's death.

>> No.10729104

>doesn't like drugs
>instantly /pol/ nazi

Where do you guys even get this shit from?

>> No.10729113

You nailed it. Fuck I'm gonna miss Anthony Bourdain. Dude was my fucking idol.

>> No.10729118

bringing up /pol/ for literally no reason gets (You)'s

>> No.10729120
File: 1.58 MB, 360x202, 09E10928-68AB-4D95-9E04-6AA7C57B96E0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s pretty cool, reddit

>> No.10729123

Thats some embarrassing adolescent verbosity. Is not doing drugs a /pol/ thing now?

Yeah, keep feeding their numbers, dumbass.

>> No.10729125


>> No.10729129

>being this teen
Oh it shows mate, it shows

>> No.10729130

I love bourdains shows. But he was always a little pussy bitch. Offing himself just proved that

>> No.10729151

I can smell the soy from here. Make like a leaf and mcfuckin kill yourself.

>> No.10729268

delet your 4chan account

>> No.10729272

That isn't even /pol/. The first Bourdain thread was full of them and it was very obvious who they were.

Mods were busy that night.

>> No.10729362

OP has been trying to force this "copypasta" for a few years now. It sucked then and it sucks now.

>> No.10729402

I still think his liver or something was fucked and he couldn't eat or drink anything he wanted. A guy like that doesn't really care about money beyond what it can get him.
Probably still using too. That's why he was always hanging out in Asia.

>> No.10729461


>> No.10729469

>le newfag pretending to be an oldfag

>> No.10729590


>> No.10729673


>> No.10730306

I love this

>> No.10730330

Read this in good ol' Anthonys voice

>> No.10730333

Me too

>> No.10730341

>doesn’t know one of the oldest pasta in the book
>pretends to be an oldfag
ebin :-D

>> No.10730364

Saved, this should rile up some drumpflarinas across this site.

>> No.10730413

:( see you space cowboy

>> No.10730746

seriously im also saving this for when i need some Yous and entertainment

>> No.10730763

Back you go.

>> No.10730945
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1497934628872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10731036

it's a copypasta you stupid moron

>> No.10731443
File: 2.39 MB, 400x225, 1424612468709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10731488

Nice nice ok

>> No.10733262


>> No.10733308

spot on

>> No.10733601

i read op in his voice and whenver i look at this thumb on the catalog i feel a pang of something
hes really gone bros

>> No.10733694

Awww :(


>> No.10734010

Just saw a eulogy on facebook from another notable I never realized has such a similar voice. Mike Rowe.

>> No.10734516

it saddens me that this copy-pasta is now abut someone dead

>> No.10734566

t. Andy

>> No.10734590
File: 363 KB, 1095x1195, IMG_2277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read three sentences. triggered.

>> No.10734635

Mmmmmm, no, not really, but it's cool that you tried.

>> No.10734657

Great, now I have to push my suicide back another three months so no one thinks it's some copycat bullshit.

>> No.10736171

This is really cringe-y and I think you missed the point.
I'm not going to tell you how to do it better either.

>> No.10736192

Why does anybody give a shit about this smug hedonist killing himself?

>> No.10736378


Well done. Rip Anthony.