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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 28 KB, 800x419, gordon-pizza-fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10683689 No.10683689 [Reply] [Original]

There's a circle in Hell reserved just for those who put pineapple on pizza.

>> No.10683700


but that's wrong.

pineapple/jalapeno/bacon/pepperoni masterrace

>> No.10683710

No it isn't you soppy cunt. If you want sweetness, thats what the tomato is for.

>> No.10683716

>pineapplefags trying to take a bunch of good topping down with them

This is why garlic/pesto/white sauces are always better tbqh.

>> No.10683720

No, the citrus of the pineapple compliments the ham, that's why ham and pineapple works you tastelet.

>> No.10683724

>listening to a celebrity chef

>> No.10683725

>garlic/pesto/white sauces
Someone with class. Though a sauce made with fresh Roma tomatoes and sea salt works well.

>> No.10683728

the enzymes in the pineapple also help digest the ham aiding in digestion

>> No.10683729

But not on fucking pizza ya daft bastard!

>> No.10683736

What the fuck did you just say about Gordon Ramsay you little fucking manlet? Your time here is up, pack the fuck up and go back to fucking r*ddit. He is respected here.

>> No.10683737


have you ever even tried it? it's really good, dude.


this guy fucks

>> No.10683740

No faggot, cooking at 450 F for 5-6 mins will denature your pineapple's faggy enzymes

Pineapple is shit pizza topping

>> No.10683748

Pineapple is great on roasted pork but not on a pizza. it ruins the harmony of sauce, dough, and cheese.

>> No.10683750
File: 479 KB, 1382x1054, Screenshot 2018-05-30 at 8.27.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this debate is fucking dumb
a troll at this point
maybe eben a psyop
nothing wrong w a bacon pineapple pizza

>> No.10683754


>> No.10683759


>t. tastelet

no way, man. it balances the heat from the jalapenos or preferably a spicy red sauce. I agree that they should be really well drained and dry or else they make the pizza too wet, but aside from that it's great

>> No.10683761

>pineapple citrus

>> No.10683767

when did you start eating?

>> No.10683769

The only pepper allowed on pizza is a fire roasted sweet pepper you fucking pleb

>> No.10683773


I wasn't going to be "that guy", but I chuckled at that too.


I've been at it for a little while. why, what's up?

>> No.10683781


are you shittin me?

>green pepper
>banana pepper
>hot sweet peppers
>pepper flake

all those to choose from and you seriously go with roasted red pepper? lmao wow just end it you fucking queer

>> No.10683785

'za is pretty much an open sandwich. You can put whatever your heart desires on your 'za.

>> No.10683787

This is a redditor meme argument

>> No.10683790

Roasted red peppers are the best to complement other toppings.

>> No.10683795

I would eat the hell out of that.

>> No.10683796

Good god THIS tbqh. Literally perfection.

>> No.10683797

Who doesn't love a good dumpster fire?

>> No.10683803

i agree with most of it but green peppers can fuck off

>> No.10683804

I bet your faggot ass loves Spam sushi

>> No.10683808

>throwing an overwhelming sweet topping into a dish that's supposed to be savory
You know all the people that complain about something being too spicy for them to taste anything other than fire? This is exactly what pineapple does to a pizza. Just eat a fucking pineapple if that's all you want to taste.

>> No.10683813

Or drink a premixed pina colada if you have no fucking taste.

>> No.10683816


>best complements other toppings

you are aware that different foods go better than others with other different foods, right? you might not have known the term but they're called "flavors". some jive and some don't.


i love green pepper with pepperoni/onion/mushroom. basically supreme pizza minus sausage.. can we take a second to discuss what a trash pizza topping sausage is? pineapple is the only thing that makes it tolerable.

>> No.10683824

This. I fucking love pineapple and sour fruit in general, but I don't understand this meme of mixing them with other sweets/carbs/etc.

Culinary fruits imo are the one thing that are always better by themselves. Meats, veggies, grains, etc etc are all way better with seasonings, herbs, oils, sauces, cheeses, other meats/veggies/grains, but not fruits.

>> No.10683825

The only good sausage is what Chicago style uses. Without fennel.

>> No.10683828

>can we take a second to discuss what a trash pizza topping sausage is?
Jesus christ dude don't even talk to me

>> No.10683832

Fennel ruins good quality sausage

>> No.10683835


>what is brie and fruit/jam/bread
>what is grits with maple syrup
>what is Americanized Chinese food
>what are pickled berries

you are such a tastelet, jesus.

>> No.10683841

Fake news, all inferior to just eating the raw fruit by itself tbQUITEh.

>> No.10683843


fennel is based in sausage


how fat are you?

>> No.10683856

Fennel ruins pork

>> No.10683869


take it back.. fennel is the best vegetable.

>fennel bulb
>fennel fronds
>fennel pollen
>fennel seed
>fennel flower

is there anything those lil guys CANT do?? dill is also based af and similar in a lot of ways.

>> No.10683996

The seeds overpower meat.

>> No.10684019
File: 17 KB, 233x251, stupid muh fukka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, my opinion is different from someone else's!!
>Why the fuck would you care?

>> No.10684028

>not putting the pineapple in the sauce

>> No.10684034

Take a pineapple and shove it up your ass. Repeatedly.

>> No.10684065

>not putting the pineapple in the crust

>> No.10684066

>not putting the crust in the garbage and eating more food.

>> No.10684073

>not sexually identifying as a pineapple
Step up nigger

>> No.10684082


>> No.10684094

pineapple, ham, jalapeno. If you don't like pineapple on pizza you probably like to suck dick.

>> No.10684097


german/Ukrainian. why? other races eat jalapenos, bud.

>> No.10684098

> taking cooking advise from a footballer

>> No.10684103

>If you like pineapple on pizza, then you probably like to suck dick

>> No.10684104

I think I just got used to only Mexicans ordering that

>> No.10684108

Only a dick sucker who is in denial would take the effort to make such a post. How much dick did you suck last night? Faggot.

>> No.10684119

You act like sucking dick is a taboo grandpa. Get with the times.

>> No.10684135

you are a pretentious faggot that sucks dick for caring about what people like on pizza

>> No.10684147

And you're a filthy blasphemous peasant that would sully good pizza with shitty meme fruit.

>> No.10684224

With the exception of chinese food (which is just too wide) they're all examples where the fruit dominates the flavor profile.

>> No.10684230

if you could only get two toppings on a pizza what would you choose

>> No.10684236

This is why peasants never achieve. They argue over stupid shit.

>> No.10684239

this minus pepperoni

>> No.10684260

Mushroom and black olives.

>> No.10684328

You're just as much in the shit as everyone else.

>> No.10684336

Yup, reddit as fuck. Le outrage over pineapple :DDDD

>> No.10684340

Salty and sweet is an incredibly basic taste combination.

>> No.10684348

Pineapple's a combination of sour and sweet which makes it just the right amount of disgusting to be combined with something salty

It's why it doesn't work on pizza but caramelized onion does

>> No.10684401

>caramelized onion
Oh boy, now you've done it. /ck/ shits on those (because they're tasteless plebs)

>> No.10684403

Swap pepperoni with ham and youve got the true patrician pizza

>> No.10684408

Pineapple and ham a pizza they don't make

>> No.10684410

Remove pepperoni. Fucking gross non-meat is what it is. It's a ball of grease.

>> No.10684413

Spam sushi is a pretty big thing in Hawaii, and it's good.

>> No.10684419

Gotta side with Zimmern, Spam is just disgusting.

>> No.10684435

Plus i would say Hawaiians who love spam should burn, but they kinda already are.

>> No.10684436

Pineapple and ham is the best combo on pizza ever. EVERY Super Bowl party I host I order two and anybody that grabs a slice gets invited again next year.

Cook it. It's just salty hot dog. You use a little bit and the rice offsets the immense salt flavor. That or put some wasabi fumi furikake on that shit.

>> No.10684437

no one mentioned eating jalapeno and pineapple until I told yall my preferred toppings a long time ago

>> No.10684442

Mango and habenero is kino.

>> No.10684445

Anchovies and onions.

>> No.10684447

Mango and Tajin is also kino.

>> No.10684448

never had roasted mango

>> No.10684455

Why you gotta smother the 1015 onion with fish?

>> No.10684459

Pineapple doesn't belong on anything.

>> No.10684460

Spam even when cooked is utter shit and i would never waste wasabi on it.

>> No.10684463

Except slow roasted pork.

>> No.10684521

Pepperoni, cheese, AND NO SAUCE.

>> No.10684527

How about you try living without blood.

>> No.10684530
File: 431 KB, 819x400, Left Side Sausage Pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn dude.

>> No.10684533

Who the fuck orders that?!

>> No.10684541

Someone who wants to see if they'd do it.

>> No.10684554

caramelized onions are okay they just need to be put on the right things

>> No.10684565

Like a grass fed, antibiotic free burger with havarti cheese

>> No.10684639

pineapple isn't even an option at the place I deliver for currently

>> No.10684649

Pineapple and pepperoni is god tier.

Ham/bacon on pizza sucks tho.

>> No.10684661

At least your place has decency.

>> No.10684666

Pineapple is for peasants with no taste.

>> No.10684687

>where pineapple belongs
>based satan

>> No.10684689
File: 238 KB, 590x393, ED50F00E-830F-4069-9E7A-5A835770BB57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mandarin orange slices on pizza, even better than pineapple chunks

>> No.10684695
File: 50 KB, 300x300, 7009_DEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the people who care about pineapple on pizza are the same faggots that make having a rare steak a big deal, both are losers who use products to make up for their lack of personality

>> No.10684713

I hope your mother beats the shit out of you.

>> No.10684717

Only a faggot says 'za for shit's sake.

>> No.10684719

A meat lovers with mushroom and olive is the perfect pizza. Preferably on white sauce.

>> No.10684733

>don't like pineapple on pizza
>don't like rare steak

What now faggot?

>> No.10684743

you misunderstood my post noob

>> No.10684771

> sweet tomato sauce
Fucking burgers and their HFCS
Tomato sauce is not sweet, therefore, pineapple

>> No.10684785

Why would I trust a guy who can't even make god scrambled eggs?

>> No.10684786

A natural tomato has subtle sweetness you retarded mong.

>> No.10684789

Buddy, I don't know what kind of tomatoes your state grows, but mine are not sweet at all and the sauce is not sweet at all, so I like pineapple.

Maybe we can agree that pineapple works depending on the sauce, but that would require us to be reasonable on the internet so FUCK YOU HERETIC BLOOD FOR THE PINEAPPLE GOD

>> No.10684801

Tomato sauce is sweet if you cook the tomatoes long enough. It becomes deliciously rich with a natural sweetness

>> No.10684802

Here's what I think :

If I go out to a good pizza place or make my own pizza then I won't add pineapple because those pizzas should be well balanced with sweetnees

If I have to eat from a not so great pizza restaurant or a take away or get a cheap frozen one then I go for pineapple because often those pizzas are not balanced

>> No.10684823

this argument is such a reddit tier meme I can't believe you guys are engaging

>> No.10684825

Fuckin leafposter

>> No.10684830

I know, these idiots are fucking predictable.

>> No.10684835

Small pieces of roast pineapple absolutely works with ham/bacon on a pizza. People who put huge chunks of fresh pineapple on pizzas deserve death, though.

>> No.10684852

Zero pineapple allowed on pizza.

>> No.10685041

Zero picky faggots should be allowed on this cu/ck/ board

>> No.10685052


Gordon knows his shit, cheese goes on top, over the pineapple.

>> No.10685073

I had pineapple on a hamburger the other day and it was delicious

>> No.10685076

Pineapple on a spicy chicken burger (not breaded, just chicken covered in peri peri or something) with cheese is amazing

>> No.10685081

4chan is reddit now, and reddit is facebook. God knows what facebook has become.

>> No.10685113
File: 20 KB, 513x365, l4L6gbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking the opinion of a Scot on pizza

>> No.10685114

alright now that the plebs have spoken, let's hear from the adults

>> No.10685120

who gives a shit if someone doesn't like what you like. eat what tastes good to you. fucking weirdos man.

>> No.10685152

Wait until you guys find out what Swedish people put on pizzas.

>> No.10685438
File: 6 KB, 474x351, 1521968693801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+BBQ sauce
It's like dinner and dessert in one bite

>> No.10685452
File: 58 KB, 157x231, 1330784854095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawaiian pizza is good

>> No.10685463

You need to be banned for posting this

>> No.10685469
File: 331 KB, 525x549, terminology bread pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quattro formaggi
>absolutely disgusting
literally anything else

>> No.10685498




>> No.10685511

Same circle as all of the non-vegans

you're all going to hell

>> No.10685512

Ham with pineapple is perfectly acceptable and is, in fact, the best way to prepare it.

>> No.10685516

People who say spam is gross are the same ones who eat hotdogs and bologna, its the same shit.

>> No.10685942

because fish is epik

>> No.10685983

I never understood why Hawaiian pizza went with ham & pineapple. It should be spam and pineapple, that would make more sense.

>> No.10686004

I hate pineapple on pizza but somehow that sounds incredibly delicious.

>> No.10686070

pretty retarded view point to have, and completely illogical
if that amateur understood even the basics of italian cuisine then he would realize that italians frequently use fruit as a contrast in savory dishes, especially when cheese or cured meats are involved

>> No.10686113

First we must define what we mean by a ‘pizza’. A pizza is baked dough with toppings, as such, we can categorize it as a ‘baked good’
Now invoking Hegelian dialectics, we observe dishes within the realm of ‘baked goods’. First, we looks at savory baked goods: steak and kidney pie, or meat-lovers pizza. Certainly there is room for savory ingredients in baked goods. Thesis.
Next, we must observe sweet baked goods: pies, croissants, etc. Within this group there is the pineapple upside down cake, demonstrating that there is a precedent for the use of pineapple in baked goods. Antithesis.
The use of pineapple on pizza is simply the synthesis of the two disparate tastes. It is truly the thinking man’s pizza.

>> No.10686137
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weird, it's almost like contrasting flavors complement eachother in a culinary sense..

>> No.10686239

If you enjoy pineapple on pizza you're more than likely a big fat cunt. Only fatties and children need everything sweet.

>> No.10686247
File: 69 KB, 583x732, NOW LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a special place that already exists for people like you

[spoilers]It's called >>>/trash/[/spoilers]

>> No.10686287
File: 85 KB, 866x625, best pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10686355

how much does that cost? like $30

>> No.10686408

being contrarian isnt a good look

>> No.10686416

>A natural tomato has subtle sweetness

It doesn't.

>> No.10686425

There is a circle in Hell for those who put fish (especially salmon) in Pizza.
I can tolerate pineapples (though i'd prefer to eat them raw as dessert), but fish on pizza warrants a death sentence.

>> No.10686445

>... The fruits of S. pimpinellifolium L. are red, round (Tanksley, 2004) tastes sweet but small
>I plucked a red berry, rolled it between my thumb and index finger and tasted. Sure enough, the pimp had the bright, sweet-tart pop of a tomato
>A super sweet and tasty treat. Profuse clusters of tiny currant-sized tomatoes all season long. Can be supported like other vining tomatoes, left to sprawl or be grown in hanging baskets.


>> No.10686457

Tomatoes. Aren't. Sweet.
If you like your tomatoes sweet, you are a subhuman and deserve to die.

>> No.10686481

It does when you use fresh picked homegrown. Stop buying the round red cardboard labeled "tomato" from amerilard groceries.

>> No.10686485

They vary, some genuinely are sweet. On average they contain more sugar than bell peppers.

>> No.10686487

>let me argue with scientists like a nigger
Do you shoot up your local taco bell too?

>> No.10686497

Tomatoes are really sweet you 56% mutt

>> No.10686531

I'm fairly certain that most people who don't like Pineapple on pizza either haven't tried it and are just following memes, or they've had a really shit pizza that wasn't made right

>> No.10686551
File: 3.25 MB, 4128x2322, 20180309_183635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ananas is boss

>> No.10686557
File: 247 KB, 1254x688, ramsay_20eating_20pizza.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fucker wouldn't know a good 'za if it slapped him in the face

>> No.10686569

Spoken like a true savage.

>> No.10686577

Why does 3 looks like it comes froma 3rd world country. Looks like someone threw on some cheese and leaf then put it in the oven. At least the other two looks appetizing.

>> No.10686595

>let me argue with scientists like a nigger

The same scientists that now legitimately claim that gender is a spectrum? I'll fucking pass.

>> No.10686691

go away communist cuck

>> No.10686697
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>> No.10686780

Cuz it did

>> No.10686789

I think less of people who like pineapple on pizza

>> No.10686819
File: 67 KB, 876x560, me on the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poverty-stricken 3rd-world subhuman detected

>> No.10686846

you're my best friend because of this post

>> No.10686873

i think they are called pizzaiolo.
or pizzayolo if you like so.

>> No.10686897
File: 4 KB, 250x250, 03F2E060F1EB4251B8B5DBC789E734E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10686999

>not a single mention of banana peanut pizza
do you fellas even /ck/?

>> No.10687011


>> No.10687014

Sausage, jalapeno, and pineapple, for true sweet, salty, savory, and spicy. Those who disagree haven't tried it or are sub-humans.

>> No.10687016

>maple syrup on any savory dish, ever
American detected

>> No.10687022

Not when the sweet is so cloying that it dominates the salty and savory. That's why a slice of pineapple goes great with a fat gammon steak but not on a pizza.

>> No.10687026

I will actually try this. Am ordering it right now, as a matter of fact.

>> No.10687035

bacon jalapeno pineapple is betta, but yeah any type of pork jalapeno pineapple is goddamn delicious

>> No.10687146


pussy faggot detected.. maple syrup is killer in all sorts of savory applications. certain braises, most definitely grits and polenta, BBQ sauces, sauces of all sorts really.

1:1 maple syrup/balsamic vinegar reduced by half, Dijon mustard TT, emulsify a knob of butter and salt TT to order and it goes fantastic with steak or roasted veggies like carrots and the like, or with gooey, slutty cheeses.

>> No.10687153


pizza with salty ham and acidic tomato sauce is exactly the counter to pineapple.

>> No.10687154


I always wondered what happened to the cheese I came on.

>> No.10687165


We're basically just patriotic Americans resisting the English tyrants trying to tell us we can't have pineapple on our pizzas.

>> No.10687174


While they eat indian tikka all over the place and shitting out kebabs.

>> No.10687232


see >>10687153 bro, you're a tastelet of the highest caliber if you can't comprehend how something sweet would help cut through the shit ton of salt and acid on a pizza.


yummy yummy anon's cummies

>> No.10687238


You don't understand balance. Sweet counters salt and acid. That's something you can't teach in culinary school.

>> No.10687250

I put pineapple on a pizza, but once the pineapple touches the pizza, I accept it is no longer a pizza

Love the taste though

>> No.10687269


what? you're just reiterating what I already said.. I would wager that I understand how to balance a flavor profile better than most.

>> No.10687278

Who gave you permission to post the sacred combination?

>> No.10687282


I'm saying the same thing because your brain didn't fucking get it the first time. I don't know what kind of idiot you are, but those truths are universal truths to all chefs. You might be an idiot, you just might not "get it" I don't know.

you tell me.

>> No.10687289


nevermind, you're arguing with me about the same point we're both trying to make. I just didn't understand why wer called me a 'tastelet'. That made me thing you were an idiot. Sorry.

>> No.10687292


whoah there, friendo. there's clearly some sort of disconnect somewhere.. are you the one who said the saltiness/acidity of a pizza with cured pork toppings on it doesn't hold up to the sweetness of pineapple?

that's who I was calling a tastelet. it's basic shit, you're right.


i'm sorry, bro. cat's outta the bag now, the normies have been informed of the perfect pizza combo.

>> No.10687299


I fucked up by not reading clearly. Sorry man.

>> No.10687319


apology accepted bb ;)

>> No.10687576

it's not cheap

>> No.10687709

Ramsay is a twat, he's the food equivalent of Justin Beiber.

>> No.10687904
File: 51 KB, 616x462, 1382545979082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but you don't do a 50/50 ratio of pineapple and ham. Hawaiian pizza is tasty if you pick off like 80% of the fruit.

The Hawaiians have regular ham too, like luau pig.

>> No.10688570


obviously you don't load it with pineapple, u nigger.


in order of descending amounts.

>> No.10688576

I would skip the pepperoni and add hot sauce.

>> No.10688616


how tf is that a valid substitution?

>> No.10688639
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>> No.10689092

If it's on its own, I'd agree. Pineapple is one of those ingredients that only really works when it's paired with another ingredient; usually something meaty and savory to balance out the acidity and sweetness of the pineapple.

People who order pizza with just pineapple as a topping have something inherently wrong with them.

>> No.10689118

Fucking this. If you use fresh pineapple it's god-tier on pizza. If you use the sugary canned bullshit then kys.

>> No.10689122

Meat and fruits are god-tier. Please fuck off to the nearest burger king you tastelet.

>> No.10689343
File: 290 KB, 1200x900, 201503-xl-tacos-al-pastor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying most pizza places put way too much pineapple on. Nobody is debating that your combo is good in theory- it's just the execution that gets so fucked up. Al pastor is the Mexican version of spice + pork + pineapple. Trader joe's sells pineapple salsa ffs, it's not a revolutionary flavor experience.

>> No.10689403

Pineapple tuna is the best combo.

>> No.10689975

Is this bait? Because that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard