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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10676608 No.10676608 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Chinese people eating dogs?

>> No.10676622

Don't care. Most of the meat industry involves animal cruelty. No animal's life is inherently more significant than another's. Meat is tasty and you should be able to eat what you like. Just don't pretend you're morally superior for eating a cow instead of a dog.

>> No.10676636

The dogs they eat run around in the streets freely then are captured and eaten. Would be the same as eating pigeons and rats off the streets of NYC

>> No.10676640

It's mostly a Korean thing. The only Chinese that eat dogs come from the Providences that border Korea. Kind of like how in the south west United States people eat Mexican food.

>> No.10676643

Is prepared dog meat supposed to be kind of dry and stale? I thought i ordered dog but it was more like some kind of dry beef stripes. I didnt like it

>> No.10676653
File: 76 KB, 900x600, cookingwithdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always brine the doggo alive first for extra juicy meat.

>> No.10676712

Wish I knew some good recipes so I could try it myself. Nothing gets my dick harder than a yelping dog.

>> No.10676724

its their culture and i respect them

oh do you think they are disgusting ?

in america they like to kill little kids in schools it is their culture i guess right ?

>> No.10676734

found the chinaman.

>> No.10676735

Na I don't think it is disgusting, I was wondering what people here thought and also was wondering if anyone else has gotten a taste of it. Can't really criticize when I love myself some meat. You sound pretty dumb though.

>> No.10676818

I lived next door to a FOB Chinese couple for a few years. They made really good food and were really friendly. One day their dog got hit by a car so the guy skinned it in the backyard and presumably they ate it. My mother was horrified but it just seemed efficient to me

>> No.10676844

I'm sure that if that happened to someone's pet pig they would do the same thing

>> No.10676866
File: 7 KB, 191x234, 1472869626076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but that girl is super cute.

>> No.10676871

i'm sure if the dog could consent they would give their dead body to be eaten by their masters

>> No.10676881

I tried boshintang when I was stationed in korea as an edgy 20 something. Frankly, the meat was stringy and just tasted off. It would have been much better with pork, beef or chicken. In korea, the dog restaurants are hole-in-the-walls in back alleys and their customers are impotent old men who think eating dog will get them hard again, or edgy dumbfuck foreigners like I was who go to the trouble of finding one of the shitholes. I expect it to be outlawed there before long like other civilized countries. Definitely not worth trying.

>> No.10676910

I just don't like that they are retards thinking torture makes them tastier.

>> No.10676943

There is nothing inherently wrong with eating a dog, but eating your own pet dog is pretty weird. You generally have pets because you like them and bond with them so I don't think I could ever see myself doing that.

>> No.10676958

What do you think of Swiss that eat dog?
I bet they melt cheese over it.

>> No.10676963

If it's back faces heaven, it's edible.

>> No.10676964

How do you think they get the puppies to trust them?

>> No.10676975

2 kg of makeup does not a cute girl make

>> No.10676984

yeah they're disgusting but it's not because they eat dogs

>> No.10677019

Me Chinese
Me know food
Me make stew out of Scooby-Doo.

>> No.10677047

Mystery dog meat flavor mmm

>> No.10677062

I son't have a problem with it as long as they are killed before they are skinned or boiled

>> No.10677065

Some cook them alive?

>> No.10677081

it's a shit animal to eat, so i think it's pretty stupid or a poverty thing.

>> No.10677130


How is butchering a dog for meat anywhere close to shooting a child for malicious reasons?

>> No.10677138

Because dogs are cute.

>> No.10677207

Different cultural views on pets. People in the US now view pets as part of the family (like how they reference themselves as 'mommy' or getting a second dog is a 'brother'). You can even see that in naming conventions. We used to name dogs "spot" or "rover" or "blue" but now they call them Jake and Maddie. Chinese don't think of animals as part of the family, at least not the older ones

>> No.10677215

there's a webm floating around of some chink trying to boil a dog and the dog is trying to escape but the guy keeps pushing him back in. It was a big dog and not a lot of water too so you know the death was slow

>> No.10677222

I don't think anything in particular except that they probably don't regulate and probably hurt them a lot before eating them which I condemn.

>> No.10677247
File: 53 KB, 364x500, scooby_snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get me some Scooby Snacks, immediately!

>> No.10677253

Me Chinee, me play joke,
me put pee pee in your Coke
With a nick nack patty whack give
the dog a bone this old man
came rolling home.

>> No.10677674

What I find fucked up is that dogs are predators, and generally you're not "supposed" to eat predators. Wouldn't they be really expensive to raise unless you fed them garbage food that would make their meat taste bad?

Morally speaking it's not any worse than eating pigs. If you've ever had a pig as a pet you would know they're just as capable of bonding with humans as dogs are.

>> No.10677678

I'd be cool with it if they stopped boiling them alive for no reason.

>> No.10678636

Stupid fucking meme not all asians eat dogs I fucking hate this stereotyping

>> No.10678649

I guess it's cool that they eat dogs. I mean that's pretty metal actually how they boil them alive. I just hate them because they look different from me and speak a different language.

>> No.10678653

who said that all asians eat dogs? this thread is about chinese people, who do in fact eat dogs.

>> No.10678664

I just ate bratwurst with some koreans it was ok

>> No.10678685
File: 36 KB, 640x640, Ps7dnZw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care. Dogs are food.

>> No.10678695

Same as for people who breed rabbits as food as oppose to pets. Indifferent.

>> No.10678709

It’s not the dog eating that’s the issue, it’s that they believe cooking it alive makes it taste better which is barbaric

>> No.10678853
File: 77 KB, 728x425, douevengeography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even geography, m8?
Yulin's waaaay in the south you dumb cunt

>> No.10678861

I've lived in Korea for a bit and visited China, and yes, I've tried dog about 3 times. AMA.

>> No.10678867

if I put a dog in my smoker will it develop a bark?

>> No.10678881

because kids don't taste good. not american ones anyway

>> No.10679717

2 kg of makeup does not a cute girl make anime