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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10708208 No.10708208 [Reply] [Original]

ok faggots i bought one
now what

>> No.10708214

go have gay sex like you always do queer

>> No.10708218

Store it carefully and sell it when the market is favorable.

>> No.10708223

Enjoy prepping it and every time you do, stinking up the kitchen.
Should have bought literally any other pan thats not a fucking meme

>> No.10708229 [DELETED] 

use it to kys with it by deliberately and repeatedly bashing your head with it until you die from brain trauma or something

>> No.10708230

inb4 1000000 different ways to season it. most of which will be slightly incorrect.

just cover it in cooking oil and bake it for an hour at 375F for over an hour.

then cook something ya dingus.

>> No.10708231

Slapstick isn't considered funny anymore. It has gone the way of the pun. Death today has to be ironic or "honest" or politically poignant.

>> No.10708236 [DELETED] 

go try to kill the president with it(wherever you're from)

>> No.10708239

Most come pre-seasoned nowadays.

>> No.10708244

What food you like? I just made bacon and hash browns in mine for breakfast, haven't had pan fried chicken in a while so I might do that tonight.

>> No.10708255

>He fell for it.

>> No.10708258

We did it, Reddit!

>> No.10708335
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>bake it for an hour at 375F for over an hour.

>> No.10708341

Strap it to your arse so you can deflect bullets.

>> No.10708347

boil some waxy or half-waxy potatoes, then make delicious fried potatoes with onions and bacon in your cast iron skillet. That is also a great way to build up more seasoning.

>> No.10708356

Most preseasoning is literally garbage tier

You should only need to season it once if you're using it regularly.

>> No.10708359

Wash it, turn the oven on at 350, put whatever oil you want on a paper towel and give it a super light oily film. Oven it for an hour, let it cool for a min, do it once more, then cook with it.

I use heat to clean them most of the time, but I make tomatoe cream sauce all the time then use some soap to clean it out, never any issue, and fuck the gate keepers.

I always dry it on the burner after washing though, makes it easy.

I typically only use my cast iron for breads, pizzas, and sauces.

>> No.10708471

is cast iron actually bad? my dad got one at aldi and it seems pretty good but what makes them meme territory for people who are into cooking?

>> No.10708593

Cast iron requires light maintenence to keep it in good condition.

Stainless steel doesn't

People are lazy

>> No.10708595

It's nice in many ways, but not really as versatile as a good SS or anodized skillet. The main problem with cast iron is that acidic foods will strip the seasoning and impart odd flavors to your food, which applies to most every sauce . It's definitely good to keep one around for searing and shallow frying and for non-liquid stove to oven recipes.

It's memey reputation is because a lot of people who don't understand how to keep SS/anodized pans from sticking or how to not warp them or how to clean them, get a cast iron pan and love it because of how much more forgiving it is of their bad cooking/cleaning/maintaining habits.

>> No.10708649

>problem with cast iron is that acidic foods will strip the seasoning
Wanna know how i can tell you didn't season your cast iron well?

>> No.10708680

Know anyone in the resto bidniz? Ask them to put it in a fryer for an hour or so. Works very well.

>> No.10708692

>It's memey reputation is because
No. It's memey rep is because douchenozzle hipstertards are seeking to reconnect with old, vintage, 'meaningful' ways to do things. If it's old, it must be better, because it has history and meaning. Unless we're talking about phones, because those have to be brand fucking new.

>> No.10709041

The pre-seasoning it comes with is just to protect it until it's sold. It's shit and should be stripped so you can properly season it.

>> No.10709593
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Use it for everything, no matter how much you hate it, then spam each pan thread about how you can do everything with it and how you don't really need another pan, so maybe another loser will buy it and you won't be alone in your misery.

>> No.10709617

People who use a single pan are morons.

whether it's stainless, or cast iron, or non-stick. There are simply going to be times where a certain pan is better than another pan.

Now that doesn't mean you couldnt use cast iron or stainless or non-stick in those circumstances, but if you have all 3, you just grab the one that is BEST suited for the job.

Anyone claiming a SINGLE pan is all they need is simply pants on head retarded, or they simply don't cook much.

>> No.10709629

attach it to your belt as butt armor

>> No.10710507

Cook everything in it.

>> No.10710563

Shove it carefully inside your asshole.

>> No.10711080
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>do this
>seasoning flakes off afterwards anyway
>have owned a cast iron pan for 1+ year and has not been properly seasoned for more than a week of its life

>> No.10711108

If you have a well seasoned carbon steel pan you can use it for everything.

>> No.10711128
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somebodys been playing pubg

>> No.10711134

Wow, what an inside joke for an exclusive club of playing the most popular game of last year! Great job guys!

>> No.10711183

>I typically only use my cast iron for breads, pizzas, and sauces.

>The main problem with cast iron is that acidic foods will strip the seasoning and impart odd flavors to your food, which applies to most every sauce


>> No.10711186

Pshh, I've got 8

>> No.10711188

>>flakes off
That's not seasoning. That's a dirty fucking pan.

>> No.10711189

How about candy making?

>> No.10711196

I wouldn't even know how to begin to do that.

>> No.10711213

Well pro tip, don't use carbon steel, or cast iron.

You want something that can react to changes in temperature very quickly so you can keep a precise temp so you don't fuck up your candy.

>> No.10711257

So what would you use?
Carbon steel seems like it would work just fine.

>> No.10711267

Copper. Plain and simple.

3 qt copper pot if you want a decent size that will fit pretty much any home-sized amount of candy.

>> No.10711330

I tried to layer the seasoning, but I don't think it took. A combination of too much oil and bad temperature, probably.

But it sears steak okay I guess so I've been too lazy to strip it.

>> No.10711621

Too much oil is the biggest and easiest mistake, I made that mistake for at least the first year that I owned my carbon steel pan.

For an entire pan, you probably need a dime size amount of oil, spread it around with paper towel, then use another clean paper towel to wipe the pan again. THEN put it in the oven to bake.

>> No.10711638


why would anyone buy this over carbon steel

>> No.10711643
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>> No.10711649

Retains heat for longer.

More deadly as a blunt weapon

>> No.10711650


Nothing more delicious than ferrite ions.

>> No.10712028

Flax seed oil works best for seasoning cast iron.

>> No.10712060

Shakshuka is garbage

>> No.10712085

no u

>> No.10712108

Throw it out

>> No.10712510

put it in the dishwasher
then throw it away

>> No.10712567

You should have got a carbon steel pan.

>> No.10713922

Fight off zombies with it.

>> No.10713964
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make some bacon!

>> No.10714957

*snap* yep dis one goesintomyaspicaihafscihbfdsjhd

>> No.10714969

Throw it away and join the stainless masterace.

>> No.10715147

Season it to taste

>> No.10715157

>seasoning flakes off afterwards
stop cooking on high

>> No.10715349

There's no point to cast iron other than getting it blazing hot and searing the shit out of something

>> No.10715392

>puts cast iron on high heat
>still wonders why his cast iron's season flakes
Don't go above medium m8.

>> No.10715421

that's bullshit

if your seasoning is flaking off at high heat it means you didn't season properly, either not high enough heat, or too much oil during the seasoning process.

half a teaspoon of Flax seed oil spread on the pan with a paper towel, then wipe dry with a fresh paper towel and throw in the oven at ~500f+ for an hour.

>> No.10715485

My skillet has a small "hole" on the cooking surface (doesn't go all the way through, very tiny indent) that I think will drive me slightly nuts. From what I researched, it's a part of the casting process.

Anybody else's skillet have small blemish?

>> No.10715510

Just sand it down, it's iron.

>> No.10715515

Make me sum eggs

>> No.10715525

bash a heavy or soldiers face in with it while running around speaking in a boston accent

>> No.10715527

Throw it away and get a stargazer

>> No.10715528

beat your wife with it

it'll be funny, like in the cartoons

>> No.10715533

Right now, it'd be cheaper and quicker for me to just exchange it. If it's a common occurrence though I'll just deal with it. Don't think it will affect cooking performance at all.

>> No.10715566

depends how small the hole is, and if it's just a hole in the seasoning, or the actual iron.

Sand it down and find out.

>> No.10715589


>> No.10715699

Fair enough. Thanks guys.

>> No.10715851

Season it.

>> No.10715853

If it's a proper Wagner then it doesn't need to be sanded unless it's a really old one, the old dog just needs seasoning.

>> No.10715858

you're a couple years too late, anon. i think we're at bronze or carbon steel pans now.
i wonder what the next meme will be?

>> No.10715902

if there was a hole in mine, i'd want to sand it down to see if it was in the iron, or just the seasoning.
I can always apply a new seasoning if it wasn't as damaged as I thought, but if it IS damaged, I can sand it down flat again, THEN re-season it.

>> No.10715904

Did you mean copper?

>> No.10715932

There are different types of pans and skillets and pots for different purposes. There's no single one that best for everything.

>> No.10716173

gold plated titanium. lightweight, totally nonreactive. ether that or beryllium steel. just dont scratch it, the shards are highly toxic.

>> No.10716200

>plated titanium
Lol, are you actually a retard?

Thermal conductivity of titanium is ~23 W/mK

For example:
Stainless steel is ~40 W/mK
Aluminium is ~200 W/mK
Copper is ~380 W/mK

This is why most stainless steel pans have aluminum or copper cores.

And why titanium would be retarded to use for a pan.

>> No.10716250

not the guy you're arguing with, but Ti cookware is a thing for fancy backpackers, and the techie crowd loves to LARP as outdoorsy rugged types. I guess you live in a trailer park in flyover land otherwise you'd know about these trends

>> No.10716259

They're almost always talking about a titanium lining due to it's durability, like how stainless steel is used as a lining for copper because of it's greater durability.

Titanium CORES are retarded because of the low ass thermal conductivity. It would take forever to react to the temperature control.

>> No.10716262

Fried brie nuggets with cowberry jam

>> No.10716271

Huh? Nobody fucking uses titanium for conductivity, you talk like that moron who says copper pans are toxic because you've never heard of lining. They are 100% sold because they're very light, or because they make the owner look like they value things that are very light therefore making the owner seem rugged and outdoorsy. That is all, not because it flies, or because the owner has a misconception about conductivity.

>> No.10716387

I mean stripping it might be a bit uneccessary but yeah, you can always slather some potato on it and call it a day

>> No.10716398

Only queers make candy

>> No.10716399

Fuck off Abdullah

>> No.10716400

Unironically this

>> No.10717655

Sorry, I didn't clarify. This was recently purchased, new 12" Lodge.

That's why I'm considering simply exchanging it. From what I read online though, this is a fairly common problem.

>> No.10717837

That's slightly incorrect.

>> No.10717929

Fried potatoes!

>> No.10717973

for some reason fried eggs on cast iron are better than on anything else

>> No.10717992

>you talk like that moron who says copper pans are toxic because you've never heard of lining
weird considering the post you're replying to he says
>like how stainless steel is used as a lining for copper because of it's greater durability

>> No.10718324


>> No.10718366

You are garbage >:(
And probably a shitty cook.

>> No.10718373

idk why but i keked

>> No.10718378

sell it to somebody even dumber than you

>> No.10718392

Now throw it in the garbage where it belongs.

>> No.10718403

You can't.

>> No.10718408

If you think acidic foods instantly strip your seasoning, that's a dead giveaway your seasoning was garbage.

I REGULARLY cook down tomato based sauces in my cast iron and my seasoning has no issues at all, because it's a nice well taken care of seasoning and it gets used regularly.

>> No.10718422

>post never once used the word "instantly"

>> No.10718426

Then why bother mentioning?

Sure if you just cook ONLY acidic foods, eventually your seasoning will be stripped away.

But saying you CAN'T cook acidic foods in cast iron is just fucking wrong.

>> No.10718531

go camping and make bacon and eggs and toast over a campfire after a night of heavy drinking

>> No.10720622

america's test kitchen has a method which seems to work pretty well
potato peels, oil and salt. The details elude me but it's in this video

>> No.10720649

And yet no matter the era, no matter the language, and no matter the context, slapstick makes me laugh. It is the source of humor.

>> No.10720656


>> No.10720665


This is what you get if you're sick of tasting ferrous metal. Cast iron is for assholes and olde timey recreations of large groups of assholes.

>> No.10720672

I don't get it I own both SS and CI... CI takes more maintenance IMO. I mean how fucking hard is to use SS

>Heat pan
>Add fat
>Heat fat
>Do not use Mordor setting on stove top
>Clean with soap and water while still hot.
>Polish every now and then.
>Don't use metal utensils

Why is this hard for people?

>> No.10720686


SS has a 'grain' if you put your food in before proper temp it'll 'grab' the food. People don't heat their shit long enough to open up the pours.

>> No.10720695
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>puns and slapstick aren't used in modern comedy
The sheer faggotry behind this statement, I swear.

>> No.10720697
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>>Don't use metal utensils
Why can't I use metal utensils on ss?

>> No.10720698

>don't use metal utensils on SS
Are you serious? ahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahah what a brainlet ahahahhahahhahahhaha he doesn't use metal on his pan ahahahahahhAHAHAHHHAHAHAH

>> No.10720721


If you're overly aggressive you might summon Thor.

>> No.10721083

Saved me on more than 1 occasion.

>> No.10721784

you are a bad person and you should feel bad about that

>> No.10721871

Peppers are shit

>> No.10724200

Throw it out for a regular non stick pan and replace it every few years instead of having to use grandpa's ultra high maintenance paperweight.

>> No.10724248

When you get heart disease, tell your doctor irt may be from iron poisoning, he’ll know what to do.

>> No.10724284
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>he fell for it

>> No.10724710
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>but carbon steel skillets are actually really great. Go get one now.