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10698830 No.10698830 [Reply] [Original]

why do you dislike starbucks?

>> No.10698835

Overpriced coffee for thots, no thanks.

>> No.10698837

price to quality ratio is poor

>> No.10698841

I don't like coffee.

>> No.10698844

Their leader is a coward

>> No.10698845

Too expensive and its quality is pretty damn bad.

>> No.10698847

same reason why I don't like half of americans.

>> No.10698958

Been there twice to hang out and do a magic draft with some friends
Pretty whatever place, had a regular coffee and a few pastries but they're pretty subpar
I think this place only got popular and succeeded because it's basically the library without books and people, being impulse driven, just buy shit from them when hungry loitering all day
Oh yeah I also went there once to buy a stolen laptop from a guy off craigslist who had a literal stack of them once

>> No.10698965

overpriced, bad crowd and atmosphere, coffee taste burnt. I like hipster coffee places

>> No.10698969
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Because there are local cafes in my city entirely worth supporting.

>> No.10699001

The one near where I live is really great, friendly staff and good food / drink. Other ones in my area are much poorer quality though. I am concerned about how their new legal loitering policies will fair though. There are a lot of really deranged homeless people in my area, and the store will probably go to shit now.

>> No.10699104

overpriced coffee that isnt even close to average quality next to the local cafeterias or coffee shops
but since its a touristic city it makes money from tourists that dont know any other place

>> No.10699112

I don't. But most of they drinks are literally just syrup with cream.

The few times i go there I only buy normal coffee or tea.

>> No.10699121

here's a protip for Starbucks
Don't fucking bother with the coffee
The non coffee drinks are unironically better
Green tea lattes (hot or iced,) cool lime refreshers, and strawberry acai refreshers with coconut milk are pretty much all I get there
Overpriced as fuck but sometimes you gotta treat yo self

>> No.10699180

bad yet expensive coffee
focuses on meme drinks that are closer to milkshakes than coffee
everything is overpriced
obnoxious normie girls love it for some reason

>> No.10699182

Grocery store coffee tastes better.

>> No.10699185

>burnt coffee
>can't customize foods
>"pumpkin spice latte" doesn't have pumpkin
>shit options to customize latte
>retarded sizing system

>> No.10699200

Their product to price ratio is dog shit. Also I got fired for coming in hung over many years ago, which I hold a childish grudge against them.

>> No.10699213

>high price
>low quality
>full of hipsters

>> No.10699215

To be fair pumpkin spice isn't supposed to have pumpkin in it. It's just called that because you put it in pumpkin pie.
Also I don't understand how people say Starbucks is overpriced compared to other places. It costs about the same if not less than every local coffee shop I know of. Cafe's in general are overpriced, not just Starbucks.
Everything else you said is true though.

>> No.10699218

it's definitely overpriced in europe

>> No.10699228

Well here in maryland a coffee at Starbucks was like 3-4 dollars. If I to Rise up coffee which is a local cafe it's damn near the exact same price. Albeit for a somewhat better quality product.

>> No.10699252

real hipsters drink specialty, single-origin coffee at hipster coffee shops, starbucks is for wannabes

>> No.10699322

>go fuck yourself
Why is this necessary? Why is there another line after the punch line?

>> No.10699352

Just a bit soulless and corporate is all

>> No.10699382

Because they apologised for rightfully kicking out 2 non-customers who wanted to use all the facilities and got race-baited

>> No.10699402

How else would you know how to react to the punchline?

>> No.10699405

who came up with this shit

>> No.10699410

>go fuck yourself
time to call the cops : ^ )

>> No.10699471

Hipster garbage overpriced burnt tasting shit...and I don't drink coffee...

>> No.10699487

You don't become a billion dollar company by cater only to hipsters. Hipsters go to even more overpriced local cafes.

>> No.10699517

this, we have good local coffee shops

>> No.10699522

Because panera and chick fillet have better coffee

>> No.10699527

because their social marketing is too obvious
makes you feel like you are retarded, bombarding you with how good they are with employees and producers when they are just the same if not worse than other big corps

>> No.10699557

>Also I don't understand how people say Starbucks is overpriced compared to other places
I can get a large pour-over for less than a normal shit-coffee at some local coffee places here
hell, even mcdonalds has a better tasting coffee for like $1 for any size

>> No.10699574


>> No.10699694
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Yep. Yep. Worth it? Nope.
I bought a hot chocolate from there once and they just microwaved some chocolate milk.
They cater to the sensitivities of a niche group for an image that people buy for the sake of an outdated, cultural hit-and-miss.

Besides, this >>10698969 and making it at home can be more of an experience worth saving, and can actually be cheaper. And I don't mean just making a coffee at home, bleh, boring. I mean testing out different kinds from various regions of the world, made with different water sources, machines and methods, etc.

>> No.10699740

Because niggers will now infest it, along with the homeless

And like other anons said, I'd rather go to a local Cafe

>> No.10699757

The coffee tastes burned. It's like if a sandwich joint decided they wanted all their sandwiches to taste the same so they start putting them all on burned toast.

>> No.10699944

Predictability and stability are far, far more important than taste when you're making a huge brand like this. It's easier and more profitable to make a mediocre product that tastes the same every time than to make a good product, especially if the 'good' product varies in quality from day to day.

>> No.10699978

It's fucking burned though, it's like they charge three times as much because they cooked it three times as long and normies just go along with it.

>> No.10699999

Yes. Because that produces a far more easily repeatable result.

>> No.10700012
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>> No.10700030

quints is still my best get so far after over a decade here so I'll take it.

>> No.10700084
File: 56 KB, 602x360, main-qimg-052354ea5543ffd45b03eab59aac8457-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmm, Domino's new pizza is so good, I better pay three times as much for it!

>> No.10700311


>> No.10700671

dark roasts aren't any more predictable than lighter roasts, they're just cheaper:
>buy shit-tier coffee
>burn it to mask the bad taste
>add shittons of sugar, cream and syrup
>charge normies out the ass for bad coffee with a lot of HFCS and aromas
wa la

>> No.10700688

over-priced, dumb naming conventions are inconsequential but still annoying, the plain black coffee is shit and everything else is full of so much unhealthy shit

>> No.10700731

>everything else is full of so much unhealthy shit
This is the big one for me. I tried one of their drinks one time and got a headache from all the sugar before I was half done.

>> No.10700746

i haven't had a coffee from them in years. their sweet tea is alright, but about 50% of the time they mix it incorrectly and you have to hand it back so they can try again.

>> No.10700915

I do go there. I usually like to meet up with some friends.

I play music loudly on my phone and don't buy anything.

>> No.10701047

Real talk, drip coffee from Norms is better than Starbucks. Starbucks doesn't even got the kick that kebab coffee (Turkish coffee) has in exchange for the dank-ass flavour.

>> No.10701076

Sir we will not tolerate your racism at Starbucks. Everyone is welcome to stay here and to use our bathrooms even if they aren't a paying customer. Please leave the store now.

>> No.10701088

i went there out of convenience but i think i have to cut it off now after the forced indoctrination of their staff for corporate PR

it's one thing to voluntarily employ people as a means to a corporate end, it's another to attempt to influence what they think as individuals

>> No.10701103

Because they're leftist jews with overpriced terrible coffee

>> No.10701113

>local cafe
>routinely sour espresso
>routinely sour cold brew
>replaced a bunch of their baked goods with gluten free stuff

>> No.10701144

>acidity in coffee is a bad thing

>> No.10701431

>underextraction is the gold standard of coffee
This meme needs to die.

>> No.10701440

i used to dislike it because it was overpriced
now i dislike it because everything from there tastes like shit compared to mcdonald's

>> No.10701936

Shit coffee.
Shit prices.
Pretentious sizing names.
Bathroom policies continually change
Lobbies always full of idiots doing interviews, mlm scams, business meetings.
Work from home retards on laptops.
Homeless people.
Cunt workers.

>> No.10701966

>people actually pay like $10 for the starbucks logo when the coffee itself is comparable to macca's

>> No.10702012

It's called a pink drink you fucking faggot.

>> No.10702175

>Pretentious sizing names
i think tall, grande, and venti are widely used
>Lobbies always full of idiots doing interviews, mlm scams, business meetings.
i've never seen this, you must live in a weird part of the world
>Bathroom policies continually change
how the hell would you know? and how different can the rules of a bathroom be from the universal use of a bathroom?

>> No.10702810

When I’m in Europe, all the coffee shops blow Starbucks away. In the US, it’s hit and miss.

>> No.10702819

That's the modern climate. You need to provide an over-the-top negative reaction to a pun or people are just dissatisfied.

>> No.10702854

Because they're American and we had plenty of proper baristas in Norway before they came, and their branded bullshit is no better than the local bullshit.
TL;DR: it's a forced meme.

>> No.10704053

yea nah

>> No.10704075

Praise be unto thee, great Prophet.

>> No.10704136

Only their hot chocolate is any good.

>> No.10704168
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I don't have anything against Starbucks. I don't really care for their product, but it's ubiquity is useful. What I really can't stand is how the people in line just try to be a bigger cunt than the person in front of them. One-ups-manship in the cunt of the year contest.
Person 'a:' I'll have a venti no-whip two pump mocha
Person 'b:' I'll have a venti no whip, half-skim, one pump, half-caf mocha
Person 'c" worse
Person 'd' unimaginably worse
It's like an arms race to the title of biggest pain in the ass in America.
Remember in the 80s when postal workers all went nuts and shot up the place? I don't want it to happen at Starbucks, but if it does, I'll understand.

Oh, and all of the cunts have pic related as their haircut.

>> No.10704209
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their actual coffee and espresso is bad, which, as a man who requires caffeine to function, is a turn off. it's a store for high school girls to get double extra venti mocha no-whip nonfat milk pumpkin spice frappachinos that cost seven fucking dollars. You can get a better actual coffee pretty much anywhere else for less money.

I have no idea why they don't just start selling ice cream as well. Their blended drinks which every teenage girl in uggs with "CHEER" written on her skank shorts and grey hoodie orders are practically one step away from a soft serve milkshake.

>> No.10704214

>man who requires caffeine to function

>> No.10704224

>Men can't be addicted
>Men just need cold water and rolled oats to live

>> No.10704226

I used to go there to get American style coffee because Spain only does espresso almost everywhere. Suddenly, a Tim Hortons opened and there's absolutely no reason to go. Decent and way cheaper coffee, better pastries. At this point Starbucks only has the better WiFi and smooth jazz going for it.

>> No.10704250

I have a drive thru Starbucks near me. It's insufferable.

All I want is an iced coffee with one sugar in it, but you always get stuck behind some suburban mom in a minivan or hideous crossover thing who orders 16 fucking blended drinks for some unknown reason. It's literally a contest of how to be as obnoxious as humanly possible to the people in line behind you.

>> No.10704260


I only drink black coffee and I don't think Starbucks' coffee is bad.

The only one I don't like is their French roast because it does taste burnt imo but their other blends I think are pretty good. I'm not a coffee snob though.

>> No.10704267

blonde roast is ok, as are some of the higher end blends. the standard pikes peak or whatever it's called is just burnt cheap arabica. they roast the absolute piss out of cheap beans to make a consistent product, and it's consistently not very good.

>> No.10704270

>All I want is an iced coffee with one sugar in it,
Call me a pleb, but I don't really like my coffee hot. I want to drink it, not spend 45 minutes sipping it. So:
>be me at Starbucks drive thru
>(garbled nonsense about some stupid club)
>Um, no thanks. Can I have a medium coffee with cream and sugar?
>Sure, whatever.
>Anything else?
>Can you put a few ice cubes in it so it's not quite as hot?
>So you want an iced coffee?
>No, a regular medium coffee but with a few ice cubes
>Grande iced coffee?

Kill me.

>> No.10704286

The fake italian size names crack me up. I always order small, medium, and large and some of the baristas get really mad about it. It just seems so pretentious.

>> No.10704372

>a Venti rat

I don't get it

>> No.10704401

i do too

>> No.10704408

>Rolled oats and water
>Not eating dry corn meal

Must be nice living in the lap of luxury like some sort of pampered princess.

>> No.10704573

>rise up coffee

Whatup eastern shore

>> No.10704577

Yeah I can garantee you that no minimum wage Starbucks employee gets mad at you calling the drink sizes a different name lmao but whatever helps you feel superior i guess

>> No.10704586

Jesus just get an iced coffee faggot

>> No.10704590

>t. kekistani

>> No.10704603
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Being a barista (coffee slave) at Starbucks was my first job. Fuck that place
Also AMA

>> No.10704681

>I am enjoying 8th grade today.

>> No.10704708
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>i think tall, grande, and venti are widely used

>> No.10704746
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>live in downtown salt lake city
>despite being a very mormon state downtown salt lake is actually fairly diverse and there is a large homeless problem
>have a coupon for 5 dollars to a Starbucks from my car insurance
>figure fuck it, how bad can it be, forgetting about the recent decision to let people loiter
>go into one on 400 south, about a mile from pioneer park, aka hobo gardens
>immediately greeted by the pungent odor of homelessness, sweat and urine
>some crackhead lying down on a couch says 'ayo spot me a buck man'
>go up to register, the coffee is literally 5 dollars, I thought I would be able to get at least 2
>ask guy at register how the employees are reacting to the homeless loitering
>well, we can't kick them out but more than half of us put in our two weeks last week when this happened
>tfw Starbucks will be dead soon
>nothing of value will be lost
>retreat to my favorite breakfast diner where I can get good food for the same price I'd pay Starbucks for coffee

>> No.10704750
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>> No.10704778
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certified retard

>> No.10704780

because their coffee is complete garbage

>> No.10704790

t. mad

>> No.10704812

I make my own coffee in an aluminum stovetop espresso maker.

>> No.10704834

I dislike starbucks because they're fucking terrible at their job.
I understand the coffee isn't great and it's overpriced, but all the sugar and caffeine they inject into their drinks do the job of waking me up on days I have to be at work early.
However, even when using their shitty app before I even leave my house and drive 15 minutes to their location, it takes them 20 more minutes to give me a fucked-up order and 10 more minutes to fix it.
The good side of this story is that it compelled me to buy one of those shitty coffee makers so I can be made automatically and tossed into a thermos before I head out. Fuck Starbucks and fuck whoever decides to go there.

>> No.10704850

Maybe you gotta move to a big boy city instead of whiling away your shitty life in that suburban shithole

>> No.10704870

Starbucks is fine. It's fine like fast food or macro lagers are fine. At its worst it's really bad, at its best, it's somewhat okay. It's mass-produced and corporate and because of that the quality usually suffers: they let the coffee linger and burn in those huge urns, wait time is horrendous because everyone is ordering milk-sugar-syrup-flavoring drinks that contain little to no coffee and take forever to make, there's trash everywhere, their baked goods and food are stale and taste like wax.

Moreover, there's a metric pussyload of local places for me to go to that are usually orders of magnitude better, and because of their small scale have the patience, passion and creativity to really give a shit about making me a good cup of coffee.

>> No.10704921

Overpriced bean-water with lots of sugar

>> No.10704934

it's McDonald's for coffee

>> No.10704960

online ordering is really a problem for them. they get bombed by huge orders by offices and shit and get stuck making those and ignore the line. starbucks corporate pushed it on to a lot of stores that were in no way prepared to deal with that or even have a space to put the finished drinks.

>> No.10704970

I do a hell of a lot of driving, and have come to not only tolerate McDoggo coffee, but actually like it. It's cheap, always fresh, and they put the training wheels in the cup for you.

>> No.10704980

Cause I work there

>> No.10704999

>walk in
>order a tall pikes
>wait til they pour it
>"oops, forgot my wallet"
>they give it to me anyway

Works everytime. Then I chill in their lounge and use their wifi for a few hours. I use the coffee to generate braps so normies give me space.

>> No.10705008

I don't go for there for the coffee. I go there so I can browse the internet for 4 hours alone and apart from the stress of the world.

>> No.10705228

No opinion on Starbucks since I never go there. However, you just know the barista in this pic can suck a mean dick.

>> No.10705253

It's really unhealthy. Fucking shit coffee packed full of calories. People only pay the overpriced amount for the status symbol like its a watch or something

>> No.10705266

Starbucks is a fucking monolithic cafe chain, anon. A few baristas quitting in a shitty part of a city will not harm the business. If anything, locals will take their positions. The only thing that will harm starbucks is Americans suddenly developing a palate and learn how to make informed decisions with their money.

>> No.10705271

At least it's better than fucking Costa. McCafe is pretty nice where I live though.
Anyway, an espresso from any half decent cafe is gonna btfo all of these chains.

>> No.10705293

Downtown Salt Lake is weird. West of State Street it's like hobo fuckin' paradise but as soon as you hit state street and any streets east thereof, you don't see them at all.

t. used to live around 300S 400E.

>> No.10705296

Too expensive for basically giving people basically liquid ice cream. A majority of their recipes can be done at home with simple equipment if you really like coffee that much.

>> No.10705311

Awful coffee. It and my parents made me think I hated coffee. Then I visited italy, started buying my own. I love espresso. Even folgers tastes better than their black coffee because they burn the shit out of their beans (or so I am told, idk why it is so bad) and the only people who seem to like it just add a fuck ton of cream and sugar.

>> No.10705330

overpriced, mostly rich (((white))) greek/italian/ashkanazi girl clientele

really, just being constantly full of JAPs and greek bitches on dumbass macbooks prattling on like wannabe valley girls is what makes it an unacceptable place to hang out. Second Cup is almost identical in terms of what it serves and how but I'd rather go there just because the client base isn't 100% thots