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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 693x390, chick-fil-a-logo-vector.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10722534 No.10722534 [Reply] [Original]

I like Chick-fil-a's food but I hate giving money to religious organizations, especially Christians. What do?

>> No.10722548

>what do I do?
Post these threads where they belong

>> No.10722661

Christfags are scum but fast food is garbage to begin with.

>> No.10723199

>christian business
It might just be a marketing scheme to get the flyover evangelical monies.

>> No.10723223

Oh no, I don't want to give money to this group because no reason given. Nice post faggot.

>> No.10723235

>He doesn't like Chick-fil-A's politics

Have fun in hell after you die from aids you sodomite

>> No.10723244

Eat there as often as possible. We now have the right to gay marry so if they funnel all the money into organizations that openly and visibly promote hatred of gays, that clearly sets gays up as victims, sympathetic, and worthy of legal protections. You should be eating there all the time so Christians make mockeries of themselves publicly, openly, and frequently.

>> No.10723257

Make your own I suppose. I got drunk and tried one of those stupid infographics about how to make their chicken. It was pretty much soaking the chicken in pickle juice. It actually kind of tasted like Chick-fil-a.

>> No.10723297

be sure to tell us how well sola scriptura worked for you when you get to hell!

>> No.10723517
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>> No.10723543

move to niggerland or oceania.

>> No.10723558

not supporting gay marriage != hating gays.

I don't support gay marriage because it's stupid. The government should not be involved in the sanctioning of sex partners. It only makes sense for government to be involved in promoting the creation of more future tax payers (children) in a stable environment (marriage). And yes I know not all marriages are great for kids. But we are talking averages here and the stats for children from single parent homes isn't great. So if marriage is no longer about that, government needs to get out and just issue civil union certificates for anyone and everyone that wants one.

>> No.10723633
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>Christfags are scum but fast food is garbage to begin with

>> No.10723728

Become the masked fedora bandit, the last thing the employees see is an empty deep frier and the legend himself giving a friendly tip

>> No.10724467

tip your fedora

>> No.10724486


>> No.10724487

What if I told you every business you have ever given money to employs at least one person who has different world views than you?

>> No.10724731


>> No.10725432

>especially Christians
Come on now anon, I'm a fag atheist and even I know Christian money is collectively much better spent than that of any other relevant religion. At least their religion encourages them to give to those in need and, y'know, be decent.

>> No.10725452

Rather Christians than bombers of peace or you know who

>> No.10725464

>I won't eat food I like because they have a religion
We've reached a new stupid

>> No.10725521
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Papists go and stay go.

>> No.10725546

just had chick fil a for the first time a 3 months ago, been hooked ever since. Gained 10 pounds. That fucking sauce tho

>> No.10725912

>bilk old dying boomers of their cash to buy a 4th private jet
>christfags fund worthwhile charities
All 3 abrahamic religions are precisely the same: Bundled hypocritical death worshipping jibberish.


And the next time some homphobic closeted mouthdrooler says that chikfila's 10% saline chemical injected and tumbled chicken is great because it's brined in pickle juice (impossible since the cell walls have already been broken) my head might just explode. It's soaked in it for a bit, whoopee!

>> No.10726035

How many fedoras do you own?

>> No.10726050

My bisexual roommate abhors them. I don't give a fuck who makes my food as long as it's good.

>> No.10726076

>al/ck/ gets banned
>Chick-fil-a threads, which are consistently and immediately derailed into political shit, get to be posted every day and stay up for multiple days at a time
Great job mods.

>> No.10726123
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I'm the exact opposite, I hate their food, but love giving money to Christian, conservative organizations. Especially when it pisses off liberal faggot soygoy cucks

>> No.10726155

Banning al/ck/ was for the best. If anything that general just made me more depressed and drink more.

>> No.10726170

edgy stuff

>> No.10726177

That thread was a staple of this board. Banning it is like if /v/ started banning the Friday night threads. Even if I didn't post in al/ck/ it still seems retarded that 20 fast food threads and blatant /pol/ shit is allowed to stay.

>> No.10726192

Were al/ck/ threads accepted on /bant/? Is that where they migrated?

>> No.10726217
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No one outside of this site has given a shit about Chick-fil-a being "anti-gay" since 2012. Also since their founder died they have stated that they wish to "treat every person with honor, dignity and respect –regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender."
I would hardly see them pissing anyone off these days.
Also I know plenty of actual liberal soyboy fags. They love Chick-fil-a.

>> No.10726224

Use every penny you have to buy a mountain of chicken sandwiches, then livestream a rant about your feefees before suicideing from being crushed by Mt. Chicken.
It'll help.

>> No.10726225

>Were they accepted?
Absolutely not. I looked at the thread yesterday and it's nonstop shitposting from /bant/.

>> No.10726233

You forgot to mention the part where marriage between a man and a woman almost always leads to children. It's an eventuality.

To the government, nothing is ever so certain as childbirth after marriage, which made it an excellent reason to base almost all taxpayer benefits upon. Until now.

>> No.10726239

I think al/ck/ should've been an /r9k/ general. Maybe /adv/. Talking about different alcohol should be fine on /ck/ but whining about your personal lives and addictions don't have a place here.

I know it was part of our board culture but it didn't belong here.

>> No.10726273

I'll agree it was off topic. But my point is why were they forced out when shit like this thread that CLEARLY belongs on /pol/ get to stay? It's completely unfair. I mean seriously, there are threads posted every day that are literally just
>basic ass question
With the OP image being
>picture of a black guy, chick-fil-a, hot girl, ect.
And they always devolve into political shit but still get to stay until they hit the bump limit. How that fuck is that a thing? Since when does /ck/ have worse mods than fucking /v/?

>> No.10726390

>government needs to get out and just issue civil union certificates for anyone and everyone that wants one.
How does the govt. get out of it if they're issuing certificates? Thankfully, nowadays marriage has been recognized for what it is: A civil contract granting specific rights to 2 consenting adults. That's it.

>> No.10726722

>What do?
Bourdain yourself.

>> No.10726728

All around embarrassing post.

>> No.10726749

Acknowledge that it's not a religious organization and that people can have really dumb beliefs, but not be bad at heart and eat there any way.

Acknowledge also that most of the shit we consume is created by asshole sharks any way that undermine and fuck each other over while trying to get into congress to fuck everyone up even more just sheerly for profit.

Compare that now to Chick-Fil-A being lead by someone who believes gays can't marry inside his denominations church or something.
Which is worse?

>> No.10726758


Did you just wake up from a comma? Do you even know what year it is?

>> No.10726772


>> No.10726816


>> No.10727165

Gotta proofread bud.
Regardless, where other than here have you seen people actively giving a shit about the political leanings of a fucking fast food chicken shack?

>> No.10727361
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good. another reason its a nice place to eat is the lack of faggots and niggers blaring trap beats on their phone while herds of mexican children run around with no supervision.

honestly just doing something as mild as this instantly clears up half of the unwanted demographics in the USA.
then again I dont live in the south so maybe chick fil a is different there. but here in CA its always populated by nice suburban whites and respectable teenagers.
do people ever give In N Out shit for having bible numerology on the cups?
pic related is still my favorite chicken joint.

>> No.10727390

>being at all emblematic of Christianity
Lol you're retarded.

>> No.10727460


you human shit gibbons are just people that need to be hunted. We need a gestapo to hunt religious garbage like in the bad old days.

>> No.10727488
File: 365 KB, 2000x1153, damage control.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mouth shut about muslims raping and butchering anyone everywhere
>mouth shut about niggers ruining every city they have a sizeable population in
whites use religion to maintain societal standards in a polite way

>> No.10727771

pull out your buttplug and wash out that nigger cum before you catch hiv, faggot!

>> No.10727783
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Oh yea dude i would love to give money to muslims and jews much more.
T. Agnostic
I think you can relate with pic related

>> No.10727791

They don't deserve those rights because those aren't rights. They're privileges granted by the government, and revokable at any time. And this thread shouldn't be on this board.

>> No.10727793

Just seize the Chick-fil-A for your community, comrade.

>> No.10727796

Why do people like Chik-Fil-A? Isn't it just chicken sandwiches? I've eaten there twice getting the standard chicken sandwich and while it's pretty moist and I like the waffle fries, the seasoning on those fries was inconsistent and the chicken sandwich seemed a little small.

Also, having people walk around in the summer heat to take my order seemed weird.

>> No.10727800


So how do we talk about alcohol on /ck/ now?

>> No.10727804

Assblasted trannys mad that theyre going to hell

>> No.10727836

>I like Chick-fil-a's food

>> No.10727837
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>> No.10727868

Their food is super-bland. Really not worth the effort.

>> No.10727939

I'll probably see you there, too

>> No.10727953

I remember the days when anons just pretended to be christian in troll threads. Anyone remember the tripfag Quentin? That shit was hilarious when he'd show up.

>> No.10727955


Stop being a cuck, for starters.

>> No.10727972


Well this quickly became the cringiest thread on /ck/

>> No.10728164
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>> No.10728172

shut the fuck up faggot lmao

>> No.10728450

>What do?
I don't know, maybe make your very own sub-par flavorless chicken at home? Life's difficult sometimes

>> No.10728502

Consider this: one generation ago, fast food was not as bad as it is now. Service was better, a lot better. But that workforce has been taken over by a much worse generation of druggies and faggots. Now fast food is almost inedible.

And then there's Chick fil A, the only fast food restaurant with any hiring standards left. You go to a taco bell, nothing but druggies and losers who can't get your order correct and can't serve you in less than half an hour. You go to Chick fil A, you get prompt and courteous service from kids who were raised well by proper parental figures.

The Christian fast food joint is the only edible one in the 21st century. A shame, because I don't like chicken so much. Where's the beef?

>> No.10728513

>kids who were raised well
Yeah what's up with that? I noticed that Chick fil A workers are usually high school and college kids, while Taco Bell workers and other fast food workers are grown ass adults covered in tattoos lmao. You're a failure if you're still working fast food past 23

>> No.10728834

>specific rights
privileges you faggot fuck

>> No.10728856


>> No.10728990

If you spend money in America, chances are it's going to end up in a Christian's hands eventually. You literally can't spend money and say that only certain people can have it. Just suck it up and eat your damn chicken.

I'm pro gay marriage and I'd still eat Chick-fil-A. They have different beliefs than me, but so fucking what?

>> No.10728992

Learn how to make it yourself.

>> No.10728995


>> No.10729010

>a thread about beverages that encourages you to imbibe
oh the humanity!

>> No.10729020

since last month apparently

>> No.10729025

There's still /r/cripplingalcoholism, one of the few redeeming qualities of Reddit.

>> No.10729824


>> No.10729948

Not an al/ck/ but liked browsing that thread. Some of the greentext were pretty funny. Also it seemed to do a few people some good which is more than anywhere else on this chan can say.
Let the drinks have their general.

>> No.10729952

Start a "Do Americans really" thread with an alcoholic beverage image.

>> No.10729966

tfw vegan but always get their fries

>> No.10729969
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>> No.10729976

see >>10728502
Eating fast food nowadays is practically a gamble, with a good chance of you getting a meal that looks like it was dipped in grease an thrown against the wall. Chick fil A's appeal is that they have stricter hiring standards and expect more from their employees.

>> No.10730056

Just get over it. I care about how food tastes not the politics of the owner as long as they aren't Hitler. Chili's tastes horrible so I don't like it. Chik fil A tastes awesome so I like it.

>> No.10730112

>implying the white trash here are aren't as despicable as well

>> No.10730639

Tired of all the Chick-fil-A shitposting on here, so I finally had Chick-fil-A for the first time today. I am almost in tears, I can't believe how good the service is. How do they even manage to have service this good for such low wages?

Went through the drive thru at a busy shopping center. There were 7 or 8 cars in front of me, and it looked like the inside was filled to max occupancy. Yet I wasn't even in the drive thru for 5 minutes! They shut down the drive thru intercom and instead had three workers standing outside, collecting orders from each driver. Not once did I find a single rude or miserable employee that's so typical of fast food places these days. Each employee I interacted with in the drive thru had a bright cheery smile, and when you say thank you, smiled at you and said "my pleasure."

Now compare that to Steak n Shake, where I can go through the drive thru, and there will be like 3 cars in line, but wait half an hour, and the food will look like it was dipped in grease and thrown against the wall. And the order won't even be correct!

And finally, the employees at Chick fil A looked so clean and happy. They looked like upstanding citizens that you would actually want to serve food for you, not some drug addict at Taco Bell who probably dropped your food before serving it to you. I don't know how Chick fil A can afford to have such high hiring standards. They probably wouldn't even hire me!

>> No.10730718
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>> No.10730749

>How do they even manage to have service this good for such low wages?

They pretty much only hire whites. I don't know how they do it.

>> No.10730751

Steal it

>> No.10730866

Nah there was a black girl and an indian guy there. But even the non-whites look better at Chick-fil-A, what the fuck lol

>> No.10730871

I would hate crime a gay for some Chick-fil-A right now.

>> No.10730886

>only hire whites
No they don't. You just live in a predominantly white area.

>> No.10731701

>religious organizations, especially Christians

Are you severely autistic?

>> No.10731705

repent, sinner

>> No.10731707
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>> No.10731719

I DO see the occasional black, but they must be recruiting the doctors kids from the local upper middle class black church or something.

>> No.10731919

The amount of butthurt I've seen from salty alcoholics lately proves the ban was needed

>> No.10731958
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>waah u butthurt? u butthurt?
t. mod PMSing again due to ramadan hunger

I don't even drink, but you're a fag

>> No.10732097

>i think censorship is a great thing
When will you sturmdrumpfer's crawl back under your rocks?

>> No.10732320

Stop being a faggot, for one

>> No.10732339


>> No.10732354

Does it bother you to eat a gyro in a place owned by a fag-roof-chucking muslim?

>> No.10732912
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>> No.10732951

Get ahold of yourself for fucks sake.

>> No.10733830

in n out is christian too

>> No.10734775

Grow up

>> No.10735737


>> No.10735949
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>hate religion of any kind,legitimately don't understand how anyone with more than one digit in their iq score can belive in space grandpa that gets upset everytime you touch your peepee
>get kicked out of every atheist gathering because i can clearly see that gays are aids infected abominations that deserve to be on spikes,women should be at home raising children and third world immigration into europe and usa would destroy civilisation as we know it
What do,bros?

>> No.10735960

What's the point of an atheist gathering? Do you all just stand around and agree with eachother all day?

>> No.10735964

In the US, this is what we call being a centrist. I have the same exact views.

>> No.10735969

I've never been to one, but there's one that hangs out in front of whole foods every weekend trying to sign people up. I believe they advocate against religious insignia in public schools and courthouses, and stuff like that

>> No.10735976

Interesting. Still it seems weird that there's such a community around atheism. Strange that something that's supposed to be a regection of religion is basically a religion in itself now.

>> No.10735988

Meeting like-minded people for the purposes of finding a mate who shares similar ideas on important issues.

>> No.10735993

In certain venues the concept of "no religion" is unworkable. For instance last I checked the military requires you to classify your religion, the options are something like christian, muslim, jew, buddhist, or "atheist". Additionally in some particularly religious areas, people will look at you funny if you say you're irreligious. There's sort of a presumption that you must be confused or "looking for something and just haven't found it yet".

So it's not so much that they're a religion (although some atheists do behave that way), and more that in this society it is a label of convenience, to avoid unnecessary friction. The religious version of a teetotaler requesting a non-alcoholic mocktail at a social function, or a vegetarian eating a bean-based object resembling a hamburger at a barbecue

>> No.10735995

Nice (you) bait. You fooled quite a few cu/ck/s.

>> No.10736009

That's part of it, but >>10735988 has a very valid point.

People like to seek out other like-minded people. I.e. if you like monster trucks then you might seek out friends at a monster truck rally. The problem is that how to do you find fellow athiests without athiest gatherings?

It's especially frustrating from a dating perspective. If you're looking for people you might want to spend the rest of your life with, athiest gatherings are a great way to filter out all the religious folk.

>> No.10736020

Also a good point. I guess everyone wants to be a part of something after all.

>> No.10736287

You sound just like a mouthbreathing christian evangelical. They hold your beliefs including disbelief in a christian skypilot since the other beliefs they hold are diametrically opposed to his teachings. Join with them, you'll fit right in especially if you have a large collection of popguns ;)

>> No.10736396
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>especially Christians
You better check off In-N-Out from your list too. I don't know why people hate Christ so vehemently. Sure, Christians like myself stumble and don't follow him as best we can sometimes, but man there's no reason to hate us.

>> No.10736406

They don't hate you because of your religion, they're rebeling against their fathers and mothers, against authority and government.

>> No.10736774
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>disagree slightly with stupid fedora
>>hurr durr u is christian go away
Fucking classic.and people wonder why are all atheists are blue haired sjw.You kick out anyone who is even somewhat right-wing or criticises any religion that isn't christianity.

>> No.10737021


>hate religion of any kind,legitimately don't understand how anyone with more than one digit in their iq score can belive in space grandpa that gets upset everytime you touch your peepee
>What do

You can start by reading some philosophy and theology to get an actual sense of what religious people believe. There ARE intelligent religious people, but none of them believe in "space grandpa that gets upset overtime you touch your peepee." Fundamentalists have forever tainted all religious discourse in this country by trying to frame their spirituality in objective, literal terms. Then you end up with atheists and fundies arguing over whether or not it's scientifically possible for god to create the plants before the sun in Genesis, or whether all the animals could fit on the ark, etc., which totally misses the entire point by putting spirituality in a context (science, rationality) that it isn't supposed to inhabit. Both sides are complicit in this.

I think most intelligent people go through a phase in their teens and early twenties of rejecting religion, but only because they're rebelling against this particular conception of the divine. Do some honest philosophical investigation, and realize that there are other conceptions of Christianity, and God in general, besides the asinine 21st century American fundamentalist perspective.

>> No.10737042

>A group Chick-Fil-A executives come to my university for a siminar to talk about the company and their values
>Some pajeet in the audience turns it into a religious debate

Why do pajeets always fucking do that?

>> No.10737080

I agree that different religious perspectives exist, but fundementally all of them boil down to the belief in something irrational.

What do you expect when someone comes to talk about "values" when those values are faith-based? Isn't that inviting, or at the very least expecting, a religious debate?

>> No.10737126


>> No.10737145


>I agree that different religious perspectives exist, but fundementally all of them boil down to the belief in something irrational

The point I was making in my previous post was that spirituality is not supposed to be rational or scientific, by its very nature. I considered myself an atheist/agnostic from my early teenage years to about age twenty-five. I think atheism is a totally valid position, but only if you start from the presupposition that the universe is materialistic and the literal is all that matters.

Right now, you might be exploring different religious perspectives, but you're probably still conceptualizing them in the framework of your current perspective. For starters, ask yourself why people would choose to believe something irrational, rather than dismissing it immediately on the basis of that irrationality. Sorry if this sounds condescending; it's just a pet issue for me.

>> No.10737171

Why does /ck/ hate family values?

>> No.10737241

>not supposed to be rational or scientific, by its very nature
Yes, I get that.

>>presupposition that the universe is materialistic and the literal is all that matters.
That sounds like some serious mental gymnastics right there. I don't follow at all.

>>For starters, ask yourself why people would choose to believe something irrational,
I have. Many times over many years (I'm 39). My experience has taught me that people fall into various categories:
1) they simply aren't intelligent enough to realize that their beliefs are irrational
2) they are sufficiently indoctrinated into their "beliefs" (brainwashed if you prefer that term), usually from a very young age. The reason I say "belief" is because they don't really belive it like a normal person would, rather it's the product of straight-up programming. Talking to them is like talking to a robot. It does not think or understand, it regurgitates and repeats.
3) those who realize it is irrational deep down but they aren't ready to make the leap and call out the religious dogma for the fiction that it is. they are not ready to "come out" (in the same sense as a homosexual) out of fear of change, losing friends, etc.
4) people who are literally crazy.

You aren't coming across as condescending. And I have zero problem with people thinking things like "there must be more that we don't understand" and the like. But the moment you start pretending to know facts and spewing dogma you regard as literally correct...well...that's a different matter altogether.

>> No.10737361

7, one for each day

>> No.10737413

>no reason to hate us
Yes there is. You promote hypocritical policies in direct opposition to the teachings of the crucified jew under an umbrella of, "my faith is my own, you can't challenge me." Bullshit. Secular humanists have the humanity of christ, not the ones that wear it on their sleeves.

>> No.10737515

Lots of good goys triggered by this post

>> No.10737547

My only problem with Christians is that they don't work Sundays. They really put beliefs above profit cause they're missing out on this $10 I would've spent today.

>> No.10737619

Feeling euphoric?

>> No.10737685

liberal circle-jerk usually

>> No.10737698

>Secular humanists have the humanity of christ
your "best" deeds that you consider the most righteous are like menstrual rags in the eyes of a perfect God

>> No.10737703

It's a bit silly, considering the actual sabbath historically was on Saturday.

>> No.10737989

Oh here we go, the first and most often used line by the religious to excuse themselves to do nothing good at all. Let's not forget that Jesus most often spoke against religious people of his time for being assholes, and that he raved against hypocrites more than anyone else.

Paul said people shouldn't brag because of their good works, but religious people turn it around so they can arrogantly brag for preaching a certain ideology. God has the discretion on choosing people's fates, and you have no entitlements for speaking doctrine with your mouth and doing nothing with your hands.

>> No.10738524
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>> No.10738540
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>that he raved against hypocrites more than anyone else.
Faggot should have taken a good look in the mirror.

>> No.10738659

rope and a tree is the one for thee

>> No.10738719

Jesus didn't do anything hypocritical what are you on about?

>> No.10738785

Go to chick-fil-a
>place is spotless
>food is fresh and tasty
>staff is friendly and service is excellent

Go to literally any other heathen fast food place
>staffed by niggers and/or white trash with shit attitudes
>food quality is spotty at best
>order wrong at least half the time

I'm pretty much agnostic, but I'm starting to think secularization was a mistake.

>> No.10738793

Try Culver's.

>> No.10739149

>Oh here we go
No, here we don't go. Didn't read :^)
repent and eat chicken

>> No.10739743

Even people who don't follow any religions repent and correct their mistakes all the time, while many religious people don't. So no, here we don't go, right back at you.

>> No.10740058
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Learn that there is no difference between an organization claiming to be religious or one claiming to be for business.
They are the same thing.
Once you accept this you can draw your own personal hypocritical line.