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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 239 KB, 640x480, MVIMG_20180602_144216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10692662 No.10692662 [Reply] [Original]

I have a cold. I am making Chicken soup. Let's do this.

>> No.10692666

nah im good

>> No.10692667

Boil or ground the chicken bones for added nutrition boost. Real old school.

>> No.10692669
File: 216 KB, 640x480, MVIMG_20180602_151737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking chickens down. I'll use the carcasses for stock.

>> No.10692674
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Bones for your health

>> No.10692683
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Letting the meat marinate in some sesame oil, peanut oil, soy sauce, ginger and garlic while the stock is doing its thing

>> No.10692702
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Onions, celery, carrots, leek and a few herbs in the stock

>> No.10692778


>> No.10692785

he's letting his stock simmer and meat marinate, be patient sperg

>> No.10692824

Stock will be another two hours or so at least.

In the meantime. Anyone got any uses for egg yolk?

>> No.10692827

caesar salad

>> No.10692831
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Update on stock

>> No.10692833
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Prepping some other veggies while we wait

>> No.10692901

plz dont put canned corn in that soup

>> No.10692928 [DELETED] 

WRONG WRONG WRONG, you're making this shit overcomplicated. Put the whole chicken in the pot with the gizzards, add carrots, add onion season. Bowl for a hour than take everything out, cut everything up and return back to pot. Finally you add the noodles. Don't over cook them. I can't believe how bad you Americans are at cooking.

>> No.10692934

This soup already is heresy. It may or may not be good, but it's not the way my babushka intended chicken soup to be.

>> No.10692937

WRONG WRONG WRONG, you're making this shit overcomplicated. Put the whole chicken in the pot with the gizzards, add carrots, add onion and season. Boil for a hour than take everything out, cut everything up and return back to pot. Finally you add the noodles. Don't over cook them.
Looking at your pictures, I can't believe how bad you Americans are at cooking.
>Just using the chicken breasts, wasting 90% of the chicken. Why did you even buy a whole chicken holy shit???
>marinating chicken for soup....WHY????

>> No.10692942

Lol. This man has unholstered his 100% pure sperg rage.

>> No.10692957

>marinating chicken for soup....WHY????
>he's never had teriyaki chicken soup

What a sad existence you must lead in White Flagistan

>> No.10692962

While I don't approve of OP's methods anyone who thinks boiling a whole chicken for an hour makes good broth for chicken noodle soup is pretty trashy. Break that shit down first as that is not how you make stock or broth.

>> No.10692963


take your pills sperg

>> No.10692968

I have my own cultural cuisine. Unlike you Americans who have no culture and steal other people's culturally cuisine.

>> No.10692970

You Americans are plain retarded. You don't cook it on high heat retard, you cook it low and let it simmer.

>> No.10692972

Why you so angry someone’s cooking their way and not yours? That is a sign of very non functioning autism frog

>> No.10692973

OP here. I am not American but I am from a democratic country who's citizens choose not to shit in the street.

I apologise for culturally appropriating your precious chicken soup.

>> No.10692975
File: 233 KB, 403x360, African 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boil it
>you don't cook it on high heat retard
>you cook it low and let it simmer
Who doesn't know how to cook again? Are you googling culinary terms as we go?

>> No.10692978

Nah I think he just doesn’t understand English

>> No.10692981

You apprentally retard, the only culinary cuisine you ever eaten is out of mcdonalds.

>> No.10692985

Sorry for sperging out, you wasting a whole chicken just to use the breasts for soup triggered the fuck out of me.

>> No.10692987

Whatever buddy. Enjoy boiling whole chickens to make stock and broth like some crazy voodoo priest.

>> No.10692992


>> No.10692995

i don't know about you guys but the spergier the board the better for me
we shouldn't be discouraging this kind of fun shit

>> No.10693004

I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say here.

Somehow I am wasting whole chickens by removing the meat to add to the soup later, and then using the carcass to make stock? But your idea of throwing a whole chicken into a pot of water and boiling it for one hour is somehow better and less wasteful.

Please try to explain your reasoning.

>> No.10693010

Agreed. If only the robots could cook.

>> No.10693011

I've been cooking for 18 years and I never boil a whole chicken for stock nor chicken soup. all you need is backs and necks

>> No.10693016

Supposedly feet are good for the amount of collagen you get from all the joints? Is there truth to that?

>> No.10693044

feet are fantastic too - exactly for that reason

>> No.10693051
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Stocks coming along nicely.

>> No.10693055

Insanely good for that reason. You can get three to four quarts of stock that's the consistency of jello when cooled for one pound of chicken feet, which cost all of about 1.50-2.00USD/lb here.

>> No.10693092

Could you not reasonably:
1. throw the whole chicken in the stock
2. take off meat after it has cooked
3. return bones to get more bone flavor
4. dispose carcass
5. return cooked chicken to pot

>> No.10693103

Stupid fucking yuro. OP's method isn't perfect but how about you go one thread without obsessing about Americans?

>> No.10693114

You could. I didn't.

>> No.10693162

no that is fine. i suppose the other anon just thinks your way is over complicating it a bit, but it really doesn't matter.

>> No.10693165

so you think the chicken feet alone would be good for a stock?

>> No.10693225
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>culinary cuisine

>> No.10693233
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Not that guy, but...
You're putting all the meat into the soup anyhow right fucker? Then just let the flavor all go into the soup. Bland liquid + semi-flavor meat < unctuous broth + reduced-flavor meat.
Das it mayn.

>> No.10693238
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/ck/ lol

>> No.10693258


>> No.10693290
File: 232 KB, 480x640, MVIMG_20180602_194925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock done. Removing bones and shit then regarding the chicken.

>> No.10693292
File: 260 KB, 480x640, MVIMG_20180602_195910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking up the marinated chicken. Smells great. Added corn and creamed corn to the stock too.

>> No.10693299


Cut the majority of the meat off and cook the main skeleton/bones.

Cook the meat some other way like marinating it >>10692683 style

>> No.10693300
File: 198 KB, 480x640, MVIMG_20180602_201105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in. Going to leave this for a bit to thicken up.

>> No.10693304

This man is correct.

>> No.10693337
File: 3.58 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20180602_202752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirred in some egg whites and spring onion. Its done.

>> No.10693346
File: 97 KB, 1024x831, 1526833090339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great anon, get well soon.

>> No.10693357

Thank you, kind friend.

>> No.10693407

good thread, good soup
thanks for the oc lad

>> No.10693463
File: 238 KB, 640x480, IMG_20180602_213142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should be enough soup to kill three colds. Freezes well.

>> No.10693477

excellent work
how'd it taste?

>> No.10693485

Looks nice and rich bro, would eat

>> No.10693487

Yeah it's fantastic. Loaded it with ginger to help with the cold, and the taste of the broth is great. The chicken is perhaps a little too oniony after the marinate, but nothing too severe. All in all, it's a very decent soup so I'm glad I have so much of it.

>> No.10693490

I didn't know these types of posters existed, he's like 79 wpm, saliva all over the screen creating little rainbow droplets, mom calling to quiet down, brother playing video games trying to explain on the mic what the commotion is to his friends
>oh that's anon... he's my brother
neck vein bulging, sipping on the perfect bowl of chicken soup.

>> No.10693567

The literary arts have found you well

>> No.10693943
File: 15 KB, 201x200, 1527465339317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10693952

But I'm French so I know more about cooking than you, Muhabong.

>> No.10693987

I hate what you've become.

>> No.10695005

I make a lot of soup and don't ever actually read up on how to cook, just sort of learn as I go. I should probably start asking questions, first one:
Generally speaking so long as all the flavors fit the more things I put in the stock the better it will turn out, I just want fucking everything in there, right? Also what herbs do you usually use in your generic stock? I usually only put in thyme.

>> No.10695008

Cook hard then crumble over salad or rice. Also brush over dough before baking.

>> No.10695011

Flat leaf parsley goes well with vegetable soups if you use a chicken stock base. Nice compliment of flavours.

>> No.10695014

Do you think he threw the rest of the chicken out? Do you live in a country without freezers?

>> No.10695018

>Generally speaking so long as all the flavors fit the more things I put in the stock the better it will turn out
For starters, yes. Variety is a good thing. But at a point it can become absurd and you can't taste one thing apart from another. I like to combine complimentary flavors, but don't overdo it and toss the whole fridge in there.

>>generic stock
Zero herbs. Meat only. The moment you add herbs you have limited its usefulness. Add the herbs to your finished dish.

For example, if you make a chicken stock with nothing but chicken then you could use that for just about any nationality's dishes. But once you stick thyme it in it then it's useless for most Asian dishes.

>> No.10695020

I'd eat the right-most chicken

>> No.10695023

God damn I never get that much when I make soup. I need a bigger pot, or smaller bowls.

>> No.10695040

Thanks, parsley is pretty cheap too.

>Zero herbs

That's good because I can rarely afford fresh herbs. I'm not about to add dry herbs to stock either, that just sounds awful. Half the reason I make soup is to save money.
My usual is: Onions, carrots, maybe celery, broccoli stems, chicken/turkey bones, sometimes I'll add scraps like potato skins I didn't peel thin enough.

>> No.10695341

>Meat only
I agree with this but would qualify with "meat scraps and bones only." We make a lot of different countries foods and using the standard french stock with for example nip, chink, thai or gook food won't work. Those seasonings like bay, thyme and even the mirepoix don't match the eastern spices.

>> No.10695355

All these ass eaters on here. The soup looks like shit, stop being in denial.

>> No.10695365

That is a crowded motherfucking pan.

>> No.10695387

>expecting ck to know jack shit about cooking
Pretty much any oc that isn't intentionally made poorly is praised just because it's oc, no matter how garbage it actually is. It's really pathetic.

>> No.10695418

Your chicken soup is a hideous abomination.

>> No.10695420

I use chicken feet to make bone broth, but also put in fish heads, and cow bones. They all have different types of collagen, and it's good to mix them up.

>> No.10695691

good thread, OP, always nice to see some OC on this godforsaken board!