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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10702242 No.10702242 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10702247

Azn detected.

>> No.10702343

This is actually a Polish thing before important Catholic saint day.

>> No.10702358

Polacks eat carp? Huh.

>> No.10702370

I've met people in the midwest that catch catfish and have a spare tub that will sometimes do this until they're ready to clean and eat it. There's an added benefit, the fish will purge a lot of the crap they picked up from the lake into the tub and you'll end up with better fish if you keep it in a tub for 5 days or so and sprinkle in some cornmeal from time to time. You'd think they'd need an aerator like in a livewell though.

>> No.10702382

Imagine if you were human and a giant fish kept you in his bathtub before eating you

>> No.10702386

I think if the water surface is wide enough it's okay, kinda like a mini-pond.

>> No.10702505
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>Imagine if you were human

>> No.10702530

love me some carp curry

>> No.10702539

carp is amazing
>fun to catch
>tons of meat
>can be substituted for almost any other meat in a dish
what can't she do?

>> No.10702544

If humans were as stupid as fish, this would be fine. They'd not be able to process what was going on.

>> No.10702552

this is a normal thing if you have any appreciation for fresh fish. the only reason carp isn't sold commercially is because it has a terrible shelf life and a retarded stigma for being a forager

>> No.10702562
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Can confirm, Polack that I know reacted to this image with pic related

>> No.10702568

>le big mace
Makes me miss the days when 4chan made rage comics.

>> No.10702569

your standard beef, pork, and chicken are fed on exponentially worse feed than natural fish

>> No.10702586
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I still post troll face sometimes to bait newfags into crying plebbit.

>> No.10702630

Back to AIM, newfag.

>> No.10702640
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>> No.10702645

I kekd

>> No.10702721

Based gook

>> No.10703456

Carp is a shitty fish. They're filled with bones and most of the meat is tough as shit muscle.

>> No.10703588

Eastern Euro here, carp is sold here year round, shops keep them in tanks too.

>> No.10703593

nice, glad to hear it, man

>> No.10703610

clean faster polan

>> No.10703668

ive heard of several eastern europeans that they do the same. they buy a living carp or some other fish, put it in their tub and feed it for a week or two

>> No.10703672

>Imagine if you were human
fucking ponyfags man

>> No.10703695

you just can't take a bath for 5 days, but in some areas that's a non-issue.

>> No.10703701

gtbgaia, newfaggot

>> No.10703702

Yeah, the ones that drifted off into my country take anything they catch with them and eat it. There is barely any decent eatable fish in these waters, but pollacks don't care, they even take the fish that is illegal to take.

>> No.10703729

This is actually a good thing to do if you brought/caught the carp from a fishing lake yourself. They are fed with fatty shit covered in mud so they will taste like that if you don't let the mud "soak out" in clean water

>> No.10703779

How do they bath with a fish in there ?

>> No.10703788
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>> No.10704662

When I was a little boy I was fishing with one of those toddler sized reels for like sunfish and other lil fishes

Big ass carp swam up, got hooked, and took the reel right out of my lil babby hands

Scared the shit out of lil me,

>> No.10704667

>Spare tub
Nice reading comprehension friend.

>> No.10704693

Yes. Carp is consumed most places around the world except the US.

>> No.10704710

the best part is you can buy a live crab, cut a hole it it, fuck it, and it's considered ok as long as you're kosher.

>> No.10704719
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>> No.10704847

>around the world except the US
Wrong. Niggers (i.e. black ppl) eat it.

>> No.10704872

Carp is extremely popular in Asia, actually. I dont think I've ever seen a black person eating a carp or even seen a carp dish at any African restaurant I've been to

>> No.10704925

you must have not been following news lately
nips nuked the sea

>> No.10704971
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sexy time

>> No.10705014
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>Imagine if you were human
Zuckerberg please go

>> No.10705173

I tried reading that so hard like 3 times before I realized it was a different language.
What language even is that?

>> No.10705178

>Imagine if you were human
fucking racist prick

>> No.10705194

Isn't the water chlorinated? How long can they survive like that?

>> No.10705208

Polish. I can't read the bottom line but I'm fairly certain the top says "I love you, fish"

>> No.10705213

Nature operates on the rules, and humans aren't above nature. Rights don't exist unless enforced.

>> No.10705215

>Isn't the water chlorinated?
>How long can they survive like that?
Long enough to stay alive between the market and dinnertime.

>> No.10705216

*those same rules

>> No.10705226

they eat anything. theyve been taking the swans out of the local boating lake to take home and eat

>> No.10705276

Had some kveite the other day.
Good fish, ugly as fuck though.