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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 115 KB, 1600x1500, Mcdonalds-Logo-HD-Wallpaper[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10696987 No.10696987 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here ever worked at Mcdonalds before? Im 21 and never had a job, saw mine hiring. I dont expect good treatment or an impressive paycheck or anything like that, but as a first job you know? If you dont know then just answer with your favorite thing to eat there

>> No.10696998
File: 109 KB, 604x600, Screenshot_20180511_112559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scout the mcdonalds in your area first. apply at the one with the fewest black employees.

>> No.10697012

they usually start new males on the grill then from there you go to the line where you put burgers together. then from there most people quit. if you dont you end up going to fries/drive thru, then to supervisor.

it usually takes 4 weeks to move up from grill to the next spot to the next spot. the problem is tons of beeping, slippery floors, lots and lots of busy work (putting the dehydrated onions in water, washing dishes, cleaning behind the grill, cleaning the air vent, washing the dish rags etc, cleaning up the parking area, etc) basically you never get to stop moving unless you are on break. thats why its the shitting job ever.

females usually go straight to cash register / drive through.

>> No.10697040

Im in california. Even the nices areas in this state are filled with blacks. the one i go to has a half/half black mexican thing going on but they are all pretty nice i wont lie.

That does sound pretty lame but that busy work is only for the first 4 weeks right? I think i can take that

>> No.10697056

I worked at hardees for a year. I definitely recommend working in the back. You DO NOT want to deal with customers.

The most important thing with any shit job is just showing up on time. Very few people get fired who show up on time each and every day.

>> No.10697083

what? no. it never stops being busy. if there is no sandwich to be made, no order to take, no fries to lift, you are cleaning/sweeping etc. trust me, theres never time to stand around ever.

>> No.10697111

Right, because the place is busy and is trying to keep a clean appearance...ive never worked before but doesnt this make sense? Maybe i should rephrase it a little different. As a neet who is almost at year 4 of doing nothing, do you honestly think mcdonalds would be a good first job for someone with my history of nothing?

>> No.10697156

yeah its a perfect way to get back in the workforce. that way when you apply to your next job you have recent work history.

>> No.10697259

I appreciate the input, thanks man. Guess a neet like me has nothing to lose right? Something else, the dominos next to me is hiring as well. What do you think would be better to work at between mcdonalds and dominos?

>> No.10697260

it's ok. but warehouse work is better, plus it gets you in shape.

>> No.10697286

ive worked pizza and mcdonalds. pizza hut and papa johns to be exact. if you could deliver thats a super easy job. in store (cooking, phones) isnt bad, but it does get fast paced and messy. if i had to choose id go for pizza because theres much less in-store customer interaction.people pick up their pizzas togo and get out. delivery is usually fine unless you are running late and sometimes they bitch and / or give you no tip, but theres plenty of free time to cruise around listening to music.

>> No.10697370

Was in the same boat and it's a great way to build some work experience and get into something with more dignity afterwards if you present yourself well. I worked there a couple years ago and am now in a pretty passable administrative job in an office.

>> No.10697386

21 and never had a job.

You Millenials really are scum.

>> No.10697410


>> No.10697440

I'm doing Uber right now and am shocked by how much I like it. Do pizza delivery. Getting paid to drive around is fun.

>> No.10697452

Get a license to drive if you dont already and save fir acar if possible. Fins a pizza place with high school students and get friday weekend shifts for best tips since the lazy shits never want to work weekends.

>> No.10697497

t. 22 year old boomer

>> No.10697506


First job was a pizza place.

Second job was a Carl's Jr.

Ask away, anon

>> No.10697520

Why is it Carl's Jr. and not Carl Jr.'s?

>> No.10697530


The original was Carl's, his son took over and called it, "Carl's Jr."

It doesn't make much sense when you think about it

>> No.10697546

How the fuck do you get to 21 and never have a job?

>> No.10697565

it's 4chan

>> No.10697599
File: 3.67 MB, 2976x2976, 15280033170941637526768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok OP. Disregard EVERYONE in this thread. I was a manager at a McDonalds. My advice will blow all of theirs out of the water.

>try to start in the kitchen. 9 times out of 10 thats where the bros are. You're able to chat while you work and that makes the job so much better. Don't let chatting distract you though
>if you start in the back chances are you're on grill for a LONG time. It's not hard. Reg meat cooks for 38 seconds, quarter for 104, and angus for like 5 minutes (my store didnt have angus, but I moved around to some that do)
>working fryers is fucking mind-blowingly easy. Use the fucking tools there for nuggets. Do NOT put them in 1 by 1. When grabbing McChicken patties, try to grab 3 or so in 1 hand. DO NOT PUT MORE THAN THEY TELL YOU IN ONE BASKET. The result can be fucking hilarious, but it will ruin your whole shift.
>when you eventually move onto table, don't listen to that shitty rule of "one sauce gun at a time" use both your fucking hands and grab both guns of ketchup/mustard as soon as you feel comfortable to do so.
>LISTEN TO THE FUCKING RULE OF 2 SANDWICHES AT A TIME. Holy shit, this makes a WORLD of a difference. You are NOT amazing, just make those 2 McChicken, the best fast food sandwich, then make the other 2 after. 2 hands, 2 sandwiches. Ezpz.
>it's OK to ask for help. Your manager will respect you for asking for help. $1000 hours are fucking ridiculous when they happen. My store had $2000 hours on occassion. Those were a living hell. When you ask for help its not a sign of weakness, its admitting that this shit is too fucking much for 1 person, which it totally is.

McDonalds is a shitty job, but if I wasnt fired on false accusations of sexual harassement I'd still be there because of how great it is at the same time. Plus, the discount is fucking great. Pic related, its my old nametag

>> No.10697611

Damn you guys are overwhelmingly pizza. To the delivery guys, i dont like to drive so that would be out. But sometimes i watch the dominos employees folding the dough, brushing sauce on and so on. It looks fun not gonna lie. Do they both pay the same?

>> No.10697643
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>> No.10697707
File: 66 KB, 510x332, business2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if I wasnt fired on false accusations of sexual harassement

don't take life advice from a shit tier mobile poster who couldn't even hold down a job working the mcdonalds night shift.

>> No.10697711

Shouldn't be too different in the states, but food was 50% off at ANY McDonalds in Canada, not just mine. As a manager, I got free food at mine when I worked (and basically any time I wanted really.) We also got discounts at other places. I got 20% off at Mark's work warehouse, Payless shoe source, and I also got employee interest rates at RBC for car and house insurance, credit cards, and loans.ALSO, 15% off at Choice hotels. Plus, my store did this dope thing with Employee of the month. The winner got 4 free meals (for him/her, or even 1 each for family/friends. It was up to 4 100% off meals) and $25 cash. Some stores across Ontario liked the thought of this so much they encorperated it into their system too. The main reason we did this was for employee surveys that are done yearly. Getting a bad score on those was apparently bad news for our franchisee. I don't know the details, but rumor was you could lose your rights to a store.

>> No.10697741

I worked either the 6-2 shift, or the 2-10 shift, depending on what the other day shift manager was working (her kids were in school and her husband also worked shift work so it depended on his schedule. I was flexible and didnt care either way) here's a quick rundown of the details on why I was fired

>new girl gets hired
>literally 9/10 on the hardest scales
>flirty as fuck with everyone
>girlfriend just left me because I'm a dicklet and I wasn't satisfying her sexually
>take into new girls flirting
>just for fun cause it's nice to get hit on when you're feeling down
>one day she breaks a few rules
>shows up late
>steals food
>gives discount to her friends (other managers gave crew their code for discount cause their lazy as fuck)
>I document her on this
>she brings up the flirting
>I mention it's nice but work is work
>she gets up
>flails her body onto mine while I'm sitting down while yelling and screaming
>her shirt goes up
>she screams
>big boss comes running in
>she gets up
>being the 4chan dwelling faggot I am I have an erection
>fired for rape
I fought the charges and managed to get a decent severence package (4 months salary and a letter of reference from the franchisee), so I'm not too too hurt. But I really did enjoy the job. So much so I might even apply to McDonalds one town over

>> No.10697894

They did where i am. minus tips

>> No.10697905
File: 31 KB, 598x597, 16545415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really come to this board, are there usually this many McD's threads?

>> No.10697920

I worked at McDonalds for a year before switching to Pizza Hut delivery

I work less hours at Pizza Hut but make more overall due to tips even when factoring car stuff.

Both will probably pay the minimum wage per hour so it depends if your area is busy enough for a lot of pizza deliveries. Look on some maps to see if there are a lot of offices and apartments in your area, those are the money zones.

Some people will never tip though, like high school students and middle easterns (anecdotes from my store anyway.) You may also get some “fucking WHY!?” Orders like 20 pizzas for an office party and you will be expected to carry it up to the proper office by yourself and may not even get a tip. Get used to balancing four bags with four pizzas each in them with your arms and god help you if you angle them and the pizza gets smushed.

Do be prepared for a lot of standing around though. You will not be sitting down often outside of your 10/30 minute breaks and while it seems like a long time when you start, a few weeks in and you’ll be begging for them to be longer

If you have a hard time deciding, I say pick the one with more people who speak english. Nothing feels worse than having 90% of the crew chatting in Spanish while you are standing off to the side by yourself unable to understand a single word

>> No.10698114

>be the owner of successful burger joint Carl's
>die and bequeath business to illiterate son
>Carl's Jr. lmao
>food turns to ass, McDonald's tier fag shit going on
>move to east coast and start calling it Hardee's so people won't know
>food still tastes like shit

>> No.10698140

I am a chef that started in fast food. My advice would be to learn the basics of food safety and find a job in a real kitchen doing prep work and work your way up from there. Or better yet start as a dishwasher and do that for a while. Fuck working at McDonald's. There's lots of low level jobs in food service that lead to better things than mcdicks.

>> No.10698143

Yep, this place is becoming a /pol/ subsidiary just like /tv/, /sp/, /fit/ and several other normalfag hobby boards. As we watch the dimwitted "ex" redditors swarm in we can do nothing to stop them from posting their threads about chicken nuggets, pizza, McDonald's and any other shit-tier microwavable/fast-food that appeals to their immature palates.

>> No.10698186

I guarantee you haven't been using website for more than a year

>> No.10698205

Shh, he’s trying to fit in

>> No.10698219

>reddit fags are ruining my board
>the board i came to from reddit lol

>> No.10698223

Fast food jobs require a lot of social interaction.

I don't think fast food is good for a NEET.

OP, wikipedia your current town/location and see who is the top 10 largest employers in town.

>> No.10698243
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, hsdgfj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best job i will ever have in my life
>got a raise after working for only 2 months and made 9$hr
>ate my fill of chicken nuggets all day because nobody was looking
>any drink you want any time and shittons of free food every break (grilled chicken isnt that bad)
>didnt have to speak to a single normie, just put meat between bread all day in the kitchen by myself
>sandwich making is an art and i was respected for becoming the best at it
>sexy uniform, got me bussy a few times
>put smiles on childrens faces
>if i was cold id just huddle over the grill or if i was too hot i could chill out in the freezer
>came out of there smelling like warm cookies and fresh apple die
i miss it, bros. i teared up a bit while writing this post. sometimes on the weekends i get my old uniform on and head to a mcdonalds nearby with no english speakers and just pretend like i work there and they let me do my thing.

>> No.10698264


>> No.10698294

I want to believe

>> No.10698299

only part i lied about was getting bussy, honest

>> No.10698303

this is how wageslaves actually justify their miserable lives lmao


>> No.10698343

I guarantee I've been on this site since you were to young to use the internet without your mom giving you permission.

>> No.10698366

that is kind of ridiculous my friend

>> No.10698370

So you get assaulted, but charged with sexual harassment?

>> No.10698443

been here for 6

>> No.10698494

i work there i start shift in an hour or so it's ok front end chicks are easy to smash but they all have the crazies

>> No.10698526 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 942x760, family-guy-cartoon-porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I read all the shit posters on /ck/ I thing that McD. will become soon the first employer of the USA

>> No.10698697

>reeee normies
>I care about children :3
Please proof read your posts before posting them, your story loses credibility.

>> No.10698716
File: 71 KB, 600x719, 1527892324568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck everyone's opinions McD's is a great place to work, I worked there for 6 years, worked my way to to second assistant manager, made good money, my crews liked me because I didn't treat everyone like shit, the trick is to get in there and actually apply yourself, initially you'll get ostracized but the managers will notice, and you'll end up in charge of the people who ostracized you, this is when most people become dicks, lead by example and show people respect and you will get it in turn. There is a part of me that wishes I had never quit, I'd be a store manager by now making 120k + a year literally to count money and write schedules.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.10698824

Go to a temp agency in your area. Tell them what your skills are, let them evaluate you and find something for you that you might be good at.
Don't just automatically gravitate towards fast food because you don't know what else to do. It's a fucking shit job. It's demeaning work meant to "put you in your place" and if you have a half a brain you'll stay away from it if you can.

>> No.10698829

>worked my way to to second assistant manager
Stopped right there.
"durr mcd's is a good job if you get into management, I have no problem standing on the backs of other people"
No fucking shit, retard.

>> No.10698843

As a former pizza boy I'd recommend delivery as your buffer job. You will make friends and will be walking away with ~50$ of tips at the bare minimum daily.

>> No.10698849

You're not supposed to be an entry level worker forever you dope, if you want to earn and kind of success in life you have to move up. Also, that's part of why I was respected by my crew, I actually worked instead of sitting in the office or "Supervising"

>> No.10698932

Sounds pretty terrible no matter which way you cut it.. if you're looking for a good first job that could actually turn into a career, try UPS or Fed Ex/Amazon.. they always are in need of people to do the menial work of unloading tractor trailers all the way to loading the packages for delivery. It is decent pay and it gets you /fit/ at the same time and like I said, there's huge room for advancement.. at UPS they will ONLY promote from within and if you show you're not retarded you could be making 6 figures by your late 20S (I know multiple guys in the same boat as you). Look into it cause even working a day at mcdicks would make me want to kill myself

>> No.10698961

This, or get job somewhere like Coca Cola Bottling or Pepsi Bottling Ventures. Great pay, easy work, good benefits.

>> No.10698985

black male coworkers are alright senpai i'd rather work with a bunch of dudes then a shit load of females its just drama all the time with them

>> No.10699007

It's your first job. Almost everyone did something menial and dumb as their first job. My first job was as an RA in a dorm - that I got fired from. However, I ended up getting a good internship and solid $50k starting out of college


>> No.10699718

This desu. Negresses are almost always worse than black men.

>> No.10700020

did you see that dude who only eats bigmacs since the 80s? he wasn't obese or anything, so their burgers aren't that bad? it's the soda?

>When grabbing McChicken patties, try to grab 3 or so in 1 hand. DO NOT PUT MORE THAN THEY TELL YOU IN ONE BASKET. The result can be fucking hilarious, but it will ruin your whole shift.

>> No.10700070

>>if i was cold id just huddle over the grill or if i was too hot i could chill out in the freezer