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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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10676344 No.10676344[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do Europeans really not put their bread in the fridge?

>> No.10676376

stupid americans think a little mold will kill them. we euros have been enhancing the flavour of bread with mold for thousands of years

>> No.10676633

The fridge makes bread to stale faster. Neither me or my family have done it my entire life.
t. Amerifag

>> No.10676652

I've never met anyone that does this in the US, and I've lived from coast to coast. So I don't know why >>10676376 would rage out and automatically assume that OP is American.

>> No.10676659

I put it in the freezer.

>> No.10676662

i'd put my bread into her if you know what i mean

>> No.10676669

I put mine in the fridge because I don't eat it fast enough before it grows a full head of hair

>> No.10676672

OP here, I am an American. I'm from Las Angeles.

>> No.10676718


>> No.10676738
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That's what the breadbox is for.

>> No.10676769

I usually pick up bread every two weeks at grovery store, I never had it mold or go stale sitting out on top of my microwave

>> No.10676783

Are you surpised? He/She is an American and therefore probably only reads at a kindergarten level.

>> No.10676788

Bread goes bad faster in the fridge. It's not about the temperature, it's about the humidity.

>> No.10676792

I'm reading this post are you writing at kindergarten level?

>> No.10676795

The fuck? I am amerimutt and I have NEVER put bread in the fridge

>> No.10676812

You probably didn't read it properly because your answer made no sense.

>> No.10676906

what the fuck is a european

>> No.10676911

cold inhibits biological growth mister, that's why milk goes bad faster on the counter than it does in the refigerater.

>> No.10676919

I don't put my bread in the fridge. Bread goes in the bread drawer in the island in our kitchen, and if we buy too much or plan to save it for later, we out it in the freezer.

Bread never sits in the fridge

Yes I'm American

>> No.10676926

Staleness has nothing to do with bacteria. Bread turns stale from humidity, fridges tend to be humid so I don't recommend storing your bread there. The freezer would be a much better place for it since store bought bread tend to be made to be transported frozen.

>> No.10676936
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if your fridge is humid you should turn it up, and by that I of course mean down.

>> No.10676960
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Nobody knows for sure anymore.

>> No.10676968
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>> No.10677033

I'd rather have one fridge and one freezer than two freezers.

>> No.10677111

wow is it humid in here or does anon just not know how to fucking work his fridge

>> No.10677123

I'm American and there's a restaurant a couple blocks from me that'll make loaves of bread on request, rye or pumpernickel. They only do whole loaves and it's fresh, no preservatives or high fructose corn syrup shit either so when I buy a loaf I'll wrap up the slices in wax paper then put those in freezer bags and put them in the freezer.
It works out real well, even the bakers recommended that to me to make it last, if I want a slice or two I'll heat up a cast iron skillet and chuck them on, it's as good as new in a few minutes.

>> No.10677178

... request because it's not a large restaurant so they only make what's necessary for the day. So If I call or stop by a day ahead I can pick up the loaf the next day.

>> No.10677188


>> No.10677191

what did he mean by this?

>> No.10677197

Egg in the hole?

>> No.10677204

what did he mean by that?

>> No.10677211
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I'd loaf to have sex with her if you catch my drift

>> No.10677220
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Hee Haw!

>> No.10677258

I don't like bread that much but when I buy some I buy only as much that won't go moldy before I can eat all of it.
If you don't think you can't eat all of it before it goes bad then just slice it, let it go dry and make some breadcrumbs.

>> No.10677293

Americans don't do that either

>> No.10677294

My sister lives in UK and she puts bread in the fridge as well.
I dont because It doesnt stay fresh for longer. Fridge takes the noisture out so I guess bread doesnt go green for like day or two longer.
Plus how am I suppose to trust a nation with like 50% of its population being obese, unhealthy slobs when it comes to food habits?
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.10677303
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eurape is gettin just'd hard right now
pls dont push them even further by mocking their bread storage practices

>> No.10677308

>Plus how am I suppose to trust a nation with like 50% of its population being obese, unhealthy slobs when it comes to food habits?
Good advice, never trust an American when it comes to culinary advice.

>> No.10677317

> I got your noisture

>> No.10677322

You mean trust eurocuks that are being being overrun by islamics? So trust your enforced halal shit? Yeah right.

>> No.10677325

Mutt, you forget there are countries with no migrants in Europe.

>> No.10677328

Yeah right, name one.

>> No.10677333

Andorra? hahahahahaha!

>> No.10677343

Poland, Hungry, Croatia, Serbia, Estonia, Czech Republic had like 14 of them and they just escaped to Germany for gibs.

>> No.10677351

Yeah, right.

>> No.10677354

depends on the quality of the bread, how long it sat in the grocery store and in shipping and how many preservatives are in it.

>> No.10677360

Or just get a fresh loaf from a local baker.
Works for me.

>> No.10677367
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>> No.10677381

Oh yeah forgot about my brothers up in Lithuania.
They have like 1 nigger, 1 sandnigger and 1 chink in the entire population.

>> No.10677394

Good look finding a local baker in America. I live in Albaquerqe and we don't have any. Maybe in New York or LA.

>> No.10677406

Just make your own. It takes very little active preparation time when you learn the process and is cheap as fuck.

>> No.10677409

Good luck finding yeast in America, it's banned in my state.

>> No.10677414

I'm in NY and there's two local bakers within a couple blocks from me. It's not difficult to find a local baker here.

>> No.10677417

Too many latins.
Is air fucking banned in there?
Because you can make starter for a great bread with flour and water.

>> No.10677420




>> No.10677421

Maybe that's the Merkel state of affairs, yeast might offend muzzies.

>> No.10677423

That sounds retarded. Really? Why?

>> No.10677425

>bread in the fridge?
Idiot, that produces stale bread.

>> No.10677427

I think this retarded person is saying that you can only buy quick rise GMO yeast

and is also be facetious (i hope)

>> No.10677432

If you're wearing a diaper on your head you might want to consider therapy.

>> No.10677433

>prove someone wrong with facts
>now I'm /pol/
How does this exactly work in your brain?
I hate freeloading migrants but there are countries with very little of them.

>> No.10677435

It feels like we're on the fucking cooking board you fucking retard

>> No.10677439

Post some OC then, fuckwit.

>> No.10677441

I think what this retarded person is saying that the other retarded person is 100% right because that is how you make a starter for bread. Yeast is in the air.
You are both fags tho.

>> No.10677448

where do you live?

>> No.10677452

no you
Oh are we ? Because entire thread seems like burgers insulting eurocucks and the other way around.
You are literally posting in /pol/ tier thread and someone drops truth bomb on you and you're crying about it.
Go back to /r9k/ or /lgbt/

>> No.10677472

fuck off, poltards.