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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 1276x718, Chef Motokichi Yukimura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10709970 No.10709970 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10709996

>that bonus clip in the end
webm it

>> No.10710385

I know I'm a flyover but the soupy raw scrambled egg in omurice looks incredibly unappetizing.
I love soft boiled eggs, I love fried egg or sunny side up with molten or completely liquid yolks, so I'm not sure where the disconnect is.
it just looks disgusting, but so many people say it's their favorite. are they weeaboos, or am I uncultured swine

>> No.10710388

That fucking guy has always made the best omelette I have ever seen. I don't know how the demi-glaze actually tastes, but the omelette itself is perfect to me.

>> No.10710394

I wouldn't say you are uncultured, it sounds like you may need to just try it more. Done right with good eggs it can be amazing.

>> No.10710413

Nope, you are entitled to your tastes. Even in Asia, there seems to be clear lines between people that like solid eggs versus runny though from what I've experienced it's a lot more acceptable.

>> No.10710416

I have a feeling the demi glace is nothing like french demi glace but the whole dish looks fucking amazing

>> No.10710538

Fuck, I need to go make nomlett

>> No.10710585

runny omeletes like that are super tasty, but when you cut it open like he did it looks like vomit.

>> No.10710591

ffmpeg -i $(youtube-dl -gf43 rFAddL8g8mw) -ss 600 -c copy nihao.webm
there you go

>> No.10710642

Or just use webmconverter like every other lazy bastard out there

>> No.10710676
File: 55 KB, 500x646, 1498609244242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>re encoding
absolutely disgusting

>> No.10710732

>Videos of absolute masters
here you go, OP

>> No.10710738

claire is such a cutey

>> No.10710750

Hell of an ass.

>> No.10710774

I'm flyover af too m8 but undercooked scrambled eggs are actually really good. I didn't think I liked scrambled eggs until I tried them like this.

Think about fried eggs. How do you like the yolk? If you're like 99% of people, you like it runny or over-medium at most. Why would your preference for how far to cook the yolk change so dramatically when doing scambled?

>> No.10711023
File: 110 KB, 284x284, 1505341912575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linking a Tasty video
Get fucked

>> No.10711141


>> No.10711155

literally me desu

>> No.10711172

>paint scraper to cut it

>> No.10712277


>> No.10712433
File: 236 KB, 200x200, Hysterical-Laughing-Gif-05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahahahahaha what fucking asshole put that music over it

>> No.10712464

As a tech illiterate this frightens me. How to git gud

>> No.10712533

put youtube-dl exe in \ffmpeg\bin\
start cmd exe
cd to \ffmpeg\bin\
paste the command

there's one caveat
the $( ) part is for bash
so you may have to run youtube-dl -gf43 rFAddL8g8mw before hand and replace the $( ) with it's output

you could also maybe have a batch script with 2 variables
one for the youtube video ID
and one for the time you want to cut if any
something like
ffmpeg -i $(youtube-dl -gf43 VAR1) -ss VAR2 -c copy nihao.webm

>> No.10712550

I have always thought this looked absolutely retarded/bad. Ya, I get that it's hard to do, but why would this raw ass looking omelette covered in shit taste any better than anything else? It looks disgusting. It might taste good, but it can't be anything special, given that it's rice, eggs, and sauce.

>> No.10712577

I like soft eggs like that. I'm less sold on drowning it in demi-glace, but maybe as an occasional treat. I like my omelettes to be fairly wet inside.

Having the soft, wet egg over rice helps a lot. And honestly, most of the best dishes on earth are fairly simple. For instance, spaghetti with garlic and oil? One of the best things the Italians have ever done, and it has literally 3 ingredients.

>> No.10712600

Spaghetti with garlic and oil is not one of the best dishes there is. You're genuinely retarded.

>> No.10712612

>are they weeaboos, or am I uncultured swine
The omelette itself is not uniquely Japanese. They got that from the French. Demi-glace they also got from the French. The only thing that really makes it Japanese is that the omelette is served over fried rice. You'd never have seen this dish in Moonland before maybe the late 19th or the 20th centuries. Here's an example of the traditional French way (or at least one of the traditional ways): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQ7LKkWUsSE

>> No.10712616

Yes it is. You just hate good food. Keep eating those Hot Pockets, I'm sure the stock photo of some guy pretending to be a chef will assure you that it is a complex and intricate recipe.

>> No.10712628

Ya, alright retard. There's better food than plain pasta; I'm really sorry you're having to just learn this now.

>> No.10712630

e-mail me if you wanna pizza roll

>> No.10712640
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't even leave a comment on your webzone. Hey look, photographic evidence of food that's better than spaghetti with garlic and oil...

You should tell ramsay not to fuck with the cream, leek, terragon, or mushrooms... the dish would be much improved if it were just pasta, oil, and garlic, lol.

>> No.10712646
File: 340 KB, 1951x2446, Shrimp-Alfredo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK, what were they thinking when they came up with this slop. This would MAYBE be good if they removed the cream, the parmesan, and the shrimp, but kept the garlic, pasta, and oil.

>> No.10712647

White boy failed at the end but they tried to pass it along as a pass lol

>> No.10712652
File: 54 KB, 338x450, best-ramen-ever-and-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo, why the FUCK does ramen make use of all these complicated broths, meats, and accompaniments? Don't these RETARD CHEFS understand that simpler is BETTER?

Noodles. Oil. Garlic. Now THAT'S a meal.

>> No.10712677
File: 124 KB, 750x750, ABRGQ-I1dsOau4eEl6ak_jqsuR38MfKP19IUnZvE8Xg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.10712688

This dude mad and nude.

>> No.10712694

I know. I can't handle retards.

>> No.10712696

Or cooking, evidently.

>> No.10712738

What? You're the one arguing that pasta/garlic/oil is the epitome of cooking. If anyone is clueless about cooking it's you.

The "simple" egg dish that started this conversation consisted of:

soy beans
demi glaze

>> No.10712743

I just made some garlic fried rice with a side of kimchi, but I guess I should have kept it simple and not included the kimchi (there are like 15 ingredients in kimchi... why don't koreans know how to keep it simple? they must suck at cooking), and kept it to garlic, oil, and rice, right?

>> No.10712784

He also got that gay little hat from the French

>> No.10712786

Dude posted once that he thought garlic and oil on pasta was great, and you proceeded to fly off the handle. You need to let it go, friendo.

>> No.10712791

No he made like three posts insisting that it was the epitome of cuisine, and that I was some sort of retard amerifat if I didn't agree.


>> No.10712801
File: 937 KB, 308x246, D962A3D7-CD6C-498C-A515-D63EE0CBFE4F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10712806

I won't. You can't even trick me by saying you were just pretending to be retarded. I won't have it.

>> No.10712809

I’m just trying to point out how absurd you’re being. You’re like an autistic white knight for food, or something

>> No.10712812

His idiot/pretentious smug posting really got to me. It's something so /ck/ and so irritating.

>> No.10712823

I'm on your side but you did go a bit overboard. He's just a fucking retard who watched a binging with babish video and adopted his opinion.

>> No.10712825

Cheers anon. Haven't made it work yet but I will figure it out. Thanks

>> No.10713299
File: 2.64 MB, 800x450, Bonus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10713315

both mushrooms on toast and 'shrimp alfredo' (i had a hard time even typing that) are objectively inferior to spaghetti aglio e olio, sorry you don't understand that more isn't better

>> No.10713378

the absolute madman

>> No.10713559

That's just insane

>> No.10714821
File: 1.50 MB, 3500x4194, 1393101263341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gas stove to practice making jap omletes

>> No.10714828

Just get a thick-bottomed pan nice and hot on your electric stove before adding in the eggs.
Gas is better, yes, but electric works quite well once you're used to it.

>> No.10715005

i really want to know what his sauce tastes like

>> No.10715211

Have you ever had demi-glace? It's just demi-glace.

>> No.10715321

Is she autistic?

>> No.10715423

Anything with Raymond Blanc


>> No.10715577

This was such a good series.

>> No.10715719

This guy has perfected this dish for so long that it's absolutely insane. When he taught the American guy how to make the basic version and then show this it was like some anime bullshit.

>> No.10715726

It's like a 50/50 split and the idea of some naruto-san kid choking down and gagging on raw egg just to feel more japanese tickles me

>> No.10715783

it's supposed to be a french omelet, and the inside of a properly made one is supposed to be velvety and custardy, distinct from just raw mixed eggs. the chef makes it exactly the way jacques pepin describes how to make it, except he serves it over fried rice and splits it open. i imagine it'd be a hearty, rich meal. don't knock it til you try it.

>> No.10715785

yea. call it demi-grace to differentiate it. like with naporitan

>> No.10715789

claire and molly.

>> No.10716063

The garbage fire oven is what really brings it all together.