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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10682417 No.10682417 [Reply] [Original]

are there any foods i can take to get me hard?

i want to fuck a hooker tonight but i tend to get nervous and cant get an erection

>> No.10682421

Exercise, spinach, sunlight

>> No.10682430
File: 51 KB, 618x340, Popeye-Spinach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on it

>> No.10682434

If you cant get hard due to nerves, you have some sort of mental disorder that you should sort out through professional help or exploration with meditation

>> No.10682439

Fresh spinach* lol. Canned vegetables are gross and yield a fraction of the nutrition of something picked a few days ago

>> No.10682452 [DELETED] 

Look up dopamine diet, do it for 3 days right up until the shaggin.
Exercise that morning, stay hydrated

>> No.10682461

don't listen to this guy, I've been this guy

>> No.10682469

tfw literally allergic

>> No.10682474

Don't do anything fun for as long as you can handle right before sex. That's it

>> No.10682476

what if you have trouble ejaculating sometimes during sex?

>> No.10682484


>> No.10682488

No food can cure your low esteem.
Smoke a joint, loosen up and don't be afraid.

>> No.10682492

I don't mean this as most people here would, but if I was allergic to the primary provider of my planet, well, I'd view myself as an affront to natural selection and make the species better

>> No.10682494

you won't here easy answer to that question, man.
How old are you and how big you are?

>> No.10682503

dont listen to this guy, I've been this guy

>> No.10682507

I've been to a few escorts back in the day and I had this same fear. Just remember that they really have seen everything before and you're most likely far from the worst guy they've seen; whether your concern is your looks, the size of your cock, etc., they've seen worse. And remember that your relationship is nothing more than a short transaction - once you bang, you're done. She won't even even remember your face if you bump into her a month from now on the street. Just don't overthink things, my man.

>> No.10682569

Oysters, onions.

>> No.10682574

Go to the gas station or somewhere where they sell them and get a few of those little bottles of ginseng extract with the tiny little straw.
2 or 3 of those and you're good for the night

>> No.10682608

Dont worry OP, I got you. Just deepthroat a cucumber and pretend its your boyfriends cock. Im sure that will make you hard you absolute faggot

>> No.10682611
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>> No.10682649

Not true for canned tomatoes. Canned tomatoes are canned the day they are picked and as a result are perfectly preserved and have a higher nutrient density than "fresh" tomatoes.

>> No.10682657

27 and 6'3"

>> No.10682663

viagra and a benzo for your anxiety

>> No.10682664

Too bad the freshness is irrelevant thanks to the long and unusually high temperature used to ensure safety in the canning process.

>> No.10682665

So if I go to the store and buy a can of tomatoes preserved in brine and exposed to metal for a month it is more healthy than if I walk 10 feet outside and pick one off the vine for my salad? Huh

>> No.10682676

>exposed to metal for a month
No such thing. Food cans are lined, otherwise the food would rust through.

>> No.10682677

Okay. I can see you're resolute. I'll keep eating my way you keep eating yours

>> No.10682682

>doesn't refute what he said
>knocks over the chess board

>> No.10682691

Most cans these days claim a false charity of using non-bpa liners. Did you know that also until 2003 arsenic blasted copper was approved as a weather treatment for nearly all external building materials in the US? Silently banned in a swift motion after it was discovered as a carcinogen after 25 YEARS of common use

Fuck tard

>> No.10682709

See, why didn't you refute what he said the first time instead of coming off like a little girl (and now coming off as assblasted)? It would have saved you twenty seconds and a lower resting heart rate.


>> No.10682713


>> No.10682719


I'll 1v2 both you right now, already challenged one of you earlier and you pussed out. I'm just a mid twenties boomer, not even a big guy. Just fist fight me 2v1

>> No.10682731

Loser gets fucked.

Protip: you're getting fucked.

>> No.10682740

I know you're into that shit but stop watching when I breed your girlfriend pls, makes her uncomfortable

>> No.10682747

Not sure if ironic shitposting or unironic Pajeet autism.

>> No.10682749

Pajeet tier banter m8.

>> No.10682751

The answer lies at the bottom of the next tomato can

>> No.10682757

nigga that was edgy as fuck.
also you need to be 18+ to post here

>> No.10682770

Only third-worlders believe in aphrodisiacs

>> No.10682774
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>> No.10682776

Do european men really have boner problems?

>> No.10682848
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>/ck/ without al/ck/

>> No.10682867


>> No.10682896


>> No.10682906

>t. 56% Amerimutt

>> No.10683128

Why get nervous? Hookers aren't looking to be impressed by their customers.

>> No.10683252

Cockring. Make sure to put it around your balls as well. You'll be hard for as long as it stays on.

>> No.10683402

Quit jerking off so much and when you do, don't grip hard.

>> No.10683405
File: 3 KB, 95x125, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a mid twenties boomer

>> No.10684937

Rhino horn, tiger marrow, elephant tusk, whale meat.

>> No.10684946

I feel bad for guys with ED, I'm old and fat and still cum like a champ every time.

>> No.10684985

I think I still have some tiger marrow in my fridge. Maybe I'll try it one of these days.

>> No.10684998

Pretty late to the party, but
Celery and arugula are great for erections

>> No.10685170

that cucumber will be uncomfortably cold however, leave it in warm water for about 10 min

>> No.10685262

I got professional help and he just gave me a Viagra prescription. Insurance only covers 3 pills a month and I tried one by myself as a test run and it didn't even do anything

>> No.10685301

What gives the government the right to tell me what I make my house out of? Fuckers need to mind their own business.

>> No.10685349

have you tried no porn? sounds like your problem is a mental one and not a physical one (same thing I guess in the long run). What I mean is that it doesn't sound like a blood pressure issue but rather that you're simply nervous or not turned on. No porn helps a lot.


>> No.10685408

This. Ginseng works. You also get it from the supplement aisle in the pharmacy

>> No.10685427

First of all, don't fap. Whether nofap is a meme or not is a different discussion but you'll get more horny, your dick will be more sensitive and you'll have an overall better experience. The longer You abstain, the better
T. Stopped fapping after having problems during sex

>> No.10685821

ate a spinach, onion, and ginseng salad earlier
ive had an erection for 2 hours now.
what do i do???

>> No.10686053

take a hammer and flatten it

>> No.10686108

Means you don’t like the hooker enough. Find a hot one, make her a regular, go raw dog, and you’ll start maintaining your erection long enough to finish. Better yet, find a junky slut who depends on you like I did for a few years. All I got was herpes. True story.

>> No.10686285

>find a junky slut
where? how? i want one

>> No.10686525

Most by offering a ride to chicks who look like they don’t have a car. When the chick is weirded out it sucks and you move on, but when they accept a ride, it has resulted in pussy in a small enough number of rides given that I can recommend this. Also, you need a car.

>> No.10686562

Here's a supplement cocktail that'll get you hard.
Not quite so hard your dick is about to turn inside out like viagra, but it'll definitely get you results.
The thing is that it'll take weeks for results.

>Red Ginseng
>Horny Goat Weed
>Butea Superba

>Saw Palmetto