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10706269 No.10706269 [Reply] [Original]

Why is kimchi usually sold fresh and unpasteurized while sauerkraut, pickles, etc. are more often sold pasteurized and shelf-stable?

>> No.10706275


>> No.10706276


>> No.10706279


>> No.10706281

because kimchi is a more recent addition to western markets, it isn't mass-produced much yet.

>> No.10706282

He expresses a lack of relevant knowledge and laughs aloud.

>> No.10706296

fermented kimchi is full of good probiotic bacteria, which the pasteurization process would kill

>> No.10706301

He dictates the meaning of a post to the illiterate man above, shaping his perception of reality and proving that when you supply the people with media you have all the power in society.

>> No.10706310

So is fresh 'kraut, pickles, or any other lacto-fermented food.

>> No.10706311
File: 16 KB, 326x250, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10706363

I don't want this to become a race war thing but Sauerkraut is white people food and kimchi is not. White people. particularly americans, are way more willing to accept heavily processed canned food. None whites will not eat food that they think is gross. (Not that you think is gross, that they think is gross)

>> No.10706381

there is literally no evidence that "probiotics" in kimchi have any biological benefit to human

>> No.10706754

Kimchi is made by leaving it in clay pots in the sun for a few months.
Never understood why it needs to be put in the fridge, but I do so anyway.

>> No.10706759

Kimchi's fermentation speed is very high and its package is very heavy.

>> No.10707558

Because patricians buy fresh kimchi for its early crunch and brightness and enjoy the evolving sour flavor as it ferments over just a few short weeks.

Also, they do sell pasteurized kimchi and it's just as disgusting as you'd think.

>> No.10708489

What this fag said

>> No.10708529

I prefer the flavor of freshly made as a side dish but as it sours it's great for kimchi chige soup. Never by the pasteurized shit with sealed lids in groceries, it's literally garbage. Either make it yourself or buy it from a korean market where a bunch of old korean aunties made it.

>> No.10708673

you are full of shit

>> No.10708683

There is literally no evidence that it doesnt

>> No.10709477
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the best foods are made by old women

>> No.10709546

My stomach feels really good after eating the stuff. Enough proof for me.

>> No.10709587

because koreans have taste buds and germans do not

>> No.10709597

what the fuck did you call me?

>> No.10709673

The only kinds of kimchi that don't have added sugar are the ones made by hipster white people.

>> No.10709686

Wtf, no. My korean wife makes kimchi and never adds sugar, idiot.

>> No.10709712

Who gives a shit about your wife? I was talking about products sold in stores. You know, what this thread is about? Fuck you.

>> No.10709714

Western space magic.

>> No.10709737

t. never met a Korean. Literally every Korean I've known loves spam, has 50 cans of the slimy canned kimchi in their cupboard, and happily wolfs crappy american fast food down 4 days a week. The fresh kimchi they have in the Asian market fridges is for the white people.

>> No.10710249

>The only kinds of kimchi that don't have added sugar are the ones made by hipster white people
This was what you said, I provided a counter example and could add the old ladies who make it in bulk for korean markets don't add sugar either. You're fucked in the head and I'm reporting you to the ATF to have all your popguns confiscated before you shoot up a school.

>> No.10710315

are you retarded?

>> No.10710338

Sauerkraut is packaged the same as sauertrout. You can't get fermented or pasteurized. Bugs prefers Heinz brand sauertrout.


>> No.10710454

where can you even buy canned kimchi

>> No.10710599

My Walmart has it. Kroger used to have it years ago.

>> No.10710879

And not a single korean or anyone with a tsp. of korean blood ever bought it.