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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 800x600, beans_and_rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10681030 No.10681030 [Reply] [Original]

>complete protein
>can be made with a slow cooker and rice cooker in a small apartment or dorm
>possible to cook a single serving or scale it up to many servings
>can be purchased in bulk
>easy to add fresh herbs and vegetables like cilantro, tomatoes, limes, avocado, etc.
>will satisfy your hot sauce addiction
>filling and satisfying

Why aren't you eating the greatest meal known to man?

>> No.10681037

I never plan far enough ahead to make beans regularly. Been doing rice and lentils recently, though.

>> No.10681063

You need one of these, bro.


Add half a cup of dried beans, a squirt of tomato paste, taco seasoning, water until it comes about an inch above the beans, and set it to low. Done.

That's about two servings worth.

>> No.10681072

>make a chana dal Dahl
>chuck some kidney beans in too for variety
Fuck me the gas was intense. I even used dried beans that I soaked all day and rinsed off and it was still ridiculous. I never want to have to sit on the toilet and vent for 5 minutes every 2 hours again.

>> No.10681079

Why are you sitting on the toilet if you're just farting? Have you also had an accident?

>> No.10681107

shilling much?

>> No.10681118

I love farting! Best is to drop one at the supermarket in an empty isle. Then go to the next isle and listen to the people walk into it :3

>> No.10681131

gastrointestinal distress

>> No.10681206

I work in an office, I can't just let it rip whenever I feel like it that would be unprofessional.
You are not welcome here

>> No.10681287

Cook the dhal and beans in a pressure cooker to avoid farting.

>> No.10681315

rice and beans is fucking bland shit. The only way to get any flavor is to add stuff and even then that’s the only piece of the meal that will offer any good taste, the actual rice and beans will still ruin it

>> No.10681318

It's already been posted.

>> No.10681323

Quit smoking and drinking.

>> No.10681327

>The only way to get any flavor is to add stuff
You mean use oils and seasonings? Just like you have to do with 99% of veggies and meat if you want them to taste good?

>> No.10681344

No, rice and beans will taste like shit even with oil, seasoning, spices, etc. the only way to get real flavor is to add stuff like pickle slices or garlic chunks

>> No.10681354

Fake news. Garlic chunks are indeed a good add tho.

>> No.10681356

do americans really eat shit like this?

>> No.10681549

>greatest meal known to man?
Sorry, your pic didn't look like lean meat and green vegetables.

That's a day's worth of unnecessary carbohydrates on your plate right there with nearly zero vitamin content, though beans are high in minerals. It might be a "complete protein," but chances are good you don't even know what that means and between the rice and beans you only get about 3g protein per 100kcal, which is pitiful if you're trying to eat high protein. Furthermore, white rice is one of the highest glycemic index foods that exists, just behind sugared white bread, potatoes, and pure glucose. This causes insane insulin spikes and crashes, which cause leptin resistance, which causes you to feel hungry when you're not.

Beans and rice fags btfo honestly your shitty "complete protein" meme meal is garbage and clogs your arteries.

>> No.10681564

someone actually took the time to type this out

what a faggot

>> No.10681569

I have money for meat.

>> No.10681579

It's 135 words. At 85 wpm typing speed that's less than two minutes it took me to school you and every bean faggot in this thread, and the best thing you could use as a comeback was to remark on my time usage.

I'm not sluggish and weighted down from eating a ton of excess carbohydrates, so I have plenty of time to spend doing what I like.

>> No.10681586
File: 2 KB, 249x111, thanks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10681592

> In a post keto world

>> No.10681598

i type 130 wpm and attribute this fantastic success to a diet of lean red meats, locally grown vegetables and unrefined carbohydrates

shitposting aside this board has been literal teenagers refusing to discuss food for nearly two years, take it less seriously or save your mental fortitude and don't post here

>> No.10681686
File: 2.88 MB, 5000x5000, 1281213476290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you didn't BTFO beanfags, you just told us you have diabetes and can't eat rice. you can't say shit about beans bro, they're one of the healthiest foods on the planet.

>> No.10681718

He is welcome here tho nyoronyo~

>> No.10681735
File: 7 KB, 197x256, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taco seasoning

>> No.10681738

Posts on 4chan...
>cites professionalism

>> No.10681756
File: 295 KB, 1200x675, cuban-style-rice-and-beans-with-turkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better to cook the beans in a sauce and serve with white rice like OPs pic
cook the rice and beans together so the rice gets seasoned like pic related?

>> No.10681803

You don't have to have diabetes to know what a glycemic index is and that you shouldn't be eating food with a high glycemic index. I guess most people, like yourself, never found out about the glycemic index until after they were diagnosed with diabetes. I bet you still wonder how you got it and thought you were eating healthy before.

>beans are one of the healthiest foods on the planet
Not even close. Who told you that, the American Heart Association? The same one that advocates for high carb low fat diets based on science that was never proven, then was disproven...? Oh, and whatever food products lobbyists pay them to push.
Nearly any vegetable has leagues on legumes.

I'm not mad, I'm trying to get people to stop memeing themselves into being unhealthy. OP unironically thinks beans and rice is a good meal and that "complete protein" means anything. Being factual is my MO and calling people names is just a hobby.

>> No.10681813

This is how a retard completely smashes any semblance of authority his argument had.
tl;dr you're a fucking moron.

>> No.10681827

Yeah, because one word, aptly used, completely negates all of the validity and real-world application of what I've said.
You're just trying to be 4chan popular and one-up me, but you can't because I'm objectively right. Go reddit argue somewhere else, adhomming little one.

>> No.10681828

OP listed a lot of reasons, and that was just one of them. You are projecting way too hard and cherry picking as well. Just because someone uses the term "complete protein" isn't proof they think the meal is suddenly healthy. Nutritionally, beans and rice have all of the amino acids for protein synthesis. That means with some additional vegetables (like the tomatoes and avocado OP listed) you can have a nutritious meal.

>> No.10681841

>You are projecting way too hard and cherry picking as well. Just because someone uses the term "complete protein"
He called it the greatest meal known to man, and I just can't have someone spreading that kind of misinformation on the internet. Maybe the greatest meal known to poorfags...

>> No.10681844

It's hyperbole. Get off the Internet for awhile.

>> No.10681859

>one word
It's not a word.

>> No.10681860

>I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.10681872

Alright, you got me, you win. Thread's over.

>> No.10681876

>It's not a word.
The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα pronounced [míːmɛːma] mīmēma, "imitated thing", from μιμεῖσθαι mimeisthai, "to imitate", from μῖμος mimos, "mime")[15] coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976)[11][16] as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena.

It's been a word since the 1970s. Next argument.

>> No.10681880
File: 237 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-05-31-01-58-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another sauce

>> No.10681887

Don't try to supplement my points. Using a user-submitted content site like UD undermines the validity of my argument when the word appears in the real dictionary. You are not helping.

>> No.10681890

you sound like a verysmart

>> No.10681891

Memeing is not a word,retard.
Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.10681893

>not user submitted content
Not very bright are you

>> No.10681900

verysmarts can hardly stand up under scrutiny

>> No.10681906

My pressure cooker is incubating some tempeh and I don't want to wait for the stovetop.

>> No.10681910

I bet they can capitalize and punctuate.

>> No.10681916

>gastrointestinal distress
This. I have to be on a low residue diet or I will literally give myself ass cancer

>> No.10681920

>i bet they can press more keys on the keyboard
you're a damn fool

>> No.10681934

Wikipedia's articles are fact-checked, source-cited, and both new articles and changes to existing articles are reviewed by a team of people before being published.
All sites and papers are written by people, but something like Urban Dictionary has little to no moderation or fact-checking. Wikipedia deletes an article without sufficient cited sources.

It is a word. Just because you can't comprehend how new English words are formed, utilized and recorded throughout history doesn't mean you are correct.

I bet you also think that all real words are always included in every dictionary. If something is in the dictionary, it is surely a word; it can still be a word if it's not in the dictionary, especially when it's new, slang, or hyper-technical in nature.

Furthermore, here's use of the word "memeing" presented on dictionary.com.
>inb4 someone says user-submitted content again
"Dictionary.com’s main, proprietary source is the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, which is continually updated by our team of experienced lexicographers and supplemented with trusted, established sources including American Heritage and Harper Collins to support a range of language needs."

>> No.10681937

Go back to red.dit you freak.

>> No.10681950

Whilst I couldn't give a fuck about this thread I would like to point out that subverting Wikipedia content is both possible and happens.
I should know, I do it often enough for my own ends. Fake news, misdirection and harvesting ignorance are my tactics.
Expect me.

>> No.10681955

this tbqh

>> No.10681961

Why not both?

>> No.10681971

>subverting Wikipedia content is both possible and happens
Subverting content of any website is both possible and happens.

>> No.10681972

Starch based diets are probably the best though. People with high starch carb diets have been think since the dawn of human history.

>> No.10681973

51st post best post

>> No.10681980
File: 227 KB, 1024x986, resistant-starch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun dying of a heart attack or kidney failure before you're 50.

>> No.10682041

Refined carbs and sugar cause inflammation in your body, not fat, and not dietary cholesterol. You are misinformed if you believe this to be true. Some people claim to be on keto but are really not eating a solid keto diet and, same as anyone else who cuts vegetables out of their diet, they get sick. This isn't representative of the risks and benefits of keto if they aren't adhering to a real keto diet.

Cholesterol is your body's natural response to arterial damage, which is caused largely by inflammation. Repeated inflammation weakens the walls of your arteries, prompting cholesterol production and plaque buildup. Further inflammation can exacerbate the problem and also cause the once normal-sized cholesterol plaque to take up the entire constricted artery, causing a blockage, which is what is going to lead to the heart attacks, stroke, etc.

All sources in this article are cited.

People used to do all kinds of things, including put leeches on their genitals. Just because it's something people used to do doesn't mean it's good for you. Live your life by modern research, not by baseless tradition. Or don't, I'm not your mom, but a carb-based diet is objectively bad for you and is driving the obesity hyperendemic.

>> No.10682066
File: 123 KB, 502x560, beanboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no u have diabeteus not meee
>some bullshit irrelevancy about the AHA
>keeps calling beans unhealthy but doesn't have a single fact to back that up

imagine getting this triggered over fucking beans LMAO

>> No.10682084

Actually, I did already give my arguments, but it's frankly boring and time-consuming to relink them to every new butthurt poster that can't read the thread.

>> No.10682090

Actually, you didn't faget, you complained about rice.

>> No.10682163


My man. Lentils are my unknown bros. just now discovering their sprouted protein goodness. I eat vegetarian couple nights a week and when I do I crave lentils and peppers and cheese

>> No.10682179

If there was a clear consensus on diet we wouldn't be where we are today. Everything you just said is the current popular dietary "fact", keto is a meme diet with meme justifications, in a few years no doubt it will be replaced by another retarded gimmick. Have fun causing permanent damage to your kidneys I guess.

>> No.10682184

because it requires over 9000 years of prep time and access to a slow cooker

>> No.10682203

it's so unfair that slow cookers are prohibitively expensive at $10 on sale

>> No.10682213

>buying appliances

>> No.10682694

>came here to discuss rice and bean recipes
>left disappointed

>> No.10682712

Because I am a hedonist who spends half of his income literally on food.
If I was ever poor, I would do it, but now I can afford delicious ingredients, so I may as well.

>> No.10682714

Everything is a complete protein, dumbass

>> No.10682737

When people say complete protein they mean it has all 9 essential amino acids.

>> No.10682744

I do, it's godly.

>> No.10682763


this. you arent cooking them down enough

>> No.10682768


are paleautists the new vegans?

>> No.10682800

I'm having a chickpea curry tonight. Chickpeas, canned tomato, garlic, whatever vegetables are handy (tonight I'm just tossing in a few handfuls of frozen peas and carrots), curry spices, onion if you're into that sort of thing, chicken broth for cooking liquid (although the liquid from the canned chickpeas and tomatoes will do just fine). I started cooking this, and other variations of it, back when I was poor. I'm not poor now but I still eat this because it is delicious and simple to make.

>> No.10682852

You know what's really great? Lentils and barley.

>> No.10683877

>If there was a clear consensus on diet we wouldn't be where we are today. Everything you just said is the current popular dietary "fact", keto is a meme diet with meme justifications, in a few years no doubt it will be replaced by another retarded gimmick. Have fun causing permanent damage to your kidneys I guess.

High fat / low carb diets have been researched for over a century at this point. While I wouldn't consider a keto diet a long term goal for anyone who isn't trying to lose weight- just eat less than ~100 grams of carbs daily- calling it a 'meme' diet is misleading. Ketogenic diets are similar to Paleo diets in so far as they seek to recreate the kinds of diets our ancient ancestors ate- nuts, berries, scavenged veggies and fruits, meat and sea food. The bulk carbs present in our modern diets are a product of agriculture and while a bowl of rice or a few slices of bread a day won't hurt you, the real image of a carb heavy diet tends to be things like a 40 ounce soda and a large fry. Over 200 grams of carbs, straight refined carbs.

In that sense keto is more of a reaction than anything else. And for some people it does legitimately work.

>> No.10683887

>beans & rice
based dave ramsay poster

>> No.10683895

>this board has been literal teenagers refusing to discuss food for nearly two years

>> No.10683896

Keto diets require guzzling of semen daily

>> No.10684470
File: 1.01 MB, 1280x720, 1527741876318.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10684495

>gallons of seme
>keto diet is literally nothing but red meat, chicken, and hardy vegetables
>eat grill foods all the time
>keto isnt the epitome of manliness
What the flippity fuckity?

>> No.10684754

Pls leave elderly ladypede

>> No.10684858

Ye because our ancient ancestors were as long lived as we are. Nice one matey

>> No.10684865

Yeah because life is about living as long as possible. Even if it means miserable lives with diseases and weak health. If ancient ancestors had access to the kind of safe environment and health care modern people have I doubt they will start dropping dead at 30 because of what they eat.

>> No.10684987
File: 85 KB, 640x1280, dinner01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your rice and beans are looking so damn sad
i make mine in a frying pan with a cover
saute some onions, j-paps, garlic
add 1 cup dry rinsed rice (parboiled works best)
saute another min or so
add 2 cups chicken stock/broth
bring to boil, cover, reduce to lowest and cook for 20 until rice done
add packet of Goya sazon and some adobo.

>> No.10685030

I must be cooking the shit out of my beans, as I never get gas

>> No.10685044

i would refrain from calling someone else's food bad until you gain some self-awareness

>> No.10685147

Get your disgusting fucking toes out of the frame.

>> No.10685206

Does your shit block the toilet?

>> No.10685221


>> No.10685250

>makes you fart and shit constantly within 30 minutes of consumption

>> No.10685316

are you 13 and female? why is your digestive system so weak?