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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 774x601, BMIChart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10690628 No.10690628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how fat are you, /ck/?


>> No.10690634

morbidly obese

>> No.10690641


>> No.10690645

>fatty that doesn't believe in bmi because muh bobybuilders

>> No.10690646

overweight, but it's all muscle i swear

>> No.10690649

>skinnyfat jawlet thinks he's healthy

>> No.10690654

300lb 5'11 but I regularly exercise now.

Also I probably bake better than u.

>> No.10690657

Morbidly Obese but like, I don't think I'm that bad. I can walk for 2-3 hours in a nature preserve and I have no real mobility issues (outside of getting in.out of a sportscar)

>> No.10690660

How is your mile time and big three looking?

>> No.10690665

>6', 165 lb
>starting to lift, could bench 95, squat 145

>130 lb
>pretty sure all of the little muscle I had is gone
>ribs visible, etc.
>thought of food is nauseating
>never feel even a bit hungry
>force-feed myself about 1000 cals a day
>last month, I forgot to eat for 2.5 days until my roommate reminded me

I used to enjoy cooking.

>> No.10690672

Bad, I will say that, but I can run it (indoors, I got medication that makes it so I can't really tolerate heat) in under 10

>> No.10690694

155 5'11 perfection

>> No.10690699

/fa/ pls

>> No.10690715

post before after pics, mr skellington

>> No.10690724

6'2 ~202
I've got some flab to lose but I'm also stronger than I've ever been

>> No.10690730

I would but I never bought a phone or a camera so the last picture I have is from around 2012 with my parents.

solid colored t shirt, chino shorts, canvas shoes. doesn't look too bad imo

>> No.10690772

honest question, how do you even become morbidly obese - I don't think its even possible for me to eat that much without making myself sick

>> No.10690797

according to that shit I'm normal but I consider myself underweight.

>> No.10690806

1) Soda
2) Presto infesto, you've got the depresso
3) Bread, which feeds into the depresso

>> No.10690830

Eating fast food. It's very calorie dense but you're hungry again in a couple hours.

>> No.10690835

Yeah, I had reached a low point in my life and was abusing caffeine pills so I'd go a day or two without sleeping every week and what sleep I did get was bad. Plus I lived above a 24/7 takeout place that did fried shit and candy so I never left my dorm and just ate garbage & didn't sleep. I was always big but it pushed me over the edge.

I've lost some weight and I'm active again but like, weight's really hard to lose permanently. I just make sure I get some exercise and eat a healthy diet (though too much sometimes) with lots of vegetables & complex grains instead of fried everything.

Also for lots of people eating healthy is expensive and if you're working a lot you don't have time to do healthy cheap stuff so it's a vicious cycle

>> No.10690895

160lbs 5'10 but am too fat.
Part of it being DYEL, another because my I have rather long legs.

>> No.10690918

6-1 185 healthy but would like to be 170.

>> No.10690930

i'm a bit chubby but BMI tells me i'm normal weight

>> No.10690934
File: 93 KB, 640x800, 1497622507083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10690944

These charts are shit.
I'm 220lbs @ 6'2 and lift every day.
I can't even grab a small handful of flab.

>> No.10690951

post pics then

>> No.10690957


>> No.10691006

borderline overweight

>> No.10691008

Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding.

Finally someone says it.

BMI a shit indicator of health.

- runner and exercise a lot

>> No.10691014

For euros, "big three" likely means 3 miles, or 5k

>> No.10691017

Morbidly Obese. But, I'm genuinely trying, Motherfucker. Been walking and going to the gym for the past month or two and doing a 2000 a day diet. I don't know exactly how much weight I lost, but my shirts and pants fit much better. And I did loose 7lbs from when I started weighing myself. Also, I quit beer and pop.

>> No.10691028

6'3", 300 lbs. morbidly obese :-(

>> No.10691032

Big three means bench, squat, and deadlift

>> No.10691034

This chart says I have to be like 160lbs to be "normal"?? I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.10691042

if you're a manlet and weigh <160lbs, yes you're fat

>> No.10691051

Keep it up, man! Good for you. I'm 320 and 6'2". I just started going to the gym daily.

>> No.10691054

So according to this I’m morbidly obese, but I’m not even that big. I definitely look overweight but definitely not morbidly obese. Wtf

>> No.10691061

I'd be happy to be 200 lbs, which still would be overweight, according to this bullshit chart.

>> No.10691062
File: 86 KB, 526x701, 1523931450048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it, anon

>> No.10691065

2 pl8, 3+pl8, deadlift? I'm a runner. I do HIIT and hill sprints. Probably somewhere around 450 max, but I like my joints

>> No.10691072

not the guys you quoted, but for me it was a recipe of
hitting my mid 30s
getting a much more serious job
being in a relationship that took a lot of work and ended badly
not having time to exercise
eating big ass ribeyes for dinner like 3 times a week
attempting to cook myself a lot of mexican food with fatty canned refried beans
drinking a lot of beer

I gained like 60 lbs over the course of maybe 4 months. I went from being barely in the "obese" zone to the "morbidly obese" zone.

>> No.10691074
File: 1.20 MB, 2576x1932, 1522794622910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you tell me

>> No.10691078

Morbidly obese, but I can do a 5k on a treadmill (at a slight incline) in 36-40 minutes. I can also do 20-30 pushups.

>> No.10691083

Overweight borderjng normal

>> No.10691087


>> No.10691088

Thanks, man.

>> No.10691115

twink faggots fuck off

maybe in your next life you'll have an actual man's body

>> No.10691119

Borderline underweight
eating is hard

>> No.10691139
File: 38 KB, 500x384, Superfood-Side-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started out at 230 pounds (105 kg) at the start of last month, but today I weighed 220 pounds (100 kg). Height is 70 inches (1.78 m), FYI, and long-term goal is to reach ideal BMI weight of 150 pounds (68 kg).

Stuff I did to lose 10 pounds in one month:
I've been ordering pic related from Chick-fil-A a lot for lunch. The Superfood side. I get that a medium diet soda, and nothing else.
It is possible to lose weight while still eating fast food; you just have to stick to salads and pretty much avoid any fast food chain that doesn't have more than one entree salad on their menu.
I also limited bread intake, including liquid bread (beer). Limiting carbs as much as possible is an express ticket for weight loss.
Exercise is important, too, of course. I go to a local gym where I walk/run a 5K (3.1 miles) on a treadmill twice a week.
I also do some simple bench pressing and curls, plus sit-ups.

Controlling what and how much you eat and exercise are key components, but the main component for success, just like with anything else, is persistence. You are not going to reach your ideal weight overnight; it will take months, and you have to stay committed. Just be a man, tell yourself you're going to do it, and then go do it.

>> No.10691144

I'm "underweight" but that's because i don't have a shred of muscle on me
i got plenty of fat

>> No.10691163

Normal huh I have a layer of fat covering muh abs tho... Just like 5ibs at most. Can run mile in 11min. Anyone have this issue?

>> No.10691164

This is silly. I won't deny that I'm overweight but I'm very fucking far from obese.

>> No.10691182

stfu fatty

>> No.10691185

not for long though, keep it up >>10691139

>> No.10691188

>diet soda

>> No.10691197 [DELETED] 

>You can change your vote
Quick everyone change your vote to underweight

>> No.10691201

Oh. No nevermind.

>> No.10691207

Except that's actually a valid point you fucking retard.

>> No.10691209

5'8", 140lbs
I run a lot, and casually do martial arts. want to gain more weight, any tips?

>> No.10691214

>118 lbs

Apparently underweight. I'm pretty skinnyfat as it is but I want to put on muscle

>> No.10691227

5'7", 137lb. Used to be around 125. For some reason I weigh more now despite the fact that I eat like once a day and actually have trouble finishing meals. Wonder if it's my meds.

>> No.10691231

Do you like beer?

>> No.10691232

147 lbs

I was 138 lbs when I quit amphetamines and now it's slowly coming back. I'll probably level out around 150-155 lbs. No exercise btw I spend most of the day in bed on my computer.

>> No.10691233

Good for you, Anon. Keep it up.

>> No.10691237
File: 1.56 MB, 245x175, god_she_was_hot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normal. It's nice because I'm not obese and disgusting!

>> No.10691238

why the fuck are you trying to give weight loss advice when you're still a huge fat piece of shit? you only lost 10 pounds out of 80.

>> No.10691247

I hover between normal/underweight, but I'm also a drunkorexic so it depends on what my drink of the month is

>> No.10691250

In my defense, the only reason I got this fat is because whenever I go to your Mom's house, she makes me a sandwich afterwards.

>> No.10691259

what caused this change?

Wish i could return to near skelly

>> No.10691263

Technically obese. Visually no one would think I am though. I'm just overweight, probably low 20's bf%. That is a bit of cope when it comes to BMI though, right? Being a shit brickhouse at 40bmi still has an markedly increased cardiac risk over normal bodyweight.

>> No.10691275

tetering between overweight and normal

>> No.10691289

5'10" and 195 pounds

I bench 2pl8 though

>> No.10691312

120, 5' 11"

healthy for my frame

>> No.10691339

Who knows, I've been working from home for years now, shitty diet and whatnot and even then im 6'5" and 280. Yeah, defo overweight but seeing the people that look as if you've ducktaped pillows to their limbs I keep wondering what the fuck do you need to eat and do to get there.

>> No.10691343

why, can it really make me fat?

>> No.10691349

Used to be 350.
Stopped drinking soda and eating fast food.
Ended up eating what felt like way more but the weight just dropped off of me. If any of you were raised poorly just dont eat absolutely shit and you'll be fine. Today I weight 243, and at 6'3 my doctor told me I was going in a good direction. Feels good.

>> No.10691463

well bodybuilders/weightlifters/etc are generally healthier than fatties overall (bloatmaxxers excluded), BMI can indicate heart/cardiovascular health prospects because being fat or muscular are both hard on the heart

>> No.10691471

>why, can it really make me fat?
Beer is basically liquid bread, and bread is carb city.

>> No.10691501
File: 28 KB, 641x914, faaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you

>> No.10691508

this is very appealing to me.
the thing is, I eat a lot of starch. I usually have a big ass bowl of rice with every meal (asian) and I only have one other friend who eats more than I do. He actually did recently say something about cutting drinking to get back into shape, so maybe there's hope for me in the bottle...

>> No.10691531
File: 15 KB, 540x540, 1527881959563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 22, 6'2 250lbs
>At my graduation photos I look fat as fuck, decide to do something about it
>Start lifting, tracking calories, and stop eating out
>Get down to 180lbs in a year, have a six pack for the first time in my life, have people approach me at the gym and congratulate me on my progress, girls at my work start smiling at me
>Get an injury and stop going to the gym for a few months, never really get back into it, stop eating clean
>Slowly gain the weight back, back up to 230 on my 27th birthday
>I always manage to get 10 or 15 down then go back to old habits

Sometimes I feel like just giving up and being fat, I don't understand how it was so easy at 22.

>> No.10691547

You're built like a girl

>> No.10691552

>going to the doctor to confirm you lost weight

>> No.10691553

She's a runner. Runners are hot.

>> No.10691565

5'10" 190lbs alcoholic so 27ish BMI

Without booze I would be a hungry 140 lb skeletor

>> No.10691574

My fren: Do stuff that won't injure you again like just run or eliptical... you cant get injured again like with weights...don't haveto be scared of same thing happening again

>> No.10691577

Silenced untoned man of lesser stature, running requires pain tolerance and pays off in dividends unmatched.

If you're a little bitch a mile is hard

>> No.10691583

Oh, I misread your post. You are promoting cardio. My bad. Sorry

>> No.10691704

I thought I was skelly mode at 160lb...