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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10711199 No.10711199 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most you would pay for a Michelin star meal?

>> No.10711201

like $50
it'd better be good tho

>> No.10711211

No more than $150 a person unless my financial situation drastically changes.

>> No.10711215

Depends what it was

>> No.10711219

Nothing. Those restaurants are pretentious as fuck, I would rather just cook a classy meal at home for a tiny fraction of the cost.

>> No.10711230

Whenever I think about fine dining, I think to myself, "Which would give me more pleasure? This $100 steak, or $100 worth of blow?"

I'm fine with good prepared meals on special occasions, but won't go out of my way for it.

>> No.10711231

>Michelin star meal
I've had food from street vendors that is better than any "Michelin star" restaurant. It's just for rich people to feel better about themselves.

>> No.10711236

Michelin stars are only relevant in Europe, outside of europe they are just to make money

>> No.10711239

based surly king

>> No.10711243

>European cuisine
Fixed for you. Michelin stars in North America and Asia are completely valid as long as you ignore the token dumpling houses and shit like that. Wh*te people shouldn't try to have opinions about non-wh*te food

>> No.10711263

Your broke ass has obviously never been to one.

I elected for just a 2 star when I was moving from Tokyo back to the states, the three stars that looked good were booked solid by the time I decided I wanted one last incredible meal. There were about 25 people in the back cooking intensely for a restaurant with about 20 people in it on the night I went. You do not have access to the ingredients (the shit you buy at the farmers market is shit compared to what they source), you don't possess their talent, and it takes an entire team to reproduce their dishes

One stars can be handed out to experts at what they do, like the noodle stands that sell out every day before noon, but usually its a team on a journey.

2 stars and 3 stars are pretty much unobtainable without some of the best talent and ingredients in the world.

I enjoy cooking and my hope is to one day to never need to go to a regular restaurant unless I'm feeling lazy. But whats really pretentious is thinking you can approach their quality at all without devoting your life to the craft

>> No.10711337

Yeah nah.

I'll start eating at michelin restaurants when they start serving tinned beans on the menu. Until then dont waste my time

>> No.10711515

>usually its a team on a journey.
sides oh my

>> No.10711525

Kinda makes me want to visit one

>> No.10711666

i havent paid more than 15 bucks for a meal in 6 years

>> No.10711684

including tip?

>> No.10711688


havent been at a sit down since freshman year of college, most expensive meal is 5 guys burger + fries + shake

>> No.10711693

Congrats on being poor and single

>> No.10711704

thanks. if i ever get laid off/fired from my job im ending it

>> No.10711839


This is what autism looks like

>> No.10711850

>Knowledge or talent above watching 15 minutes on a subject on youtube is autism

>> No.10711887

>unironic irl memes and redit group think

>> No.10711926
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>> No.10711949

Probably $100 for a full three-course meal.

>> No.10712889

All food is white food

>> No.10712894

100% truth. lmao at the 'tism triggering this post is causing.

>> No.10712899

there are some great street vendors out there, but you've very obviously never been to a michelin star restaurant.

>> No.10712910

>It's just for rich people to feel better about themselves.
You realize Michelin stars aren't given out based on the price of the food, right? There are several in large US cities that will only set you back somewhere between $15-30 for a meal.

>> No.10712917

Is there anyone strong enough to challenge the surly king of the egg fortress?

>> No.10712920

zero point zero. I don't go to restaurants based on some stars given by celebrity types that I don't know.

>> No.10712921

celebrity bullshit and so called stars has never meant anything to me and it wont in the future.

>> No.10713019

Who cares about what a tire company thinks is good food.

>> No.10713054
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>Michelin restaurants are pretentious & expensive

Never stop being scared of the world, /ck/

Looking at today's menu, I'd say...£43.50. Plus drinks.

>> No.10713083

God damn, that's really bloody cheap for Michelin fare even with dessert and extra sides. Even chain restaurants can easily cost upwards of 50 pounds.

>> No.10713132

I'd go for the quail eggs, and lamb shoulder, or the mushrooms

>> No.10713167

All in on LINK?

>> No.10713182 [DELETED] 


Kind of sucks there are no vegan options though. Michelin Stars should factor in inclusivity.

>> No.10713229

Fuck off shitnigger

>> No.10713253

This is why you're a virgin.

>> No.10713271

Filename is hilarious. Sounds like a couple that met on /b/

>> No.10713298

Bullshit. No way that costs more than $1.

>> No.10713317
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I've paid $500 plus for meals at "fancy" restaurants but I once got some nice Thai food, I think it was, from a Michelin-starred food truck in Denmark. Can't have paid more than 20 bucks for that.
I'm pretty sure I've paid $500 plus at places without any stars too, though. It's not really something I look for, the stars I mean.

>> No.10713320

Good choice. I can highly recommend the Scotch quail's egg; it's worth the trip just for those.

>> No.10714127

So much sour grapes nonsense itt

>> No.10714156

what the hell is a michelin star

>> No.10714170


>> No.10714222

Bang-Bang Lulu is a good song from John Valby. Check it out.

>> No.10714232
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Were those zim dollars?

>> No.10714236

Are you confusing Bib Gourmand with the stars? As far as I know the cheap starred places are pretty much only in Asia

>> No.10714239

Celebrity bullshit that exists so that so called journalists and celebrities can get free meals.

>> No.10714265

They were Danish kroner. I converted to American dollars for your convenience.
Not everybody here is an unemployed nineteen-year-old, you know.
Not that I eat like that very often, mind.

>> No.10714302

Nothing. Either they pay me or their meal gets 0 stars.

>> No.10714304

there are reasonable one star restaurants in Manhattan, I've eaten at a few for around $40 a person including drinks. Good food too, not everything is a meme /ck/

>> No.10714331
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I'm not poor, so the price doesn't matter.

>> No.10714407
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>> No.10714439

It's a star rating for the top restaurants all over the world. You can only get as many as 3. It's all pretentious bullshit, though. It comes from the goddamn Michelin tire company.

>> No.10714771


>> No.10714902

>so insecure he has to post his account
Holy shit lmao kid

>> No.10714934

The description is about right, wish I had the resources to go to fancy-ass restaurants more often.

>> No.10714959
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>2 stars and 3 stars are pretty much unobtainable without bribing a tire company
eff tee eff pic related.

>> No.10715009


Normally I consider anything over $20 absurd.
And try to keep it under $5 most days.

>> No.10715019

This, but I never think about fine dining. Only fine blow.

>> No.10715058

$100 per star. (excluding drinks/tips)

>> No.10715195

Even expensive-ass San Francisco has a few affordable 1 star restaurants. They're out there.

>> No.10715444
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What makes these meals so special? Is it the ambiance of the establishment and the wait staff, or the actual food?
Snooty? Snotty.

>> No.10715550


>> No.10715572

When I do spend that much on a meal it's usually a tasting menu with wine pairings.
It will leave you very full both in terms of actual food and new taste experiences. It's a nice night out that I do with a few friends once every few months.
I don't like the snooty stuff at all and I've been to a few places where I really wanted them to tone it down. It's definitely mostly about good, VERY good, food and good company. It means nothing to me that the waiter's tie cost a small fortune. That's not why I'm there.
I will point out, though, that I've never had a family with a couple of loud as fuck kids sit next to me in those places. That's nice.

>> No.10715590

200€ absolute limit. I don't have the palate for anything more dear than that.

>> No.10716179

Spent $300 at the Gramercy in NYC once most of that was two bottles of wine the food was interesting and good, the service was easily the best I've ever had in my life. I would go again if I have the cash for it desu

>> No.10716437

That's a pretty low number for fine dining, but fair enough

>> No.10716445


>> No.10716455

Better not be a whole year lmao

>> No.10716464

> 1 star - very good
> 2 star - worth making a significant detour for
> 3 star - worth visiting the country for

>> No.10716797

He's right tho

>> No.10717990
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Stop samefagging.

>> No.10718605

He's still a virgin tho.

>> No.10719055

I make 14 a moth.
In Mexican pesos...

>> No.10720743

>Broke people think you make reservations a month in advance and go to dinner alone

>> No.10721292

Michelin started it as a guidebook to promote driving more though.

>> No.10721302

>go to one at a vmware expo
>vendor takes me out to it
>eat it, bretty good stuff
>look up the price later
>laugh my ass off at the cost for my meal set

For the amount you pay I know tons of small little mom and pop shops that can take some of that shit to town for a tenth of the price giving you more than you could ever eat

>> No.10721306

You've never eaten at a Michelin star restaurant, so you aren't lying.

>> No.10721345

The thing that always gets me about discussing quote-unquote "luxury" products or services (like Michelin star meals) is that it just completely boils down to whether or not the subject is what you splurge on.

You can drop $40,000 extra buying the car you actually want instead of the one that would work fine, and you're a poorfag the moment you're uninterested in dropping $150 on a steak, or $4k on a cruise, or $60 on a videogame or whatever the other person takes pride in wasting their money on.

But whatever; there's more enjoyment in dining experience just looking up a list of restaurants in your area and going to a new one every night than there is in getting fixated on one that wins something as unmethodical as a Michelin star.

>> No.10721373

Sad that this basic truth gets overlooked

Best steak I've ever had was at a Texas Roadhouse, and that's just a chain restaurant

>> No.10721633

>I know about food stars. That means I have money

This is why your a virgin.

>> No.10721834

You went to a place that didn't deserve it single star then. Because you definitely didn't go to a 2 or 3

>> No.10721838

>I can't get laid and live with my parents so everyone else on the internet has my shit life

>> No.10721917

What makes the food better and more satisfying then you pretentious fucks? And don't say the presentation or atmosphere because we both know that's bullshit.

>> No.10721924

If you don't take a out a second mortgage on your house whenever you go out to eat you are
L I T E R A L L Y uncultured.

>> No.10721935

That 20dollar mushroom main, is that just a mushroom salad type thing? That sounds so boring

>> No.10721992

I don't know what the actual most I "would" pay, I know what the most I actually will ever pay in my life is because I already did and now that I know what it's like, I don't feel the need to do it again.

I paid 350 euro in 2004 for a de gustation menu at Maison Rostang with a few glasses of 'house champagne' which was obviously some champagne house that went for 100euro a bottle or something but was just what they kept in the fridge for when people ordered by the glass and then gave the dregs to the staff at the end of the night.

I didn't feel ripped off but that was a fuck lot of money in 2004, still a fair bit now.

I've been to La Truffiere a lot of times, which wasn't a michelin star restaurant back when I was going but it got one later and the menu doesn't seem to have changed. That was expensive at about 100 euro for lunch but it was amazing and just as good as Michel Rostang in my opinion.

>> No.10721994

Looks like a kind of mushroom antipasto, they're probably all pickled/marinated.

>> No.10721999
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christ reddit you are spewing buzzword after buzzword again

>> No.10722026

>tfw simple taste buds
Feels good being a pleb, not gonna lie. A good $16 burger is enough to make me feel amazing. Much easier on the wallet

>> No.10722043

two bucks:

>> No.10722050
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same here, batan, 1 star

>> No.10722167

When traveling to Linda shittu countries on business and can't risk getting sick from questionable local food. Just because it's Rated doesn't mean it's crazy expensive.

>> No.10722719


>> No.10722825

I've never gone to one, and recently moved to a city that has several. I kinda want to go to one, but I'm scared I don't know either how to dress or act or even eat at one.

These are all stupid worries right?

>> No.10722975

I might pay up to $100-$150 per person at a really fancy restaurant with 2-3 Michelin stars. I wouldn't make a habit out of it, at most it'd be a once every 5 years kinda thing.

I can live on around $100 per month as a food budget if I cook everything myself but I average closer to $200 per month after I go out to eat a few times and buy some more expensive stuff at the grocery store like shrimp or steak.

>> No.10723007

I'd never go over $100 a head

>> No.10723010

You're getting it mixed up with the one in Singapore. The thai lady's dishes is around 30 dollars allegedly.

>> No.10723044

50 - 70 euros for full menu minus the drinks. That's how much my town's only Michelin restaurant bills you.

>> No.10723078

michelin stars are a joke

just get a nice beer, grab some steak from Vons and cook it up yourself

>> No.10723186

The three things I'll never order at restaurants because, in my opinion, they're grossly overpriced are steaks, ribs, and porkchops.

>> No.10723217

Yeah, I always opt for doing that with my friends and some chicks. But sometimes you have to take a chick out to a nice place.

>> No.10723239

>Ctrl+f "how does"
>No results
Im impressed /ck/

>> No.10723519


>> No.10723628

Went to one in San Sebastián. Never again