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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10705137 No.10705137 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/

I currently have about 100 euros a month for food.
Do you know a few affordable dishes I can make that taste at least semi-good to get me through the month?

>> No.10705152

Why don't you ask some Europeans on a European website, you Ameriboo trash.

>> No.10705156

oatmeal (very cheap)
rice + vegetables (1kg frozen vegs for 1.50€ at Aldi)

>> No.10705159

Because I was curious if yall have some nice ideas to inspire me

>> No.10705166

sounds simple, I'll try it, thanks anon

>> No.10705167

How about bleach? You can buy a gallon of bleach and drink a quart to quench your thirst.

>> No.10705172

what country?

>> No.10705185

I live in germany, munich to be exact

>> No.10705191

Ha, ich auch!
100€ is plenty for one month if you buy at Aldi, Lidl, Penny etc.

>> No.10705195

so basically i'll be fine as long as I stick to discounters?

>> No.10705202

Yeah. Luckily I have an Aldi around the corner. Most months I spend no more than 100€.

>> No.10705212

Ah nice, I've got an Edeka and a Penny within 300 Meters proximity and an Aldi like 5 bike minutes from here
I've been planning on getting some pork filet from there, half a kg costs like 4€ at Aldi but other than pork filet with a gorgonzola pepper sauce and noodles with literally any sauce I cant think of any cheap recipe, i cant think of alot of healthy recipes anyways

>> No.10705217

I make a lot of quesadillas when I'm low on cash. You just need tortillas (I usually buy mine in bulk and freeze them) and shredded cheese. Easy to spice up with all sorts of other stuff and a tasty lunch.
Other than that, fairly basic pasta dishes. Get a bottle of nice olive oil or get some nice cheese for it. You'll find that the answer to making cheap and simple dishes delicious is in paying extra attention to the quality of your basics instead of skimping on them.

>> No.10705231

>You'll find that the answer to making cheap and simple dishes delicious is in paying extra attention to the quality of your basics instead of skimping on them

well said, you're right and ive actually enever thought of that, thank you very much anon

the quesadillas are a great idea, do you coincidentally know a recipe for a good sauce for a quesadilla with like cheese, red onions and chicken? something like a chipotle sauce?

anyways thanks for the great reply

>> No.10705242

>something like a chipotle sauce?
Just dump a can of chipotles in a blender. Done.

If you want something less spicy then mix in some sour cream.

>> No.10705244

is it literally that easy? where do I get the liquid from?

>> No.10705265

>Just dump a can of chipotles in a blender. Done.

I usually roast red bell peppers and garlic in the oven and then dump them in a blender with chipotle. You get less heat that way.

To OP, rice and beans. Eggs in every way. Cheap cuts of chicken. Frozen veggies (peas, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli tend to be cheap). Bananas. Buy flour and dry yeast and make breads, pancakes, flatbread etc. Oats. Quark.

>> No.10705268

I currently live on 90€ a month, i'm also german.

Make sure you buy essentials in large quantities. I personally get a 10kg bag of rice from Metro for 12€. That lasts me about 2 months (100 meals)

That's 0,12€ for 100g of rice, basically free.

Also, get eggs from ALDI and refridgerated chicken. They offer 3 chicken breasts for 3,50€, so you can have a chicken and rice meal for 1,30€ (one breast and 100g rice). Dirt cheap.

Also, a trick I do every week: buy your vegetables and fruit at ALDI on Saturday an hour before closing time, they reduce the prices drastically (more than half). Stock up for an entire week.

>> No.10705274


That doesn't sound too bad man, thank you

well talk about cost efficiency god damn, thank you very much I will be doing that alot from now on

>> No.10705286

Wow 90 a month that's though dude! What's causes this budget?

>> No.10705297

I ate oatmeal with apples and bananas every day when I was poor and was never hungry for a second. It's good for you too, helps your poops.
Also, buy cheap cuts of meat and braise or otherwise slow-cook them at large volumes. Vegetables are gonna become your most expensive item so fish for discounts and stick to the cheap stuff like carrots and onions.
Dry beans and lentils are also very cheap and very filling, look for nice ways to prepare those or just put them into your stews.

>> No.10705299

potatoes and oatmeal

>> No.10705303

Its canned peppers. It comes with liquid.

>> No.10705307

ah alright

>> No.10705308

last week, Aldi had chicken in sale (3 breasts for 2€). I basically cleaned out their entire fridge and just put it in my freezer at home. Frozen meat lasts about a year. Like 0,60€ for one breast.

Also check the Brochures that they put in newspapers, where they say what will be on sale.
(Sonderangebote und Aktionen). You can save ridiculous amounts of money with a little planning, buying on stock and freezing the rest.

>> No.10705318


alright thank you very much lad


guess oatmeal is gonna be my new basic breakfast


alright cool, i will be looking out for that

>> No.10705332

Outside of the cheap supermarkets, find a butcher that carries cuts like oxtail, pork belly, beef neck, ribs, etc. They are often times less expensive than chicken and you'll be able to introduce a lot of variety into your diet, not to mention learn new cooking techniques to make those cuts edible.
Also, make bolognese sauce with 50% pork mince to drive down the cost.

>> No.10705345

thats actually a great idea, thanks alot

>> No.10705354

I have a mortgage to pay off and like saving money. Also i never had a sweet tooth or enjoyed eating fast food and such crap.

Just because you're eating on a budget does not mean you have to eat like shit, it's quite the contrary. You can learn how to use the spices and make your own sauces and such. You also learn how to make 1 million different combinations out of chicken and rice or oatmeal and Quark. Its fun.

>> No.10705358

so this is the power of the yuropoor economy...

>> No.10705366

seems more like German efficiency to me

>> No.10705420

Well, I can't say it'll be perfect, as some products might be harder to get in Europe, depending on exactly where you are, but this place has been pretty good at suggesting pleasant tasting cheap recipes

>> No.10705526

I live WFPB on 2 euros a day.
Oatmeal for breakfast, soaked in chocolate or vanilla soy milk. I buy oatmeal on Prozis. Less than 2 euros per kilogram using a discount code, with free shipping if you buy in bulk.
For lunch is pasta and beans. My local LIDL has all kinds of legumes at less than 2 euros per kg. Pasta is 59 cents per kg. Sometimes I buy exotic beans (alongside the spices) at the pajeets shops at the same price.
I cook the beans in a slow cooker; I prepare in the evening, and all is ready in the morning, for a soup if in winter, or a cool pasta salad during summer.
For dinner, usually a big salad or other seasonal vegetables alongside a homemade whole-wheat pizza topped with tomato sauce. I also eat one fruit at every meal. Sandniggers shops sells seasonal fruit and vegetables at 99 cents per kg.
I supplement only with 500 mcgs of b12 and a scoop of pea protein isolate (when I am bulking for the gym). My blood test comes always perfect, and I am now at 75 kgs x 175 cms at 8% body fat. So, basically, almost pure muscle.

>> No.10705578
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My lunch of today: pasta and chickpeas salad. Plenty of good carbs, proteins, fibers and taste at a dirty cheap price.

>> No.10705706

supercheap meals here in Bavaria:
countrypotatoes, just need potatos, a cheap sunfloweroil and a few spices. (Salt, pepper, paprika and an italian herb like thyme or rosemary optional are my favorite.)
Pasta with tomatosauce is realy cheap, too. Can be varied quite a lot with spices.
Pankakes. Always good and fairly cheap.
Potatosoup (easy with bacon. funny with butter, oniain and parsley or basil)
Käsespätzle just flour, egg and cheese, maybe with bought roasted onion.
Chilli con carne. just freeze what you cant eat. Caned beans and so forth are realy cheap.
Its realy up to you what tastes "decent".

>> No.10706326

>bavarian chili con carne
And pray tell, what would that concoction be? C'mon, divulge just for the lulz.

>> No.10706360

How expensive is food in Eurabia? I live in a part of Canada with high food costs, and 100 eurobucks (150CAD) would be pretty easy to eat with for a month. Stay away from processed food, cook a few big pots of stew that you can get a few meals out of. Curry, chili, traditional white person stew, etc. Eat light breakfast. One egg and a piece of fruit should be enough. At lunchtime you should eat leftovers from dinner.

>> No.10706483

we dont like wasting money on fattening ourselves you dumb fuck
also why the fuck are you making fun of anyone, you had 40+mil people literally dirt poor
fucking third world shithole

>> No.10706502
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two frozen salami pizzas from lidl every day

>> No.10706557


>> No.10708085

Look up Boris' video on 50€ monthly dining. It's stupid simple and not very good.

>> No.10708104


This is extremely easy to do. Cook rice and beans. Cook shepherds pie. Cook lentil stew or split pea soup. Cook pastas.

>> No.10708109


Also meant to add, OP. If you're looking for specific recipes, just go to Allrecipes.com and type in the kind of shit you want, then pick a recipe with both a high number of reviews and a high rating. Whenever I make something new, I either follow that approach or I will google "food network [insert item here]" and that has never really failed me.

Cooking is piss easy man, and cooking cheap is also piss easy.

>> No.10708184
File: 173 KB, 927x521, pan-roasted-brined-pork-chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 1 person? Its easy 1kg of beef mince is 4 meals 6-7 euro, spaghetti bolognese, meatballs, burgers, filling whatever you want
1 kg of porkchops makes for 3-4 meals and should be around 5 euro so 3 kg should cover you for broiling roasting or pan frying, or pork bits for skewers etc
Any other cheap meat like sausage and whole chicken for roasting and grilling
2 bags of lentils should be a bit more than 3 euro make lentil stew or lentil salad
Bag of chickpeas and beans like 4 euro for cold salad or tomato stew
24 eggs should be more than enough idk, maybe 5 euro, make omelette, english breakfast, scrambled egg, etc
Milk 1 euro/liter so 10 cartons is 10 euro
Half kg of cheese should be around 5 euro
So around 50 euro for a very generous protein intake for the month BTW no need to get good brands if youre on a budget cheaper stuff should be ok try to buy on discount too
A bottle of vegetable oil like corn or soy should be 2 euro
Half kg of pasta is around .70 so maybe 10 packs will do make pasta with meat or tomato sauce and cheese or just oil and herbs
Get some packs of rice and some bread to eat with meats and stews
Onions are basic and cheap
Potatoes for oven frying, potato salad and mashed
Spend the rest on fresh veggies for salad, I like shredded carrot-cabbage tomato-cucumber-onion etc and also herbs; oregano, thyme, garlic, bay, rosemary, chilly flakes, savory fresh parsley and dill maybe butter and wine

>> No.10708194
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Also dont be a sucker and left food spoil make proper planning and rationing for the week, dont buy too much in one haul

>> No.10708205

I like to think back on the things I ate back in college when I was on a shoestring budget.
One thing is I would make a peanut sauce out of peanut butter, soy sauce, garlic and lemon juice. Could just put that on plain rice by itself and was really satisfying high calorie meal. Even better if I had chicken to put in it.

>> No.10708212

OK. So isn't a hundred McDoubles a month enough to keep you alive?

>> No.10708342

Anything heavy on carbs is cheap.
Wheat, corn, potatoes, rice.
Beans, peas, soy, eggs are cheap sources of protein.
Meat is always many times more expensive than other ingredients so if you can adopt a lifestyle where you don't eat 200g of meat every single day you'll save money.

>> No.10708537
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Just from this thread makes me admire the European culture. I envy your education. Specially German

>> No.10708547

>Just because you're eating on a budget does not mean you have to eat like shit

It's really difficult to explain to my friends. They just think I'm poor and I hate it. Just because their Bolognese experience is shit doesn't mean Bolognese is a poverty food

>> No.10708571

>noodles with literally any sauce
noodles with chocolate sauce?
fucking dumb cunt

>> No.10708615
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It's not that hard, that's 3.50 per day. Buy all staples and vegetables at Aldi/Lidl/Netto. Meat in small amounts at the meat counter in REWE/Edeka if you're in Germany.

To start out get a cooking oil, salt with iodine, pepper, sugar, one or two spices or herbs of your choice, vinegar. That's probably 15 euro but now you have some basic ingredients.

Every weak I'd buy:
>1kg flour and dry yeast, 1 eurio, unlocks flatbreads, pizza, pies, flammkuchen, breads, roux
>10 eggs, 1.50, cheap protein, breakfast, more baking options
>2 bags frozen vegs, 4 euro, doesn't gp bad
>large bag of onions
>dried beans or lentils, doesn't go bad
>pasta, buy the 40 cent/500g stuff
>cabbage, cheap side
>small amounts of meat or fish at the counter, only buy what you need
>organs are very cheap and tasty

>> No.10708790

Wow you are so cool

>> No.10708833

there once was a galileo episode about cheaper food and it was filmed in munich(atleast i know the asian store is there).
i know there was a turkish + a asian supermarket with cheaper foods than aldi&co.
also like other anon told you already, go shortly before discounter will close.

>> No.10708872

I'm not so familiar with German prices, but a simple tomato sauce with some meat and pasta should stretch far and taste decent. You could also make spätzle with cheese and mixed vegetables, possibly meat like chicken.

>> No.10708947

I live on 75 euro/month (Vien, Österreich). Buy and cook for 3 days.

Chicken tights and breast, rice, mashed potatoes and vegetables.
One cabbage is like 1-2 euro, and veights 2-3 kilos. You can live on that for a week, and meke 7 different meal.

>> No.10708958

Buy 100 worth of McDongles, freeze most of it, and pull out of freezer and eat as needed.

>> No.10709214

Yeah, its not bavarian at all. But its cheep here.
Personaly I make an abomination which is just a bean/vegetable soup with mince. But most people like (and make) something more original than mine, so i wont tell.

>> No.10710121

Who doesn't like bolognese? It's tasty as fuck.

>> No.10710132

Man I love chickpeas

>> No.10710133


>> No.10710361

1 white onion
1 red bell pepper
100g mushrooms
Tomato extract or the diced shit in tomato sauce
Cup of water
500g rice
Pepper, salt, basilikum, garlic powder, sweet pepper powder

This should be enough for 4 meals and its pretty good and cheap to make.

>> No.10710378

You can do LOTS of stuff with eggs. They can be had for 99 cents per dozen in my area. Great cost/calorie ratio. Very nutritious as well.

>> No.10710390
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You know the difference between a bean and a chick pea?
I won't pay fifty bucks to have a bean in my mouth.

>> No.10711867
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>earn €3000 a month
>spend €90 a month on food because I like saving and hate wasting.

Enlighten us anon. What exactly do you intend to do with your savings.

>> No.10712173

He already said it: pay off a mortage.

>> No.10712327


No, he likes saving money in and of itself. €90 a month on food, while being able to afford paying more, is scrooge level misery.

Why have a palate at all. Might as well inject required nutrients intravenously to dispense with the inconvenience of having to eat.

>> No.10712349

*difference between garbanzo bean and a chick pea

If you're going to tell dumb jokes, at least get it right, faggot.

>> No.10712534

90 Euro a month is plenty. I don't know what you are eating to use much more as a single person.

>> No.10712574
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>90 Euro a month is plenty

>> No.10712581

What the hell do you buy that it is not enough? I buy whatever I want plus beer and barely scratch the 100 euro mark.

>> No.10712635

Split pea soup and Dal are two of my go-tos when I'm strapped for cash.

>> No.10712644

learn from slav

>> No.10713010

It is wise to save up for the rainy days. Why spend more on things you dont need. If you spend money because you have the money, you will probably have to suck a dick for emergency fund.

Judging from your lack of knowledge on saving. You are probably under 18 or a spoiled grown up

>> No.10713021


>> No.10713053

move to Iceland.

>> No.10713064

> Judging from your lack of knowledge on saving. You are probably under 18 or a spoiled grown up.

Judging by your lack of knowledge about Germany, you better not exposure yourself to ridicule. The worst that can happen to you in Germany is get paid €400 a month welfare plus the state pays your rent and basic bills. There are no fucking rainy days the way they occur in the US.

Besides, the dude is paying back a mortgage hence he is working and has an income. Unless your income is above €1500 a month, there is literally no incentive whatsoever to work at all in Germany. My point is, why the fuck impose a 3rd world miserable diet on yourself , simply because of "muh savings".

>> No.10713631
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>> No.10713659

Fuck off Jethro, he's just asking how not to starve. Go keep yourself busy and go blow your dad or some shit
t. Ameribrap

>> No.10714718

>He says on an imageboard owned by a japanese guy, created mainly to discuss japanese cartoons and culture, and a user base where only 49.9% is from the USA (source: alexa.com)

>> No.10714963

Fuck you greece, come back and talk money with the rest of europe when you've paid your taxes

>> No.10715156

I'm in Germany you retard.

>> No.10715162

eat cabbage