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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 280 KB, 1124x749, yerbamate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10688380 No.10688380 [Reply] [Original]

It has a lot of nutriment and makes you fill very good and your skin all glowy and healthy.

However, it does contain caffeine (or theine if you prefer), so it gives you a extra boost of energy. Albeit it apparently act differently on your body than Coffee's cafeine. It is described as "All the benefits of coffee without the incoveniant".

I never drink coffee but I consume Yerba Mate and it makes me feel awesome everytime I take it and I can go 2 weeks without it and it doesn't seem to have any (addictive) crave toward it, like no addiction...But maybe I wrong ?

I just want to know, do you think that your brain can be chemically and neurologically addicted to Yerba Mate just like it would with Coffee ? I want to live a life without addictions and if Yerba Mate is bad for me in the long run, I'm ready to moderate it heavily.

Thank you.

>> No.10688391

Fuck off soygoy

>> No.10688403
File: 482 KB, 1179x677, Pew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How dare you ?

>> No.10688432

Fuck if I know, is this stuff legal in the US?

>> No.10688434


Eh...It's just green tea...A special form of tea, it should be available in the US.

>> No.10688466

It's illegal here in California because it causes cancer

>> No.10688475

>Can Yerba Mate (Tea) be considered bad if consumed daily ?

Source ?

>> No.10688521

gr8 yerba m8

>> No.10688541

if that were anything remotely toxic or addictive the whole population of Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and even some of Brazil would be already dead
stop being a fucking pussy

>> No.10688551

Caffeine is caffeine, retard. Tea just contains l-theanine in addition to caffeine which counteracts some of the jitteriness of the caffeine

>> No.10688825

well it's not really tea, completely different plant and brewing method. But argies have been drinking several gourdfuls every day and they live just fine. It's also quite legal in the US, and everything causes cancer if you listen to CA so I wouldn't listen to them

>> No.10688842

Caffeine wakes up cancers inside you. It’s poisonous.

>> No.10688847

Is this bro science or mom science?

>> No.10688881

you got me your post makes me really angry.

i suggest you do your own research, you will have to filter information coming from this site anyway.
i also suggest if you enjoy drinking yerba mate and you can go 2 full weeks without any (addictive) crave toward it, you might just really like the drink. might be the best to stop thinking (baiting) too much and just have a nice cup every other day.

>> No.10688890

You could say the same for cigarettes you fucking idiot

>> No.10688914

Medical science

>> No.10688928

And what South American country do you hail from?

>> No.10688977

El Salvador. It is paradise on earth

>> No.10689134

it probably elevates your risk for a few cancers

>> No.10689152

Caffeine addiction hardly matters, unless your source is energy drinks since those things are oversweet canned heart attacks. A better word is dependence since it's excessively difficult to ruin your life as a result of caffeine, so "addiction" has the baggage of association with narcotics.

Anyway, yerba mate is probably the best possible caffeinated drink for people that don't want to be "caffeine users" and it's almost a spiritual thing

>> No.10689259

Jesus, I guess you don't mind the gangs, then

>> No.10689314

Yes its as bad for you as tobacco if you want theobromine drink tablespoons of chocolate powder

>> No.10689318

No its not its a stimulant holly plant its not green tea in any way and it isnt even chemicslly similair its theobromine which ISNT caffiene. Its better for you in a lot of ways but itvwill give you colon cancer

>> No.10689319

Hibiscus tea masterrace reporting in.

>> No.10689326

Once again its not tea and its not caffiene its theobromine and its a vasodialotor they smoke the leaves and when you steep the leaves you drink all the shit that stuck to the leaves and thats why it tastes smokey because its surrounded in soot which you then drink. If someone told you its tea they were retarded its literally in no way related to tea

>> No.10689328

Addiction is a precursor to dependence. How the fuck do you think physically requiring a substance to function normally doesn't sound worse than having cravings for it?

>> No.10689335

It contains "mateine", a stereoisomer of caffeine (so basically just caffeine) as well as l-theanine. Mate contains less caffeine than coffee but more than green tea.

>> No.10689336

El Salvador isn't South America.

>> No.10689339

No thats not a fucking thing

>> No.10689340


>> No.10689344

There is no such thing as a stereoisomer of caffiene.

There are xanthines

Theobromine and caffiene are xanthines as well as a few other things you wouldnt bother consuming

Chocolate and yerba contain theobromine. Not caffiene.

>> No.10689347

I was wrong that caffeine has a stereoisomer, but mate does in fact contain caffeine.

>> No.10689352

Yeah but i mean when people talk about how it feels different than coffee its because of the high theobromine content and theo(phyline)??? I cant be bohered to google if thats what its called or not. Regardless the variation in effect one feels from yerba to coffee is from the higher amount of the other xanthines in yerba which dont exist in other beverages

>> No.10689370

I do prefer it to coffee because it helps me focus much better in comparison. I also ingested basically a gallon in the course of two hours from my gourd and it felt like I was in a dream, almost euphorically high, coffee would've probably just given me a heart attack at that level

>> No.10689381
File: 8 KB, 907x88, asscohol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's fucking coffee

You're already physically dependent on food and water, adding 1 more substance that hurts you less than food when you skip it for a day is hardly A Dark Place

And let me refine my statement: Whereas with other drugs you're much more likely to have a mental addiction prior to a physical dependence, you're likely to have physical dependence before mental addiction with caffeine, since it's a mild stimulant and not some insane euphoriant that makes the depression go away and makes you want to be alive instead of dead.

>> No.10689387

Physical addiction precedes dependence learn what words mean.

>> No.10689420
File: 41 KB, 512x433, 1527216198830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physical addiction precedes dependence
>Physical dependence precedes physical dependence

"Addiction—or compulsive drug use despite harmful consequences—is characterized by an inability to stop using a drug; failure to meet work, social, or family obligations; and, sometimes (depending on the drug), tolerance and withdrawal. The latter reflect physical dependence in which the body adapts to the drug, requiring more of it to achieve a certain effect (tolerance) and eliciting drug-specific physical or mental symptoms if drug use is abruptly ceased (withdrawal)."

Really lacking merit there, bud

>> No.10689449

...and about refined sugars
...and fucking oxygen
go fuck yourself

>> No.10689473
File: 82 KB, 750x1000, pajarito pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drinking it regularly for the past three years, and I have yet to notice any negative effects.
I'm not addicted, since I can easily go weeks without drinking the stuff.

One thing I can say is that you slowly get accustomed to the caffeine and it doesn't work as well as it used to, unless you take one or two months of break.

I really recommend this stuff - it works longer than both coffee and energy drinks, is fairly inexpensive, contains lots of vitamins and seems to have no real downsides (most brands do contain some carcirogens just like coffee, but you can just buy one of the brands that are dried with hot air instead of smoke).

Right now drinking it Terere-style (cold brew) with some fresh mint.

>> No.10689576

I've been drinking mate regularly since high school and haven't noticed any ill effects. Like some of the others here, I can go for weeks or months without drinking it and not feel any addiction, however, the same goes for coffee. I can drink it every day for three months and then drink it once a week or not at all for another three, so I may not be a good example.
The only bad effect I ever had from mate was drinking about 10 cups in a row while studying for a physics exam back in college, on an empty stomach. It made me throw up, but then again, I think coffee probably would have too.

>> No.10689597

>makes you less hungry or not hungry at all
>wakes you up and keeps you awake arguably better than coffee
>the kick is not as strong but last longer and no caffeine crash
>quite cheap, you can dry used yerba and reuse
For a student with no funds its a god sent.

>> No.10689602

The traditional way of drinking it is boiling hot, and constantly burning the shit out of your mouth causes throat cancer. Let it cool down like you would any other drink and you're fine.

>> No.10689605

regular tea is bad for you if consumed daily

>> No.10689616

You dont know shit, if you boil it it will be ruined after one or two sips, it has to be hot but NOT boiled. Do you want to get throat cancer and drink shit mate?

>> No.10689619

ideal mate steeping temp is around 70 to 80 degrees (Celsius)
I don't know how much is that on F
if you're burning yourself while drinking mate you're doing it wrong

>> No.10689657

don't let it cool down, just do Terere (cold brew)
also if you use 70 degree water it's pretty much ideal tea temperature

>> No.10689678

>just do Terere (cold brew)
this is good, but have you tried doing it with freshly squeezed lemon/orange juice?
it's the fucking tits

>> No.10689944

I haven't, but I did try it with beer
wouldn't really recommend

>> No.10690082


>> No.10690119

They are an integral part to El Salvadoran society and culture

>> No.10690129

>stereoisomer has the same effects as the original molecule
Nice science bro

>> No.10690202

Yerba mate is alright but it still has caffeine in it.
/ck/ is unaware of any alternatives to caffeine so yerba mate may actually be necessary for now.

>> No.10690489

>alternatives to caffeine
cocaine isn't a viable alternative m8

>> No.10690618

So did they also ban processed meat given that it's a group 1 carcinogen? What about red meat which is a group 2a carcinogen?

>> No.10690929

fuck at this point i'll have some of that
nobody can give me viable solutions so i'll go for cocaine if I can get access to it

>> No.10690961

>It's better for you.
>So much better.
>But you will get asshole cancer.

>> No.10691076

You're a huge pussy if you can't consume caffeine. Like seriously, unless you have a heart condition you're just a dumb ascetic.

>> No.10691160

Does any normal person drink mate? It's always those weird smelling hipsterfucks.

>> No.10691689

Gonna need a source for that.

Otherwise its bullshit. the only thing they say causes cancer is anything with hot temperatures, as it can damage cells and in the process maybe cause mutations in the regeneration of damaged cells.

>> No.10693063

Argie here, been drinking mate my whole life. I normally drink at least 1 - 1.5 lts a day.
It's not addictive at all, but once you get used to it , it becomes part of your daily life, so if you don 't drink for a day you feel like missing something. Also it makes me shit on schedule.
Some times I add a teaspoon of coffee just for flavoring or some dry citric peel. When its summer we drink it with ice and cold fruit juice, it's called terere.
Remember that it's a very social beverage, it's commonly shared with people you love and means a conversation is about to start.
Cons: Its a little acid and irritates a little your intestines, so if your having some stomach o digestive problem you should avoid it.

>> No.10693104


>> No.10693113

lo tomo casi 5 veces por dia
lo unico malo seria que te agarre cagadera

>> No.10693135

Sure, I just put it in paper filters like normal tea.
The traditional way with gourd and bombilla is too annoying to clean. (And I only want a cup, not drink a full liter)

>> No.10693354

you don't need months to get your tolerance down.

I quit coffee in like a week (by switching to black tea actually, so not even completely) and managed to get an uncomfy heartrate and sweating from my first mug of coffee after that.

>> No.10693413

Yah I was on it for 2-3 weeks terere style a couple of years ago and it was amazing. But I had to stop because it was triggering my tinnitus really badly.

Shame, because a few botés of this shit a day instead of tea/coffee is really nice.

>> No.10693430

And Skittles and m&ms and weed and McDonald's. Go fuck yourself let me smoke and drink what I want.

>> No.10693433

Then why are they all coming up north to America?

If it was really paradise the Mexicans would stay down their with you.